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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to goodstocksoups.
Nice work! You Signed up and earned 500 Stock Up Points.
Souper job!
You Signed up and earned 500 Stock Up Points! Did you know that when you get 500 points, you get $5 off? True story. You can earn even more points by following us,on social media, leaving a reviews, and Stocking Up. So keep on being souper!
It's more official than ever - you're a member of the Soup Troop! You can use your account for things such as referring friends, checking your Stock Up Rewards balance, and viewing your order history.
As a special thanks, we�ve credited your new Stock Up Rewards account with 500 points. That means you get $5 off to spend any way you�d like! You can easily earn more points by following us on social media, reviewing products, and simply by Stocking Up.
The Soup Troop Scoop is back! �They must have something to sell,� you may be thinking. You, my soup-loving friend, are 100% correct!
For those of you in New York City, we�ve got a new place for you to grab the god stuff. And for those of you who live too far away from any of our shops, well, we�ve got something special in store for you, too, soon. Very soon�
I�apologize�for the lapse in the Scoops! Truth be told,�I've been a little bit buried during a challenging soup season. A lot in a good way, as we're working on some really cool and fun stuff right now. Some in a not as fun way, as�we've hit a number of challenges at the most inopportune time for us. But we're getting through it, and the best is truly about to come. We are so, so excited to bring the good stuff to the Soup Troop in new ways soon!
We are excited to announce our new Soup Shack in Union Square! Starting tomorrow, we are taking over the kiosk on Union Square West. Formerly known as Bocce Cafe, the Soup Shack is the place to heat up all winter long. We�re going to be serving two soups (with Roasted Tomato on the menu everyday), Bone Broth, Grilled Cheese, and Kale Salad too. We�re also going to keep their existing coffee and pastry offerings.
Good Stock Soup Shack 20 Union Square West (btw 16th & 17th)
We�re serving up two great soups all December long from each of our permanent store. Chili Verde, a pork chili with green chiles and white beans, and our well-loved Lentil Soup are just the thing for these frigid days.
Another week, another Andy Baraghani soup recipe. When we saw @LocalHaven throw this Chickpea & Celery Soup on the gram, we couldn�t wait to make it. It might be even better than it looks. And that Chile-Garlic Oil is going to be gracing many of my soups at home.
What are you favorite holiday soups? Let us know!
Thanks for reading, ya'll! And we hope to see you at the Soup Shack soon!
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What a week! We opened up the Soup Shack at Union Square. We relaunched Stock Up to a national audience. We flew to North Carolina to visit Britany�s family, and then we flew back. Feels like I haven�t stopped. Feels like a night for soup. Fortunately, I�ve got a Hot & Sour Soup coming my way right now from our favorite neighborhood spot.�
This week has been so busy that I didn�t have time to really discuss with you the new version of Stock Up. Fortunately, many of you have been with us since the days I delivered soup to your apartment by hand, and you were just excited to get the good stuff again. We�ve got a lot of new Soup Troopers now, but whether you�ve been with us for one day or all five years, I feel like I owe you a little bit of background to what�s going on.
What We've Been Up To
As you may know, we could not satisfy demand when we expanded nationally. Since then, we�ve been recipe testing, designing, serving, writing, cooking, and complying. We�ve been refining our recipes and working on our consistency. We redesigned our packaging which I learned the hard way takes FOREVER. We�ve obviously been busy running our shops and getting the Soup Shack ready. And we�ve been complying too. Since we are expanding out of our NYC home base, we wanted to make sure everything we did was good to go�with the FDA and USDA. That takes quite a bit of time too. But we finally got it together, and not a moment too soon.
What's New
We created new pouches! I�m irrationally excited about them. Our design and marketing team did a great job on them.
Our menu is more streamlined now, with nine of our most popular and seasonally appropriate vegetable soups. To be quite honest, we were trying to do a little too much with releasing a new soup every week. So we wanted to slow it down and really focus on making a narrower selection as good as absolutely possible. We are still going to update our menu with new soups, especially as seasons change, but just a little less frequently.�
We�ve created some new soup packages! We�ve got The GS Classics, composed of our best selling soups over these last five years. We�ve got The Comfort Pack, which is our way of selling hugs via bowls. A little heavier and a little heartier, they make winter nights much�better. And finally, we�ve got Soup Me Up, which is one pint of all nine soups on the menu. Let's get crazy, my friends.
Lastly (I think?), we�ve updated our ordering process so that soups come in lots of 6, 9, and 12. I started this business to make better soup so that anyone who loved food as much as I did had an opportunity to east something delicious. In short, I want to feed people. Little did I know the logistical complexities that arise with that, particularly when you are shipping soup from NYC to Kansas. These lots make that easier on everyone, most importantly ensuring a better delivery experience for you all.
Where's the Beef?
You�ll note that our current menu consists solely of vegetable soups, meaning many of our classic soups aren�t on offer. It turns out that when you want to ship products that contain meat across state lines, you need to be regulated by the USDA. Our current facility is not regulated by the USDA, nor can it be due to our kitchen existing in a large building with shared entries and exits. So we�re testing out our recipes with partners who are USDA-approved, and we'll let you know as soon as those�are ready to go. Until then,�we�ll be focusing on our vegetable-based soups. Fortunately those vegetable soups are awesome.
What's To Come?
Soup! Wonderful soup, made with great ingredients, skill, and care. And we�re going to give you more ways to enjoy them and suggest some things to cook with them too. Recipes and ideas and inspiration and more. Stay tuned!
Stop Talking, I Just Want�Some�Soup
I thought you'd never ask :)
Thanks, and make this week souper!
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We're giving�away�some soup�sixpacks over on our Instagram account (@goodstock), and we wanted to let you know!�Check out our Stories highlight called "NY '20 Giveaway" for instructions on how to win six pints of the Good Stuff for you and a friend.
While you're there, be sure to give us a follow! It's the�place for all the hot soup news, pics, stories, humor, and more.�
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It's the time of year for lofty goals,�proclamations, and resolutions.
Well, we're here to help you lower that bar. And make it more delicious.�
Introducing the Good Stock Good Start. Start the new year off right by having soup - and only soup - for one meal a day for a few days. Because soup is�the best way�to eat a bit lighter and a bit�more healthy while also�eating deliciously.�
Diets are boring.�Cleanses are unhealthy.�Juices are all sugar and no fiber.�Yet�soup is filling, nutritious, easy on your�digestive system, and comforting.�
So join the SoupTroop�in the Good Stock Good Start. Choose a soup - any soup - for one meal a day for the first few days of the New Year. Share your experiences and follow us by tagging�#GoodStockGoodStart and #SoupTroop. And make the start of 2020 better than ever.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
The holidays really are my favorite time of year. But goodness am I tired. I try to maintain balance in my life, but I rarely live with daily balance. I often shift between not enough and then too much. Just right is just not my personality. So for me, it�s the season for another drink, another party, cake for breakfast (why not!?!), not enough sleep, etc. From talking to friends and family, I�m not alone. I�m looking forward to taking a little break and getting back on the path in the New Year. And I�m going to do it via soup with the Good Stock Good Start.
The Good Stock Good Start is having soup only for one meal a day for the three days to start the New Year. We think soup is a perfect meal all the time, but it�s especially great when you�re looking to eat healthy. Why? Soup made the right way (like Good Stock makes it) is incredibly nutritious, packed with fiber and minerals and vitamins. It�s also easily digestible, which means it gives your body a break. It�s also physically warming and comforting, two things needed for the dead of winter.
It�s not a cleanse. It�s not a fast. It�s a nutritious and delicious break. It�s still a bit of a challenge though, and challenges are more fun with friends. So if you are looking for a little bit of a reset, do the Good Stock Good Start with us! And get a friend involved too! Just commit to having soup (it doesn't need to be Good Stock Soup)�for one of your meals every day for three days to start the New Year. We�ll be sharing tips, tricks, and recipes to help make this as fun as possible. Tag #GoodStockGoodStart and #SoupTroop to play along.
Don�t worry, I am going to put my money (or my soup?) where my mouth is. I am planning to have Bone Broth for breakfast and have three pints of our Stock Up soups for the first three days of the New Year (remember, I don�t know balance). I�ll keep you posted on progress, and I hope you do the same!
Have a good night, and let's make the end of the year souper!
We've set our January menus for our shops. We're going to be serving the Clean Green Machine and Beef Chili all month long. All of the vegetables in one, all of the protein in the other.�
All stores will be closed on New Year's�Day. Happy New Year!
Well I'm buying�them all for my Good Stock Good Start. Soup Me Up, baby! But I'm going to buy a few things to jazz up my soups as well.
I'm going to get some medium-firm tofu to put into my Mushroom Miso Soup. I'm gong to buy some pepitas to roast and put atop my Carrot & Ginger and Sweet Potato & Turmeric Soups.�
Lastly, I'm going to buy a chicken to roast so I can use the bones to make some homemade stock. That's going to help me on my Good Stock Good Start.
