Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to FIG - International Federation of Surveyors.
7 days to go...
Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and ‘land rights for all’ are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors! |
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Smart cities are an urban development concept based on achieving sustainable development by using new technologies and multiple information sources to optimise resources. Hanoi has set the target to turn into a smart city by 2030. Many cities, especially in Asia, are going through the same transformation. What are the lessons learnt? What are the challenges? What are the key steps to consolidate a smart city? How do we monitor progress? Are our citizens benefiting from Smart cities? How to fund required investment to achieve a smart city? |
![]() |
The countdown begins, only one
decade to go to accomplish the Sustainable Development
Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better
and more sustainable future for all and surveying
professionals have a key role to play. How did we, as
surveyors, contribute to ending poverty, improve
health and education, reduce inequality, and spur
economic growth – all while tackling climate change
and working to preserve our oceans and forests? In addition,
what will be our role for the coming 10 years? |
Timeline Peer Review Papers:
Timeline Non-Peer Review Papers:
Your to-do list:
More information on the FIG Working Week web site: See you in May 2020 in Amsterdam |
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter – September 2019 |
Dear Colleague,
In this newsletter FIG has several announcements and would like to inspire you to respond to the FIG
Governance questionnaire, to note the call for nominations for two Vice
Presidents for the term 2021-2024, to note the call for bids for 2024, the
call from FIG Foundation, and last but not least to consider your participation to FIG
Working Week 2020 - you still have the possibility to submit an abstract -
deadline is 1 November. Read more about the above and much more in this
issue of FIG Newsletter.
Finally, thanks to those who were able to attend Intergeo and who came by
the FIG stand. It was a joy to meet and talk with such a variety of people.
FIG and the Local Organisers from the Netherlands welcome all to Amsterdam. FIG Working Week 2020 will be an exciting event with several pre and post events, three packed conference days and the General Assembly. Hereto, the local organisers are preparing special technical and social tours for you to explore Amsterdam and the Netherlands and memorable social events in the evenings.
The FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam is addressing the following overall theme:
This theme is relevant both for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.
The overall theme is built up by the following sub-themes:
Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and ‘land rights for all’ are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors!
Without integrated land and water management, the Netherlands as also other coastal countries cannot sustain its agricultural and urban development. Climate change, though, increases the risks of sea and riverine floods and extended drought periods and complicates this management task. Unorthodox measures are called for. Get familiar with these measures and discuss them from your critical surveyor perspective.
The countdown begins, only one decade to go to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all and surveying professionals have a key role to play. How did we, as surveyors, contribute to ending poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests? In addition, what will be our role for the coming 10 years?
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You can submit an abstract for regular/short presentation (peer review submission has closed). Full paper is due 7 February 2020.
Exhibition and Sponsorship opportunities
Secure your stand at the exhibition and be visible with the sponsorship opportunities. The exhibition will take place in the catering areas ensuring a constant flow of participants.
The Working Week Web Site: will be updated regularly
FIG Council encourages Member Associations to consider nominations
for the two positions as FIG Vice President for the term 2021-2024.
Election will take place at the General Assembly 2020 in Amsterdam,
the Netherlands. Deadline is 16 December. |
FIG Council announces the bidding material for the FIG Working Week
2024. All member associations are encouraged to consider to submit a
bid. Election of the destination will take place at the Working Week
2020 and General Assembly in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Read more |
![]() |
FIG General Assembly has mandated Council to consider along with FIG stakeholders ‘Are we organisationally, fit for the future’ if not ‘How do we become so’
We invite all members to start becoming involved by answering
this short 9 question SWOT survey. |
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Foundation PhD Scholarships - 2020 |
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FIG was represented with a well visited stand at the 25th Intergeo
in Stuttgart, Germany. Thanks to all who came by. Prior to Intergeo,
FIG Council held a council meeting in Stuttgart. |
![]() |
FIG has been part of the GLTN Network since its start in 2006 and
has been involved in the development of the tools that are now being
used. Get an insight in the outcomes of selected projects from the
GLTN Phase 2 programme. |
Check: Programme Management Officer, Human Settlements at GLTN. Head of Department at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. More info
Each month on the FIG web site we publish a paper called the Article of the Month.
September 2019 is written by Nur Zurairah Abdul Halim, Zoher Nomanbhoy and Mohd Noor ISA, Malaysia: The Development of National Atlas – Malaysia’s Experience. This article is a peer reviewed paper presented at the FIG Working Week 2019 in Vietnam.This paper has provided explanations on the components of Malaysia’s national atlas, the methodology, issues and recommendations, as well as future works.
KL GeoHydro 2019 and Commission 4 Meeting
Empowering Marine Knowledge Through Hydrography"
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
18-19 November 2019
More information
2nd Young Surveyors Africa Meeting
25-26 November 2019 in Dakar, Senegal.
The Year in Infrastructure Conference is a global event for leading executives in the world of infrastructure design, construction and operations. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers in Singapore and hear how projects are Advancing BIM through Digital Twins. You will hear keynotes and technology updates, participate in industry forums and Digital Advancement Academies.
Learn the latest advancements in design, engineering, construction, and operations. Meet the finalists behind some of the most innovative projects around the world. The Year in Infrastructure Awards is an exciting and well-regarded global competition that recognizes the “going digital” advancements in 18 infrastructure categories, including Digital Cities, Project Delivery and Reality Modeling.
Web site: Year in Infrastructure
2019 Conference
1-3 October 2019,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The 8th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model
A joint event with UDMS's 4th International Conference on Smart
Data and Smart Cities (SDSC2019) and Geomatics Geospatial
Technology (GGT2019) as part of
Kuala Lumpur 2019
Web site:
9-11 October 2019, Porto, Portugal
Geodecision 2019 meeting. Geodecision for Sustainable Communities. Supported
by FIG
Web site:
11-12 October 2019, Porto, Portugal
6th FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting "Mapping the Path to
Web site:
27 October - 3 November 2019, Beijing, China
The 2nd International Workshop on GIS Technology and Application Organised
by Chinese Society for Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography together
with SuperMap (FIG Corporate Member - gold category), and supported by FIG.
Web site:
Invitation to international participants
Registration form for international participants (word doc)
5 – 8 November, Galicia Spain
FO Landnet workshop - Land management challenges and opportunities organised
by FIG Commission 8, FAO and LandNet
Web site
6-8 November 2019, Changsha, Hunan Province
Chintergeo 2019
Web site:
13-15 November 2019, Nairobi, Kenya
ISK 2019 Regional Conference - The Land & Property Sector: Advancing
Africa's Sustainable Development" organised by Institution of Surveyors of
Kenya, supported by FIG
Web site:
13-15 November 2019, Reston VA (Washington DC)
2019 Global Ocean Science Education Workshopconducted by COSEE, the
College of Exploration the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, and 2030 in
partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanograpic Commission. Supported by
FIG Commission 4.
Web site:
18-19 November 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hydrography seminar Organised by FIG Commission 4 in collaboration with
PEJUTA and UTM, supported by the national Hydrographic Centre Malaysia and
the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia.
Including FIG Commission 4 Annual Meeting.
Web site:
25-26 November 2019, Dakar, Senegal
2nd Young Surveyors Africa Meeting
Web site:
27-29 November 2019, Dakar, Senegal
8es Universités de la FGF & Atelier ARN Organised by FGF - Federation des
gèométres francophones, Ordre National des Gèométres Experts du Sénégal and
FIG Africa Regional Network.
Web site:
More info on FIG Africa Regional Network Facebook:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
Submit your abstract - deadline 1 NovemberDeadline for the submission of abstract s 1 November 2019 From 10 to 14 May 2020 FIG and the Dutch local organisers will welcome surveyors to Amsterdam. FIG Working Week is an exciting week-long conference that brings the international community of surveying and spatial professionals together to experience a mix of interesting technical sessions and workshops, a trade exhibition and a variety of side events and social functions. FIG Working Week 2020 will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and technical expertise in Integrated Land and Water Management. It will do so to address the impacts of climate change, mobility and rapid urban growth, unplanned development and environmental degradation. The Netherlands has a long history of dealing with the challenges of building and managing a densely populated coastal country, with a land area nearly half of which is below sea level. The Working Week 2020 is an opportunity for the entire FIG community to meet, discuss, learn and get inspired on overall emerging challenges currently faced by our world. As Surveyors and related professions, we have not only the ability but the responsibility to actively participate in the solutions of these challenges. The technical programme will consist of around 500 presentations in the broad field of surveying including best practices and new research on sensing technologies and spatial data processing. WE INVITE YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR
ABSTRACT The abstracts for normal papers will be reviewed by the ten FIG commission chairs, and you will be notified in December of acceptance. SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACTThe overall theme for the Working Week 2020 is: Smart Surveyors for Land and Water ManagementFIG and the national Member Association from the Netherlands, GIN, organise the FIG Working Week 2020 in RAI Convention Centre in Amsterdam. The meeting will be multidisciplinary, welcoming over 1000 participants from around the world and will be the platform for smart surveyors to evaluate their actual and future role in achieving the SDG’s. FIG Working Week will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and technical expertise in Integrated Land and Water Management. It will do so to address the impacts of climate change, mobility and rapid urban growth, unplanned development and environmental degradation. The Netherlands has a long history of dealing with the challenges of building and managing a densely populated coastal country, with a land area nearly half of which is below sea level. In Amsterdam, the smart surveyor stands at centre stage. The focus is on smart sensing technologies and new spatial data processing technologies. The digital transformation and new challenges affect professional standards and practice. They also affect surveying education, require innovative teaching approaches and lifelong learning solutions. This Working Week is an opportunity to join forces and bring us closer to achieving the SDG’s. The Working Week in Amsterdam is an opportunity for the entire FIG community to meet, discuss learn an get inspired on overall emerging challenges currently faced by our world. As Surveyors and related professions, we have not only the ability but the responsibility to actively participate in the solutions of these challenges. We invite high quality contributions of practitioners and researchers both in the general topics within the FIG Commissions, Network and Task Forces as well as in the following specific topics for this year. Best paper awardPlease note that the Local Organizing Committee of the FIG Working Week 2020 invites you to submit in particular a paper covering one or more of the sub-themes of the Working Week. For each sub-theme, the author of the best paper is awarded a typical Dutch prize (more information). |
Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and ‘land rights for all’ are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors! |
![]() |
Without integrated land and water management, the Netherlands as also other coastal countries cannot sustain its agricultural and urban development. Climate change, though, increases the risks of sea and riverine floods and extended drought periods and complicates this management task. Unorthodox measures are called for. Get familiar with these measures and discuss them from your critical surveyor perspective. |
![]() |
The countdown begins, only one
decade to go to accomplish the Sustainable Development
Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better
and more sustainable future for all and surveying
professionals have a key role to play. How did we, as
surveyors, contribute to ending poverty, improve
health and education, reduce inequality, and spur
economic growth – all while tackling climate change
and working to preserve our oceans and forests? In addition,
what will be our role for the coming 10 years? |
Timeline Non-Peer Review Papers:
Your to-do list:
More information on the FIG Working Week web site: See you in May 2020 in Amsterdam |
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter – October 2019 |
Dear Colleague,
Have you submitted your abstract? Deadline for abstract submission for FIG
Working Week 2020 is 1 November 2019. Do not miss the opportunity to be part
of the technical programme of this
spectacular Working Week 2020 in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. The
Working Week offers an exciting
programme, special
events, tours, dinners and much more. Secure your stand at the exhibition -
the stands are being sold out fast. Please also check your sponsorship
FIG office has just sent out update information to all members - please
check if we have the correct information. If you have not received the
update email please write to
Please also make sure that all FIG representatives, delegates and others
have cleared emails from in their mail systems. We are experiencing increased difficulties
to get through by email to our contacts. Please make sure that emails from
are on your list of accepted emails in your email system.
