Philia Kelnhofer is the recipe developer, cookbook author, photographer and content creator behind Phi (pronounced "Fee") is a busy working mom of three! When Phi isn't in the kitchen cooking, you can find her drinking a cup of ice coffee with
Fat Toad Farm caramel.
How Phi discovered Fat Toad Farm:
Phi stumbled upon this amazing caramel when she was in Seattle ten years ago. She was walking down the street outside of Pike Place Market and there was a specialty food store giving out samples of pretzels dipped in Fat Toad Farm caramel sauce. She tried a sample and fell in love.
Why we decided on Hint of Salt:
When developing this collaboration flavor, Phi wanted a flavor that could be salty and sweet, which is one of her favorite flavor profiles. Phi is also known for her Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies, she thought a hint of salt would be a perfect fit for this delicious recipe. (Each order will come with Phi's Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe).
Grab this limited quantity flavor before it is gone! This is truly small batch at its best!