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Summer is well underway, which means roofing contractors around the country are busy completing jobs they started or sold in the spring, and are beginning to build out the rest of their annual schedule. RC takes a closer look at some specific articles to help make this your best summer as a roofer yet!
5 Ways to Succeed in Storm Season
The man who wrote the 'book' on how to monetize and maximize storm season opportunities for ABC Supply Co. shares best practices on how ensure a successful storm season.
Summer Spray Foam Maintenance
An SPF expert shares a Florida case study that guides roofing contractors on how this growing segment of the industry can enhance their business model.
How Roofers Stay Cool in the Summer Heat
RC's safety columnist Chip Macdonald breaks down how roofing contractors can keep their cool during the hot summer months.
Fact vs. Fiction: Metal Roofs in Hot Weather
The Metal Roofing Alliance dispels the myths about hot weather rooftop performance when it comes to metal installations.
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Data Management Process for Smart Factory Success
Tuesday, July 30, 2019 | 2:00 PM EDT
You are running out of time to register for our live
event! In this webinar, measurement experts share the best way to implement a data management system for the effective Smart Factory.
Sign up here today!
You'll learn:
How to identify the ideal data management partner
Hardware and software for your business and application
How to integrate them into a factory-wide system
Sponsored By:
Jeremy Banks
Data Management Specialist Mitutoyo America Corporation
Scheduling conflict?
Register anyway, and we'll email you the recording afterward!
All of our webinars are available on-the-go from your phone or tablet and on-demand
following the live broadcast.
Archives | Test Your System | FAQs | Support
Join us tomorrow as we share the best way to use a data management system for the effective Smart Factory!
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National and regional market prospects for the industry.
Hi there,
I'm excited to invite you to register for our upcoming July 30th webinar. During this one hour webinar, you'll learn about the best way to implement a data management system for the effective Smart Factory.
You'll also get the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session with Jeremy Banks from Mitutoyo America Corporation when you tune in.
I look forward to seeing you then!
Buck Bicek
Publisher Quality Magazine
P.S. Can't attend live? Just register and we'll send you the recorded event that you can watch whenever you're ready.
From: Quality Magazine Sent: Mon 7/1/2019 11:30 AM Subject: WEBINAR | Data Management Process for Smart Factory Success
Register Now
Data Management Process for Smart
Factory Success
July 30, 2019
Modern smart manufacturing brings with it greater efficiency, increased productivity — and new challenges for collecting and analyzing measurement data. How can you achieve absolute precision in both production and reporting? And ensure compliance with industry requirements? In this webinar, measurement experts share the best way to implement a data management system for the effective Smart Factory.
You'll learn:
How to identify the ideal data management partner
Hardware and software for your business and application
How to integrate them into a factory-wide system
Jeremy Banks
Data Management Specialist Mitutoyo America Corporation
About Jeremy Banks
With time spent in the field as an end user and then with Mitutoyo providing application support, Jeremy has more than 20 years of experience in the Metrology field. With a background in Coordinate Metrology dating into the 1990s, he has seen the Inspection Industry grow and shift with customer demands that triggered leaps in technology.
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Join us on July 30th!
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Jobsite safety continues to be one of the leading points of emphasis for roofing contractors across the country, and for good reason. In 2017 alone, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported falls accounted for 366 of 971 construction fatalities, roughly 38 percent. Between 1982 and 2015, about 42 percent of all construction-related fatalities involved falls, according to government data. RC wanted to share some of its recent safety-related coverage.
OSHA National Stand Down Kickoff
Roofing companies from across the country were encouraged to voluntarily pause during the workday for safety demonstrations as well as training in hazard recognition and fall prevention during the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) 6th annual National Safety Stand Down campaign.
Pollen Season: Metal Roofers Beware!
The dangers of pollen season on roofing contractors, particularly those that work with metal roofs, shouldn't be underestimated, says RC columnist and veteran safety consultant Chip Macdonald.
Kentucky Rooftop Death Investigation Sheds Light on Need for Safety Training
The Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center recently issued a report containing several jobsite recommendations for all roofers following investigation of a 2018 incident in which a 16-year-old was killed.
Are We Too Quiet on Safety?
Far too often we continue to see roofing crews not tied off on a roof or pictures of roofers in commercials and on social media who remain untied while working on a roof. The question that remains is, "Why are we not speaking loudly enough about safety?"
