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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to eWebGuru.
Make Huge Amounts of Money By Promoting Ewebguru Hosting Solutions
Are you an energetic and passionate individual looking for an opportunity to make a lot of money? You have wasted a lot of time looking for a job and you still haven't found a job that allows you to reach your full potential. But not any more Ewebguru affiliate marketing program will help you to make your dreams come true. You can now make unlimited amounts of money by investing very little of your time and effort.
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You Can Make Unlimited Amounts Of Money With Ewebguru Affiliate Program
Due to the recent spread of coronavirus, the world economy has been affected quite severely. There is very little job availability in the market and the prices of necessities are rising every day. In such a situation it is essential to find yourself a source of income and gain financial stability for your family. Educated individuals are not able to find a suitable job and even those who have been working for years have been asked to leave. Even though the economy is trying to revive from the recent disturbance caused by the pandemic. It seems that it is going to be a while before the things are going to be as they were before the pandemic.
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Get On Board With Ewebguru Affiliate Program And Make A Lot Of Money
The key to success is persistence, there are those who try to take the easy way, and then there are those who don't mind pushing the limits and getting what they want. Life can be tough but if you stay dedicated and keep on trying then you will definitely make it on your own. Ewebguru affiliate marketing program is for those individuals who want to make a lot of money on their own without having to depend on anyone for support. People who are looking for financial independence and those who have the talent to motivate others to join them in their pursuit of excellence.
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Dear Jon,
Welcome to eWebGuru affiliate program. Once we have approved your account, you can login and retrieve your banner linking code, check your sales and traffic stats and much more.
We are regularly receiving request from some affiliates for detail instruction on how to use affiliate program.
Following are the steps to use our affiliate program
1) Login to your affiliate account at this URL
2) Under standard linking code, you will find your affiliate code which will be like (where nnnn is a unique number)
Your affiliate code is
3) Use this affiliate code in your marketing material like email, website or social media posts, any visitor coming through this code and purchased services from eWebGuru you will get the commission
4) You can use other marketing material also which you can found under marketing materials tab, all this marketing material has unique code with your affiliate id which we be used to identify visitor sent by you.
5) You can use this affiliate link anywhere including your website, blog, social media accounts like Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp etc, you can use this link in email marketing also.
6) All the visitor coming through your link will be tracked by our system, even if the visitor do not buy in first visit and come later directly to our website and purchase you will still get commission as we track all affiliate link till 180 days, i.e if visitor come today through your affiliate link and come again directly without any affiliate link within next 180 days and do a purchase you will still get commission.
7) If you still have some query, feel free to reply this mail.
Affiliate Manager
Dear Jon,
We have approved your account! You can now login and get your banner linking code, check stats, etc.
You can login in this URL
Your affiliate link is
Your username is
You will be glad to know that Rs 1000/- has been deposited in your account for signing up our affiliate program.
Do you know that you can also promote eWebGuru affiliate program to earn passive commission. Any affiliate under you when generate a sale you will get 10% commission of your child affiliate commission.
Login in your affiliate account to get affiliate link to promote eWebGuru affiliate program.
For any affiliated related query, please mail us at
VPS hosting or Dedicated Hosting Which One Is Better?
VPS hosting or Dedicated Hosting Which One Is Better?
There are countless numbers of websites on the internet. They all vary in size and requirements. Some of the smaller ones would easily be satisfied by shared hosting as it would provide them with sufficient resources to meet their requirements. However, once you reach a certain point you would find the need for more resources and that is when you would begin to consider options like virtual private server and dedicated hosting.
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When Is the Right Time For An Upgrade To VPS Hosting?
Building a website is quite easy these days. You have plenty of options to pick and choose from when it comes to hosting providers. But before you embark upon this online venture you need to ask yourself which hosting service will be more suitable for me. How many resources will I get and what would be the monthly cost?
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Is Shared Hosting The Right Hosting Solution For Your Website
When you are trying to start a new website domain and Webhosting are two of the most important things that you need. You can find a domain name with the help of your provider and pick any name that is available. Then you can go ahead and register that domain name and use it for business purposes.
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Linux Or Windows Which OS Should You Choose And Why?
Linux or windows many have asked themselves the same question plenty of times. The operating system that you choose is going to determine how your server performs. The difference between the two servers is quite evident especially if you are using a Virtual private server or dedicated hosting.
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Is Dedicated Hosting The Right Hosting Solution For Your Website?
Once a website is completed and you begin to receive visitors every day. You might want to consider upgrading to a hosting plan that can keep up with the rising demand. Dedicated hosting will provide the necessary resources required to meet your needs. Dedicated hosting offers plenty of other benefits such as security, reliability as well as more control over the environment.
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How You Can Promote Your Ewebguru Affiliate Program
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Find Out How You Can Make Money Even While You Sleep With Ewebguru Affiliate Program
We're in this struggle for financial freedom together - that's why I'm reaching out to you today.
Whether you're a new or old member of Ewebguru affiliate marketing program, know that you can earn money from the system while you're asleep.
Oh yes you can earn massive income while you focus on other activity during this lockdown season.
Not long ago, we introduce you to how you can actively earn income on our platform -?
It wasn't until yesterday we decided to roll out this idea to you.
Is it really necessary for you to subscribe to this idea?
Yes, you need to do so.
The program has a lot of benefits for its subscribers.
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Here Is How You Can Promote Your Ewebguru Affiliate Link
We've got some affiliate marketing ideas for you. They work even if you're new to ewebguru affiliate marketing. We know these are difficult times out there and we need to do everything we can to help you soar to a higher level in your affiliate marketing tasks. We can't let you give up on your goals. That's why we have chosen to briefly enlighten you about the best way to promote your ewebguru affiliate link.