If you're looking for a soup to make for the Good Stock Good Start, look no further than this squash and carrot soup by�@copinaco.�It's packed with vegetables and looks amazing.
What are your favorite soups to eat when you're feeling like you need a break?
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In the�craziness that has become the holiday season, we'd like to take this time to remind you to try to slow down. Even if just for a moment. Because the�holidays seem to have turned into a full contact sport.
Don't get me wrong. I love the festivities, the lights,�making merry with one more cocktail (or two), and trying to see everyone in a few short weekends. But that gets tiring, especially as year end deadlines for work keep popping up.�So it's also a great time of year to make an effort to slow down. To take some time for yourself, and to spend good time�with loved ones. Enjoy the human connection. Celebrate the original�spirit of the holiday season. Cook a great meal, have long�conversations, and�do the dishes tomorrow. Take a longer-than-normal walk.�Go�out to that restaurant and linger. Put your phone down (N.B:�I'm talking to�myself here). Whatever it is you call�slowing down, we hope you get to do that, and really enjoy the most�wonderful time�of the year.
Happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!
We're going to be shipping soup this Monday and Tuesday of this week. For the rest of the week, we're going to be getting ready for the post-new year soup rush.
We've also got amended hours at all of our locations this week. All locations will be closed on Christmas Day, and Carmine Street will be closed for the remainder of the week. Urbanspace Vanderbilt and The Soup Shack at Union Square will be back open on the 26th. Stop by for some post-
Chris Morocco's take on French Onion Soup has our mouths watering. And with a simplified recipe, this version is far easier to make at home. This might go onto our Christmas Day menu.
What are your favorite holiday soups?
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One of the foundations of Good Stock is�celebrating all things soup. It's a�dish�shared the world over, and it's our favorite thing to eat. We love cooking soup, eating soup,�finding�new soups from around the world, building meals get the point. We're rebooting�The Simmer to�share our love and knowledge of all things soup with you, the Soup Troop.
On The Simmer, you'll find recipes for our soups and the soups we love to cook at home. You'll find ways to get creative with our soups and make them your own. We'll also share our�favorite things to pair with soup.
First up is the recipe for our Grilled Cheese sandwich. It's so simple that�I�hesitate to�call it a recipe, but there is a right way and a wrong way to make them.�Step one is to buy great�ingredients.�We sell hundreds from our shops every week, so we think you'll like this customer favorite.�
I'd also love for this to be interactive. I want the Soup Troop to be a community for all things soup,�with The Simmer as its home. So please let me know what you'd like to see from us. Comment on the articles. Recommend recipes to us. Share ideas. We want to get the Soup Troop involved, so don't hesitate to let me know what you think.
Thanks, and make this week souper!
We're�freshening up our website right now and updating our product pages (above). You'll see more information more clearly. Like the fact that Roasted Tomato Soup is so high in fiber under "GOOD TO KNOW." The ingredients and nutrition info are also more clearly displayed as well,�because we've got nothing to hide.
Related to the web refresh, if you see anything funky or any bugs, please let me know!
In our shops, Roasted Mushroom Soup is our soup of the week.�
Also in shop news, we are no longer doing local�delivery from our shops. This is not usual for restaurants in NYC, particularly not in our category. But the fees are so high that we lose money on every transaction, we can't control the delivery experience, and it often interrupts service to the guests in our restaurants. So we're sorry to no longer serve the customers who order delivery, but you can�always�Stock Up and have our soups at your home and office whenever you want. Or go old school and take a walk and come see us!�
Well I'm buying good cheddar, good butter, and good bread to make a Grilled Cheeses for Britany and me, of course.
I'm going to use some of that leftover cheddar for Red Bean & Chickpea Chili, which might be my current fave (please don't tell Gumbo I said this).
I just ran out of crispy shallots, so I'm buying a big container. They're great on so many soups, particularly Roasted Mushroom. I'll buy some chives too while I'm at it.
Julia Turshen is one of our favorite cookbook writers out there. If you've ever cooked one of Gwyneth Paltrow's recipes and liked it, it might be because of Julia, her right hand woman when it comes to cookbooks.�We've yet to make a recipe of hers that did not impress.�Aunt Renee's Chicken Soup�is no different. It's easy to make and is delicious. And of course it starts with a good stock.
What would you like to see us write about on The Simmer?
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Hi Amelia,
I'm excited to announce�a new referral and rewards program for our customers. Our former�program was simply too clunky and obtuse. So many Soup Troopers told me they wanted�to refer friends but couldn't figure it out. Our new program makes sharing the Good Stuff far easier. You can get $10 off for referring a friend who makes a purchase, and you can also earn other rewards for referring friends who simply join our email list.�
We will be migrating members over today, and you'll receive an email welcoming you to the new program. In that email, you'll get a code for 10% off your next �order, which is valid even if you already used your signup discount under our old program. You can call it my payment for sending so many emails this week!�
I'm happy to answer any and all questions, just let me know.
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There's a big scoop in the world of soup: we're now shipping all the way to California, and everywhere in between!
Does this mean we're shipping to Colorado too? Yep. What about Arizona? You betcha. North Dakota? Assuredly. Even Oregon? Goonies never say die, and the Soup Troop doesn't either. Or whatever, yes, we're delivering to Oregon too.
We've got a handle on the logistics and we're ready to bring the best soup in NYC to the rest of the country. Why don't you give us a hand in that? We'd love you forever if you could forward this to five friends living out west in need of the Good Stuff. Thank you kindly!
Let's make this week souper!
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There's no better week for soup to shine�than Souper Bowl week. You might be thinking, are they really going to use this football game to try to sell soup to me? You bet your sweet soup bowls we are!
Because it's not a Super Bowl party without chili. Or�it's not a good Super Bowl party without chili at least. But really, you could do the following:
Remove the seeds from the chlies Toast the spices Toast the chiles Grind the spices Steep the chiles Make chile�paste Cook chickpeas Dice an onion Dice a bell pepper Dice a jalapeno Mince garlic Smash the�chickpeas Fry the�Chile�paste Saut�the vegetables Add the stock Add the beans Make a bouquet of bay leaves Simmer for an hour Add the tomatoes
Add the chickpeas Simmer for 3 more hours
Alternatively,�you could:
buy our Red�Bean & Chickpea Chili
Order today to make sure you're souped up for Sunday!!!
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
You are now part of our new rewards program! From the bottom of our soup pots, thank you for coming on this soup journey with us.
Use 1qwEqYP and get 10% off your first purchase.
Now it's time to invite your friends to join the Soup Troop too. When they do, you'll earn free stuff. Such as...
- A soup! - Our very rad SOUP tote - A soup sixpack - Six months of soup
That sounds kinda souper, huh? Let's go! Share using your unique link:
Thank you! Ben
Invite Friends
with ?? from Viral Loops
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Learn why Red Bean & Chickpea has been a stunner since Day 1.
Toasted chiles &�spices form a house-made chile�paste that separates this chili from all others
One pint contains 23g of Protein, 22g of Fiber, and 9g of Iron.
This chili is amazing on its own, or you can top it with whatever you like! Avocado, cheddar, sour cream, scallions, tortilla chips, get the point
Invite friends to join the Soup Troop,�and earn free soup and swag when they do.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
All things soup, and then soup, and then some.
I am coming to you fresh off the Good Stock Good Start, and I gotta say, I am feeling pretty good! For those just plugging back in after the holidays, I helped kick off the Good Stock Good Start by eating nothing but soup and Bone Broth (ok, and coffee too) for the first three days of the New Year. I personally have a hard time saying �No� around the holidays, so I wanted (and needed) an easy reset. I�ll write a post on The Simmer with a full recap, but here are some quick thoughts.
One of the first things I noticed, and I wasn�t expecting this, was how much time I saved. Reheating our soup was a cinch,�and�I threw the soup in a travel mug to�enjoy wherever I was later. It was so easy. Now, I think about food too much, but I easily�saved myself over an hour each day by not deliberating, shopping, cooking, eating, and then cleaning.
Second, I felt really good almost right away. I only had two soups on the first day because I had about a pound of mac and cheese on New Year�s Eve. My body was loving the break. I had three pints of soup and Bone Broth on the second day, and the first time I got hungry at all was on this night. I�ve fasted before, but I think that mentally I was happy to know that I wasn�t starving myself. By the third day, I felt great. I think it was a combination of getting lots of vitamins, fiber, and minerals from the soups, cutting out most sugar and refined carbs, and giving my digestive system a break too by having mostly pureed soups.�
My third day coincided with Friday, so by the time night rolled around I was a little hungry and more ready for wine and party food than soup, to be honest. But fortunately I had saved our most party soup - Red Bean & Chickpea Chili - for last. I loaded it with toppings, had a glass of wine, and had a lovely end to the Good Stock Good Start.
