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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to fedsquare.



Sensory Underground: An Immersive Dining Experience Featuring Tokyo Tina.

Food from 2045 � sustainable and glorious. Late session bookings of our Sensory Underground now enjoy more time at the bar! Explore our multi-sensory artscape to your heart�s content and immerse yourself into a sumptuous, futuristic feast by Tokyo Tina. Dine in magnificent style and explore our cocktail lounge, where Blade Runner meets Harry Potter.



Open House Melbourne

Melbourne's first-look at our utterly transformed Sensory Underground - for one weekend only! Deep beneath Fed Square is a twisting maze of corridors and hideaways, transformed for the festival into Melbourne�s most unique and extraordinary sensory art, music and performance experience. A living gallery of the best the city has to offer, and it's only $5!



Winter Garden

A joyous and playful profusion of handcrafted flowers in a riot of glorious colour to brighten our midwinter days! Lead by Lynn Berry OAM, producer of the internationally-renowned 5000 Poppies, thousands of individual blooms both botanical and fantastical have been created by hundreds of makers across Australia for an intimate, wondrous (and free!) exhibition at Fed Square.

Now in its 16th year, Screen It is the largest national moving image competition for students from Foundation to Year 12!
If you can�t wait to see the best of K-Pop in Melbourne, join us at Deakin Edge or submit your own entry!
The Winter Village has been Melbourne's biggest smash-hit this year - and it's no wonder! Photo by Ray Reyes.
Zut alors! Stinky cheese, fine wine, can-can dancing and more - don't miss out on the fabulous Bastille Day French Festival
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Fed Square Pty Ltd
Cnr Swanston + Flinders Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

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Comment on: 01/09/2020