Each month on the FIG web site we publish a paper called the Article of the Month.
The Article of the Month October 2019 is written by Bennett et al: Netherlands Cadastral Entrepreneurs Recognizing the Innovators of Sustainable Land Administration This paper seeks to ignite debate on the opportunities, challenges, and limitations of cadastral entrepreneurship – and to set an agenda for how to better incorporate the benefits of cadastral entrepreneurship into sustainable land administration. This article can also be a taste of and inspiration on what to expect at FIG Working Week 2020
FIG and the Local Organisers from the Netherlands welcome all to Amsterdam. FIG Working Week 2020 will be an exciting event with several pre and post events, three packed conference days and the General Assembly. Hereto, the local organisers are preparing special technical and social tours for you to explore Amsterdam and the Netherlands and memorable social events in the evenings.
The FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam is addressing the following overall theme:
This theme is relevant both for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.
The overall theme is built up by the following sub-themes:
Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and ‘land rights for all’ are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors!
Without integrated land and water management, the Netherlands as also other coastal countries cannot sustain its agricultural and urban development. Climate change, though, increases the risks of sea and riverine floods and extended drought periods and complicates this management task. Unorthodox measures are called for. Get familiar with these measures and discuss them from your critical surveyor perspective.
The countdown begins, only one decade to go to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all and surveying professionals have a key role to play. How did we, as surveyors, contribute to ending poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests? In addition, what will be our role for the coming 10 years?
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You can submit an abstract for regular/short presentation (peer review submission has closed). Full paper is due 7 February 2020.
Exhibition and Sponsorship opportunities
Secure your stand at the exhibition and be visible with the sponsorship opportunities. The exhibition will take place in the catering areas ensuring a constant flow of participants.
The Working Week Web Site: will be updated regularly
FIG Council encourages Member Associations to consider nominations for the two positions as FIG Vice President for the term 2021-2024. Election will take place at the General Assembly 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Deadline is 16 December. Read more |
FIG Council announces the bidding material for the FIG Working Week 2024. All member associations are encouraged to consider to submit a bid. Election of the destination will take place at the Working Week 2020 and General Assembly in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Read more |
![]() |
We invite all members to start becoming involved by answering
this short 9 question SWOT survey. |
![]() |
Foundation PhD Scholarships - 2020 |
![]() |
The event, held in Romania, addressed the roles of the geospatial
community in shaping the future of urban and regional development.
Cemal Özgür Kivilcim reports from the event. |
FIG Commission 2 - Education: Newsletter October 2019
FIG Commission 4 - Hydrographic Surveying: Annual meeting and KL Geohydro
FIG Commission 8 - Spatial Planning and Development: FO Landnet workshop
FIG Commission 10 - Construction Economics and Management : Annual meeting and COBRA at ARES 2020
Africa Regional Network Meeting2nd Young Surveyors Africa Meeting
25-26 November 2019 in Dakar, Senegal.
Project opportunity at GEO - Group on Earth Observations. More info
27 October - 3 November 2019, Beijing, China
The 2nd International Workshop on GIS Technology and Application Organised
by Chinese Society for Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography together
with SuperMap (FIG Corporate Member - gold category), and supported by FIG.
Web site:
Invitation to international participants
Registration form for international participants (word doc)
5 – 8 November, Galicia Spain
FO Landnet workshop - Land management challenges and opportunities organised
by FIG Commission 8, FAO and LandNet
Web site
6-8 November 2019, Changsha, Hunan Province
Chintergeo 2019
Web site:
13-15 November 2019, Nairobi, Kenya
ISK 2019 Regional Conference - The Land & Property Sector: Advancing
Africa's Sustainable Development" organised by Institution of Surveyors of
Kenya, supported by FIG
Web site:
13-15 November 2019, Reston VA (Washington DC)
2019 Global Ocean Science Education Workshopconducted by COSEE, the
College of Exploration the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, and 2030 in
partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanograpic Commission. Supported by
FIG Commission 4.
Web site:
18-19 November 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hydrography seminar Organised by FIG Commission 4 in collaboration with
PEJUTA and UTM, supported by the national Hydrographic Centre Malaysia and
the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia.
Including FIG Commission 4 Annual Meeting.
Web site:
25-26 November 2019, Dakar, Senegal
2nd Young Surveyors Africa Meeting
Web site:
27-29 November 2019, Dakar, Senegal
8es Universités de la FGF & Atelier ARN Organised by FGF - Federation des
gèométres francophones, Ordre National des Gèométres Experts du Sénégal and
FIG Africa Regional Network.
Web site:
More info on FIG Africa Regional Network Facebook:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
Registration has openedIt is now time to register and prepare for your trip to FIG Working Week 2020, 10-14 May 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Working Week 2020 will be the premier event of the year and will offer a special technical as well as social programme to all participants. The three conference days 11-13 May 2020 will be packed with a selection of technical sessions designed by the ten FIG Commissions and will cover all the broad areas of surveying. The main theme of the Working Week 2020: Smart Surveyors in Land and Water Management will be a substantial part of the technical programme. Each day will begin with a plenary session with special invited speakers under the themes:
The technical programme and sessions will also cover these overall themes in special sessions and sessions with papers from the open call. FIG General Assembly will take place on 10 and 14 May 2020. Pre- and Post EventsIn order to get most out of your participation, please also read more about each of the special pre-events that have been prepared:
Technical toursAs part of the technical programme several special technical tours are offered so that you can get a unique experience from your trip to the Netherlands. These tours are prepared specially for the international participants by the local organisers in order to show parts of the Netherlands and their work within surveying.
Social EventsFIG Woring Week is not only about learning through the technical programme. The value of networking, getting new contacts, getting inspiration from other countries and other cultures is what makes a Working Week special and which cannot be replaced by webinars and finding material through the internet. The social events will give you this unique opportunity to meet with participants from around 90-100 different countries all over the world. Meet and greet at the Welcome Reception, and do not miss the cultural experience at the Dutch Evening and the festive Gala Dinner.
Social toursWhen in the Netherlands, do explore the country which will be possible for you through these special social tours - get in the bus or on your bike and explore:
Exhibition and SponsorhipFIG Working Week 2020 is a special opportunity to showcase your company, your products and your services. The Working Week in Amsterdam will be the only event in Europe for at least the next 4 years. Explore your:
Your to-do list:
More information on the FIG Working Week web site: See you in May 2020 in Amsterdam |
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter – November 2019 |
Dear Colleague,
Learning is always useful... and can take place in different settings; whether alone or together with others. This newsletter provides you with different ways to learn and get valuable knowledge, among other:
- the up-coming FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam, where you will
be met with a substantial technical programme and a possibility to
exchange knowledge, learn and network with others. Registration has now
opened so you can register now at the early-bird fee.
- on your own but not alone: ESRI, a FIG Platinum Corporate Member, invites you to a webinar on Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration with LADM on 4 December 2019. Sign up now.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper: FIG Article of the Month.
The Article of the Month for November 2019 is written by Pasi Häkli
et al:
Horizontal Intraplate Velocity Model for Nordic and Baltic Countries
The Nordic countries have a long tradition on studying the GIA (or land
uplift) phenomenon.
Latest efforts have been conducted in collaboration under the Nordic
Geodetic Commission (NKG) and have resulted in some common Nordic-Baltic
land uplift and deformation models. This paper describes
the latest development of horizontal intraplate velocity model.
FIG and the Local Organisers from the Netherlands welcome all to Amsterdam. FIG Working Week 2020 will be an exciting event with several pre and post events, three packed conference days, interesting technical tours and of course our special social events.
The FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam is addressing the following overall theme:
This theme is relevant both for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.
The technical programme will offer you a varied selection of sessions and presentations within all fields of surveying that are covered by the 10 FIG Commissions. Institutional Partners of the Working Week are UN-GGIM, UN-Habitat/GLTN and FAO.
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Register now - your to-do list:
Secure your stand at the exhibition and be visible with the sponsorship opportunities. The exhibition will take place in the break and catering areas ensuring a constant flow of participants.
The Working Week Web Site:
There is no longer a need for custom programming, complex implementations, and special skills to build and maintain your cadastral system. Now organizations can use commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) GIS data and technology and standard data models, such as the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), to deliver cadastral systems that are quickly implemented; scalable; capable of evolving with changing requirements; and supported by numerous public, private, and nongovernmental organization (NGO) communities.
This new approach addresses many past challenges of system cost, intermittent internet connectivity, accuracy, scalability, and security. Register for this upcoming webinar to see how you can implement a fit-for-purpose solution.
Learn more
The FIG Asia Pacific Capcity Development Network (AP CDN)
were invited by the President of the United Nations Global
Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN GGIM
AP), to participate in its 8th Plenary Meeting held in Canberra –
Australia on 3-5 November 2019
FIG Commission 7 - Cadastre and Land Management:
November 2019
FIG Commission 8 - Spatial planning and development: Newsletter
November 2019
FIG Council encourages Member Associations to consider nominations for the two positions as FIG Vice President for the term 2021-2024. Election will take place at the General Assembly 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Deadline is 16 December. Read more |
FIG Council announces the bidding material for the FIG Working Week 2024. All member associations are encouraged to consider to submit a bid. Election of the destination will take place at the Working Week 2020 and General Assembly in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Read more |
![]() |
Foundation PhD Scholarships - 2020 |
Commercial sector engagement opportunity at GEO - Group on Earth Observations. More info
1-4 April 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia
INGEO Conference, held together with the Symposium on Engineering Geodesy
(SIG), supported by FIG Commission 6 - Engineering Surveying Web site:
10-14 May 2020 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2-4 June 2020, Bydgoszcz, Poland
28th SCEgeo Conference "Surveying, Civil Engineering, Geoinformation in
Sustainable Development"organised by UTP University of Science and
Technology Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Association of Polish Surveyors, Branch in Bydgoszcz. Supported by FIG
Commission 6 Web site:
30 August-5 September 2020, Bern, Switzerland
FIG Commisison 7 Annual Meeting Organised by Romanian Surveyors Union Save the date
13-15 October 2020,
Berlin, Germany
Intergeo. Get complimentary entrance ticket to the fair
through FIG.