My biases (and ownership of a soup company!) aside, I highly recommend something like this, and I will work this into my monthly routine. It was so much better than fasting, so much more nutritious than juicing, so much easier than dieting. Do it with your own homemade soup, do it with Good Stock�s soup, or do it with whatever soup you love. But for a delicious and easy reset, just do it.
Thanks, and make this week souper!
Head over to our Instagram�(@goodstock) for the last few hours to�participate in our giveaway! Look for our Story highlight called "NY '20 Giveaway" for more info on how to participate. (And follow us while you're there!)
We're not the only ones very...excited (shall we say?) about soup these days. Head over�to Man Repeller and read about what the Soup Troop's known forever: soup is so hot right now.
?Coconut Chicken, perhaps our most popular soup of all time in our shops, is our Soup of the Week.
I loved souping on the go last week. Seriously, the coffee thermos of soup is life changing. So I'm going to buy some Anita's Coconut Yogurt to put into my Carrot & Ginger Soup. That boosts the flavor�and boosts the fat content too, making it�a more filling soup.
I'm buying good bread, butter, and cheddar to make some killer grilled cheeses to pair with our Roasted Tomato Soup. Just pure comfort and good feelings with dinner this night.
I just realized last week that Whole Foods sells chicken backs and necks, which are great for making stock.�So, I'm going�to make some homemade stock�again. Soup's definitely on in the LeBlanc household these days!
I'm taking my homemade stock and am going to try to replicate this�Chicken Kale & Rice Soup by�@localhaven.�I just wish I had a gorgeous Beau Rush�ceramic bowl to serve it in! Cameron is pretty much our favorite ceramicist working today.
What are your go-to healthy soups?
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We've been having fun Stuck here in Brooklyn Cooking up soups by the ton California here we come, For the first time since we've begun
The distance is more than twice,� But these soups are really nice, Thankfully they�re sitting on ice, California here we come,� For the time since we�ve begun
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
I don't think Britany and I are alone in taking a little bit of Sunday to plan our week, what's going on with us, Ruby, work, and�importantly,�what we're going to eat. So I thought I might share some items to add to your grocery�list to�provide a little soup inspiration. All of these are good for more�than�one soup, cause it's�kind of the worst buying an ingredient for a single use that you eventually have to toss out.
Good Cheddar Cheese - to slice for�grilled cheese to go with�Roasted Tomato Soup and to�shred atop Red�Bean & Chickpea Chili
?Scallions - to throw atop Red Bean &�Chickpea Chili and Mushroom Miso Soup
Tofu - to dice and add a little protein to Mushroom Miso, Clean Green Machine, or Carrot & Ginger Soup
Take our soups to the next level, or take them in a whole different direction!
Thanks, and make this week souper!
Red Bean & Chickpea Chili is our soup of the week in both shops.
This is the last week we're going to offer local delivery from our stores in New York City. We've struggled with this decision for a while, but in the end, we lose money on every delivery�order and it takes staff resources and attention away from our guests. So, order up this week, or Stock Up instead!
I'm going to buy some pumpkin seeds to roast and garnish my pureed soups with them. I love the smooth pureed soups when I'm on the go, but I like a little texture and crunch when I'm at home.
We made Alison Roman's Labneh with Sizzled Scallions Dip�for a party this weekend and we have some leftover. I'm taking home a couple of pints of Sweet Potato & Turmeric Soup to stir it into.
Samin Nosrat does it again. I'm coveting this�Persian Greens, Beans, and Noodle Soup.
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Today at lunch,�I�had quite a powerful and emotional experience. And it was�because of soup. Truly. Now, I know�I'm�slightly crazy, and�I'm�definitely crazy about soup, but bear with me.
This past summer, my younger sister (who also�lives in�New York)�and�I�each had our first child. A few months later, our aunt Adrianne flew up from New Orleans�to help out with the kids, and to take care of us too. She cooked up a storm.�Adrianne�brought�crabs and shrimp from Louisiana and�cooked a few gallons of Shrimp & Crab Gumbo. We had so much leftover that�some of it had to go into the freezer.�
?Fast forward to today, I couldn't figure out�what�I wanted for lunch until�I remembered we had�Adrianne's�gumbo in our home. I heated some�up, and it was perfect for a chilly�Sunday.�It was delicious�and warming, but even better, it flooded with me with good feelings.�
It�made me think of Adrianne's�kindness. It made me think of my grandmother, Gyn, who taught Adrianne how to cook, including I believe this Shrimp & Crab�Gumbo. It made me think of all the meals Gyn cooked over the years and all the mouths she fed. It made me think of family gatherings big and small, from important�holidays and weddings to unplanned Tuesday dinners. I was�eating a bowl of gumbo in my apartment in Tribeca, yet it felt like Adrianne and Gyn were here with me. All�because of a soup in my freezer!
That's one of the things we love most about food. Sharing with others, cooking for people, the memories and good feelings food brings. And specifically soup! No other food has ties to home�and memories quite like soup. It's the only dish that�every single culture around the world has a version to call their own. And no other food saves�like soup. You can't keep a taco, a�salad, pizza, a poboy like soup. Adrianne was here three months ago, yet she was with me today when�I enjoyed�what she cooked�for us.�
In�other words, soup is awesome.
And I'm so, so glad�I didn't�have a fricken salad for lunch.
We're coming to you, Los Angeles! We're excited to announce that our soups are going to be sold at Pop Up Grocer's�store in Venice opening on February 7. While we sort out West Coast shipping, here's a great way to snag the Good Stuff.
Cauliflower & Chickpea Curry is the soup of the�week in both shops this week. This is a�customer fave and we can't wait to serve it!
It's Souper Bowl week, so we're getting ready for our Souper Bowl Parties! So we're Stocking Up on two party favorites: Red Bean & Chickpea Chili, and Roasted Tomato Soup.
Is it even a Super Bowl without chili? We didn't think so. So grab all your favorite toppings at the grocery store this week. If you need some suggestions, go with cheddar, avocado, tortilla chips, sour cream, scallions, and red onions.
You could go another route and plan to make the perfect grilled cheese at your party. All you need is good bread, butter, and cheddar. They are the perfect complement to our tomato soup.
Or, since it's the snackingest party of the year, do it all!
What are your go-tos for Super Bowl Sunday?
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What's been a treat reserved for NYC for 5 years is now available almost everywhere*!
So there's no reason to settle for average soup. Get the best�and make sure you have something delicious, healthy, and convenient on hand.�
*Don't worry California, the West Coast and the Rockies - we'll get to you soon. VERY soon.�Until then, you'll just have to enjoy your amazing�quality of life (which frankly would be even a little better�with great soup).
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I learned a valuable lesson this week: when The New York Times writes about you, make a whole lot of soup. And then make some more. I'm adding it to the long, long list of "Lessons I've Learned with Good�Stock."
Due to that article, we've got a few new readers for the Sunday Soup Troop Scoop. To ya'll, welcome! And for a brief explainer, The�Soup Troop Scoop is our�weekly email where I sometimes ramble on, and other times�I ramble on and then ramble some more. Quality is not assured, but rambling is.
Back to this week. It was our busiest week ever!�Which was great, on one�hand. It was awesome to share the mission of good�feelings through good�soup and serve�more people than ever.�On the other, we sold out of lots of�our soup and had�shipping delays. It's one of the problems when you're a small company that makes everything by hand and uses ingredients that aren't always available. But, we hate hate hate letting customers down.�We're still sold out of several soups, which is very frustrating. But we're chalking it up to growing pains and working overtime�to get everything back in stock. Which it will be by�Tuesday!
Thanks for your patience! And for being part of the Soup Troop!�Can't wait to build the future of soup with�you all!
We've got The Most Comfortable Giveaway ever happening�right now! We teamed up with our friends Sunday Forever and Year & Day�to create a very special - and very cozy - package. Sunday Forever is giving away one Henry Kimono and�one pair of Fluffy Feet�Slippers; Year & Day is giving away four Small Bowls and four Big Bowls, all in Midnight; and we're giving away Six Months of Soup. To enter the Souper Bowl of�giveaways�and find�more information, head on over to our Instagram.�
We are making our Best Coast debut this week! We'll be participating in Pop Up Grocer's store in Venice, which opens this Friday, February 7. They'll be stocked up with a few flavors of the Good Stuff.�Hope to see our L.A. Soup Troopers out there!�
We've got a super special soup�returning to our shops this week in very�limited quantities. Our�Pumpkin & Green Curry Soup is�back! More than one customer said that this is the best soup they've ever had. Note that one important difference from the last batch we made is that this one is NOT vegan. We tried a�different style of green curry paste that contained�shrimp paste. But for the�pescatarians and omnivores, go crazy!�
I'm going to buy some pepitas to roast. They're just a great, all-around soup topping.�
I'm going to get some medium-firm tofu to put into my Mushroom Miso Soup. And scallions too. Lots and lots of scallions are going on top too.