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I know you're doing great and also staying safe during the challenging moment. By now, you must have started your affiliate marketing journey on Ewebguru affiliate marketing platform. To increase your chances of acquiring more referrals, I've compiled a list of some proven techniques you can use to gain referrals on quora.
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Four Common Misconceptions about Shared Hosting
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Cloud Hosting vs. Shared Hosting
In order for your website to go live you need web hosting. But for that, you need to choose the ideal hosting solution for your business. This means you need to know the difference between the different hosting solutions. It's easy to get confused between all the options available in the market. In this article, we are going to help you to make this decision by discussing the difference between two popular hosting solutions cloud hosting and shared hosting. The right type of hosting solutions completely depends on your requirements and the hosting solution that meets your needs is the right one for you.
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4 Common Misconceptions about Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is when multiple websites are hosted on a single physical server. It is an ideal hosting solution for small businesses. Since it is quite budget-friendly and offers enough features needed by a small business. However, there is a lot of misinformation circulating on various platforms regarding shared hosting. In this article, we are going to address some of these misconceptions and try to get rid of many misconceptions related to shared hosting.
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Find Out Why Every Online Business Needs an SEO Strategy?
Online businesses are investing a lot more on social media than on SEO. It makes sense since posting on social media is easy and fun to do. Whereas SEO is quite dull and can sometimes take more time to give results. But an ideal SEO program can give far much better results than social media in the long run. SEO is not that complicated as people think it is, it hardly takes a lot of time to figure out how SEO works. The recent trend of online shopping makes SEO that much more important to your online business.
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Why Is It Important To Make Your Website More Mobile-Friendly?
Smartphones have now become part of our daily use. Today we can't imagine a day without our smartphones. People from every walk of life are now dependent on using smartphones on a daily basis. This simply means that website owners now need to improve their website experience for their visitors.
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WordPress VS Shared Hosting
Web hosting is necessary for every online business. Which makes it even more crucial to choose the right hosting solution. There are countless options available in the market making it even more difficult to find the right one. Several hosting terms that you must have come across include shared hosting, VPS, dedicated hosting, and WordPress hosting. In this article, we are going to focus on WordPress hosting and shared hosting.
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Find Out Why Managed VPS is Becoming So Popular?
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Find Out Why Managed VPS is Becoming So Popular?
Virtual private servers are becoming quite popular among users. VPS offers high performance and security at a reasonable price. Users also get the ability to scale their resources and customize their server environment making it even more attractive for the users. We have to keep in mind that not everyone possesses the necessary skills to manage a server. That is why some choose a managed VPS hosting solution.
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Why Managed VPS Hosting Is the Best Option For Your Ecommerce Website?
Initially, when you are starting an e-commerce website you want to try things out before spending a lot of money. Most probably you are using shared hosting because it is quite affordable. After some time when you start to receive more and more visitors on your websites, you will start looking for options that would give you better performance. At this point in time managed VPS would be the most suitable option for your website.
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Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting
Creating a website in order to sell your products online is the first step. After that comes the hosting part. Now with so many options available in the market such as VPS, Cloud, Dedicated and Shared hosting it can get a bit confusing. But if you gain a better understanding of how each of these hosting solutions works then you will be able to make a more suitable decision for your website.
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How Well Does Shared Hosting Actually Perform?
There is a wide variety of options available in the market when it comes to hosting. Shared hosting is without a doubt one of the most preferred hosting solutions by the majority of users. It is no secret the price is affordable and it gets the job done with the available resources. But one might ask how well does shared hosting actually perform. Every website is different, receiving a fair amount of visitors on a daily basis.
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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Shared Hosting For Your Website
When it comes to choosing a hosting plan there are plenty of options available in the market such as shared hosting, dedicated hosting, virtual hosting, etc. Shared hosting is quite popular among users due to many of its benefits. Shared hosting is quite affordable and is suitable for new websites.
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Gain Financial Independence With Our Ewebguru Affiliate Marketing Program
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Gain Financial Independence With Our Ewebguru Affiliate Marketing Program
The current global events are pointing towards a grim future where opportunities to make money are quite a few. Many companies have laid off their employees and people are finding it quite difficult to make ends meet. The fear of pandemic has gripped the world economy and the chances of a complete revival are quite grim. In such a situation it is easy to lose hope and give up in life. But the Ewebguru affiliate marketing program is going to help you get back on your feet and provide the financial support you need to make it through those troubling times.
Ewebguru affiliate marketing program allows individuals with passion and perseverance to make huge sums of money. Our members can make a lot of money by investing very little time and effort into our affiliate program. All you need to do is to promote Ewebguru hosting platform and attract our target audience by engaging them and interacting with them through social media platforms
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Grab This Opportunity To Make Money By Ewebguru Affiliate Marketing Program 2020
Are you desperately looking for ways to make money, in these difficult times when people are being asked to leave by private companies? An opportunity to make some money with very little effort is almost impossible. However, Ewebguru affiliate marketing program might be just the thing you have been looking for all the while. Individuals with zeal and passion for making money can earn up to 300000 RS per month with the help of our affiliate program.
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Find Out How You Can Make Money Through Ewebguru Affiliate Program
Are you sitting at home looking for ways to make some extra money? These days it is getting harder and harder to make ends meet. One job is not enough to keep up with the growing demands. In order to make sure that you have a constant source of income, you have to do more than one job. It can be quite difficult to do so, working for 8 to 9 hours can definitely take a toll on your body and mind. You might not be able to find the mental and physical strength required to do more than one job.
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