Web site: www.intergeo.dee
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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Announcing Our Plenary SpeakersWe hope that you have your calendar marked, because the FIG Working Week is getting closer and we are delighted to announce the plenary speakers. The FIG Working Week is sure to be the go-to place to get inspired by the industry’s best and brightest, gain valuable knowledge, network with fellow peers and – of course – have tons of fun. This years' programme is underpinned by high-level presentations in three plenary sessions covering topics within the overall theme 'Smart surveyors for land and water management'. The specially invited presenters will set the agenda for each day, sharing insight into their own experience and pitfalls, as well as presenting their vision and predictions. Monday, 11 May 2020 at 11:00-12:30
Rapid urban growth, smart
energy, cleaner mobility, and ‘land rights for
all’ are some of the challenges demanding
innovative surveying approaches and
technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial
data processing technologies and related
approaches are already available. Use and
improve them to become future proof, Smart
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Jack Dangermond, founder and
president of Esri
How to deal with continuous
technological innovations?
Sisi Zlatanova, Professor, Head of
GRID Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney
3D indoor modelling. Challenges and
Frank Tierolff, Chairman, Executive
Board of Kadaster
Use and applications of new technologies
Without integrated land and water
management, the Netherlands as also other
coastal countries cannot sustain its
agricultural and urban development. Climate
change, though, increases the risks of sea and
riverine floods and extended drought periods
and complicates this management task.
Unorthodox measures are called for. Get
familiar with these measures and discuss them
from your critical surveyor perspective. |
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Nick van de Giesen,
Professor, University Delft, CiTG
New observational methods
for water, weather and climate in Africa with
results from the TWIGA Project
Gordana Jakovljovic, Young
Surveyor, Ph.D Student, University of Banja
Mapping plastic – the step forward for a
cleaner environment
The countdown begins, only one decade to go
to accomplish the Sustainable Development
Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a
better and more sustainable future for all and
surveying professionals have a key role to
play. How did we, as surveyors, contribute to
ending poverty, improve health and education,
reduce inequality, and spur economic growth –
all while tackling climate change and working
to preserve our oceans and forests? In
addition, what will be our role for the coming
10 years? |
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Emmanuel Nkurunziza,
Director General, Regional Centre for Mapping
of Resources for Development
Janet Edeme, Head of Rural
Economy Division in the Department of Rural
Economy and Agriculture, African Union
Equal land rights for all
The annual FIG Working Week is the premier conference in the community of surveying and spatial professionals combining the disciplines of land surveying, engineering, positioning and measurement, hydrography, remote sensing and photogrammetry, spatial information, cartography, construction and real estate and much more.
The Working Week is bringing together a diverse range of scientists, policy- and decision-makers, students, and stakeholders to develop and strengthen their skills, knowledge base and sector network. It offers an unrivaled opportunity to discover how others are doing things, meet people who share your passion and share your own knowledge and experiences.
The 81st FIG Working Week will take place from 10 - 14 May in Amsterdam, the Netherland. For more information, please visit
We would appreciate if you would spread the word about this special event to your friends and colleagues!
We look forward to seeing you and your colleague in Amsterdam in May
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
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Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 |
FIG Office will be closed from 23 December 2019 until 2 January 2020
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Sub events - gain moreA number of events are taking place in conjunction with the FIG Working Week. Extend your stay in Amsterdam and discover how others are doing things, meet people who share your passion and share your own knowledge and experiences.Saturday 9 May 2020
The topic of "Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration" has been on the FIG agenda since 2014. The aim of raising the topic at that time was that our professional community would become more aware of providing appropriate and fit-for-purpose services to society rather than "focusing on top-end technical solutions" only. However, there was skepticism about the publication from within the profession ever since it has been published.The pre-event aims to fully explore the pros and cons of Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration, based on experience gathered through practical implementations. For more information, please visit |
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way surveyors work, think, collaborate and earn money. Using and sharing multidimensional digital representations of buildings are the driving forces for the digitalization of our work. This affects many tasks surveyors and GIS professionals perform, e.g. cost estimation, GIS analysis, engineering surveying, construction work, land management and facilities management. For more information, please visit |
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The effects of plastic pollution on the Earth’s oceans are well documented, potentially catastrophic and increasing exponentially year on year. The UN Environment Programme has calculated that each year more than 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the oceans, wreaking havoc on marine wildlife, fisheries and tourism. Eighty per cent of all litter in our oceans is made of plastic. This is an intolerable but not insurmountable problem that needs immediate and far-reaching action to remedy. |
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The goal of the event is to investigate the extent of existing information on plastic pollution of waterways in the Netherlands/Europe through formal survey datasets held by governments and academia. To develop techniques for collecting this information formally as part of future contract specifications for marine/river surveys or through dedicated plastic surveys and informally through citizen science/crowd sourcing techniques and how to apply these formal and informal techniques to ‘hot spots’ locally, within the EU and throughout the world, particularly third world countries with a lack of first world infrastructure. For more information, please visit
How to build and manage a densely populated coastal country with a land area of which nearly half is below sea level? The Dutch know how to do just that, and have done so for centuries. The role of surveyors in this endeavor has been crucial. And their role is even more crucial today when we have to protect our country against the impact of climate change, causing sea level rise. |
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Being Young Surveyors we have to contribute to this. Reclaim the future by mapping the new world! Focus will be on sensing technologies and new spatial data processing technologies based on the ever developing and integrating fields of geodesy and geo-information. We will address worldwide issues related to integrated land and water management to address the impacts of climate change and urban growth. For more information, please visit
Bring your parcel data and leave this workshop with your data in the most modern parcel management system available today. In just a few hours this practical, hands-on workshop will step you trought the process for migrating your data into the LADM (Land Administration Domain Model ISO 19152) compliant, scalable, proven technology for managing cadastral data. For more information, please visit |
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Crazy about history? Don't miss this event, where the FIG Permanent Institution of History of Surveying will highlight the achievements of surveyors, the evolution of knowledge and methodology of measuring, as well as the development of surveying instrumentation. Focus will be on the history of Dutch Mapping, the Dutch discoveries across the water and the Dutch mapping of South Africa back then and now. For more information, please visit |
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The Dutch have an excellent reputation when it comes to water management and successful living with water. Some even say that contemporary spatial planning and development originates from attempts to keep the water out in order to optimise land use. There is so much to see and so little time... Therefore, we combine the best the Dutch have to offer in a one day event! |
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You will embark on an exclusive journey using various modes of transportation starting at the historical Fort Vechten and finishing in the vibrant port city of Rotterdam. During the journey, you will be able to experience the Dutch urbanised delta and its historical and contemporary assignments in spatial planning including the process of land readjustment. The programme combines visits to historical structures with contemporary technology (e.g. GIS and sensor technology for monitoring water levels) and high style architecture. It is a unique opportunity where professionals and scientists will be sharing inside stories of their role in land and water management. For more information, please visit
Deadline for early bird registration is 7 February 2020 (CET).
NB – separate application forms for the SLAS and Parcel Management Solutions events.
The annual FIG Working Week is the premier conference in the community of surveying and spatial professionals combining the disciplines of land surveying, engineering, positioning and measurement, hydrography, remote sensing and photogrammetry, spatial information, cartography, construction and real estate and much more.
Surveyors have played a crucial role in land and water management. Their role is even more crucial today when we have to protect our countries from the effects of sea- level rise, floods and droughts and other natural disasters caused by climate change. Protection of nature and natural resources demands our attention and asks us to act now. This requires smart surveyors and integrated approaches for sustainable land and water management.
The theme Smart surveyors for land and water management is relevant for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.
The FIG Working Week is sure to be the go-to place to get inspired by the industry’s best and brightest, gain valuable knowledge, network with fellow peers and – of course – have tons of fun.
The 81st FIG Working Week will take place from 10 - 14 May in Amsterdam, the Netherland. For more information, please visit
We would appreciate if you would spread the word about this special event to your friends and colleagues!
We look forward to seeing you and your colleague in Amsterdam in May
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
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Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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![]() Register today for the 81th FIG Working Week “Smart surveyors for land and water management”, 10-14 May 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Dear Colleague, Early-bird Registration fee for the 2020 FIG Working Week on 10-14 May in Amsterdam, the Netherlands will end Friday 7 February. Hurry to register before the fee goes from 560 EUR to 630 EUR. To register, please go to to FIG2020 includes:
For more information, please visit Register today!We would appreciate if you would spread the word about this special event to your friends and colleagues! WHAT IS THE FIG WORKING WEEKThe FIG Working Week will be the major event 2020 in the global community of surveying and geospatial professionals. It is organised by FIG - International Federation of Surveyors and Geo-Informatie Nederland, GIN, in corporation with Kadaster and ITC University of Twente. The main objective of the FIG Working Week is to bring together experts from academia, governments/public administration and industry to report on recent developments, trends and research results. With the theme Smart surveyors for land and water management Surveyors have played a crucial role in land and water management. Their role is even more crucial today when we have to protect our countries from the effects of sea- level rise, floods and droughts and other natural disasters caused by climate change. Protection of nature and natural resources demands our attention and asks us to act now. This requires smart surveyors and integrated approaches for sustainable land and water management. More information on the FIG Working Week web site: Thank you to our sponsors and supporters, we really do appreciate you being part of the FIG Working Week 2020!
We look forward to seeing you and your colleague in Amsterdam in May Kind regards |
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International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0812 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter – December 2019/January 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
First of all, the very best wishes for a Happy New Year, and a prosperous 2020. We do hope that 2020 will bring many good and interesting moments for you - one of them being the FIG Working Week 2020. We hope to see you in May in Amsterdam - read more in this newsletter about the many and different offers you will be exposed to during the Working Week, hereunder the very special pre-events that offer a variety of topics and specialist knowledge, and the technical tours that are specifically prepared to you by the local Dutch organisers. FIG Foundation announces several grants, one to attend the Working Week and Young Surveors Conference, a Ph.D. Scholarship, and an Academic Research Grants. Please check the requirements carefully.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
December 2019
The article of the month December 2019 is written by Christiaan Lemmen and
Peter Van Oosterom, The Netherlands, Abdullah Kara, Turkey, Eftychia
Kalogianni, Greece, Anna Shnaidman, Israel, Agung Indrajit, Indonesia,
Abdullah Alattas, Saudi Arabia: The
scope of LADM revision is shaping-up. The Land Administration Domain
Model (LADM) has been ISO standard for the past 7 years and is now
undergoing a review. This paper was presented at the 8th FIG Workshop on
LADM, October 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and reports on the background,
the development of Edition II, and the initial stage of the revision process
where FIG Commissions 7 ‘Cadastre and Land Management’, 8 ‘Spatial Planning
and Development’, and 9 ‘Valuation and the Management of Real Estate’; as
well as ISO/TC211; IHO and OGC cooperate.
Read the article
January 2020
The Article of the Month January 2020 is written by Edi Meier, Inma
Gutiérrez, Marco Baumann, Max Bosshard And Rainer Heeb, Switzerland: Detection
of Service Pipes and the Risk of Collapsing Sinkholes at the Lake of
Constance in Switzerland Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). This
paper was presented at the FIG Working Week 2019 in Vietnam. The paper
describes how Ground Penetrating Radar is used to document the present
underground condition of the water front of the harbour promenade in Arbon
(Lake of Constance) in Switzerland. This nondestructive method gives as a
result images of the subsurface structures as well as of installations like
service pipes.
Read the article
FIG and the Local Organisers from the Netherlands welcome you to Amsterdam. FIG Working Week 2020 will be an exciting event with several pre and post events, three packed conference days, interesting technical tours and of course our special social events.
The FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam is addressing the following overall theme:
This theme is relevant both for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.
The technical programme will offer you a varied selection of sessions and presentations within all fields of surveying that are covered by the 10 FIG Commissions. Institutional Partners of the Working Week are UN-GGIM, UN-Habitat/GLTN and FAO.
The Working Week is not only consisting of a technical programme during the three conference days 11-13 May 2020. Also pre- and post-events are offered to give you extra possibility for absorption in one of the following topics:
Technical tours
In parallel with the technical programme during the three conference days you can sign up for technical tours which give you a unique possibility to learn more about and explore the host country in a way you would not be able to as a tourist. The following tours are planned (pre-registration is needed, there is limited number of seatss available and all tours are based on a minimum number of participants)). These tours will show you around both in Amsterdam, e.g. at the port of Amsterdam, expand your horizons at GeoFort, visit Geodan a Dutch geo-information company, learn about the Delft Railway Area project and other special tours. See all tours:
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Register now - your to-do list:
Secure your stand at the exhibition and be visible with the sponsorship opportunities. The exhibition will take place in the break and catering areas ensuring a constant flow of participants.
The Working Week Web Site:
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FIG Foundation has four open grants - before applying please check the requirements carefully:
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Suelynn Choy who represented FIG reports from the meeting that took
place 9-13 December 2019 in Bangalore, India.
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During the second half of 2019 two Young Surveyors regional events
were held - in Europe and in Africa.
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FIG Vice President Dr Diane Dumashie attended the CASLE Golden
Jubilee Conference held in London, on 12th and 13th September 2019.
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Suelynn Choy who represented FIG reports from the meeting that took place 9-13 December 2019 in Bangalore, India.On 15-16 December 2019, experts met in the city of Deqing, China, for a meeting on geospatial information, ecological environment and sustainable development. Hans Ni from China reports. Read more |
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At its meeting on 17 January 2020, FIG Council approved Carlson
Software as FIG Corporate Member
New job opportunities at Aalto University, and invitation for proposals for Group on Earth Observations. More info
1-4 April 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia
INGEO Conference, held together with the Symposium on Engineering Geodesy
(SIG), supported by FIG Commission 6 - Engineering Surveying Web site:
10-14 May 2020 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2-4 June 2020, Bydgoszcz, Poland
28th SCEgeo Conference "Surveying, Civil Engineering, Geoinformation in
Sustainable Development"organised by UTP University of Science and
Technology Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Association of Polish Surveyors, Branch in Bydgoszcz. Supported by FIG
Commission 6 Web site:
30 August-5 September 2020, Bern, Switzerland
FIG Commisison 7 Annual Meeting Organised by Romanian Surveyors Union Save the date
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
13-15 October 2020,
Berlin, Germany
Intergeo. Get complimentary entrance ticket to the fair
through FIG.
Web site: www.intergeo.dee
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale des Géom?tres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10–14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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SMART SURVEYORSWe will put the 'Smart Surveyor' at the centre stage. We will do so by preparing current and future generations of professionals, by sharing knowledge about approaches that work, by bridging the technological and the societal perspective, by educating our workforce, and by strengthening and developing our profession. Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and 'land rights for all' are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors! |
FIG, SURVEYORS AND THE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT GOALSThe countdown has begun, less than a decade to go to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all and surveying professionals have a key role to play. How did we, as surveyors, contribute to ending poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests? In addition, what will be our role until 2030? |
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INTEGRATED LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENTWithout integrated land and water management, the Netherlands as well as other coastal countries cannot sustain its agricultural and urban development. Climate change, though, increases the risks of sea and riverine floods while extended drought periods complicates this management task. Unorthodox measures are called for. Get familiar with these measures and discuss them from your critical surveyor perspective. |
CHALLENGES IN A NEW REALITYWhat impact is the coronavirus pandemic having on the geospatial industry worldwide? The current situation is unique. There are no textbooks from which we can learn how to master such a crisis. The impact varies from country to country and from organisation to organisation. Such a change in reality brings challenges and opportunities. During FIG e-Working Week we want to focus on the surveyor and the challenges they have in an unstable, uncertain, unpredictable world and with what technology, methods and procedures they face these new developments. How do surveyors adapt to these unexpected circumstances and what have we learned so far from these challenges? |
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FIG e-Working Week is the main event of the year and it covers themes within all ten FIG technical Commissions, Networks and Permanent Institutions. Many topics are multi-disciplinary and are relevant in both developing and developed world contexts. We encourage submissions of cross-disciplinary nature cutting across many disciplines/subject-areas.
More information on the FIG e-Working Week web site:
Kind reagrds
Claudia Stormoen
Event Manager
International Federation of Surveyors
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 3886 1081
Direct: + 45 9391 0812
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FIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
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Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - July 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
Even though we are still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on our daily
lives, we want to look forward and to ensure we have an opportunity to meet.
FIG and the Dutch Local Organizing Committee are happy to welcome you again
in the Netherlands for the FIG Working Week 2021. So save the dates 20-24
June 2021, and meet your fellow peers in Utrecht, Netherlands.
In this
newsletter you can also find out what VCSP means... Finally, it is still
possible for you to send your comments and input to help us form the future of FIG.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
The Article of the Month in July 2020 is written by Josip Krizanovic and Miodrag Roic Croatia Formalisation of Cadastral System Data Dissemination Processes - Initial Studies This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The aim of this paper is to explore the processes of cadastral system data dissemination regarding standardised and non-standardised uses of cadastral system data. Read more...
Even though we are still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives, we want to look forward and to ensure we have an opportunity to meet. FIG and the Dutch Local Organizing Committee are happy to welcome you again in the Netherlands for the FIG Working Week 2021. Some of you may think, "but was it not Ghana this year"? You are right, but the Ghanaian local organizers have generously offered the Dutch to take over the Working Week in 2021.
FIG Working Week 2021 will be different. We face the challenge to take the impact of the global pandemic into account including all its uncertainties. We are looking for new and more flexible ways to organize a successful event. Most important is that we meet each other, talk, network, share knowledge, have fruitful discussions and enjoy. So that we become inspired by our peers and the developments in our profession. This is what you can expect in the Netherlands during the FIG Working Week 2021, from 20 to 24 of June, in the historical town of Utrecht in the central part of the Netherlands. Utrecht is located close to the international airport and only a short train ride away.
The Jaarbeurs in Utrecht is located next to the central train station, and is an ideal place to host the Working Week. Utrecht, founded more than 1200 years ago, is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands, which is clearly reflected in the structure and architecture of the city. Utrecht is also known as 'Small Amsterdam' because of its channels and is the 4th biggest city in the Netherlands but has local flair and character. Utrecht has its own 'Gezelligheid' - which translates into coziness, that must be experienced.
FIG Working Week 2021 is shaping up and more information will follow.
For now - save the dates 20-24 June 2021 - and we will be looking forward to
seeing you in Utrecht, Netherlands.
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VCSP is an innovative volunteer programme that intends to be a
powerful driver for both social impact and professional development.
The VCSP leverages on the skills, experience, talents and education
of young surveyors and matches these competences with the needs of
GLTN, particularly in GLTN's county-level implementation plans and
programmes. We are at the moment assembling a group of engaged young
surveyors who will be interested in bringing the VCSP Forward. |
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Watch the two short video presentations with Key Issues that FIG
Task Force on Governance would like your input to - we encourage you
to participate now. This is your chance to to influence the future
of FIG |
For the first time, the ESA Space App Camp is offering a virtual workspace
to strong>20 dedicated developers: a comprehensive preparation
phase and an 11-day virtual ESA Space App Camp, supported by Earth
Observation, Artificial Intelligence and business experts. The European
Space Agency (ESA) is looking for 20 developers, Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning specialists, researchers or students to join the virtual
ESA Space App Camp 11 - 21 September 2020.
There is a unique chance to win: cash prizes, an
exceptional Earth Observation support package to facilitate the continuation
of the work on their winning App idea, exclusive work opportunities and
insights at ESA. Moreover, participants can apply for further incubation at
one of the ESA Business Incubation Centres.
Deadline: 14 August 2020
Newcastle University: Permanent academic position (Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer) in Geospatial Engineering. Closing Date: 1 August 2020
More info
7-11 September 2020, Beijing, China
GTC Week 2020 (GIS Software Technology Conference 2020). Organised by
SuperMap The conference will be held both physically and digitally. The
conference venue will be expanded from Beijing to more core cities, and
duration extended to 5 days.
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
16-18 September 2020, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China
FIG Commisison 1 Workshop: Professional Standards and Practice of Surveying
and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road Routes Organised by FIG
Commission 1 jointly with the People''s Government of Deqing County, China
25-27 September 2020, Qingdao, Shangdong Province, China
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
5-6 November 2020, Delft, The Netherlands
23rd ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation
(ICAgen2020). The event will either take place entirely at the venue, or
partly at the venue and partly online (hybrid), or fully online. Deadline
for the submission of abstract is 24 August 2020.
Web site:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
FIG Working Week 2021, the
Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town,
South Africa 15-20 May 2022 |
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - March/April 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
So much has happened since the last newsletter... Countries have closed down, people are working from home, communication takes place via electronic platforms... who thought of that only a few months ago. FIG Working Week 2020 and the FIG General Assembly have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation; and thanks to a very generous local organising committee from Ghana, a new possibility has appeared making it possible to organise FIG Working Week 2020... +1 in the Netherlands.
The technical programme/proceedings has been published. During the days of the Working Week 2020 FIG and GIM Magazine will publish newsletters with articles that will guide you through the technical programme. Look out for the newsletters. If you do not already subscribe to GIM Magazine, you are encouraged to sign up now.
Hopefully you will enjoy this newsletter item filled with various news, from the Aubrey Barker Fund/FIG Foundation grant to World Urban Forum report - from when it was still possible to travel. Please also check the request by UN-Habitat-GLTN. We encourage you to send your contribution to GLTN. Please have a look through the many news items in this issue of the FIG Newsletter.
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FIG Council had to cancel FIG General Assembly due to the COVID-19
situation. |
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The Dutch organisers and FIG had looked very much forward to welcoming all to Amsterdam to what should have been the highlight of the year 2020. However in March it became clear that the Working Week had to be cancelled. Read more
Tecnical programme / proceedings |
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During March and April FIG and the Dutch
local organisers have worked on finding the best possible solution for the
cancelled Working Week.