Had a fabulous pho today at Khe-Yo�in Tribeca, a rather underrated Loatian restaurant. The broth was light yet had good depth, and beautifully fragrant. As you can see, it was good to the last drop. Highly recommend!
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Freezing our soups allows us to cook with only all-natural ingredients and�without any artificial additives or preservatives. The freezer extends�shelf life, not ingredients that require�a chemistry degree to understand.�
Fresh-freezing also locks in the flavor exactly the way we want it. Our soups require hours of cooking and hours of care. When they�re ready, we freeze them, locking in the flavor so it tastes the same way in your kitchen as it does in ours.
Finally, freezing takes the pressure off of you. With our soups in the freezer, you don�t need to worry about throwing out food from�the fridge that you never got around too. Our soups are�good for months�and heat up in just 10 minutes. Sounds like smart storage to us.
The future of soup is here. And it's delicious.
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We make it easy to have a great meal in 10 minutes.
Each 16oz serving contains 13g of Protein, 10g of Fiber, and 4mg of Iron
We finish the soup in our kitchen with a combination of lemon and parsley, brightening up every bowl
Don't have an Italian grandmother? Well at least you can eat like you do.
Top it with gremolata like we do in our shops. Or grate parm on top. Or suat� Italian sausage and then reheat the soup on top for an even heartier version.
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We've been asked frequently when our menu is going to change. That time is now! We�re pumped to announce that Black Bean Soup is now available our menu. I love this soup for so many reasons.
First of all, it�s straight up delicious. Notes of cumin and coriander give this soup a warming Mexican-ish vibe. A boring black bean soup this is not.
Second, it�s so healthy. Vegan and gluten-free, it�s packed with protein and fiber. Our version of Black Bean Soup also comes without (or with fewer) of the issues that typically accompany a bean soup. That�s because we soak the beans for 24 hours and then drain then before cooking in our soup, which greatly helps their digestibility.
Lastly, this soup is a blast at home because you can top it with soooo many things. Avocado, queso Oaxaca, tortilla strips, sour cream, cilantro, toasted pepitas�.you get the point. Take a great soup to the next level and let the good times roll.
Thanks, and make this week souper!
Black Bean Soup is now available on Stock Up!
At our shops, we'll continue serving Sweet Potato & Turmeric Soup and our Black Rice Mediterranean Salad as our weekly specials.
Avocados - to dice and throw atop Black Bean Soup and Red Bean & Chickpea Chili.
Cheddar Cheese - to shred and add to Clean Green Machine along with our Garlic Croutons for the healthiest Broccoli & Cheese Soup ever.
Tofu (medium-firm) - to dice and put into Mushroom Miso Soup. It's a great way to give this light soup a little more heft and protein.
Colu Henry is one of our favorite people in the world of food, and not only because she�s been on a soup kicklately. This Pasta e Ceci Stew looks divine and perfect for a cold winter night. Or any night, really.
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Forget what you thought you knew about run-of-the-mill black bean soups and find out how good black bean soup should be. Why will you love this soup so much?
Each 16oz serving has 20g protein and 16g fiber. That�d make us happy even if it didn�t taste so good. Speaking of...
This soup has a distinct Mexican vibe to it. Deliciously distinct, we might add. Cumin and smoked paprika give this soup such a comforting and warming feeling.
This is one of the most toppable soups around! Some things that are amazing on this soup: tortilla strips, cheddar, sour cream, cilantro, pepitas, avocado. The list goes on!
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It''s time to fill your freezer with the golden elixir.
Bone Broth is something we recommend always having on hand at home. It''s?good for sipping, whether you''re feeling a little under the?weather or are just?looking for?an alternative to coffee or tea. It''s great?for cooking?too. Use it as a base for soups and stews, or make a dynamite?risotto with it.?
And now, it''s back in stock.
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An instant hit from the first day we served it, Coconut Chicken Soup is now available on Stock Up. This soup starts with a lemongrass-ginger chicken broth, is hefted up with poached chicken and shiitakes and cabbage, then spiced up (a little) with sambal, before finally being smoothed out with coconut milk. It''s not hard to see why this soup is so popular.
(*Limit of 2 Per Order)
Take Lentil Soup Up a Notch
While we love our Lentil Soup, sometimes we''re just looking for a little more. It''s not you, Lentil Soup, it''s us. Really.
Fortunately, we found an incredibly easy way to take this soup to the next level. Simply saut? a link of Italian Sausage, sweet or spicy, in the pot and pour cold Lentil Soup to heat up right over it. Stir a couple of times, and finito.
Extra protein, extra flavor. A delicious double win.
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If fortune favors the bold, it definitely favors our Kimchi Soup.
A shop favorite makes its way onto the Stock Up menu for the first time. Here are some fun facts about this Korean-inspired delight.
That Broth!
Simply stated, this is one of our best broths ever. Our house-made kimchi permeates the entire soup, livening it up with a tangy spice from the fermented vegetables. The sippability factor is officially rated as "Off the Charts."
How to Enjoy This Goodness
There are so many great things you can do with this soup. Serve this alongside a bowl of hot white rice, or serve it on top of white rice. Better yet, if you have access to an Asian market, buy some rice cakes and cook them in the soup. Make a spicy cucumber salad to serve on the side. No matter what you''d like to do with it, we think you should definitely top it with a pile of sliced scallions.
Saving the Planet with Soup
Sustainability is incredibly important to us. That''s why we use green shipping materials, and why we utilize every part of the ingredients in our kitchen. We make the kimchi ourselves with leftover vegetables from other recipes, such as kale stems, leek tops, celery leaves, onion scraps, and more. Preventing food waste while creating something special? We love to see it.
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A limited amount of Fried Chicken & Andouille Gumbo is now available.
Or good afternoon on the West Coast! Or good night to our European Soup Troopers! The list is growing with soup lovers from all over the globe.
One thing that separates Good Stock is that we care very, very much. We are obsessed with our customers (sorry that that sounds so stalkery!) and our product, our soups. Now, I know that every company says that they care. But a lot of that is more talking than walking, as it''s easier (and cheaper) to say it rather than do it. We believe that the details, the extra steps, the extra work are worth it.
That''s why we make a 12-step chile paste by hand. That''s why we drain the tomatoes, roasting them (above), then deglaze the pot with the reserved tomato water. That''s why we make a special mushroom powder for our Roasted Mushroom Soup. The list goes on. And this week, we''re going to share some of that list with you.
All week long, we''re going to pull back the curtain and show you some of the special techniques we use on our soups. I hope you can already taste the difference, but I think it''s cool to put a "why" behind that good feeling too. So stay tuned to our email, Instagram, and Facebook for some soup secrets, many of which you can use at home.
If you''re wondering why we''re not worried about sharing secrets, it''s because the biggest secret is that it''s no secret at all. You''ve just got to care.
A new month means a new menu for our soup shops. For March, we''ll be serving Caldo Verde and Parm Pollo all month long. Caldo Verde is a Portuguese specialty, while Parm Pollo was completely made up by Britany, aka SoupWife. Hence it''s nickname "Wife Soup."
We''re also going to be serving up our classic Caesar Salad all month long too.
Gremolata is a wonderful Italian condiment made from parsley, lemon, garlic, and olive oil. It's great on grilled fish and meats, particularly lamb, as well as grilled or roasted vegetables. And of course, it's excellent as a garnish for soup. This is excellent on top of our Lentil Soup and Minestrone. We also have customers in our shop that love it on their Roasted Tomato Soup As well.
Gremolata is typically a dry condiment, but we prefer a wetter version so we add extra virgin olive oil.
2 Tbsp Lemon Zest
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/2 c Parsley, finely chopped
2 Tbsp Minced Garlic
1/4c Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
Alison Roman''s Spicy White Bean Stew with Broccoli Rabe is a new favorite in our house. The flavor is dynamite, and it''s a great way to pack in tons of vegetables.
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Hear what the Soup Troop is saying about our soup.
Lagniappe is a tradition in south Louisiana where a merchant gives a small gift to the customer as a way of saying thanks.
This could be an extra beignet at the donut shop, or a link of sausage at the butcher, or a half-pour of beer at your favorite bar. That's why we include our beloved Brownie Bites with every Stock Up order. Here's how that tradition came to life in a soup company.
When Ben founded Good Stock, he wanted to bring this tradition up to New York. The original idea was for it to be a rotating sweet treat, such as small cookies or brown-butter Rice Krispie treats. But our first lagniappe?offered was a small piece of brownie made from Britany's favorite recipe, and the Brownie Bite was born.
We first started giving them to customers when we began popping up at West Elm in Dumbo in the fall of 2015. Everyone immediately fell in love with them, even if they didn't quite understand it. They wanted to know "what's the deal with the brownie?" and so we explained?lagniappe to them. We mentioned the other sweet treats we were going to offer, but that idea was shot down immediately. The threat of revolt was swift and fierce. "DO NOT take away our Brownie Bites." In fact, Michael, manager extraordinaire, may have told us we'd be uninvited if we stopped offering them. We had to laugh, but agreed that it would be the Brownie Bite from here on out.
