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RMAF 2019 Show Report Featuring a luxury destination at the brand-new Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, Enjoy the's Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF) 2019 show report celebrates our sweet 16 years covering this highly popular high-end audiophile event. Take in the friendly atmosphere at RMAF where all are welcome and questions are encouraged.
See This Month's Audiophile Review Magazine
RMAF Vs. CEDIA, Twice Vs. CE Pro And We'll Never Have A High-End Audio Organization
Since this is a Senseless Rambling article by Yours Truly, loyal readers of mine know what to expect. So grab the popcorn, a fine beverage and listen to some cool n' crazy tunes. Or something more 'age appropriate' as we are discussing the latest generations of music enthusiasts.
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Audio Analogue Maestro Anniv. Int. Amp. A sonic wolf in sheep's clothing.
When I was asked if I would like to review Audio Analogue's newest integrated amplifier, I exclaimed "Yes!". Why? Because even on paper it seemed as if it was an extremely well-designed integrated amplifier, and also could easily power my reference speakers with a healthy 150 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms, its power doubling each time its impedance load is halved � and besides all this, I love equipment that's made in Italy. Even if some of this gear isn't a perfect match for the system in which it would be auditioned, I never have been disappointed in the sound quality of any of those components.
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Quiescent Mains Cable Loom The concept of vibration control in signal-carrying cables...
Following my positive reviews in HIFICRITIC of the Quiescent Technologies Peak Speaker Cables (Vol. 12/2) and Peak Interconnect (Vol. 12/3) I was invited by the company to try its more costly Apex Interconnect. However, in my system the Apex sounded too fat in the bass and rather sluggish. I preferred the Peak. Quiescent's Steve Elford suspected my mains loom. Could one of his colleagues bring a selection of Quiescent � formerly Vertex AQ � mains products to try in my system?
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Ear Jewelry For Audiophiles Roger Skoff writes about the state of the 'art' in Hi-Fi. Have you seen what some of the latest, ultimate, super-duper High-End turntables look like? To me, they're reminiscent of what the "cities of the future" looked like in those old Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon movie serials of the 1930s and 1940s � great networks of massive gleaming towers, all surrounded and interconnected by loops and swirls of the aerial highways predicted by the people back then to be the roads for the flying cars of the future.
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Kharma Elegance dB7-S-S Floorstanders Gorgeous looks... and they look as good as they sound.
Let's be clear. Kharma Elegance dB7-Sare not the largest or the most expensive high-end loudspeakers one can buy. They aren't even the largest or most expensive speakers in the line. But they are gorgeous high-end speakers that sound as good as they look, and obviously designed, built, and are intended to be included in the best high-end audio systems that are owned by discriminating audiophiles.
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Sonus faber Olympica @ World Of McIntosh A good high-end system is akin to a time machine.
Last year I took a tour of World Of McIntosh, a very impressive five-story luxury townhouse in Soho NYC. It is an amazing place, packed with working audio systems featuring McIntosh, Sonus faber, Pro-Ject Audio Systems, Audio Research, and more. This luxurious space is used as an event space, tours, and for those who want to use a space "where music and design are merged in a way that's striking, memorable, and undeniably enjoyable".
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Read More Within Our Oct. Review Magazine
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Capital Audiofest 2019 After-Hours Event With
Enjoy the's Greg Weaver
(October 27, 2019) Enjoy the, high-end audio's
celebrated online site since 1995 and a leader in providing
industry news, gear reviews, and show reports, is helping to provide two very
special listening events during the upcoming Capital Audiofest
2019. Renown audiophile and
veteran industry journalist Greg
Weaver, who will be reporting exclusively for Enjoy the during the
upcoming Capitol Audiofest (CAF), held November 1st through 3rd, will be hosting
two special after-hours LP sessions open
to all attendees.
CAF, launched in 2010 as a very casual show, has evolved
into a well-organized and well-attended event. Greg Weaver's after-hours events
will showcase a variety of music genres to an enthusiastic crowd. CAF is recognized as a fun,
friendly and family-oriented show where you often see parents with children
strolling from room to room listening to music, auditioning gear, and browsing
the multiple bins of vinyl records, digital music discs, and accessories.
"This event at Capital Audiofest 2019 will mark the third
year of this now traditional LP party," said Enjoy the's Greg Weaver. "It
is hosted by The Audio Company, VAC, and VSR, in the
amazing Potomac Room, and features musical programming by yours truly. The system
is comprised of the most advanced, musically expressive gear on the planet, and
is worth over a million and a half bucks! Can you believe these cats let me
program this room for over four hours? Yeah, me either! Friday night I'm going
to play David Bowie's Glam Rock masterpiece, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy
Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, from start to finish. I'll be cueing my
personal 1981 Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs Half-Speed master release, which
is the quietest, most dynamic, most extended, most spacious, most natural
sounding copy of this LP I've found since its release on July 3, 1972! I've
wanted to do something like this for years, and these guys have been gracious
enough to give me their stage� This will be awesome, and is just the first of
many more to come at future shows!"