FIG Working Week 2020 in the Netherlands will be moved to 2021. The
Ghanaian Local Organising Committe has generously offered that FIG
Working Week 2021 can take place in the Netherlands. |
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Geomatics World Magazine asks how FIG is dealing with the
Coronavirus Crisis - read Rudolf Staigers response |
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FIG Vice President Diane Dumashie represented FIG at the WUF10 with
the theme: Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and
Innovation |
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Grant recipient has been selected. Congratulations to Dr Trias
Aditya, Indonesia for his interesting course project. |
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Ghana Institution of Surveyors has developed a software that can
detect and trace all persons who have tested positive for the novel
Coronavirus.GhIS presented a cheque of ?50,000.00 towards the
Covid-19 National Trust Fund. |
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FIG has received a request from UN-Habitat-GLTN and encourages you
to reply to GLTN. |
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
The article of the month March 2020 is written by: Prosper Washaya & Minyi Li, China. China's Geospatial information industry fights against COVID-19 This article describes how geospatial information is being used effectively in a crisis situation; in this case fighting the COVID19 virus in China. Read the article
April 2020 is written by: Kari Strande, Norway. Comprehensive Databases for Seabed Environment This paper was presented at the FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The article unique collaboration programme in Norway called MAREANO. The programme contribute to a knowledge based conservation and use of the resources at sea. Read the article
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This new UN-Habitat / GTLN publication is a Guide that aims to
expand the understanding of local leaders on taxes and fees related
to land and the advantages of this approach. |
30 August-5 September 2020, Bern, Switzerland
FIG Commisison 7 Annual Meeting Organised by Commission 7 and Federal Office
of Topography swisstopo Save the date
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
13-15 October 2020,
Berlin, Germany
Intergeo. Get complimentary entrance ticket to the fair
through FIG.
Web site: www.intergeo.dee
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10-14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
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Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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CALL FOR PAPERSDownload the Call for Papers .pdf The e-Working Week opportunitiesThe fact that the Working Week has been transformed to take place virtually brings in new opportunities. This special e-Working Week will be accessible from all over the world, allowing the whole FIG Community with over 250.000 members from 120 countries to join in the event. From the organizing side we will do our utmost to bring together an unforgettable conference with possibilities to make meaningful connections with our sponsors, attendees and speakers, as well as attend sessions designed to be interesting, innovative and engaging. During the e-Working Week there will therefore be the opportunity for the entire FIG community to meet, discuss, learn and get inspired on overall emerging challenges currently faced by our world. As surveyors and related professions, we have not only the ability but the responsibility to actively participate in the solutions of these challenges. The theme for FIG e-Working Week 2021 will be the same as for the Working Week 2020 - however with an addition to reflect on working with and adapting to new realities; in this case the impact of COVID-19 on our profession: Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management
SMART SURVEYORSWe will put the 'Smart Surveyor' at the centre stage. We will do so by preparing current and future generations of professionals, by sharing knowledge about approaches that work, by bridging the technological and the societal perspective, by educating our workforce, and by strengthening and developing our profession. Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and 'land rights for all' are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors! |
TEN YEARS TO GO TO ACHIEVE THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALSThe countdown has begun, less than a decade to go to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all and surveying professionals have a key role to play. How did we, as surveyors, contribute to ending poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests? In addition, what will be our role for the coming ten years? |
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INTEGRATED LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENTWithout integrated land and water management, the Netherlands as well as other coastal countries cannot sustain its agricultural and urban development. Climate change, though, increases the risks of sea and riverine floods while extended drought periods complicates this management task. Unorthodox measures are called for. Get familiar with these measures and discuss them from your critical surveyor perspective. |
CHALLENGES IN A NEW REALITYWhat impact is the coronavirus pandemic having on the geospatial industry worldwide? The current situation is unique. There are no textbooks from which we can learn how to master such a crisis. The impact varies from country to country and from organisation to organisation. Such a change in reality brings challenges and opportunities. During FIG e-Working Week we want to focus on the surveyor and the challenges they have in an unstable, uncertain, unpredictable world and with what technology, methods and procedures they face these new developments. How do surveyors adapt to these unexpected circumstances and what have we learned so far from these challenges? |
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FIG e-Working Week is the main event of the year and it covers themes within all ten FIG technical Commissions, Networks and Permanent Institutions. Many topics are multi-disciplinary and are relevant in both developing and developed world contexts. We encourage submissions of cross-disciplinary nature cutting across many disciplines/subject-areas.
More information on the FIG e-Working Week web site:
Kind reagrds
Claudia Stormoen
Event Manager
International Federation of Surveyors
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 3886 1081
Direct: + 45 9391 0812
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FIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
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11 May - Smart SurveyorsWhat is a Smart Surveyor? Rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and 'land rights for all' are some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing technologies and related approaches are already available. Use and improve them to become future proof, Smart Surveyors! Today''s theme of the FIG Working (from home) Week is Smart Surveyors. To answer the question "what is a Smart Surveyor?", the papers of the FIG proceedings have been analysed by Tim Brouwer, Mila Koeva, Peter van Oosterom and Iris Theunisse and in the first article, the main trends are presented. In the second article, Leica Geosystems gives you the five most recent trends in the surveying industry bringing about the next-generation Smart Surveyor. The articles are followed by contributions from the FIG Commissions on Professional Standards and Practice (Commission 1), Professional Education (Commission 2), Spatial Information Management (Commission 3) and FIG Standards Network. The chairs will highlight for you the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings from the their respective perspectives. Enjoy the articles. |
Smart Surveyors - Developments and Trends from the FIG Working Week 2020Some of the challenges demanding innovative surveying approaches and technologies are rapid urban growth, smart energy, cleaner mobility, and 'land rights for all'. Sensing technologies, spatial data processing methods, and related approaches are already available. However, the question is how to use and improve them to become future proof, smart surveyors? Read the article. |
The Evolution of the Smart SurveyorSurveyors are a versatile and flexible bunch. As the current COVID-19 situation has proven, this group, like others, has had to find new ways of operating. Even this article is an adjustment. Originally planned as a presentation, Sensor Fusion for the Smart Surveyor, for the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Working Week 2020, adapting to a new platform for information sharing is becoming the new normal. As surveyors continue to navigate in these new confines, surveyors will do what they've always had to do - adapt, overcome and evolve. Read the article. |
Need for International Ethics Standards, Peace and Gender EqualityCommission 1 focuses on establishing a set of ethical principles that fits the surveying profession for reference by professional institutions. It also focuses on promoting greater understanding and improving community perceptions about the surveying profession, which is underlined by the foundation's vision to improve gender equality and maintaining global peace and justice, in line with Goal No. 5 and 16 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) respectively. Read the article. |
COVID-19 responses and FIG2020: lessons for Surveying EducationDuring 2020, there have been significant developments in surveying professional education due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Globally, many surveying academic institutions were required to adapt to these restrictions by moving their learning and teaching completely online. This has presented a range of challenges as we grappled with which learning management system and video communications platforms we would use. Read the article. |
Spatial Information Management, a key discipline for managing spatial and temporal dynamicsOne of the most impressive examples of how phenomena evolve over time and space is the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Knowing in real time where a local outbreak occurs, how outbreaks evolve over time, how many people are affected at any given location is of utmost importance to take appropriate measures. As with many other applications, well-established spatial information management, including an implemented system for digital information exchange can help to provide the required spatial information in near real time. Read the article. |
The FIG Standards Network and Standards in SurveyingA simple inspection of still-existing Roman roads, aqueducts and canals shows that the Romans were exceptionally skilled engineers. Shoe sizes provide a person's shoe fitting size. There are many different shoe-size systems used in the world today. Wi-Fi is a family of wireless networking technologies, commonly used for local area networking of devices and Internet access. Wi-Fi and internet technologies are particularly important in the situation we find ourselves in today. But what do Roman roads, shoe sizes and Wi-Fi have to do with surveying and indeed FIG? Surprisingly they have a lot in common. Read the article. |
Thank you to our sponsors and supporters, we really do appreciate you being part - from the distance - of the FIG Working Week 2020!
Kind regards Louise Friis-Hansen, Director
and co-conference director
International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0812 |
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FFIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
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Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - May 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
Normally (well, what is normal these days) this newsletter would have been filled with reports and impressions from the FIG Working Week. Instead, we hope that you have enjoyed the articles that were sent to you during the conference days. A little spin-off is two webinars, based on sessions that should have taken place. One organised in cooperation with FAO and the other with UNECE. Also at the Working Week several consultations on the FIG Governance Task Force work was planned. So, instead all material is available online and we would appreciate if you will read the material and contribute. Finally, the Habitat Professionals Forum, which FIG is part of, has published a statement on Covid-19.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
The Article of the Month in May 2020 is written by Ana Fl?via Bastos and D.Eng. Lia Bastos, Brazil: Quantitative analysis of microplastics in coastal sediment in beaches of Spain and Brazil This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020 in the special session Mapping the Plastic. Based on the ESMARES Program methods, a comparative study of the amount of microplastics found on different beaches has been carried out. Read more...
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FIG Task Force on FIG Governance invites you to participate and
share with us your own thinking and your material on the future of
our professional work. Please also take some time to read the update
memo and progress report of the Task Force. |
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FIG President Rudolf Staiger should have presented this report of the activities
of FIG during the past year at the FIG Working Week 2020. Ge an
insight in what has been going on in FIG during this past year. |
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Join FIG, FAO and LandPortal on 18 June in this webinar on the FAO
Legal Guide and its Application at the Country Level. Planned for
the FIG Working Week 2020 were two special sessions organised by FIG
and FAO - these two sessions have been merged into this webinar. |
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Join FIG Honorary President Chryssy Potsiou in this e-Launch. The
publication is a brief, practical and easy-to-read guide, explaining
how to structure a program for the formalization of informal
constructions. The publication was planned to be launched at the FIG
Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands at a special joint
UNECE/FIG session. |
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FIG is one of the members of the Habitat Professionals Forum. The
HPF statement on Covid-19 Pandemic builds upon a survey conducted
amongst the Habitat Professionals Forum (HPF) and its members on the
effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on achieving resilient human
settlements |
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Did you get the articles that were sent to during the time the FIG Working Week 2020 should have taken place... Maybe you did not have the chance to read all the articles. There is still time - you can find all the articles on the conference web site |
8-10 September 2020, Beijing, China
GIS Software Technology Conference 2020
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
16-18 September 2020, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China
FIG Commisison 1 Workshop: Professional Standards and Practice of Surveying
and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road Routes Organised by FIG
Commission 1 jointly with the People''s Government of Deqing County, China
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
13-15 October 2020,
Berlin, Germany
Intergeo. Get complimentary entrance ticket to the fair
through FIG.
Web site:
5-6 November 2020, Delft, The Netherlands
23rd ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation
(ICAgen2020). The event will either take place entirely at the venue, or
partly at the venue and partly online (hybrid), or fully online. Deadline
for the submission of abstract is 24 August 2020.