And it still is! From West Elm to catering to our soup shops and now to Stock Up, it's our way of spreading a little Louisiana hospitality and saying thanks for buying our soup.
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A thing that''s been on my mind lately is how to deal with dichotomy of life?right now. There''s a push and pull between everything.?We?are living in?a new reality, which will just?be temporary, but what can we do to say screw this and?make our life as normal as?possible?while it lasts??How do we address what''s going on, yet still continue to market our products?and?execute the plans we have for our company? How do we keep coming to work while it''s deemed dangerous to leave your apartment, yet knowing that if we stop coming to work, we have no jobs to return to? How do we talk about the spring menu when spring doesn''t seem real or enjoyable right now??Shouldn''t we be?worrying about bigger things instead?
I have no real answers, other than that we''re?going to keep going. We''re just going to keep going. The?picture above is one of a very stubborn human being. Now, I?hate posting pictures of myself (especially when?I look so nerdy),?but this one?is pretty emblematic of my attitude towards all this. That picture was taken at Smorgasburg just a few weeks?after we launched. It was a rainy, 45 degree Saturday. Nobody in their right mind was going to go to an outdoor food market in that weather. ?But, I said that I would be there selling soup, so I was there. As you can see, NO ONE was there,?neither customers nor other vendors. Our pots were full, and they stayed full.?It was?kinda dumb, but?I''m told it''s kinda?dumb to open up a?restaurant in NYC that just makes soup. Oh well, here we are. So when?I look around and read about everything, all?I can say is that we''re?going to?keep going. We''re?going to make life as normal and as happy as we can.?
So, we are moving ahead with our plans, and they are?starting with?our spring menu. The weather still needs to warm up a bit, but get ready for Potato Leek Soup, Asparagus Soup, Curry Cauliflower & Chickpea Soup, and Artichoke Soup to appear on our menu in the weeks ahead.?We?might be wearing masks, but we''ll be taking them off to eat good soup.
Stay safe,?and let''s make this week souper!
The Soup Troop has donated 1,074 soups to healthcare workers on?the frontlines.?I repeat, ONE THOUSAND AND SEVENTY-FOUR soups.?We''re blown away by this.?And so are the?recipients, as the first wave of packages went out last week. The reaction?has been amazing, and you all are doing wonderful things by donating soups to the frontline. A massive thank you to the Soup Troop for?stepping up like this.?Check out this Simmer post to?read more on this?initiative and find out how to support it if?you''ve not already.?
A chicken to roast! Because I think all of us are cooking at home more than ever, and this article by our friend Colu Henry?is about way to roast a chicken, and then three meals you can make after. Including broth and a chicken soup, moves you know we wholeheartedly endorse.
This clean-out-the-fridge chicken?soup?mentioned in Colu''s article sounds so good. Better yet, it''s a nifty guide on how to make a great soup with what you probably already have on hand.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
There''s a?Reason We Can''t Keep This One in Stock
It might be the broth. It might be the spice. It might be the mingling of the ground pork and shredded Napa cabbage. All we do know is that the Soup Troop *seems* to be into this soup.
"Kimchi Soup is killer!"
"That Kimchi Soup is crazy delish! New fave!"
"Kimchi - my new personal fave!"
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
The Soup Troop has been incredibly generous with soup donations to essential workers across the U.S. You are making a positive difference in the lives of people right now, a time when positive differences are sorely needed. Hear it straight from the essential workers:
"Words can''t describe how thankful I am ??. I almost cried when I received a box full of delish soups from a random company and people that I don''t know. thank you so much."
"Overwhelmed with joy after receiving a surprise shipment of soup"
"I just received my soup donation and I want to say thank you so much ?? it was the perfect delivery on this rainy day! Really brightened my mood"
"Wow I was not expecting all this. Thank you so much!! The soup definitely warms the soul after a tough shift."
"Super grateful for your support!!"
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Find out why we couldn''t keep the pots filled with this soup.
Now offering free shipping across America. Use FREESHIP when checking out.
NEW SOUP IN THE POT: Pumpkin & Green Curry Soup
There''s one reason Pumpkin & Green Curry Soup is on our Stock Up menu:
Our shop customers demanded it. (Hi, Courtney!)
We weren''t surprised that people liked it, but we have to admit that we were a little surprised to the degree they liked it. A variety of customers from both shops said that this was the best soup they ever had.
Now, are we saying that they''re right? No. What we are saying is that these are very smart people with incredibly discerning tastes, and dashing good looks to boot.
But you should decide for yourself.
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Why you should make this macronutrient a part of your diet.
Did you know that fiber is pretty much a superhero? It's true! A quick read the on Mayo Clinic's website tells us that fiber
Lowers cholesterol levels
Helps control blood sugar levels
Maintains bowel health
Aids in achieving healthy weigh
Helps you live longer (for real!)
Our soups are filled with good vegetables, and are therefore filled with good fiber too. Check out these Fiber All-Stars, the most delicious way to fill up on fiber.
Red Bean & Chickpea Chili
Roasted Tomato Soup
Sweet Potato & Turmeric Soup
Clean Green Machine Soup
Black Bean Soup
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
Check out some easy recipes to change our soups up.
Our soups are designed to be 100% ready to go. All you have to do is tear open that pouch, heat up, enjoy! But did you know that they can also be used as a canvas upon which you can paint your own masterpiece? It's true! A soup masterpiece. Doesn't that sound nice?
So here are some tips to take turn the Good Stuff into your own Even?Better Stuff. You can find these recipes?and more on our blog,?The Simmer.
A Quick & Easy Spicy Tomato Bisque
Ingredients 1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 Tsp Red Pepper Flake
1 Tbsp Cr?me Fra?che?
1 Pouch?Roasted Tomato Soup
Heat olive oil in a sauce pan over medium-low heat. Add chili flakes and toast for 1 minute...(continued)
Heat the olive oil over medium heat. Once hot, add the sausage and saut?, breaking it up with a spoon as it cooks. Cook the sausage until a nice brown color develops. Pour...(continued)
Bring 1 pint of Carrot & Ginger Soup to a simmer. Turn off heat. Stir in 1/4 cup of Anita's Coconut Yogurt into the soup.?Recommended toppings include toasted...(continued)
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We''re taking Memorial Day Weekend off, and we hope you are too! So instead of talking about our soup, we thought we''d share some of our favorite soup-related?clips from the show that soup put on the map.?
No Soup for You!
I''m Shifting Into Soup Mode
The Sea Was Angry That Day
I Mentioned the Bisque
?Por favor?
And for good measure, that time paths crossed...
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
Spring has (finally) sprung and green has returned to the New York region. Asparagus is one of the first things to pop out of the ground?when?the spring harvest starts.?We source our asparagus from nearby Sun Valley Farms in New Jersey.
Like Sipping a Salad
Fiber. Iron. Folate. Potassium. Vitamins A, C, E, B-2, B-3, B-6 and K. All that goodness is in one serving of Asparagus Soup. So skip the salad with confidence.
Great as the Star,?or the Co-star
This soup is on the lighter side, but it's so versatile that it easily becomes a complete meal. Top it with crisp pancetta and roasted asparagus tips. Or add a poached egg. This soup also plays well with so many complements to create a great meal. Make a green panzanella. Maybe you want to get fancy and make a frise? salad.?Or keep it simple with a?grilled cheese. Options abound!
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
In a change, I''ll write a short email. Or, I''ll try to, at least.
The main thing that I wanted to talk about is that we are still making soup, and plan on continuing to do so, as long as the Soup Troop is asking for it. Our team is committed to cooking, our supply chain is intact, and FedEx is telling me they are going to continue to deliver. It''s getting a little more difficult to get out of the house, and it''s getting a little more difficult to find a grocery store full of food but not full of people. So we are going to continue bringing the Good Stuff straight to your door.
We''re also going to use this time to have some fun and make a few batches of some of our favorite soups. We did this with Fried Chicken & Andouille Gumbo last week, and we''re doing it with Caldo Verde and Parm Pollo this week. These might be one-offs, or we may make more if the Soup Troop is asking for it. And now''s also a good time to make a special request. Got something you want to see on our menu soon? Let us know! We''re not always going to be able to do this, but special times call for special soups. So holler at us with what you''re feeling like!
We''re throwing two soups on the menu this week, Caldo Verde and Parm Pollo. One is extremely Portuguese and vegan, while the other is kind of Italian and very chicken-y. Both are scrumptious.
I think we also forgot to tell you that we put White Bean Kale & Sausage on the menu last week. This bowl of goodness is one of the longest-standing soups in our repertoire and makes me happy every time I eat it.