RC Ladder Safety Quiz
Think you know all you need to know about ladder safety? Test your knowledge and expertise with our ladder-safety quiz.
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Check out all our safety-related coverage…
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Jobsite safety continues to be one of the leading points of emphasis for roofing contractors across the country, and for good reason. In 2017 alone, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported falls accounted for 366 of 971 construction fatalities, roughly 38 percent. Between 1982 and 2015, about 42 percent of all construction-related fatalities involved falls, according to government data. RC wanted to share some of its recent safety-related coverage.
OSHA National Stand Down Kickoff
Roofing companies from across the country were encouraged to voluntarily pause during the workday for safety demonstrations as well as training in hazard recognition and fall prevention during the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) 6th annual National Safety Stand Down campaign.
Pollen Season: Metal Roofers Beware!
The dangers of pollen season on roofing contractors, particularly those that work with metal roofs, shouldn't be underestimated, says RC columnist and veteran safety consultant Chip Macdonald.
Kentucky Rooftop Death Investigation Sheds Light on Need for Safety Training
The Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center recently issued a report containing several jobsite recommendations for all roofers following investigation of a 2018 incident in which a 16-year-old was killed.
Are We Too Quiet on Safety?
Far too often we continue to see roofing crews not tied off on a roof or pictures of roofers in commercials and on social media who remain untied while working on a roof. The question that remains is, "Why are we not speaking loudly enough about safety?"
RC Ladder Safety Quiz
Think you know all you need to know about ladder safety? Test your knowledge and expertise with our ladder-safety quiz.
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The man who wrote the 'book' on how to monetize and maximize storm season�
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Summer is well underway, which means roofing contractors around the country are busy completing jobs they started or sold in the spring, and are beginning to build out the rest of their annual schedule. RC takes a closer look at some specific articles to help make this your best summer as a roofer yet!
5 Ways to Succeed in Storm Season
The man who wrote the 'book' on how to monetize and maximize storm season opportunities for ABC Supply Co. shares best practices on how ensure a successful storm season.
Summer Spray Foam Maintenance
An SPF expert shares a Florida case study that guides roofing contractors on how this growing segment of the industry can enhance their business model.
How Roofers Stay Cool in the Summer Heat
RC's safety columnist Chip Macdonald breaks down how roofing contractors can keep their cool during the hot summer months.
Fact vs. Fiction: Metal Roofs in Hot Weather
The Metal Roofing Alliance dispels the myths about hot weather rooftop performance when it comes to metal installations.
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Join us on July 30th!
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National and regional market prospects for the industry.
Register Now
Data Management Process for Smart
Factory Success
July 30, 2019
Modern smart manufacturing brings with it greater efficiency, increased productivity � and new challenges for collecting and analyzing measurement data. How can you achieve absolute precision in both production and reporting? And ensure compliance with industry requirements? In this webinar, measurement experts share the best way to implement a data management system for the effective Smart Factory.
You'll learn:
How to identify the ideal data management partner
Hardware and software for your business and application
How to integrate them into a factory-wide system
Jeremy Banks
Data Management Specialist Mitutoyo America Corporation
Sponsored by
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All of our webinars are available on-the-go from your phone or tablet and on-demand
following the live broadcast.
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A comprehensive list of the top roofing contractors working in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors…
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For more than a decade, Roofing Contractor has sought out to compile a comprehensive list of the top roofing contractors working in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. See this year's entries and those from previous years here.
RC's Top 100 Roofing Contractors List
RC's annual list of the Top 100 roofing contractors from coast to coast is out. See which companies are back, and meet the new entries intending to stay awhile.
Top 100 Ones to Watch
These roofing companies nearly made the 2019 Top 100 List and expect to be back and part of the list next year. They top our roofing contractors to watch list for 2020.
Top 100 Spotlight: #29 Total Home Roofing
Based in Rockledge, Fla., this roofing contractor generated roughly $57 million in revenue last year by offering retail residential reroofing services in Florida, Cincinnati, and Maryland. See more…
Roofing in a New Era
These Top 100 roofing contractors are using VR technology to help their businesses reach new heights.
5 Steps to Help Make Next Year's Top 100
Roofing contractors can start their paths to getting and staying on the Top 100 Roofing Contractors List right now.
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Nondestructive Testing
Technical content related to nondestructive testing
Our website is ever growing with the most popular and up to date content regarding sound metrology methods, statistical analysis, and process improvement techniques. This month we are focusing on nondestructive testing. Some of the popular articles on our website discuss computer tomography, leak testing, and training to become an NDT technician. Check them out below and other related topics on our website.