"Saturday night I'll be digging into my vault to play some of
the most important and most remarkable sounding rock and classical recordings
available", said Greg Weaver. "I'll be spinning some original first pressings
like a 1971 US Cotillion Emerson, Lake & Palmer and a 1971 UK Island
of Cat Stevens' Teaser and the Firecat. I have a few special classical
works too, including Beethoven's Glorious NinthSymphony and Appassionata
Piano Sonata, and a delicious version of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. And I've
got some DCC Compact Classic, Cisco Music, and Mobile Fidelity remasters too �
including some MoFi UD1S and UHQR releases, that are all exceptional sonic treats. That's
about all the spoiling I'm willing to do now... If you are going to be in the DC
area next weekend, stop by Capital Audiofest 2019 and get your groove on with
You can see Enjoy the'sCapital
Audiofest 2019 show report at this link.
About Enjoy the
Enjoy the�is one of the Internet's
leading information sites�for high-end audio and music news, equipment
reviews, plus show reports of both home and portable gear since 1995. We have received critical acclaim from our worldwide
readership, like-minded audio publications, and notables such as the
President of the Consumer Electronics Association (now CTA). Being
associated with eight print publications and two web-based magazines,�Enjoy
the�is part of a robust grouping of magazines and journalists
which features some of the best minds within the high-end audio industry.�Enjoy
offers its own�Review
Magazine, the industry's most extensive�daily
industry news, plus over�235
show reports�online.�Enjoy
media sponsors for many consumer electronics events including�AXPONA�and the�Rocky
Mountain International Audio Fest.
�is the only
specialty audio site online with�industry
news�dating back over
20 years. We continue our
unique ability to inform and educate both music lovers and gadget geeks
worldwide, with partners further extending our ability to reach a global
audience. Readers
can connect with�Enjoy the�on leading
social media sites Instagram�and�Facebook.
the�is official
Internet�partners with print magazines�Australian
Hi-Fi, STEREO Magazine plus vintage magazines�Sound
We're also partners with online publications Headphone.Guru
and Positive Feedback.
Those desiring an interview with�Enjoy
the's Creative Director Steven R. Rochlin can e-mail their request
to journalists: Official logos and graphics can be downloaded by�clicking
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Toronto Audiofest 2019 Show Report Our Toronto Audiofest 2019 show report part one is now online and features many pics! Held from October 18th through 20th, our report features Canada's luxury high-technology home audio showcase.
NOTE: Our Capital Audiofest and New York Audio Show reports will be online shortly after each event.
See This Month's Audiophile Review Magazine
CAF, NYAS, Social Media Fun & Frolicking Shows and industry comradery as we prepare for the holidays.
This weekend's Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2019 is shaping up to be truly epic! Normally editorial are about whatever is within this issue, yet let's forget all that and go right to the fun of shows. Why? Because there is sooo much fun to be had while enjoying the music!
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World Premiere Review!
Art Audio Quartet Tube Monoblock Amplifiers Three-dimensional sound staging and sense of scale...
Art Audio's Quartet mono blocks are among a varied line-up of top-shelf SET and Push-Pull amplifiers designed by master artisan-engineer, Tom Willis. Well-respected as one of the top valve designers in the UK, Tom established Art Audio in 1988. Including long time friend Chris Lucas, the company moved forward with the singular vision of maximizing the inherent musical qualities of traditional tube designs.
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Manley Absolute HeadAmp / Preamp A masterpiece that looks and sounds like nothing else!
I had the pleasure of meeting Manley Labs VP of Engineering and Design, Zia Faruqi, in the CanJam exhibit at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2018. While I was more than familiar with the Manley name, this was the first time I had seen them in the personal audio section of the show, so naturally I was quite curious about their debuting flagship headphone amplifier, the Manley Labs Absolute Headphone Amplifier.
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Ho, Ho, Ho, The Time Is Hear! Roger Skoff writes about the coming Holiday Season The kids have come and gone, the pumpkin's been carved or eaten, and now it's time to start thinking about turkeys, family get-togethers, and the December holidays to come. For me, the holiday season mean two major things: presents and MUSIC!
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Kimber's Carbon 8, Ascent, & Select Copper Mega-transparent, plus a very satisfying sound.