We also updated our Curated Packages. We''ve got The Best Sellers, which is exactly what it sounds like. We''ve got The Plant Pack, the six most popular vegan soups on our menu right now. And finally, there''s the Soup Me Up. It''s one of all twelve soups on our menu right now, but this one goes to 11.
This is a great week to add chouri?o, the Portuguese smoked sausage, to your shopping list. Caldo Verde is often served piping hot over thin slices of chouri?o. The sausage is a surprise or a treat for your guests, and the heat of the soup releases the oils and flavors of the sausage into the soup. This takes a great dish to the next level. If you can''t find Portuguese chouri?o, lingui?a will also work, and if you can''t find that, almost any dry smoked sausage will do. (Bonus: you use the same sausage and technique in our Black Bean Soup too.)
I''d also buy some Parmesan and lemons, because first of all that''s something you should always have on hand. But also they are great on top of Parm Pollo. And pretty much everything.
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Fried Chicken & Andouille Gumbo is Available Again
I''ll take?notes and jot down ideas?for the Soup Troop Scoop throughout the week. Ideally, anyway. There are often times?I''m?scrambling for?something to write on Sunday at 4pm, which is unnecessarily stressful. But at least with the scrambling method, you don''t need to strike out any notes that are now?irrelevant. Like the one that says "talk about Coconut Chicken Soup being on the menu."?
Selling out in 18 hours will make that note?obsolete. But since we''re on the topic,?I thought it would be a good time to discuss these sell?outs. Because?I know it''s frustrating to see something marked for sale only to be left on the outside?looking in. Especially since this is a relatively new phenomenon. Longtime Soup Troopers never had to?worry about this back in the day. So what''s changed?
Simply put, we''re having a hard time keeping up with?demand. The Soup Troop is growing faster than our ability to make soup. Particularly now, with NYC?still on lockdown, we''re working with a very limited crew. A tough?as?heck, hard?working, and highly skilled crew, but limited nonetheless. We''re also?facing a few?constraints in our supply chain, as we''re not able to get all the ingredients we need all the time.
We''re working constantly?to make things smoother, but in all likelihood, we''re going to keep?selling out of a few things. I hope you can stay patient with us! We''ll get a fresh batch made as soon as we can. And we''ll probably have?something else good in the works that''ll be on the menu before too long as well. Until then, thanks for being patient, and stay tuned* for when the new good stuff hits the menu!
Make this week souper!
(*tomorrow afternoon is a good time to stay tuned)
Stated another way, that''s 2,056 breaks. That''s 2,056 times a healthcare?worker didn''t need to plan a meal. That''s?65,792 spoonfuls of happiness. Thank you for making it happen!?More information and how support can be found in this Simmer post.
The Spring Menu is in Effect
As a reminder,?Potato Leek and?Pumpkin & Green Curry are now on the menu. Stay tuned for some great ones to return to the menu this week.
Crispy shallots are one of our go-to garnishes, and we highly recommend having an ample supply of these delights at home. These little flavor boosts provide a great texture too, adding crunch to otherwise smooth?and soft soups. While you can make your own, we find that the flavor-to-effort ratio is just out of whack. So we recommend?hitting your local Asian grocery store, or picking?up a jar online. Then use them on Coconut Chicken, Carrot & Ginger, Roasted Mushroom...pretty?much anything!
This?Spring Vegetable with Chicken Meatballs Soup?hits all the right notes for us?right now - a?flavorful broth, lots of green?veggies, and easy enough to make but not too easy.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
What are some of the first words that come to mind when you think of soup? We''ll give you some space to think about it.
Words that pop into my head are home, hot, bowl, grilled cheese, comfort, and mom. And this is the week to celebrate one of those things.
Growing up, I'd bet that most of our favorite soupmakers were named Mom. Mine sure was. So this week, we are going to celebrate those special women in our lives. We're going to share our favorite recipes that mom used to make for us. And we need your help!
We're asking you to share a soup recipe that your mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, etc. made or makes for you. One that you loved when you knew it was going to be for dinner. We're going to share the Soup Troop's recipes all week long on The Simmer, Instagram, and Facebook. So please send us your favorites!
One thing I''d like to make clear is that no recipe is too basic. We're kicking it off with the Broccoli & Cheese Soup (recipe above) my mom used to make for us and it starts with not one, but TWO cans of cream of mushroom soup. And while Velveeta isn't listed in the recipe above, trust me when I say it played a starring role.
So email me with your favorites! You can reply to this email or hit me with a new on
Here''s $10 to Send Your Mom Some Soup
As a continuation of celebrating our favorite soupmakers, we want to encourage you to send soup to the mothers in your life. Use the code soupformom to save $10 when you send soup to your mom, mother-in-law, grandmother, daughter, etc. Any motherly figure in your life deserves the good stuff, so help us help you treat them right.
Thanks, and make this week souper!
Amazing! Thank you! More information and how support can be found in this Simmer post.
Additions to the Menu
For a new soup on our menu, Artichoke is here to usher in spring. And some powerhouses have returned, namely Lemony Chicken & Rice, Fried Chicken & Andouille Gumbo, and Coconut Chicken too.
Soup for Mom
As mentioned above, we want you to send soup to your mom for Mother''s Day! And we''re giving you $10 to make her happy. Just use the code soupformom when you check out. And yep, you can send her all of the soups mentioned above.
Are we, a company whose mission it is to elevate soup to new heights, recommending that you buy cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup? Yep! Because we''re expecting some old school, tried-and-true mom and grandma specialties, and you know those call for canned soup.
Now, if you want to go gourmet and make it with Roasted Mushroom Soup? By all means, go ahead! But don''t be afraid to go totally 80s too.
Oh, and you might want to get some Velveeta too. Because...
My mom''s Broccoli & Cheese Soup! This was one of my favorite things she made for us when we were growing up. It reminds me of cold nights after football or basketball practice. The recipe comes from Louisiana Legacy, a collection of family recipes compiled by the Thibodaux Service Leauge in 1982. There are some awesome dishes in here, and so many Cajun classics. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to add something unique to their cookbook collection. You can tell from the picture at the top of the email how much use it got in our home.
The base recipe for my mom''s broccoli soup is in there, but my mom added her own special touch, Velveeta. Ahhh, the 80s! Find the adpated recipe below.
Up next might have to be Joyce''s White Bean Soup, although I will certainly be leaving out the vermicelli!
Broccoli & Cheese Soup
2 10oz packages Frozen Broccoli Florets
2 10oz cans Cream of Mushroom Soup
2 2/3 cups of Milk
1/2 cup Dry White Wine
4 tablespoons Butter
2 cups Velveeta, cubed
Cook broccoli in a small amount of water until very tender. Drain. Add soup, milk, wine, butter, and pepper. Stir over medium heat until bubbly. Turn heat to low. Add Velveeta and stir. When melted, serve.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
I took Sunday off from writing to spend all day with Britany and Ruby. It was Brit''s first Mother''s Day, and I wanted to cap off a week of celebrating moms alone with them. (Did I forget a little bit about writing this email? It''s possible. Or was I feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of work to do? Let''s just talk about soup, shall we?! And moms too!)
Speaking of those super special women, we LOVE seeing your recipes and hearing the stories of your mom + soup. Please keep them coming!
We''ve got two recipes up on The Simmer now, each from grandma''s in the Good Stock family. First up is Marleigh''s grandmother''s Tom Kha recipe. Tom Kha is a Thai hot and sour coconut soup, and I can''t wait to make this at home. The next soup is my grandmother''s famous Oyster Soup recipe. This is a holiday treat in our family, but there''s no reason this soup shouldn''t be enjoyed all year long.
We''ll keep updating The Simmer as long as we keep getting recipes to share. So please keep the soup goodness coming!
Thanks, and make this week souper!
Amazing! Thank you! More information and how support can be found in this Simmer post.
Soups On Deck
We''ve got some specialties coming up this week. Stay tuned!
It''s never a bad time or a grilled cheese, so buy some great cheddar, butter, and multi-grain bread to make the perfect grilled cheese at home.
It''s always soup season, and with the right kind of chili, it''s always chili season too. And this time of year is a perfect time to make Julia Turshen''s Chicken Chili with Black Eyed Peas. We love Julia''s recipes, and Now & Again is a go-to cookbook for us. As a bonus, it''s pretty easy to make. We made it for lunch on Saturday with maybe 20 minutes of active work all in.
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Given all that''s going on right now, we''ve decided to start selling our Chicken & Vegetable Soup and Bone Broth again for the time being. We love our vegetable soups, and always will, but there''s just something about these brothy soups that people are craving right now, and we want to be here for the Soup Troop.
Due to our limited supply, we are capping the number of pouches of Chicken & Vegetable Soup and Bone Broth that can be purchased at 4 of each. We''ve been cooking all day, and these will be ready to ship on Monday. Please know that if we sell out, we will be working to refill supply as soon as possible and should have more available early next week.