NDT: The Unsung Hero Set for a Starring Role
in the Future of Industry Nondestructive testing (NDT) is the ‘unsung hero’ of the modern world
When we board a train, cross a bridge or enter a shopping mall, we rarely stop to worry whether the structure is sound. Thanks to the inspection industry, we now take safety for granted. We all know that it is safer to fly on an aircraft than to cross a road or drive a car, but we have failed to grasp the role that NDT has played in that. While global passenger miles have increased rapidly, fatal accidents have decreased so there is now only one fatality per 8 billion passenger miles. NDT is not solely responsible for the steady improvement in safety, but it is largely the reason that it has been achieved affordably and reasonably delay-free for passengers.
A plane engine in motion
Computed Tomography: A Look Inside CT is paving the way and creating opportunities
Over the last couple of years, numerous articles have been published by OEM equipment providers on the uses and benefits of industrial CT scanning for manufactured parts. This exciting and relatively new technology has yet to realize its full potential. Industrial CT, just like the medical CT for human use, is the process of gathering 2D X-ray slice images and compiling them into a full internal and external 3D digital data set, then using that data to solve problems or validate product. Just to be clear, there are perhaps upwards of 50 different X-ray techniques for various uses, most of which are not commercially deployed or available. For this discussion we are talking about CT scanning industrial products on a rotary stage with a cone beam low energy X-ray source.
Using software to program and collect dimensional measurements is much easier on digital scan data than on physical parts using traditional tools such as CMMs and vision systems.
Leak Testing Complex Systems:
Recommendations & Best Practices The leak testing process is a crucial quality control method that helps manufacturers ensure that their final product will be safe and reliable for end users
Leak testing is a quality control measure used by manufacturers to identify product inconsistencies that occur during manufacturing or assembly. A successful leak test is accomplished by sealing all leak points in the component or system being tested, such as an open port or tube, and then introducing a testing medium—typically air, helium or nitrogen. The medium is either put into or surrounding the part being tested, where a trained operator will then be able to identify a leak, either through visual observation or by monitoring pressure changes through a leak test instrument. If the product fails the leak test, it is determined that either the product or the sealing points have a defect, and the product must either be scrapped or go through a retesting process. If the product passes a leak test, it then moves onto the next stage in the manufacturing process.
A reliable leak test can also significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of the manufacturer's production process.
Training to be a Nondestructive Testing Technician The quality of the training in NDT is critical in the development of competent technicians
Nondestructive testing (NDT) dates back to the late-1800s, to the railroad industry. The “Oil and Whiting” method of crack detection was used to find damage in heavy steel parts. It was a simple yet effective test involving soaking the steel in oil, painting it white, allowing it to dry and then observing for brown marks that indicated a crack. NDT has come a long way over the last 200 years. Using the very latest in science and technology it can now help towards ensuring the safety and efficiency of materials, components and systems, across multiple industries. Because it is a non-invasive technique, it is seen as the gold standard in evaluating new and in-situ items.
The main benefit of NDT is that the item can continue to be used once the testing is complete and it is deemed to have passed the inspection.
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Peek inside to see everything The Quality Show has to offer�
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Over 120 QA & process improvement vendors
Interact with the latest quality tools and software demonstrations
Make important connections with quality professionals
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ECM is hosting a custom prep course along with TWO separate Level 1 CMS Exams
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INTRODUCING: The Quality Show Exam & Prep Course
Preparatory Course & Certification Exam for Portable 3D Metrologists & CMM Metrologists
Hosted by:
ECM will host a custom preparation course at this year's Quality Show along with TWO separate Level 1 CMS Exams; one for Portable 3D Metrologists and one for CMM Experts.
It is designed to reinforce the student’s knowledge with course objectives mapped to the level one assessment topic areas for the CMS Metrology Certification Examination. Students can take the exam during the show. Register Now for the Prep Course.
Tuesday, October 22 | 9:00am – 4:00pm
CMS Preparatory Exam Course: Portable 3D Metrologists & CMM Metrologists
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One week left for free registration
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Free registration expires on September 27. Don't miss out on everything The Quality Show has to offer – register today!
The ASSEMBLY Show is taking place across the lobby at the same time as The Quality Show. What does it mean to have access to both shows?
