Just a friendly reminder that today is the last day to join the First Light Steak Club.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out, or if you would like to be invited again next year please let me know.
From: Melissa Bell
Sent: Monday, 19 October 2020 10:41 am
To: Steak Club <steakclub@firstlight.farm>
Subject: FW: First Light Steak Club Invitation
Just a reminder you have until this Thursday 22nd October
to join the First Light Steak Club.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you would like me to resend you the invite.
From: Melissa Bell
Sent: Friday, 16 October 2020 7:01 am
To: Steak Club <steakclub@firstlight.farm>
Subject: First Light Steak Club Invitation
My name is Melissa, I run the Steak Club for First Light. Yesterday you should have received an email from
steakclub@firstlight.farm with a personalized link inviting you to join the First Light Steak Club. If you haven''t received your invitation email, check your spam folder or let me know and I will resend it to you.
Please note, the deadline for joining the club is next Thursday 22nd October. We have a few different options for membership and we also have our online Store where members can special order a variety of cuts as well as getting
exclusive opportunity to purchase our unicorns which are our extremely high marbled meat. For more information about the club please visit our website
Beyond that, if you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to ask me directly.
Thanks, and we look forward to having you in the club.
Melissa & the First Light Steak Club Team