Web site:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
FIG Working Week 2021, the
Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town,
South Africa 15-20 May 2022 |
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
Welcome from FIG President Rudolf StaigerToday is the 10th of May and under normal circumstances, we the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) would have our first General Assembly in the framework of the FIG Working Week 2020 scheduled from the 10th to 14th of May in the RAI-convention centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. However, as you all know, due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 and the related legal restrictions, it was impossible to organise this event in a normal way. As a kind of compensation, FIG is very happy to offer an alternative format: the FIG Working (from home) Week. Last week, we announced the FIG Working (from home) Week with a sneak preview on what to expect during this week. Now we are here.Normally, a city and conference venue would be buzzing with surveyors and geospatial experts from all over the world, excited to meet (again) and we would all be eager to get started. The FIG Fanfare should have marked the opening of the Working Week and the General Assembly. Today, as we are not able to meet, we are happy to share this newsletter with you. Included here, please find a Welcome article by FIG President Rudolf Staiger that might give you an impression that the FIG Working Week has started, however in a different way than normal. Included is also the Presidents Report. But first and foremost, please join us in this short video welcome address from FIG President Rudolf Staiger:
Please also look forward to the newsletter and articles that will be sent to you during the following 4 days. |
Welcome to the Working (from home) WeekUntil the beginning of March 2020, LOC and FIG-Council were quite optimistic regarding the organization of the Working Week in May. Once the global lockdown started, it became more and more obvious that a normal organisation will not be possible. Some of our registered participants, who had already paid the registration fees, contacted the FIG Office and asked impatiently for a cancellation. At Mid-March it was in principle clear that the Working Week will not take place. Read the article. |
Presidents Report 2020
This is the first report from FIG Council for the
period 2019-2022. Under normal circumstances it would
have been presented at the first General Assembly
during the Working Week 2020. |
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ProceedingsDid you know the proceedings are already available? The 80 sessions offer many different and interesting topics covering the entire broadness of the surveying profession. From Cadaster and Land Administration over Hydrography, Crowdsourcing and VGI to Valuation and Real Estate and much more. Hence, there is something for everyone! Check the proceedings |
FIG General Assembly - AgendaFIG Council has decided that there will be no General Assembly in 2020. Instead, votings and decisions will bepostponed to 2021 in the Netherlands. The agenda of the General Assembly 2020 is already published and includes reports on the FIG activities. We encourage you to read the agenda and these reports, and through this stay updated on what is happening in our Federation and what FIG Commissions, Networks Task Forces and other active FIG individuals and groups are working on. Agenda |
Thank you to our sponsors and supporters, we really do appreciate you being part - from the distance - of the FIG Working Week 2020!
Kind regards Louise Friis-Hansen, Director
and co-conference director
International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0812 |
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FFIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - July 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
CORRECTION - Please note that in the newsletter that was sent a few days ago wrong dates were announced for FIG Working Week 2021... Sorry for the confusion.
The correct dates for FIG Working Week 2021 are: Monday 21 - Friday 25 June 2020 (and not 20-24 June as was written in the previous version of the July Newsletter...
Even though we are still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on our daily
lives, we want to look forward and to ensure we have an opportunity to meet.
FIG and the Dutch Local Organizing Committee are happy to welcome you again
in the Netherlands for the FIG Working Week 2021. So save the dates
June 2021, and meet your fellow peers in Utrecht, Netherlands.
In this
newsletter you can also find out what VCSP means... Finally, it is still
possible for you to send your comments and input to help us form the future of FIG.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
The Article of the Month in July 2020 is written by Josip Krizanovic and Miodrag Roic Croatia Formalisation of Cadastral System Data Dissemination Processes - Initial Studies This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The aim of this paper is to explore the processes of cadastral system data dissemination regarding standardised and non-standardised uses of cadastral system data. Read more...
Even though we are still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives, we want to look forward and to ensure we have an opportunity to meet. FIG and the Dutch Local Organizing Committee are happy to welcome you again in the Netherlands for the FIG Working Week 2021. Some of you may think, "but was it not Ghana this year"? You are right, but the Ghanaian local organizers have generously offered the Dutch to take over the Working Week in 2021.
FIG Working Week 2021 will be different. We face the challenge to take the impact of the global pandemic into account including all its uncertainties. We are looking for new and more flexible ways to organize a successful event. Most important is that we meet each other, talk, network, share knowledge, have fruitful discussions and enjoy. So that we become inspired by our peers and the developments in our profession. This is what you can expect in the Netherlands during the FIG Working Week 2021, from Monday 21 to Friday 25 of June, in the historical town of Utrecht in the central part of the Netherlands. Utrecht is located close to the international airport and only a short train ride away.
The Jaarbeurs in Utrecht is located next to the central train station, and is an ideal place to host the Working Week. Utrecht, founded more than 1200 years ago, is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands, which is clearly reflected in the structure and architecture of the city. Utrecht is also known as 'Small Amsterdam' because of its channels and is the 4th biggest city in the Netherlands but has local flair and character. Utrecht has its own 'Gezelligheid' - which translates into coziness, that must be experienced.
FIG Working Week 2021 is shaping up and more information will follow.
For now - save the dates 21-25 June 2021 - and we will be looking forward to
seeing you in Utrecht, Netherlands.
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VCSP is an innovative volunteer programme that intends to be a
powerful driver for both social impact and professional development.
The VCSP leverages on the skills, experience, talents and education
of young surveyors and matches these competences with the needs of
GLTN, particularly in GLTN's county-level implementation plans and
programmes. We are at the moment assembling a group of engaged young
surveyors who will be interested in bringing the VCSP Forward. |
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Watch the two short video presentations with Key Issues that FIG
Task Force on Governance would like your input to - we encourage you
to participate now. This is your chance to to influence the future
of FIG |
For the first time, the ESA Space App Camp is offering a virtual workspace
to strong>20 dedicated developers: a comprehensive preparation
phase and an 11-day virtual ESA Space App Camp, supported by Earth
Observation, Artificial Intelligence and business experts. The European
Space Agency (ESA) is looking for 20 developers, Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning specialists, researchers or students to join the virtual
ESA Space App Camp 11 - 21 September 2020.
There is a unique chance to win: cash prizes, an
exceptional Earth Observation support package to facilitate the continuation
of the work on their winning App idea, exclusive work opportunities and
insights at ESA. Moreover, participants can apply for further incubation at
one of the ESA Business Incubation Centres.
Deadline: 14 August 2020
Newcastle University: Permanent academic position (Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer) in Geospatial Engineering. Closing Date: 1 August 2020
More info
7-11 September 2020, Beijing, China
GTC Week 2020 (GIS Software Technology Conference 2020). Organised by
SuperMap The conference will be held both physically and digitally. The
conference venue will be expanded from Beijing to more core cities, and
duration extended to 5 days.
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
16-18 September 2020, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China
FIG Commisison 1 Workshop: Professional Standards and Practice of Surveying
and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road Routes Organised by FIG
Commission 1 jointly with the People''s Government of Deqing County, China
25-27 September 2020, Qingdao, Shangdong Province, China
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
5-6 November 2020, Delft, The Netherlands
23rd ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation
(ICAgen2020). The event will either take place entirely at the venue, or
partly at the venue and partly online (hybrid), or fully online. Deadline
for the submission of abstract is 24 August 2020.
Web site:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
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International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
FIG Working Week 2021, the
Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town,
South Africa 15-20 May 2022 |
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
12 May - Integrated land and water managementToday''s theme of the FIG Working (from home) Week is Integreated land and water management. Without integrated land and water management, the Netherlands as also other coastal countries cannot sustain its agricultural and urban development. Climate change increases the risks of sea and riverine floods and extended drought periods and complicates this management task. Unorthodox measures are called for. The first article, written by Roel Luis, Marije Louwsma, Roelof Keppel, Rik Wouters, focuses on the Dutch story. The Netherlands have a long tradition in land and water management - it all started with dry feet. They still have dry feet... The articles are followed by contributions from the FIG Commissions on Hydrography (Commission 4), Positioning and Measurement (Commission 5), Engineering Surveys (Commission 6) and FIG Capacity Development Networks: Africa and Asia and the Pacific. The chairs will highlight for you the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings from the their respective perspectives. Enjoy the articles. |
Changed Perspective in Land and Water ManagementIt all started with dry feet. We have a long tradition in the Netherlands in our fight against water. Our main purpose for a long time was to make sure that our dikes and waterworks were strong and high enough to hold the water. What we have created in the past did a tremendous job. We still have dry feet.... But nowadays we take a broader view in water and land management. Read the article. |
Contribution of Hydrography towards Sustainable Water ManagementMapping the
Plastic is a key focus area for Commission 4. The
effects of plastic pollution on the Earth's oceans
are well documented, potentially catastrophic and
increasing exponentially year on year. |
Positioning the World for the FutureSeeking to develop the tools, techniques and procedures necessary to achieve the highest level of accuracy for a wide variety of surveying disciplines. Applications are developed and studied that can assist in all fields of hydrographic and engineering surveying. These applications also provide the geospatial detail needed to integrate land and water management. All of these efforts contribute to work on realizing five out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read the article. |
Accuracy near, far, above or under. How is FIG Working Week 2020 contributingThe skills that engineering surveyors had to acquire in order to respond to the challenges of the construction world have made them capable, also, of fulfilling other challenges, several of which motivated by an awareness of the limitations of our planet. Engineering surveyors have learned that they need to push the equipment and techniques to its limits, while having recognized the necessity to integrate new techniques which can present more complete answers, without forgetting an important qualifier: accuracy. Read the article. |
The FIG Africa Regional Network - Developing capacity in AfricaThe FIG Capacity Development Network (CDN) is playing a leading role in bringing regional member associations and academic members together using a networking approach. This is based on enhancing communication in the region and promoting the ideals of the FIG. Our Facebook site is the principal platform for communication. Please LIKE the Facebook page @FIGARN to stay connected. Read the article. |
The FIG Asia and the Pacific Regional NetworkThe FIG Asia Pacific Capcity Development Network (AP CDN), comprises of a group of dedicated individuals from our Commissions, the corporate sector, academic networks, and our sister organisations. Our main outcomes are the development of the technical and soft capabilities of geodetic surveyors; the modernisation of a nation''s geodetic datum and infrastructure; and preparing surveyors for the geospatial trends and challenges that lay ahead. Read the article. |
Thank you to our sponsors and supporters, we really do appreciate you being part - from the distance - of the FIG Working Week 2020!
Kind regards Louise Friis-Hansen, Director
and co-conference director
International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0812 |
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FFIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
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Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - August/September 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
Do not miss the upcoming FIG Commission events: Next week, Commission 1 on Professional Standards and Practice is holding both face-to-face and virtual event, and you can still register. Check also the online Commission 7 event 20-22 October with the theme: Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and strategies to deal with COVID-19. In this newsletter please find a selection of news items hereunder the call for nominations for Commission Chairs, commission newsletters and news, information on national happenings celebrating surveyors day, FIG and GLTN acitivites, and please mark the dates 21-25 June 2021 for the next FIG Working Week. Enjoy!
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
September 2020: Blended Learning in Support of Life-long Learning for Surveyors by David Mitchell, Australia; Winnie Shiu, Hong Kong Sar; Stig Enemark, Denmark; and James Kavanagh, United Kingdom. While blended learning is challenging to implement it offers many benefits and, when carefully developed, provides a range of learning options that suit many student learning styles and approaches. The benefits in blended learning for life-long learning is enhanced if education institutions, government, industry and professional institutions work together to develop online learning opportunities.
August 2020: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Topographical Mapping of Inaccessible Land Areas in Ghana: A Cost-Effective Approach by Naa Lamkai Quaye-Ballard, Daniel Asenso-Gyambibi and Jonathan Quaye-Ballard, Ghana This paper examines the suitability and accuracy of a topographical survey conducted with the combination of RTK-GPS instrument and a consumer grade UAV at an inaccessible tailings dam at Osino in the Eastern Region of Ghana
Even though we are still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives, we want to look forward and to ensure we have an opportunity to meet. FIG and the Dutch Local Organizing Committee are happy to welcome you again in the Netherlands for the FIG Working Week 2021. Some of you may think, "but was it not Ghana this year"? You are right, but the Ghanaian local organizers have generously offered the Dutch to take over the Working Week in 2021.