Over 400 Exhibiting firms between both Exhibit Halls
2 Informative Keynote Presentations
30+ Learning Theater Presentations
2 TIMES the opportunities to uncover new resources, experience equipment hands-on, and evaluate the latest technologies
Join your Quality AND Assembly peers at "The Pub" for this fun, combined NETWORKING EXPERIENCE.
Make the most of your time in Rosemont, IL by sending your whole team! This is the best way to attend more sessions, network with more professionals, and find more solution providers in both Exhibit Halls! Sign up the whole team today.
PLUS — Discounted Hotel Rates Expire at the end of September! Book your spot now to lock in this price.
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Get your name on the list without having to pay.
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This is your last chance to attend The Quality Show for FREE. Register before tomorrow to get this deal!
Here’s Everything You’ll Get for FREE:
Access to over 120 QA & process improvement vendors
Interaction with the latest quality tools and software demonstrations
Ability to make important connections with quality professionals
30-minute quality-focused educational sessions
Happy Hour Welcome Reception on the floor opening night
Keynote Presentation by Northrop Grumann “Building a Culture of Quality”
Quality Awards Presentation – Plant of the Year & Professional of the Year
Pub Night Reception Wednesday for drinks and entertainment after the show floor closes
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Learn how you can reduce any in-line measurement challenges
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Getting In-Line: Challenges and Benefits of Embedded Measurement
October 29, 2019
In-line/near-line measurement provides the potential for fast, flexible, efficient inspection that increases throughput without compromising quality. Shop floor measurement, however, carries unique challenges and requires a special mix of capabilities to ensure optimal results.
In this webinar, you'll learn about:
Key considerations associated with in-line measurement, including; space limitations along the line, necessity for 24/7 uptime, manufacturing floor temperature variances, debris and irritant considerations and maintenance concerns
Technologies and procedures to mitigate these challenges
Process, logic and productivity benefits of implementing effective in-line/near-line inspection systems
Choosing the right shop floor measurement partner
Michael Creney
Vice President of Product Management Mitutoyo America Corporation
Sponsored By
Register Now
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Register anyway, and we'll email you the recording afterward! All of our webinars are available on-the-go from your phone or tablet and on-demand following the live broadcast.
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ECM is hosting a custom prep course along with TWO separate Level 1 CMS Exams
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INTRODUCING: The Quality Show Exam & Prep Course
Preparatory Course & Certification Exam for Portable 3D Metrologists & CMM Metrologists
Hosted by:
Career-enhancing credentials earned through the Coordinate Metrology Society’s (CMS) Certification program can set you apart in the metrology industry. Level-One and Level-Two Certification assessments for measurement professionals are designed to recognize key skills and knowledge essential to the workplace today.
Assessment test questions will measure knowledge of metrology fundamentals identified in five job-duty areas listed below:
Interpretation of Design Documents
Measurement Device Knowledge
Pre-measurement Planning
Measurement Operations
Data Analysis & Ethics
Learn more about the CMS Prep Course & Exam
Tuesday, October 22 | 9:00am – 4:00pm
CMS Preparatory Exam Course: Portable 3D Metrologists & CMM Metrologists
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Calling All Innovators! Attend The Quality Show This Month for Just $15.
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Innovation is alive and well in the manufacturing industry and The Quality Show is the perfect place to discover the latest ideas and technologies. From 3D inspection solutions, computed tomography, and the impact of digitalization to career enhancements with CMS Certifications and improving productivity, The Quality Show has it all!
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Haven't Registered? There's Still Time.
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The Quality Show is dedicated to connecting quality manufacturing professionals with process improvement vendors for all things QUALITY. Thousands of manufacturing professionals and engineers will be in Rosemont, IL this month to network, attend educational sessions and take home actionable solutions that can improve quality in their manufacturing planning.
CMS Exams & Preparatory Course for Portable 3D Metrologists and CMM Metrologists
Career-enhancing credentials earned through the Coordinate Metrology Society’s (CMS) Certification program can set you apart in the metrology industry. Level-One and Level-Two Certification assessments for measurement professionals are designed to recognize key skills and knowledge essential to the workplace today. Learn more and register today.
Hosted By
Keynote – Building a Culture of Quality
Deb Andree Vice President, Mission Assurance, Global Mission Excellence at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Northrop Grumman’s “Culture of Quality” gets employees to put quality first by communicating the importance of quality in all functions, across all programs and at every organizational level. The outcome is that employees fully understand the importance of quality and their role, which ensures a sustained positive impact. Free to all registered attendees!