Thanks, and stay safe out there!
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We are excited to announce a new initiative in an attempt to give back during the coronavirus pandemic. We've created two ways to help feed healthcare workers on the frontlines of the fight right now.
Healthcare workers are working selflessly and tirelessly under incredibly difficult circumstances. Fighting the coronavirus means long hours in dangerous conditions, and this is creating unimaginable levels of stress. We'd like to take one worry off their plate by putting good soup into their bowl.
This is particularly relevant right now as many hospitals have closed their cafeterias and communal food areas. The time and mental energy needed to plan meals to bring into work is gone too. This leads to hospital staff surviving on junk food and pizza right now. We'd like to give them something delicious, nutritious, and convenient to have on hand when much needed breaks arise. We'd like to give them Good Stock soup. We've created two ways you can help make this happen.
First, we've built a care package we're calling Soups, Stat!. It's got 12 soups in total (2 each of our 6 most popular flavors), Garlic Croutons, and Brownie Bites. You can send this to a healthcare worker in your life, or you can let us choose the recipient. The idea is that the recipient would share them with their coworkers by leaving the soups in the communal fridge at work. Or they could simply have 12 meals of their own covered. The package is deeply discounted and includes shipping.
Second, customers now have the option to add a Donate a Soup to your regular order. We'll then make sure that the aggregate of these soups gets into the hands healthcare workers in need.
We're calling on the Soup Troop to help in a few ways. First, if you know of healthcare workers or organizations in need right now, please share this sign up form with them. There, they can sign up to be on our list of recipients for soup. Second, please share this with anyone you think is looking for ways to give back. The more people who know about this, the more we all can help. Third, you can buy some soup, of course!
Community has always been a big part of whom we are at Good Stock. We've always known we're a small part of a large world. And no part of this would have happened without the help of many. So we're excited for the opportunity to rally with the Soup Troop and give a little bit back right now. Especially during a time when that is needed so much.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, do please let me know.
Thank you!
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The new normal has added some unexpectedly?positive components to our life. We are spending more time as a family together than ever. We''re connecting with friends we haven''t in years, and even though it''s over FaceTime or Zoom, we feel closer to them. And we are also cooking more than ever,?which has been really fun.
?We''re cracking open the cookbooks that have been acting as decorations only for far too long. Now that we''re home all day, it''s a little bit easier to prep for dinner throughout the day instead of?trying to cram something in at 7:30pm after a long day at work. And because we''re not going out to eat, we actually use up all the leftovers. So?corona cooking?is happening with gusto.
Don''t get me wrong, though. There are some afternoons where we look at each other and know that even though we''re?about to ask "what do you feel like for dinner?" the answer is 100% going to be "let''s order in!" Because some nights you just need a break. And also, the dishes are out of control right now. Corona cooking all the time?yields So. Many. Dishes.?
So with all the cooking going on,?it''s time for us to share even more recipes. We''ll share recipes of all type of dishes, some from scratch.?But we''re going to start with sharing recipes of how to take our soups and turn them into something new and delicious with hardly any?work at all. Like these?two ideas for what to do with our Chicken & Vegetable Soup. We think it''s the best of both worlds. Homemade,?minimal?work, healthful, and absolutely delicious.
Have a good evening, and make this week souper!
Lots of news today, but we''re starting off per usual with the count for donations to?healthcare workers.?Over two thousand soups is simply stunning. Thank you!?More information and how support can be found in this Simmer post.
Soup Stimulus Promotion Ends Tonight
Uncle Soup wants you to Stock Up, and until tonight at midnight, he''s buying the 7th soup for you when you buy 6. Use the code SoupStimulus when you''re checking out.?
Some New Soups, Some Back in Stock
We''re ushering in spring with two of our seasonal favorites - Potato Leek and Lemony Chicken & Rice. The hit soup Pumpkin & Green Curry is also back in stock. And yes, all of these are included in the Soup Stimulus.
Your soup shopping list this week is small: pasta.?That''s it. That''s all you need. See above about washing too many dishes. So take any small shape of pasta, add it to Chicken & Vegetable Soup, and voil?, dinner is ready. The best part is that the pasta cooks in the soup as it heats up. Add both to a pot, cover, turn the heat on low, and in about 15-18 minutes, you''ll have?perfectly hot soup with perfectly cooked?pasta in it.
?You?might be?wondering why we recommend small pasta. We do so because we?believe in the perfect bite. Smaller pasta fits onto?your spoon, ideally with broth,?vegetables, and?chicken too. Gone are the days of fighting a noodle to stay on your spoon. Our?favorite is Sfoglini Cavatelli,?because it''s delicious, made with high quality grains, and?local to New York?City. But orecchiette, conchiglie, farfalle, and ditalini are all good choices, to name a few.?
Longtime readers know that we are huge fans of?Kenji Lopez-Alt.?His recipes are thoughtful, explained, and easy to follow.?Given that we were?cooking with harissa?recently, it brought to mind his excellent Spicy Carrot & Ginger Soup with Harissa?recipe. This?gets the full Good?Stock endorsement.
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We're starting to experience some issues with our deliveries, particularly those that are further away from New York City. We ship via FedEx, and they, like all national carriers right now, are overwhelmed by the increased demand for shipping. Delays are becoming more common. Shipping frozen products is already rather difficult; you sort of have to thread the needle when matching the combination of distance and ice. A delay of one day can really screw that up, and?a delay of two to four days is a disaster. Particularly as temperatures rise across the country. We are reworking everything now, and I'd like to highlight two key points.
Our Guarantee
We've always guaranteed every single order. Feeding people is incredibly intimate and requires a high level of trust. When you give us your money for our soup, we want to give you soup that you love. If you don't, we will give you your money back. And of course if you paid for soup that?doesn't arrive in proper time or fashion, we will make it up to you with either a refund or sending you a new batch of soup. So this is all a long way of saying if your order arrives in an unsatisfactory manner, please let us know. We stand behind each and every order.
Shipping with Dry Ice
We're starting to ship with dry ice, which should help greatly. I don't know what dry ice really is or why it works so well; I'm a soupmaker, not a scientist. All I know is that it's ridiculously cold! And it will stay ridiculously cold far longer than icepacks. Oh, I do know one more thing: it's so cold that it could actually burn our skin, so please be careful with your shipment! Dry ice evaporates as it thaws, so there might not be dry ice in your box when you soups arrive. But if there is still dry ice left in your box, either leave it in the box to evaporate, or use tongs or thick gloves to move it. Dry ice should alleviate any delays that occur.?
But, we're on it. And we'll keep on it until the Soup Troop can receive the good stuff without worry. As we work through these issues, please share any and all feedback. We still have much to learn!
Thanks, and make this week souper!
This is great, and still so needed. There was a heartbreaking article in The New York Times this weekend on burnout and PTSD in essential workers right now. Now that this is over two months in, it seems that there's some familiarization, some normalization with the coronavirus. But essential workers are still working constantly, and in danger. So if we can remove one thing for them to worry about and give them something great to eat at the same time, I think that's pretty special. So thank you so much to all of you who've donated. For those of you unfamiliar with what we're doing, you can find more information on the program and how to donate here: Soup for the Frontlines.
One of the surest signs of spring in the northeast is when asparagus comes into season. It?finally has, so Asparagus Soup is now on our menu.
This was one of the most popular spring salads in our shops. It's a fantastic complement to Asparagus Soup, so here's how you can make it at home.
Good Stock''s Green Panzanella
2 cups Asparagus, trimmed 1 cups English peas 2 cups Sugar Snap Peas, trimmed 3 cups Garlic Croutons 2 cups Arugula 1/2 cup + 3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided 1/4 Champagne Vinegar Salt Pepper
Bring 3 cups of water to boil. While the water is coming to a bowl, prepare an ice batch with 2 cups of ice and 2 cups of water. When the water is boiling, add a pinch of salt, then add the English peas. Blanch for 30 seconds. Remove with a strainer, or drain. Immediately add to the ice bath to stop the cooking. Drain and refrigerate until using.?
Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in saut? pan over medium-high heat. When hot, add the asparagus and saut? until slightly charred. Shake the pan, or stir, frequently. Remove the asparagus and set aside. Add the remaining tablespoon of olive oil, if needed. When hot, add the snap peas and saut? until slightly charred. Again, shake the pan, or stir, frequently. Set aside.
To prepare the vinaigrette, combine 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil and champagne vinegar. Add a pinch of salt and pepper, and whisk thoroughly until emulsified.
Combine English peas, asparagus, snap peas, and vinaigrette. Toss gently to coat all the vegetables with dressing. If serving later, you can place vegetables in the fridge at this point.
Fold croutons into the dressed vegetables.
Immediately before serving, add arugula and toss to combine. You want to make sure each leaf is coated with dressing. Add more olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper as needed.
