Welcome at FLOOW2.com, the Sharing Marketplace for businesses and organizations. Your account has been created successfully.
Today marks the start of your free 30-day trial period. From now on you can swap, sell and share your idle equipment, materials, services, facilities and knowledge of personnel. To reduce waste, save costs and realize additional revenue.
Have you already completed the SharingScan? Do the scan and discover what you can earn and save via FLOOW2, in euros, CO2 and energy.
Offer items
Would you like to offer equipment, materials, services or facilities? Place your advertisements online for 30 days at no cost, for other companies to lend, rent or buy it. When your free trial period is about to expire, we will contact you about the options of continuing your account.
Are you looking for equipment, materials, facilities or specific knowledge? You can search through the marketplace for free to find what you need and to close the deal. Didn't find what you were looking for? Place your demand online.
If you have any questions of if we can be of any help, please contact us at any time.
Kind regards,