I've often said that the best way to test audio cable is to rewire one's entire system with that brand or model. This way one will be able to hear the difference in sound quality with any influence from other types of cable, and truly hear its affects. Kimber Kable (not a typo, Kimber likes to replace the "C" in cable with a "K") is one of the only brands of cable that I have found where I could replace once interconnect in my system, and hear a very distinct improvement of the sound of my system due to this one cable change.
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My Own Triode Input MK III Dan remakes a Dyna MKIII to 'juice his lizard'.
Squint to see the Tung-Sol 6550's, new tube arrangement, Vitamin Q caps, new bias pot location, and cool paint job. Some of you may remember that I was so enamored of the Mklll's I modified for Chris that I wangled a pair for myself. As I recall I bought a Fisher 20A, swapped that and some other stuff for a MkIV, and then swapped the MklV and a pair of Ampex monoblocks for the Mklll's.
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Read More Within Our Nov. Review Magazine
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Special Holiday Edition!
Great Audiophile Gift Ideas 2019
50 great gifts for music lovers!'s 14th annual Great Audiophile Gift recommendations! We all love gifts, yet getting that something special for an audiophile can be quite a challenge.'s annual Great Audiophile Gift wish list brings you 50 web pages filled with some truly spectacular ideas for music lovers. Prices start at around $10 and reach to a still reasonable $500 or so. Sure we snuck a few $$$ bits, yet still under $800. Be sure to visit this page as we have a free gift especially for you!
There are so many wonderful products we recommend! Most are around the $100 to $300 range and so you have a variety to choose from no matter what your budget this time of year. We have gifts that will make your vinyl junkie smile, plus a few surprised along the way! You can see our Great Audiophile Gift 2019 Special Edition at this link. As always in the end what really matters is that you...
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin
Creative Director
Review Magazine, Australian Hi-Fi, Headphone.Guru, Hi-Fi+, HIFICRITIC, Hi-Fi World, HiFi Media, NOVO HighEnd, STEREO Magazine, Positive Feedback, Sound Practices, VALVE... and much more!
See Our Great Audiophile Gift 2019 Special Edition
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Special Holiday Edition!
Great Audiophile Gift Ideas 2019 50 great gifts for music lovers!
Welcome to Enjoy the's 14th annual Great Audiophile Gift recommendations! We all love gifts, yet getting that something special for an audiophile can be quite a challenge. Enjoy the's annual Great Audiophile Gift wish list brings you 50 web pages filled with some truly spectacular ideas for music lovers. Prices start at around $10 and reach to a still reasonable $500 or so. Sure we snuck a few $$$ bits, yet still under $800. Be sure to visit this page as we have a free gift especially for you!
See This Month's Audiophile Review Magazine
A Look Back At 2019 As we plan for our 25th anniversary in 2020.
Editorial By Steven R. Rochlin
Virtual everyone within the high-end audio community agrees that 2019 was a banner year for our industry! There were a record number of well-attended events all around the world... for starters. Manufacturers are holding a record number of smaller events at their dealers' locations as well.
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EMM Labs DV2 Integrated DAC A truly magical musical machine!
Review By Phil Gold
It's many years since I've owned a standalone DAC. When your CD Player is from EMM Labs it not only contains a world class DAC, but that DAC keeps improving sonically with regular free firmware updates. On top of that, EMM Labs has updated the XDS1 CD Player to V2 and now V3 with new physical components for a reasonable update charge.
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Metronome Le Dac Digital-To-Analog Converter... ...and the Technicolor Dream.
Review By Paul Schumann
Those of you who have read some of my previous reviews know that I am in some ways a throwback, sticking with my compact discs while some audiophiles have moved to uncompressed digital files and others have embraced the vinyl side. I have a lot of CD's, and by god, I'm going to still listen to them. A few years ago I purchased the iFi Audio iDSD, and that opened up my world on how far digital has come in the last decade.
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ZMF Verit� Closed Back Over Ear Headphones ZMF's closed-back flagship is the perfect blend of fun and precision.
Review By Dave Hanson
Last year, the ZMF Verit� took the flagship headphone landscape by storm. It was the first headphone to bring beryllium-coated drivers to the 300-Ohm format. The result was a punchy, precise and musically intoxicating combination which garnered a 2019 Enjoy the Blue Note Award.
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World Premiere Review!
Raven Audio Osprey MK3 Tube Integrated Amplifier Fanatic attention to every detail.
Review By Ron Nagle
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pounded, weak and weary, with a tap, tap, tapping on a darkened Qwerty. Now with many a quaint and curious tome proffered, still, I must type more. The Raven Audio people are a Texas based company. Raven's products are made in the town of Onalaska, Texas.
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SVS Pinnacle 3.5-Way Floorstanding Speakers These speakers can rock, plus produce excellent macro and micro dynamics too!