An oldie but goodie, you can''t go wrong with Melissa Clark''s?Red Lentil Soup with Lemon.?It''s one we turn to often at home. Hearty and warming and bright and healthy. What''s not to love?
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We at Good Stock HQ are deep in the throes of planning our menu for the next few months. In the northeast, we're hitting that awkward time of year where nothing new is really growing. Winter's still here, and while spring is coming, it will be quite a while before anything green is popping out of the ground. But have no fear. We've got hundreds of soups in our repertoire, and we will break out some flavorful options.
But I'd also love to hear from you! What's your favorite soup? What would you love to see on our spring menu? Reply and let me know! We love getting ideas from the Soup Troop. We've added quite a few things to our menu that came from Soup Troop recommendations.
So let us know what you'd like to see from us!
No news is good news, right? But we''ll have some real and good news to report later this week. Stay tuned!
Here's a recipe to make Chipotle Crema, one of the most delicious condiments around. It's fantastic on Back Bean Soup, Red Bean & Chickpea Chili, tacos, grilled corn, and more.
1 can Chipotles in Adobo
1 8oz container Sour Cream
1 lime, cut in half
Salt & Pepper
Combine sour cream and 1 chipotle pepper. Puree/blend until completely smooth. Taste, and season with salt and pepper to your liking. If you like spice, add another chipotle pepper or some of the adobo sauce and blend again. Squeeze one half of the lime into the sauce and stir thoroughly. Will keep for 3 days in an airtight container in the fridge.
Kenji Lopez-Alt might be my favorite recipe writer out there. His recipes always explain the "why" behind techniques and made for home cooks. His recipe for Pozole Verde is amazing and an awesome project when you feel like cooking, but not for four hours.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
I don''t?know how to start this email other than to mention what a weird time it is. And?I''ll do my best to limit my?rambling, as?I know?I''m not the only one being deluged with?information right now.?
We launched Stock Up to make it easy to always have something?delicious?on hand. Easy to order, easy to receive, easy to heat up, always delicious. In a way that we never could have imagined, nor?would have ever wished for, what''s?going on right?now makes a?model like this more relevant than?ever. When even going out to shop is?being discouraged, I''m?glad that we''re able to provide?relief and comfort to people through good soup.?
Now, we''d like to make it easier than?ever to make that happen. Especially?as we''re fielding?questions from the Soup Troop about?sending soup?to parents, children, grandparents,?friends, etc. So we are now offering free shipping for as long as this fog is hanging over everybody. Simply use the code FREESHIP when checking out.?
I''d like to?wrap up with?a few housekeeping items?about our operations over the next couple of weeks.?
- Chicken & Vegetable Soup is back in stock right now. We are going to be making as much as possible, as?we''ve been?unable to keep it in stock for more than a few hours. So if you see it sold out, we should have more available soon. The same?applies to Bone Broth.
-?We''re facing very high?demand at the moment, so there may be a slight delay (1-2 days) in packing and?shipping orders. We will keep you notified as to help manage expectations.?Thank you in advance for your?patience.
- We''re not expecting any supply chain disruptions, but we are?going to streamline the menu just in case. You might see some soups sold out a?little more frequently than normal.?
- The safety of our staff and our?customers is paramount, so we are always clean and careful. But please know that we are being extra?careful and extra cautious right now and?implementing even more?rigorous protocols.??
As?always, we welcome any and all questions, so please don''t hesitate to let me know if anything''s on your mind.
Have a good night, wash your hands, stay in, and stay safe!
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We''re so jealous that we didn''t grow up with a nonna nearby, cooking delicacies from the old country for us after school. Teaching us how to make meatballs, how to roll pasta, how whip up magic from five random ingredients from the garden. nice that would have been.
We tried to make ourselves feel better by making this Minestrone, and we gotta say, it kinda worked! Now, we''re excited to share this Italian delight with you.
Packed with vegetables, this hug-in-a-bowl is now on the Stock Up menu. Grab a pint, and grab some feelings at the same time.
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Here are two super easy ways to transform our Chicken & Vegetable Soup.
Our Chicken & Vegetable Soup is a classic, right-down-the-middle American version. But you can easily make it an entirely new soup.
A deep chicken stock, poached chicken, onions, carrots, celery, garlic, salt, and black pepper. Those are pretty much the only ingredients in our Chicken & Vegetable Soup. The style could be called plain, but the results are not - a savory, chicken-y chicken soup packed with flavor.
Another benefit to the "plain" style is that it''s a great platform to build your own soup off of. With a little creativity and minimal work, our Chicken & Vegetable Soup can be taken in many new and delicious directions. Because, let''s face it, there are those times when we know we *should* cook...but don''t really feel like it.
Here are two versions that could not be easier to make while calling for ingredients you might already have in your kitchen. And when we say easy, we mean easy. With both recipes below, you add the ingredients to the pot, cover, turn heat on low, and walk away. In no more than 20 minutes, you''ll have a delicious meal ready to go.
Chicken Soup with Farro & Pamesan
This soup is a nod to Italy, using farro, an ancient Roman grain, and Parmesan. The farro makes the soup heartier, while the Parmesan adds an extra layer of depth.
Ingredients One pouch Chicken & Vegetable Soup 1/4 cup Farro 1/4 Grated Parmesan Basil
Preparation Add farro and Parmesan to an empty saucepan. Pour cold Chicken & Vegetable Soup into the saucepan, and cover. Turn heat to very low. In about 18 minutes, you''ll have hot soup and perfectly cooked farro (soft, with some bite). Top with basil chiffonade.
Chicken & Chickpea Soup with Harissa
Chicken & Chickpea Soup with Harissa This soup comes from the other side of the Mediterranean, with North African roots. This version calls for NY Shuk''s Fiery Harissa, a dried version, but the paste would work as well. Two other spices that would also produce delicious results are ras el hanout and hawaij. A teaspoon of Fiery Harissa made this soup quite spicy, but the mint and lemon helped cool that down and balance out the spice. Feel free to use a less-spicy harissa, or half the amount of the fiery one.
Ingredients One pouch Chicken & Vegetable Soup 1/2 cup Cooked Chickpeas 1 teaspoon NY Shuk Fiery Harissa Mint Lemon
Preparation Add chickpeas and harissa to an empty saucepan. Pour cold Chicken & Vegetable Soup into the saucepan, and cover. Turn heat to very low. The soup should be ready in 15 minutes. Top with torn mint and a big squeeze of lemon.
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We obviously?roast the tomatoes in our Roasted?Tomato Soup.?But we don''t turn our ovens off when the tomatoes are ready. Why? Because then?it''s time to roast the onions and garlic too.?
Tomatoes are acidic, and sugars are needed to bring balance to the soup. But we never?add sugar?if we can use a cooking technique that provides the same benefit.?Which is exactly what?roasting does. Roasting the onions and garlic draws moisture out?and caramelizes the natural sugars in each. The vegetables become sweeter and balance out the tomatoes.?As a bonus, this extra step also adds?an extra layer of flavor?to the soup.?
This is a great technique to use at home. Here''s a super simple recipe to make a mighty fine soup.?Roast a vegetable - or vegetables - in?olive oil, salt, and pepper to develop?a more robust?flavor. When they are browned (but not blackened), remove from the oven and add to a put. Add?stock or water, simmer for a while, then puree when the vegetables are tender. Taste for seasoning, and voil?!?Dinner is ready.
Can you get decent results from throwing things in a pot and cooking them all at once while saving?yourself some time? Yep. But check the name on the door, folks. It says?Good Stock, not Decent Stock.
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Every Stock Up order comes with house-made Garlic Croutons and our famous Brownie Bites. What do you after you receive them is up to you. Because it feels good to be in control of something right now.
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With things like?barbecues, trips to the beach, little league tournaments, and more, Memorial Day Weekend typically involves?sharing lots of good food. Those get-togethers might not be happening this year, but you can still share good food.?Specifically, good soup!?
Refer your friends to Good Stock and they''ll get $10 off their first purchase. And then you''ll get $10 off too. Because soup is better shared!
Your new cooking companion,
our Good Cookin'' Playlist
Make our recipe for?THE best?Chicken Salad.?
Bonus: You''ll end up with amazing chicken stock too.
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206
It might be the artichoke hearts. It might be the preserved lemon pur?e. But it''s probably the combination of the two that gives this soup its bright, sunshiney flavor.
So Much Health
Not only does this soup taste great, but it''s great for you. One pouch of Artichoke Soup is filled with fiber, folate, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and vitamins C, B-3, and B-6.
Toppability is definitely a word, right? It is now, at least, because while this soup is already packed with flavor, it''s also ripe for additions. Top it with Garlic Croutons, pistou - either parsley or basil, or a dollop of cr?me fra?che for a flavor boost.
Hot Off the Soup Presses: Fried Chicken & Andouille Gumbo is back in stock
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Good Stock 630 Flushing Ave 4th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11206