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Pub Night Networking Reception with The ASSEMBLY Show on Wednesday, 10/23
Meet up with your Quality AND Assembly peers at ‘the pub’ after the show floor closes for live music, games and drinks. We invite attendees from The Quality Show and The ASSEMBLY Show to attend this evening reception to continue to network and make business connections in a fun environment.
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Find out the key concerns to take into account with in-line measurement
Free Webinar
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Hi there,
Our can't-miss webinar on the key considerations associated with in-line measurement is coming up and I noticed that you haven’t registered for it yet. If you can't attend live but are interested in this topic, then please register and we'll send you a link to the recorded event. You can watch it whenever you're available.
You’ll also get the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session with Michael Creney from Mitutoyo America Corporation when you tune in.
I hope you'll register to join us on October 29th.
Darryl Seland
Editorial Director Quality Magazine
From: Quality Magazine Sent: Mon 9/30/2019 9:00 AM Subject: WEBINAR | Things to consider with in-line measurement
Register Now
Getting In-Line: Challenges and Benefits of Embedded Measurement
October 29, 2019
In-line/near-line measurement provides the potential for fast, flexible, efficient inspection that increases throughput without compromising quality. Shop floor measurement, however, carries unique challenges and requires a special mix of capabilities to ensure optimal results.
In this webinar, you'll learn about:
Key considerations associated with in-line measurement, including; space limitations along the line, necessity for 24/7 uptime, manufacturing floor temperature variances, debris and irritant considerations and maintenance concerns
Technologies and procedures to mitigate these challenges
Process, logic and productivity benefits of implementing effective in-line/near-line inspection systems
Choosing the right shop floor measurement partner
Michael Creney
Vice President of Product Management Mitutoyo America Corporation
Sponsored By
Register Now
Scheduling conflict?
Register anyway, and we'll email you the recording afterward! All of our webinars are available on-the-go from your phone or tablet and on-demand following the live broadcast.
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There�s still time to register (just $15!)
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The Quality Show is dedicated to connecting quality manufacturing professionals with process improvement vendors for all things QUALITY. Thousands of manufacturing professionals and engineers will be in Rosemont, IL this month to network, attend educational sessions and take home actionable solutions that can improve quality in their manufacturing planning.
CMS Exams & Preparatory Course for Portable 3D Metrologists and CMM Metrologists
Career-enhancing credentials earned through the Coordinate Metrology Society’s (CMS) Certification program can set you apart in the metrology industry. Level-One and Level-Two Certification assessments for measurement professionals are designed to recognize key skills and knowledge essential to the workplace today. Learn more and register today.
Hosted By
Keynote – Building a Culture of Quality
Deb Andree Vice President, Mission Assurance, Global Mission Excellence at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Northrop Grumman’s “Culture of Quality” gets employees to put quality first by communicating the importance of quality in all functions, across all programs and at every organizational level. The outcome is that employees fully understand the importance of quality and their role, which ensures a sustained positive impact. Free to all registered attendees!
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Pub Night Networking Reception with The ASSEMBLY Show on Wednesday, 10/23
Meet up with your Quality AND Assembly peers at ‘the pub’ after the show floor closes for live music, games and drinks. We invite attendees from The Quality Show and The ASSEMBLY Show to attend this evening reception to continue to network and make business connections in a fun environment.
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See more about this year’s Best of Success conference from Miami…
Roofing Contractor Online Content
A collection of winter-related posts to help get you through to spring…
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For 15 years, Roofing Contractor has brought together the best and brightest roofing contractors working in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in a non-competitive environment to improve their businesses. See more about this year’s Best of Success conference from Miami.
Best of Success 2019 Miami
RC kicked off the 15 annual Best of Success conference from Miami by encouraging attendees to let their guard down and learn from one another.
RC Names 2019 Residential, Commercial Contractors of the Year
Roofing Contractor continued its annual tradition of announcing the residential and commercial roofing contractors of the year at the conclusion of day one of the 15th Best of Success conference.
Kelly Roofing, of Bonita Springs, Fla., was named the 2019 Residential Roofing Contractor of the Year, and Don Kennedy Roofing, of Nashville, earned the 2019 Commercial Roofing Contractor of the Year designation.
RT3 Names First Innovator of the Year
The Roofing Technology Think Tank (RT3) awarded Rackley Roofing President Curtis Sutton with its first-ever Innovator of the Year Award during day one of RC's 2019 Best of Success conference in Miami.