Review By Dr. Matthew Clott
SVS came on the scene several years ago and impressed everyone with their range of high performance subwoofers. They established themselves as a high value to performance product and sold primarily dealer direct. Their subwoofers come in multiple sizes, multiple price points and in both sealed and ported versions to seamlessly mesh with home audio and home theater systems.
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Read More Within Our Dec. Review Magazine
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Enjoy the�s Great Audiophile Gift 2019 Guide
Over A Dozen New Products Added!
With the holidays now here, high-end audio site Enjoy the has added more than a dozen new products within our Great Audiophile Gift 2019 Special Edition! We all love gifts, yet getting that something special for an audiophile can be quite a challenge. Enjoy the's annual Great Audiophile Gift wish list brings you 50 web pages filled with some truly spectacular ideas for music lovers. Prices start at around $10 and reach to a still reasonable $500 or so. Sure we snuck a few $$$ bits, yet still under $800. We have a free gift especially for you too!
As always in the end what really matters is that you...
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin
Creative Director
Review Magazine, Australian Hi-Fi, Headphone.Guru, Hi-Fi+, HIFICRITIC, Hi-Fi World, HiFi Media, NOVO HighEnd, STEREO Magazine, Positive Feedback, Sound Practices, VALVE... and much more!
See Our Great Audiophile Gift 2019 Special Edition
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Why I Love Our Loyal Readership First and foremost, this entire site is for you!
Let's work together.... In a few months will officially be celebrating our 25th Anniversary. For those who've read the About Us info, you'll notice below all the site facts n' stuff that not a single word has changed for decades. And so it began 25 years ago... and I quote, "Longtime classically-trained medal-earning musician and high fidelity audio enthusiast Steven R. Rochlin launched in 1995 as a way to easily answer the many questions he was receiving from others online...".
See This Month's Audiophile Review Magazine
Enjoy The Music! Roger Skoff writes about the thing we love.
Ever since the Paleolithic era, when "hard rock" was a literal description, and humanity's catchiest tunes were played by rhythmically banging stones together, people have loved music. We've probably played it, sung it, chanted it, danced to it, and loved it for as long as we've had language � and maybe even longer, if animal behavior is any indication of the behavior of our far-most-distant ancestors.
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Tom Lyle, Enjoy the's Senior Editor A deep look into the life of a true music lover.
To get to the point of my short diatribe, I have to give a bit of background information about myself. Please bear with me. At first it might sound a bit narcissistic, but it will help put my discourse into perspective. For a long time, I considered myself an audiophile. Even before I knew what the term audiophile was. I did know that I was a lover of the equipment that reproduced the music I listened to.
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ProAc Response D2R Standmounted Speakers Updating a true classic loudspeaker.
When I moved to Canada in 1980, I bought Meridian M2 Active Speakers which I had originally heard in Edinburgh while I was attending the festival. They were so outrageously good I kept them for a very long time. Only when I found the ProAc Response 2 did I feel passive speakers had caught up and even overtaken the old M2s. That would be around the early nineties. The Stewart Tyler-designed Response 2 also lived in my system for a long time, finally giving way to a pair of Wilson Benesch Act 1...
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OMEGA Seamaster Diver 300M 007 Edition James, James Bond. Shaken, not stirred. Everyone loves a great action movie and James Bond is always up to the task. Bond's newest OMEGA timepiece has arrived with their Seamaster Diver 300M 007 Edition ($9200). With a full dossier of military-inspired details, this watch is loaded and ready to go! British agent 007's newest timepiece will be featured within the 25th James Bond film, No Time To Die, set to arrive in cinemas April 2020.
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Chord Electronics Huei MM / MC Phono Stage Making music sound like music, which is what makes high-end audio high-end audio.
In the past I've had the pleasure of reviewing two other components made by Chord Electronics from East Farleigh, Kent UK. In December of 2014 I reviewed the first version of their Hugo, a battery powered digital to analog converter. During January 2019 I reviewed their Symphonic moving coil phono stage, which in this case is more than noteworthy because the Huei phono stage that is being reviewed here is a smaller version of their excellent Symphonic phono stage.
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Synergistic Research Foundation Cables Oracles house themselves within temples of the humble.
Like with climate change, it's hard to believe there are still cable deniers in this world, but they show up in the forums with a loud voice. You would think the multitude of High End cable manufacturers would be a clue. After all, if high end cables were all snake oil would so many companies exist? Would so many people buy them? And importantly, would brick & mortar stores, who build their reputations and depend on repeat customers, be selling them? At audio shows nobody runs generic power cords or interconnects.
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Read More Within Our January '20 Review Magazine
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