FIG Working Week 2021 will be different. We face the challenge to take the impact of the global pandemic into account including all its uncertainties. We are looking for new and more flexible ways to organize a successful event. Most important is that we meet each other, talk, network, share knowledge, have fruitful discussions and enjoy. So that we become inspired by our peers and the developments in our profession. This is what you can expect in the Netherlands during the FIG Working Week 2021, from Monday 21 to Friday 25 of June, in the historical town of Utrecht in the central part of the Netherlands.
The theme for FIG Working Week 2021 will be the same as for the Working Week 2020 - however with an addition to reflect the impact of COVID-19 and other potential challenges to our profession:
FIG Working Week 2021 is shaping up and more information will follow.
For now - save the dates 21-25 June 2021 - and we will be looking forward to
seeing you in Utrecht, Netherlands.
![]() The current Commission Chairs at the FIG Working Week 2019 |
All member associations are encouraged to consider if you have a
qualified candidate. Read more about the nomination and the
commissions. |
![]() FIG President Rudolf Staiger, Maria Scorza and Enrico Rispoli connect with John Hohol, President of FIG Foundation |
Despite COVID-19 challenges our Italian colleagues decided to hold
this workshop including young colleagues and students from Romania,
Turkey, Bulgaria and Italy. FIG President Rudolf Staiger attended
the opening. Read more |
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FIG, as cluster co-lead, is heavily involved in the GLTN cluster
activities. This report gives you a short overview of the
activities, aims and progress |
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Join us in this review of some of all the many tasks, achievements
and acitivites of FIG during 2019. |
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The Global Surveyors Day that was initiated by NSPS and CLGE and endorsed by FIG is being celebrated around the world; not only on 21 March but also when it fits to a national schedule. FIG has with thanks received a letter from Iran where a celebration took place on 3 September 2020. If you have a scheduled or planned activity please let us know. It is our hope that ideas and experiences will be exchanged among FIG members. See letter from Iran and read more |
Commission 1 will host a workshop on Professional Standards and Practice
of Surveying and Mapping in the Countries along the Belt and Road Routes in
Deqing in China from 16 to 18 September 2020. Due to
COVID-19, the workshop will run both on-site and on-line.
Register now
The Commission 7 Annual Meeting will be held online with the theme: Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and strategies to deal with COVID-19. Sessions are planned in several languages and in three different time zones. See overall programme
7-11 September 2020, Beijing, China
GTC Week 2020 (GIS Software Technology Conference 2020). Organised by
SuperMap The conference will be held both physically and digitally. The
conference venue will be expanded from Beijing to more core cities, and
duration extended to 5 days.
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
16-18 September 2020, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China
FIG Commisison 1 Workshop: Professional Standards and Practice of Surveying
and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road Routes Organised by FIG
Commission 1 jointly with the People''s Government of Deqing County, China
25-27 September 2020, Qingdao, Shangdong Province, China
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
20-22 October 2020 Online
FIG Commission 7 annual meeting
Web site:
5-6 November 2020, Delft, The Netherlands
23rd ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation
(ICAgen2020). The event will either take place entirely at the venue, or
partly at the venue and partly online (hybrid), or fully online. Deadline
for the submission of abstract is 24 August 2020.
Web site:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, the
Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town,
South Africa 15-20 May 2022 |
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at:
What''s next?It is Thursday 14 May 2020, and today should have been the closing day of FIG Working Week in Amsterdam. The programme of today would be the second General Assembly session and closing and handover ceremony. How is it possible to hand over to yourself. This will be the case this year since the FIG Flag should be handed over from the local organisers 2020 to the local organisers 2021! So instead the Local Organising Committee created a message for you, where each LOC member is symbolically handing over (from home!) to welcoming you next year.
We would like to extend a thank you to all
who have followed us during this week.
Thank you to our sponsors and supporters, we really do appreciate you being part - from the distance - of the FIG Working Week 2020!
Kind regards Louise Friis-Hansen, Director
and co-conference director
International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0812 |
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FFIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - October 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
The coming weeks will be busy...
Next week the large annual fair, Intergeo, is taking place - this
time in a digital version. Secure a free ticket through FIG.
In the following week, FIG Commission 7 Meeting is held
virtually - in several different time zones and languages and will focus on
rural-urban linkages. One session is organised in cooperation with
UN-Habitat/GLTN, and Commission 2 has also organised a session on blended
learning. Register now...
Also - FIG Working Week 2021 will be changed into FIG
e-Working Week 2021 - read more about the core principles for
this different and exciting event; read also about a project
opportunity in Puerto Rico, an honorary member tells his FIG story, and do
not forget the deadline for nominations for Commission Chairs Elects is 15
December 2020.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
The Article of the Month for October 2020 is written by Florian Thiery et, al SPARQLing Geodesy for Cultural Heritage - New Opportunities for Publishing and Analysing Volunteered Linked (Geo-)Data This paper gives an introduction into the concept of Linked (Geo-)Data, followed by a Best Practice example of semantically modelled Ogam Stones in Wikidata. Read the article
Last month we announced that the FIG Working Week 2021 will take place 21-25 June 2021.
With the current COVID19 development we have now made the decision that the Working Week will be an e-Working Week - thus a virtual conference. If there is a possibility to add on a face-to-face part for those who may be able to travel to and meet in the Netherlands we may also offer this, but so far, we focus on organising a virtual and very special e-Working Week 2021.
We are all coming to terms with and learning to adapt to our new, digital lifestyles and striving to maintain a semblance of normality, but the desire to see and hear from colleagues and friends becomes even more powerful when we are forced to be apart. FIG is determined to bring our global community together. Our world might be changing, but we still crave experiences and our desire to connect has never been stronger.
FIG and the local organisers from the Netherlands have started the process to transform the FIG Working Week to a virtual experience fitting with the needs of the FIG community. And we promise -
In other words: After attending FIG e-Working Week 2021 you will be: inspired, (re)connected, energized, gained knowledge, feel part of a community...
The theme for FIG e-Working Week 2021 will be the same as for this year''s Working Week:
- with an addition to also to reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on our profession. During FIG Working Week 2021 besides the subthemes Smart Surveyors, Integrated Land and Water Management and Ten Years to Achieve the SDG's, we want to also focus on the surveyor and the challenges they have in a unstable, uncertain, unpredictable world and with what technology, methods and procedures they face these new developments. How do surveyors adapt to these unexpected circumstances and what have we learned so far from these challenges?
With Smart Surveyor for Land and Water Management we stand still by the knowledge of the Dutch. Over almost 200 years of experience with mapping and more than 100 years of land consolidation, mapping and surveying are almost basic activities within the Netherlands to support the management of land and water. Apart from being known for its tulips, wind mills and clogs, with its almost 42,000 m2 the Netherlands is one of the most surveyed area in the world. Every square meter is mapped, registered and documents and it has to be, being densely populated, with more than 55% of the total country below sea level and being the second exporter of agricultural goods in the world.
FIG Working Week 2021 is shaping up and more information will follow.
For now - save the dates 21-25 June 2021 - and we will be looking forward to
sharing further updates with you
![]() The current Commission Chairs at the FIG Working Week 2019 |
All member associations are encouraged to consider if you have a
qualified candidate. Please note the deadline 15 December
2020. Read more about the nomination and the
commissions. |
![]() The current Commission Chairs at the FIG Working Week 2019 |
Dr Arthur L Allan Is FIG Honorary member and shares his FIG
experiences and involvements with you in this story that he has
written at an age of 90. Do you have a story to share? |
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Intergeo goes digital! FIG is pleased to offer free expo tickets to
our community. Intergeo is the world''s largest event for mapping and
surveying professionals and beyond. Meet FIG among the exhibitors. Read more |
The Commission 7 Annual Meeting will be held online with
the theme: Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and
strategies to deal with COVID-19. Sessions are planned in several languages
and in three different time zones. There will be sessions in English,
French, Spanish and Chinese.
One session is organised with UN-Habitat/GLTN on opportunities for better
integration between urban and rural projects
See programme and register here
As part of the Commission 7 Annual Meeting, Commission 2 will be running a session entitled "Blended learning: lessons from our responses to COVID:19" on Tuesday 20 October 2020 at 17:00 Sydney time (06:00 UTC). The Annual Meeting is free for FIG Commission 2 delegates. Please ensure you select this option when accessing the registration page
October 2020 newsletter from commission 2
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Puerto Rico is building the first
comprehensive spatial data infrastructure for the Island under the
GeoFrame Program. Having heavily referenced FIG materials to
design this program, they are reaching out to the FIG Community to get
in touch with strong service
providers who may be interested in responding to our Request for
Proposals (RFQ), published at:
GeoFrame is a federally funded disaster
recovery program, post-Hurricane Maria and Irma. Full program
guidelines are published at:
Deadline: 30 October 2020 |
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
20-22 October 2020 Online
FIG Commission 7 annual meeting
Web site:
5-6 November 2020, Delft, The Netherlands
23rd ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation
(ICAgen2020). The event will either take place entirely at the venue, or
partly at the venue and partly online (hybrid), or fully online. Deadline
for the submission of abstract is 24 August 2020.
Web site:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
![]() |
FIG Working Week 2021, the
Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town,
South Africa 15-20 May 2022 |
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at:
FIG Working (from home) Week: A Sneak PreviewHow much were we looking forward to welcoming you in at the FIG Working Week Amsterdam from 10-14 May, the capital city of the Netherlands, a vibrant city surrounded by the colourful tulip fields. The grand opening and the plenary speakers would have set the scene for the theme 'Smart Surveyors for Land & Water Management'. The technical programme was filled to the rim with interesting papers on the latest research, projects and products. And there were plenty of options to network, share experiences and to take part in technical tours. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all this changed. The travel restrictions and government measurements keep us close to home. The authors and presenters do not have the opportunity, after all their preparations to write and submit a paper, to share and discuss their contributions in a face to face setting. And we have to find other solutions to stay connected and get inspired. From 10-14 May we will bring the valuable contributions of the FIG Working Week to you. Giving you the opportunity of a front-row seat from the distance. With a range of articles we will highlight for you the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems. The articles are linked to the FIG commissions, Networks and the 3 subthemes of the event. Each day of the Working Week you will receive a newsletter to give you access to new articles. The articles are prepared in a joint effort by FIG, GIM and the Local Organising Committee of FIG2020. Read more about the organisations and the cooperation below. |
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FIG Working Week 2020 - Distance mattersFIG Working Week" - what is that? A strange name for a conference, but a name that has become close to a trademark and is significant for the many varied activities that are going on during the - almost - week-long event. Since 1878, where FIG was established and gave surveyors the possibility to meet and network, the yearly FIG Conference has proven to be a unique meeting place for surveyors and geospatial experts around the world. But does it really matter to attend a conference, and to meet? Read the article. |
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From bulb to flower, the road towards FIG2020(+1)The tulips have been our signature symbol for the FIG Working Week in Amsterdam in 2020. Wherever possible we included our national symbol; in the logo of FIG2020, in our images and of course with the orange stickers on the badges. The timing of the Working Week would have allowed you to visit the flower field, or to buy Tulip bulbs in any colour you would have liked and to plant them for the years to come as a memory to FIG2020. Read the article. |
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Thinking Out Aloud about a FIG and GIM International CollaborationWho could ever have imagined that GIM International would publish a summary of a FIG Working Week 2020 that never took place? The planned location was Amsterdam, but the coronavirus outbreak and coupled lockdown resulted in the situation we are in now. FIG and GIM International therefore decided to join forces to make the most out of all the effort that had been put into making this year's Working Week a great success. Read the article. |
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FIG Young Surveyors Network: Geospatial agents of changeWith geospatial information being more important now than ever, location-based data is the key to solving the societal challenges of our time. Young geospatial and surveying professionals especially sit in the driving seats towards the goal of meeting the most urgent global and local challenges with location-based information and analyses. But we cannot do it alone. Resilience, collaboration and global networks are the key to unlocking our sustainable common future. The FIG Young Surveyors Networks provides a platform for young geo-spatial professionals from all over the globe to share, learn, network and take action, Read the article. |
5th FIG Young Surveyors Conference - Social Distancing Edition - WebinarIn the true spirit of global partnerships, the Young Surveyors around the globe gathered digitally and took up the challenge to organize the '5YSC Social Distancing Edition' in 4 different time zones;
More information on the programme and speakers are provided soon, so stay tuned! Thank you to our sponsors and supporters, we really do appreciate you being part - from the distance - of the FIG Working Week 2020!
