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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Environics Analytics.
Thank you for subscribing to SPOTLIGHT. You are just a few clicks away from the fast, easy and cost-effective way to get the reliable market information you need-demographics, businesses, consumer spending and finances-right when you need it. Please click the link below to confirm your email address and get started.
Click here
If you have questions about your account or how to run and interpret reports, please contact our technical support team at 1.888.339.3304 or We are here to help.
Thank you for the opportunity to support your site and location analytics needs.
Yours sincerely,
SPOTLIGHT Support Team
Hello William,
You recently logged into our platform SPOTLIGHT but never completed an order. We are here to help you with any questions you may have regarding the products and services offered here at Environics Analytics.
This is a quote from a long time client…
“Our company uses data from several suppliers in our day to day work consulting with cities and the private sector. In our world, data is what drives the closing
of retail deals, and having market intelligence is more important than ever in an ever-changing retail and restaurant industry. The tenants are more risk averse than ever, and developers who build and lease retail product are in a risky position developing
sites in a retail climate where development costs are high and climbing, and where partnerships with the public sector are completely necessary to get deals done. All that aside, the reason we love Environics Analytics is because of the customer service we
receive from the staff. Sometimes when you need a little extra to prove up a market, the customer service and being able to get a question answered quickly, or receiving guidance of other available information from the staff is crucial to our company’s success.”
Rickey Hayes
Retail Attractions, LLC
Tulsa, OK
Please let me know if I can be of assistance.
Rhonda White | Manager,
Business Development
Direct - 888.339.3304 Ext 3567
Environics Analytics |
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