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August 2020
Advancing Critical Thinking with Record-Breaking Viewership
Our video library is filled with entertaining, educational, and thought-provoking films and videos inspiring people to think critically and helping them examine and understand the world we live in.

During these unprecedented, times our library has seen viewership skyrocket, and droves of people from around the world watching, sharing, and engaging with our content.

Our 2012 documentary Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools exploded on YouTube in the past several weeks and has been viewed over 150,000 times, 95% of viewers were new to Free To Choose® Network.

The trailer for our upcoming public television broadcast Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World took hold of the internet and has been viewed over 325,000 times on Twitter and shared over 6,000 times across social media platforms.

Viewership of Sweden: Lessons for America? with host Johan Norberg, is hurrying up the leaderboard in viewership as stories of Sweden circulate through the news.

The popularity of these videos amongst a new generation of viewers has driven tens of thousands of views to our exclusive YouTube content featuring Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Walter Williams, and many, many more.

For decades, generous supporters have aided us in telling stories of people and ideas that will advance the world and make those stories available to the masses through public television and free online streaming. We're dedicated to creating, offering, and sharing Free To Choose Network content when it's needed most.

Our 3-part documentary exploring the U.S. Constitution, A More or Less Perfect Union, is now streaming on Amazon Prime. All three episodes can also be viewed free on our website, thanks to a generous donation from the Peters Foundation.

Dean Graziano, J.D. is an award-winning educator and former Curriculum Specialist Teacher grades 6-12 Social Studies, with over 25 years in education. He served on the Massachusetts MCAS Standard Setting Panel and was selected by the College Board to be an Advanced Placement Reader for U.S. History. He worked on the historical inquiry model and was a national presenter for ABC-Clio, a Social Studies database company.

In 2007, Dean was awarded, in a surprise visit to his school, with the United States Department of Education's American Star of Teaching Award. Dean was selected as the 2017 State of New Hampshire's Extended Learning Opportunity Coordinator of the Year. Dean's pilot program in Rochester, NH was singled out by Governor Sununu as the model for the State of NH Career Academies. Welcome, Dean!

NEW HAMPSHIRE TO OFFER TO ALL INCOMING HIGH SCHOOLERS has partnered with Awato LLC, the leader in personalized career pathfinding software for middle and high school students, to provide all incoming 9th graders in the State of New Hampshire our Financial Literacy teaching unit starting with the 2020-2021 school year! The Awato platform provides a streamlined way for students to access their interests, map their career pathways, and connect with local employers. We're honored to offer them the financial literacy component and connect with new high schoolers throughout New Hampshire!
Back to On-Campus...Online...Home...School
Back to school is just around the corner! And while many teachers still aren't sure exactly what that's going to look like, they're all trying to plan - for multiple contingencies. (In class, online, online synchronous, online asynchronous, every other day in class...I'm exhausted just listing the options.) If you know teachers who are looking for great FREE resources that will help them in all the possible class situations, let them know about Our video-centered educational units work for many subjects and grade levels. We also add two great current events lessons every school day!
Help us create the next generation of free market multi-media!
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Comment on: 01/09/2020