Best of Success on Demand
Best of Success 2019 in Miami is over, but several sessions streamed live are still available on-demand through September 2020.
Best of Success News: NRCA Planning Congressional Visits at Roofing Companies Prior to 2020 Election
Building on the success of Roofing Day in Washington, D.C., NRCA CEO Reid Ribble said he wants politicians seeking elected office to see roofing operations for themselves in the run-up to the 2020 elections.
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New Paradigms in Application Programming
November 14, 2019
With the continued growth of collaborative robots’ usage, more and more industries are looking towards cobots to improve production and help resolve labor shortage. Cobots offer flexibility which can be applied to a wide range of applications and be deployed with varying levels of automation expertise. As the manufacturing industry and other industries continue to evolve, the need for new and innovative applications are becoming essential. In this webinar, presented by cobot leader Universal Robots, Technical Support Manager Brent Bartson will help guide those looking to identify and evaluate target applications, provide examples of the most effective and useful applications, how and when one should reach out to experts, and how your production will benefit from using cobots.
During this webinar, you will learn:
A foundational understanding of current applications being used with collaborative robots and their benefits
About new and upcoming applications that are being utilized with collaborative robots.
How collaborative robots benefit a wide range of industries due to the vast amount of applications available.
Brent Bartson
Technical Support Manager, North America Universal Robots
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Learn Tips for Optimizing Functional 3D Printed Assemblies.
New Paradigms in Application Programming
November 14, 2019 | 11:00AM EST
In this webinar, presented by cobot leader Universal Robots, Technical Support Manager Brent Bartson will help guide those looking to identify and evaluate target applications, provide examples of the most effective and useful applications, how and when one should reach out to experts, and how your production will benefit from using cobots.
During this webinar, you will learn:
A foundational understanding of current applications being used with collaborative robots and their benefits
About new and upcoming applications that are being utilized with collaborative robots.
How collaborative robots benefit a wide range of industries due to the vast amount of applications available.
Brent Bartson
Technical Support Manager,
North America Universal Robots
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A closer look at what makes the metal roofing market tick…
Roofing Contractor eBlast
A collection of winter-related posts to help get you through to spring…
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Following another year of severe storms, metal roofing continues to be an area of growth for roofing contractors willing incorporate the rapidly-evolving systems and products into their service offerings. All month long, RC took a closer look at what makes the metal roofing market tick.
Mad About Metal
Stefan and Jonathan Boyer of Metal Roofing HeadQuarters were ahead of the crowd in bringing metal roofing to residential customers and continue making a dent in the marketplace.
RC's Metal Roofing Quiz
Test your mettle with our exclusive quiz that covers the basics, as well as some myths about metal roofing.
Project Profile: Matching Metal Roofs in South Florida
The Solid Waste Authority in West Palm Beach, Fla., needed a permanent solution to leaks and the potential for hurricane-force winds. Advanced Roofing Inc. delivered.
Column: Metal Roofing is Ripe for Growth, but are Roofers Ready?
MRA Executive Director Renee Ramey explores the growth in metal roofing demand and what's really holding contractors back from capitalizing.
METALCON 2019 in Pittsburgh
Industry veteran Claire Kilcoyne planned her final METALCON before retirement in October. Follow RC's coverage of the biggest annual trade show dedicated to the metal construction and roofing industries.
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Save the Date for the 2021 Show!
The Quality Show
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Thank you to the thousands of manufacturing professionals and engineers that joined us in Rosemont, IL last month for all things QUALITY. This show would not be possible without the support of our exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and attendees.
We hope you learned something new about the industry, made new connections, brought new ideas back to the office, and had some fun!
We already can’t wait for the next show! Mark your calendars – The Quality Show is returning to the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center October 26-28, 2021.
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Read all about how roofing contractors are giving back to the communities they serve!
RC eBlast
A closer look at what makes the metal roofing market tick…
Roofing Contractor eBlast
A collection of winter-related posts to help get you through to spring…
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Roofers Find Ways to Give Back this Thanksgiving
Roofing contractors are giving back to the communities they serve and the less fortunate who helped serve and protect us as part of the U.S. armed forces in a big way this year. See more comprehensive coverage in the November digital edition of RC.
Roofers Giving Thanks
With Thanksgiving upon us, RC looks at how and why roofing contractors show their gratitude this year.
