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Dear Olivia,

Close Encounters of the Astrological Kind

Astrologer: Pluto is creeping toward your 7th house cusp.

Client: Is that ... bad?

Astrologer: Well, let�s just say that the God of Hell is entering your House of Marriage.

Client: What can I do ...?

Astrologer: Let me recommend an attorney and a psychiatrist.

The dialogue above is exaggerated, I hope. But maybe not. I know that I have dealt with its apparent aftermath in the counseling room many times. What is the impact upon a client of such a bleak prognosis? After hearing such dispiriting words, he or she may cringe before Pluto as if frozen in place before an oncoming train. An astrologer speaking this way might unwittingly poison a decent relationship with fear or suspicion � and do so right at a time when what is really needed is emotional courage.

Let�s insert a second imaginary dialogue, substituting Jupiter for Pluto. Here, the same fatalistic astrologer might paint a rosier picture. There is a new sweetheart on your horizon, one who resembles all the romantic films currently playing in your psychic Cineplex. A star! An angel! Generous � and probably wealthy enough to put a little muscle behind that generosity.

But here�s what actually happens. You meet an egomaniac, given to windy pontification supported by long bouts of drinking, punctuated with pronouncements made ex cathedra... and death to the Unbeliever.

Keep Reading...

�And she lived happily ever after� � people laugh at the line a lot today, but sometimes life works out exactly that way. In the old days, astrologers would credit Jupiter for such merry outcomes, while blaming Saturn if things turned out rotten. It�s never really been that simple.

Join Steven for quick overview of a  handful of true astrological stories about things turning out well. You�ll see how people making wise or brave choices � even with Saturn � is how the magic works.

Completing the triangle of co- creation, sometimes the astrologer � acting more like a coach than an oracle � can really make a difference too. We all love a happy ending. Here�s how to create them.

Available for instant download.

60 minutes | includes video, audio and slides

Originally included in the Breakthrough and Transformation Summit package.

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Comment on: 01/09/2020