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goinswriter Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to goinswriter.

Hey Friend,

I�m a writer.

That feels weird to say, because for the longest time, I didn�t think of myself as one. In fact, if you were to ask me years ago who I was, the last thing I would have said was �writer.�

Writing was always something I did for fun, but never something I took too seriously. I always thought writers starved. But at the end of 2010, things began to change. A friend asked me what my dream was and I said it was to be a writer.

�But,� I lamented, �that�ll never happen.�

My friend just looked at me in disbelief. �Jeff,� he said, �you don�t have to want to be a writer. You just have to write.�

The next day, I started and began my daily practice of writing 500 words per day. And I�ve never stopped.

Today, I'm the bestselling author of five books, including the national bestsellers Real Artists Don�t Starve and The Art of Work. I also host a weekly podcast called The Portfolio Life, teach online courses, and produce a yearly event called the Tribe Conference.

It's been a wild and fun ride. This newsletter, along with my award-winning blog, is where I share my writing journey: what I�m learning, how I�m growing, and how you can come along with me.

I share it all right here.

My goal is to never hold anything back, never hoard a secret that could help someone else, and to demystify the creative process for anyone interested in sharing their art with the world.

I try to share every lesson as I�m learning it, which includes giving away some of my best work for free. Soon, I�ll share a free training with you that will help you share your best work with the world and know that people won�t miss it.

The best way to get started is to click here to get some free resources on the writing process:

I want to start things off right. I want you to know you can trust me, and the best way to earn a person's trust is to be generous. That�s what I believe, anyway.

I have no desire to pressure you into buying something you don't want or need. My goal here is to be as helpful as possible, and if that ever stops happening, I hope you let me know.

How's that sound?

I'll see you in the next email, where I�ll share more with you about my story and why you can�t walk away from your dream, no matter how hard it is...



P.S. Now it�s your turn. Reply to this email and tell me a little about you. Oh, and be sure to open my next email with the full story on how I almost walked away from my dream.


Goins Enterprises, LLC PO Box 1421 Franklin, Tennessee 37065 United States

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Comment on: 01/09/2020