Doing Well by Doing Good
Charles Antis, founder and CEO of Antis Roofing & Waterproofing in Irvine, Calif., set the tone for Best of Success 2019 by sharing personal stories about how his business thrives on giving back to others. Watch his presentation and others on-demand.
Roofers Helping Deserving Heroes on Veterans Day
Roofing contractors from across the country stepped up in a big way to help U.S. military veterans on Veterans Day.
New Roofs Awarded in Inaugural “Beacon of Hope” Contest
Beacon Roofing Supply recently announced the five winners of the first Beacon of Hope contest, which rewards five military veterans from around the country with new roofs.
Community Service Day 2019 Nashville
Roofing contractors from around the world rolled up their sleeves and got a little dirty to help others in need before the 2019 International Roofing Expo in Nashville.
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Unlock the most current information on residential, commercial, industrial and institutional roofing…
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Recommendations for Successful Metal Roof Installations
Roofing Contractor's State of the Industry Report and Survey 2019
The Do's and Don'ts of Satellite Dish Removal for Roofers
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Hi There,
I'm excited to invite you to register for our upcoming April 2 webinar where we will discuss three key trends defining the future of food.
In this webinar you will learn about:
Ecommerce lowering barriers of entry to the market, forcing legacy brands to up their customer experience.
Sustainability prompting natural products companies to build more efficient, less resource-intense supply chains.
ERP eliminating cumbersome manual processes so more time can be spent on product development, marketing and sales.
During the live event you'll get the chance to participate in the Q&A with our speakers listed below!
I look forward to "seeing" you soon.
Mark Tisdale
Publisher Food Engineering
From: Food Engineering Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2020 12:00 PM Subject: [WEBINAR] 3 Key Trends Defining the Future of Food
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Three Key Trends Defining the Future of Food
April 2, 2020 1 PM EDT
The food and beverage industry has seen tremendous growth recently, but with this growth comes growing pains and challenges. Food and beverage companies must stay up-to-date with current industry trends and threats in order to survive, and ideally thrive in today’s landscape. During this webinar, we’ll dig into three key trends defining the future of food—omnichannel retail, sustainability and technology.
In this webinar you will learn about:
Ecommerce lowering barriers of entry to the market, forcing legacy brands to up their customer experience.
Sustainability prompting natural products companies to build more efficient, less resource-intense supply chains.
ERP eliminating cumbersome manual processes so more time can be spent on product development, marketing and sales.
Frank Recht
Food and Beverage Solution
Consultant Manager Oracle NetSuite
Sean Dimin
Founder & CEO Sea to Table
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Free Webinar
Tune in to learn how sustainability is shaping today''s landscape!
Join this webinar to see how quality managers can automate small part measurement & use the data for quality inspection & process control.
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Revolutionizing Small Part Quality with Collaborative Robots
Thursday, March 19, 2020 | 2:00 PM ET
You are running out of time to register for our live event! Collaborative robots are finding success in high-mix manufacturing for material handling, machine tending, and pick-and-place. Now manufacturers are starting to see the value that collaborative robots can bring to Quality Assurance, as well. Like the rest of the plant, the critically-important QA and QC functions can use collaborative robots to automate boring, repetitive tasks; reduce errors; and retain talent.
Join us for this webinar to find out how managers responsible for quality can effectively automate small part measurement using an innovative one-two punch solution and use the data for quality inspection and process control.
During this webinar you will learn:
How to use collaborative robots to automate QC measurement
The efficacy of automatically collecting accurate part data
What parts can be inspected
The return on investment of collaborative robots in QC/QA
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Tune in to learn how sustainability is shaping today's landscape!
Free Webinar
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Three Key Trends Defining the Future of Food
April 2, 2020 1 PM EDT
The food and beverage industry has seen tremendous growth recently, but with this growth comes growing pains and challenges. Food and beverage companies must stay up-to-date with current industry trends and threats in order to survive, and ideally thrive in today’s landscape. During this webinar, we’ll dig into three key trends defining the future of food—omnichannel retail, sustainability and technology.
In this webinar you will learn about:
Ecommerce lowering barriers of entry to the market, forcing legacy brands to up their customer experience.
Sustainability prompting natural products companies to build more efficient, less resource-intense supply chains.
ERP eliminating cumbersome manual processes so more time can be spent on product development, marketing and sales.
Frank Recht
Food and Beverage Solution
Consultant Manager Oracle NetSuite
Sean Dimin
Founder & CEO Sea to Table
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