Kind regards Louise Friis-Hansen, Director
and co-conference director
International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0812 |
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FFIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - February 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
With now a little more than two months to go, the preparations for FIG Working Week 2020
is now entering into its final
stage so that FIG and the Local Organisers from the Netherlands can welcome
surveyors and geospatial experts from all over the world to FIG Working Week
2020, 10-14 May 2020 in Amsterdam.
We are following the COVID-19 Virus situation closely and also the
recommendations of the health authorities and the meeting organisers. So
far, we continue the preparations as planned, and hope that this scenario
will not change.
We are pleased and proud to present to you a detailed draft technical programme
which exposes you to 80 technical sessions, forums and meetings, three plenary
sessions and other meetings during the three busy conference days 11-13 May.
In this issue you can also read about FIG President Rudolf Staigers visit to
Nigeria for the induction of 344 new registered surveyors; the United
Nations Conference on Land Policy in Africa attended by Vice President Diane
Dumashie, two new books that may have your interest and do not forget the
deadline for the FIG Foundation Academic Research Grant.
FIG and the Local Organisers from the Netherlands welcome you to Amsterdam. FIG Working Week 2020 will be an exciting event with several pre and post events, three packed conference days, interesting technical tours and of course our special social events.
The detailed Technical Programme - check what awaits you
The FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam is addressing the following overall theme:
This theme is relevant both for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.
The technical programme will offer you a varied selection of sessions and presentations within all fields of surveying that are covered by the 10 FIG Commissions. UN-Habitat/GLTN, UNECE and FAO.
The draft technical programme has just been published and includes 80 technical sessions, forums and meetings as well as three plenary sessions.
The Working Week is not only consisting of a technical programme during the three conference days 11-13 May 2020. Also pre- and post-events are offered to give you extra possibility for absorption in one of the following topics:
Technical tours
In parallel with the technical programme during the three conference days you can sign up for technical tours which give you a unique possibility to learn more about and explore the host country in a way you would not be able to as a tourist. The following tours are planned (pre-registration is needed, there is limited number of seatss available and all tours are based on a minimum number of participants)). These tours will show you around both in Amsterdam, e.g. at the port of Amsterdam, expand your horizons at GeoFort, visit Geodan a Dutch geo-information company, learn about the Delft Railway Area project and other special tours. See all tours:
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Register now - your to-do list:
Secure your stand at the exhibition and be visible with the sponsorship opportunities. The exhibition will take place in the break and catering areas ensuring a constant flow of participants.
The Working Week Web Site:
![]() FIG and SURCON give award of excellence to the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari |
Visit to FIG members SURCON, NIS and NIQS on 26-28 February included induction ceremony of 344 new registered surveyors, meeting with the President of Nigeria, President of the Senate and a visit to the French Embassy to discuss visa applications for Amsterdam. Read more |
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Vice President Diane Dumashie attends the United Nations Conference on Land Policy in Africa, CLPA-2019 25-29 November 2019 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Read more |
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It is with sadness that we must announce that Prof. Dr. Dalal Alnaggar, Egypt, passed away on 2 February 2020. Prof. Dalal Alnaggar was well known and highly respected within FIG and it is a big loss for the international surveying community. Read more |
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Plastic in rivers, river systems and deltas is a major problem. Commission 4 on Hydrograpy and the Young Surveyors work on how surveyors can contribute to this topic. Read more |
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Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
TThe article of the month February 2020 is written by Wioleta Krupowicz, Adrianna Czarnecka, Poland, Magdalena Grus, Netherlands Possibilities of implementing crowdsourcing initiatives in rural development programmes in Poland. This paper was presented at the FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The article presents the possibilities of implementation of the idea of crowdsourcing in rural development programmes in Poland Read the article
Real Estate Registration and Cadastre. Practical Lessons and Experiences
A new e-book drafted by Gavin Adlington with contributions by Rumyana Tonchovska, FAO of the UN, Tony Lamb and Robin McLaren will be launched during the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference in March 2020. The publication is already available online as a first draft and will be made into an e-book after the conference. It will be available for free and can be used as a basis for training, taking one chapter at a time, or for a workshop lasting two or three days, or just for reading about experiences and lessons learned in other projects and programs.
The text of this book is written to be enjoyable to read in a 'conversational' mode to explain what we did and why, and it is interspersed with specific stories and anecdotes that actually happened and that teach good lessons and experiences from multiple countries. The audience for the book is those who would lead or be involved in such projects or programs, including senior staff in government agencies, team leaders from financing partners or bilateral donor agencies and consultants (local or international) working in the sector.
Cadastre Principles and Practice
by Roger Fisher and Jennifer Whittal
A new reference texst for the professional land surveyor and others in the property industry Explaining the principles of cadastral law and interpretation in practice, this is the first publication of its kind in over 45 years. It is a comprehensive text for aspiring and practicing professional land surveyors, those in the real property business, and those involved in land administration. Written for the South African practice environment, it will also be of interest to an international audience. More information
1-4 April 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia
INGEO Conference, held together with the Symposium on Engineering Geodesy
(SIG), supported by FIG Commission 6 - Engineering Surveying Web site:
10-14 May 2020 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2-4 June 2020, Bydgoszcz, Poland
28th SCEgeo Conference "Surveying, Civil Engineering, Geoinformation in
Sustainable Development"organised by UTP University of Science and
Technology Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Association of Polish Surveyors, Branch in Bydgoszcz. Supported by FIG
Commission 6 Web site:
30 August-5 September 2020, Bern, Switzerland
FIG Commisison 7 Annual Meeting Organised by Commission 7 and Federal Office
of Topography swisstopo Save the date
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
13-15 October 2020,
Berlin, Germany
Intergeo. Get complimentary entrance ticket to the fair
through FIG.
Web site: www.intergeo.dee
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
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FIG Working Week 2020,
10-14 May 2020. Amsterdam, Netherlands Web site: |
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FIG Working Week 2021, 24-28
May 2021, Accra, Ghana Web site: |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
Join FIG at Twitter:
Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors
F?d?ration Internationale des G?om?tres Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure |
FIG Newsletter - June 2020 |
Dear Colleague,
"FIG and Me" - what is your story?
I am sure there are many good stories to tell. FIG Honorary President Earl
James has written his story down which we are proud to publish in the FIG
Publication Series.
You can also help influence the FIG future story...
Right now FIG Task Force on Governance asks you to comment on 7 key issues
on FIG governance. See the two videos that have been prepared for you, read
the Key Issues paper and send your response to us.
We need your input to form the future of FIG.
Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".
The Article of the Month in June 2020 is written by Asmae Azzioui, Moulay Hafid Bouhamidi, Mustapha Mouadine and Mohammed Ettarid, Morocco: Innovative Approach for a Reliable Mapping of the Morocco's Solar Resource. This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The paper is about how the current Moroccan energy policy aims to develop and promote renewable and clean energy.This article traces all the results of research and practical manipulations carried out within this project. Read more...
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and Me - My Twenty Five Years in the International Surveying arena" is
the latest publication in the FIG PUblication series. It is written by FIG Honorary President Earl James and tells his story
from the years 1988-1996 as a surveyor with an international agenda
and his time in FIG. Earl was FIG President 1993-1996. Join us and
enjoy this well written personal story. |
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Watch the two short video presentations with Key Issues that FIG
Task Force on Governance would like your input to - we encourage you
to participate now. This is your chance to to influence the future
of FIG |
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More than 550 people from across the world took the opportunity to
attend the joint FIG and FAO webinar to learn about land
consolidation, the legal framework, and its implementation at the
country level. |
For the first time, the ESA Space App Camp is offering a virtual workspace
to 20 dedicated developers: a comprehensive preparation
phase and an 11-day virtual ESA Space App Camp, supported by Earth
Observation, Artificial Intelligence and business experts. The European
Space Agency (ESA) is looking for 20 developers, Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning specialists, researchers or students to join the virtual
ESA Space App Camp 11 - 21 September 2020.
There is a unique chance to win: cash prizes, an
exceptional Earth Observation support package to facilitate the continuation
of the work on their winning App idea, exclusive work opportunities and
insights at ESA. Moreover, participants can apply for further incubation at
one of the ESA Business Incubation Centres.
Deadline: 14 August 2020
8-10 September 2020, Beijing, China
GIS Software Technology Conference 2020
14-18 September 2020, Timisoara, Romania
Romanian Surveyors Week
16-18 September 2020, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China
FIG Commisison 1 Workshop: Professional Standards and Practice of Surveying
and Mapping in the countries along the Belt and Road Routes Organised by FIG
Commission 1 jointly with the People''s Government of Deqing County, China
12-15 October 2020, Vancouver, Canada
YII2020 - The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, Organised by Bentley
Systems, supported by FIG.
13-15 October 2020,
Berlin, Germany
Intergeo. Get complimentary entrance ticket to the fair
through FIG.
Web site:
5-6 November 2020, Delft, The Netherlands
23rd ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation
(ICAgen2020). The event will either take place entirely at the venue, or
partly at the venue and partly online (hybrid), or fully online. Deadline
for the submission of abstract is 24 August 2020.
Web site:
Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:
Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
![]() |
International Federation of Surveyors F?d?ration Internationale des G?omctres Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 3886 1081 Direct: + 45 9391 0810 |
FIG Working Week 2021, the
Netherlands Web site: |
![]() |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town,
South Africa 15-20 May 2022 |
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
Join FIG at LinkedIn:
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Join FIG at Facebook:!/internationalfederationofsurveyors
Join FIG at Instagram:
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FIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
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FIG e-Working Week 2021 |
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
Subscribe monthly FIG Newsletter at:
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