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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to exhibbit.


An Innovative Age for the Art World

At Exhibbit, we have been experiencing a huge influx of new and exciting ways clients are deciding to showcase their artwork online. Ever since the spread of COVID-19, the art world has continued to find ways to share their work in truly testing times.
We would like to extend our gratitude to you all for choosing Exhibbit. With this in mind, here are a few of our clients recent accomplishments...


The Top Five 

Online Exhibitions to see while Self-Isolating

Image courtesy of Art Rabbit
Patrick Morales-Lee''s exhibition Covenant was listed as one of the top five online exhibitions by FAD magazine. This exhibition was curated by Gita Joshi of the Curators Salon.
Image courtesy of the Curators Salon


Curated Online Tours

During this current crisis, Exhibbit has enabled a range of clients to create online events by utilising their galleries alongside Webinar software; to hold live critiques and openings.

Art fairs, Dealer Galleries, Universities, Schools, Museums, and Artist Collectives are still able to share their work during this time of social distancing, and our innovative way of exhibiting has been able to support their move to online viewing.


SuperFine! Art Fair

Image courtesy of SuperFine! Art Fair
Last month, attendees to the SuperFine! Art Fair were treated to a virtual tour and critique of several exhibitions and an informative panel discussion.

The discussion was led by SuperFine! co-founders, James Miille and Alex Mito; alongside Stamatina Gregory, the Art Director of Curatorial Programs at the Leslie-Lohman Museum.


TOROSIETE Museum of Contemporary Art

Images courtesy of TOROSIETE Museum of Contemporary Art


As a gallery that functions purely online, the TOROSIETE Museum of Contemporary Art has always placed themselves at the forefront of exciting ways to showcase their exhibitions virtually.

TOROSIETE conducts regular tours of their current exhibitions in video format. One of their most recent tours included an analysis of Beatrix Ost''s Illuminations and Illusions.


Universities and Schools

Many educational institutions globally have chosen to use Exhibbit over the past few months to showcase and assess their students work, whilst they are currently studying from home.

Whether their galleries have been used for private viewing, as a webinar, or just for examination; Exhibbit has proven to be a successful option for students work to find a voice during this time. 

Clarion University of Pennsylvania''s Art Department had this to say:

d like to thank your company for making it possible for our graduating BFA art majors to have virtual solo exhibits and our yearly BFA Senior Juried Art Exhibit. All of our students and friends are very impressed with the sophisticated quality of Exhibbit. I also loved how simple it was to work with the program."
- Kaersten Colvin-Woodruff, Carlson Library Art Gallery at Clarion University, Pennsylvania USA


A Curatorial Tip

Collaborative Curating

If you would like to share the curation job with a colleague, simply share your log in details, you will be able to edit the same exhibition concurrently. Your colleague could also work on an upcoming exhibition in the same gallery, or another exhibition in a separate gallery.

This is particularly helpful for institutions and workplaces at a time when our work base is at home.


Our Recent Interface Updates

Making things a little easier 

Rotate your Artworks

Image courtesy of The Cameron Art Museum
Now, when you edit an artworks details, you are able rotate the image if you choose.


Transfer your Exhibition

You are now able to easily transfer all of the artworks and information to another subscribed gallery of the same size. This is useful for when you have curated two exhibitions in your gallery and would like to show them concurrently.



E-Commerce and Social Media Links

In addition to ENQUIRE and BUY you can now write your own unique label that will act as a hyperlink to a url of your choice.



Private Exhibition

Exhibitions can now be marked private. This ensures that your exhibition will not be considered by our team to be featured on our website, Instagram or Facebook.



Publishing Dates

The time and date for publishing your exhibition can now be set to your local area.


Something to look forward to...

We are quietly working away on our next upgrade, and there are elements to this change which we think you will find very useful.
Scheduled for release later this year, it will include the ability to add text straight onto the walls and show canvases as thin as paper. Also, our current download time will be reduced significantly.
There are more exciting features too, which we will tell you about soon...

Our kindest regards,

Amanda Lane and Peter Worrall

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Exhibbit Instagram page''exhibbit''/
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Comment on: 01/09/2020