Dear Friend,
Thank you for your interest in the Erie Canal and the Museum committed to preserving its legacy.
Like you, I appreciate the Erie Canal's tremendous importance to our community, state, and country. Like you, I value the pivotal role the Canal played in our country's growth. Like you, I think it's critical to preserve this heritage and share the Canal's history with audiences young and old, every day.
Today, however, we face an unprecedented challenge. In response to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 emergency and the State's guidelines for non-essential businesses, the Museum is closed to the public and has canceled or postponed until further notice all in-person programs and events.
While the buildings are closed, we're working diligently to serve you. Download activities from our Educational Services page. Comment and ask more about collection items on our "Object of the Week" social media posts. Learn more about an important topic during our "Quarantine Coffee Hour" on Facebook Live. Take a guided tour of the Museum on our YouTube channel.
But daily visitation is critical. Closure during the COVID-19 crisis could mean the loss of more than $20,000 in donations, shop sales, and program fees. We are unable to cut expenses drastically because the largest percentage of the Museum's expenses is personnel, and we are working hard to keep full time staff employed.
I'm writing to ask for your help in getting through this difficult time by going above and beyond your usual level of support. Become a member of the Museum if you aren't one already. If you are a member, make a one-time, tax-deductible donation to our Annual Fund. Just as people can purchase store or restaurant gift certificates for later use, you can join or donate now and enjoy all the Museum's benefits when we open our doors down the road.
Every contribution helps. Please join others who value our work and the Erie Canal's legacy today by becoming a member or making a contribution at
Thank you again for your interest and involvement. Everything you do helps to preserve the historic waterway''s legacy for future generations.
With best regards and sincere wishes for good health and safety,

Natalie Stetson
Executive Director