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“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.”
— Natalie Goldberg
Hi Isaac,
Have you struggled in taking control of your business? Has COVID-19 made it difficult for you to find success in your business? Best selling author, Doug Winnie, understands the challenges business owners face everyday, and he also understands that the pandemic has made it difficult for business owners to obtain success.
In these pages you’ll find:
Objectives for each chapter
Easy to navigate sections for specific business needs
Checklists and tools
Tests at the end of each chapter
Real-life examples
And so much more! Get your copy today!
In the publishing industry, self vs traditional publishing is a hot topic. While everyone may have an opinion, the only one that matters is yours, the author! Many factors play into the decision and those factors differ between authors as well as between projects. One element to consider involves how much control of the material you want to maintain. Self-publishing allows you to steward the information you want to put in the world at a pace and level of your choosing. Another important reason to choose self-publishing allows you to build the recognition of their expertise in your field.
Jenn was able to meet, for the 2nd time, one of her mentors Mark Victor Hansen, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, on the Elite Expert Insider Podcast. She met him for the first time after publishing her 1st book. She was in Hollywood at an Awards Banquet to receive her Quilly Award.
“If you’re willing to ask someone for help or advice or, wisdom, they’re 80% more likely to help you than if you just sit back and don’t ask.” (9:10)
“The research we did shows that when you ask yourself a question, a different part of your brain goes to work for you. And it’s the part of your brain that does critical thinking.” (18:43)
“You know, our imagination is one of the most amazing gifts God gave us. We’re the only animal that has the ability to do that” (20:03)
Learn more!
WORK WITH US: Want to have a bestselling book done by the holidays?
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Hi Isaac,
As an entrepreneur, reading modern-day headlines can be a bit scary, right? The economy is all over the place, and many of us are losing sleep over whether our businesses will survive. We worry with good cause: most businesses are highly susceptible to economic forces.
But what if you could take steps, right now, to shield your business from economic disaster? You can!
Join my friend and colleague, Authority Strategist and Business Mentor Michael Neeley, for a no-cost webinar, “How to Crisis-Proof Your Business with a Professional Podcast” on August 12 & 13.
You can skip the reading and sign up here:
Shield Your Business From Impact.
When you follow the link above and sign up to join Michael for this powerful training, you’ll discover exactly what you can do to recession- and pandemic-proof your business.
Michael will share all the details of a business model that empowers you to reduce your costs, increase your profits, and become entirely mobile.
After this training, you’ll have the knowledge you need to put that business model to work for you … so you’re shielded from the ups and downs of the economy … and so you can enjoy peace of mind while sharing your message with the world!
Here’s that link again where you can sign up to join Michael at no cost:
NOW Is The Time To Crisis-Proof Your Business!
Can’t wait to “see” you on the webinar, on August 12 & 13!
To your success, even in uncertain times,
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
(385) 645-4890
P.S. What if you could go to bed each night and rest easy knowing your business was stable and crisis-proof … and that you are still sharing your message with the people who need to hear it? Now you can!
Join Michael on August 12 & 13 for “How to Crisis-Proof Your Business with a Professional Podcast.”
Sign up here:
Peace Of Mind. Profits. YES! Sign Up Here.
P.P.S. When you sign up to join Michael for “How to Crisis-Proof Your Business with a Professional Podcast,” you’ll also receive automatic access to three other powerful video trainings: “10 Audience Growth Hacks and Authority-Building Tactics That Work,” “7 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast with Ease,” and “The Simple 5-Step Process to Launch a Rockin’ Podcast in Just 14 Days.”
Sign up here:
Safeguard Your Business.
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We are excited to announce the new book by Colonel W. Andrew Pennington “Touching Orion”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
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Are you feeling lost? Do you ever hear a small voice crying out “I want to go home”, but you have no idea where ‘home’ is, or even what home really is?
Touching Orion is the story of an Air Force navigator that took every possible wrong turn in life... the wrong career, the wrong friends, the wrong poisons, the wrong doctors, and especially, the wrong lovers.
Some people just seem born to hurt others, and if we aren’t wise, they end up as our wives or husbands. At first, they are our greatest desire, and we give them everything we have. Yet somehow, they just drain our souls. They hang around like shadows, and grow much larger as we move into the light. They leave us in our darkest hours. We’re seeking true and unconditional love in a place we think is our home, but in fact, we’ve just taken another wrong turn. We’re left empty and alone, terrified, and timid. We have to rebuild our lives on a foundation of fear. And if we don’t learn from our mistakes, we have to start over and over, again and again.
There is hope for the lost. Many people have found a true direction and a sense of peace and happiness. But if you aren’t careful, you can repeat the patterns until you are defeated.
The stories in Touching Orion are shared to help you understand what is really going on inside the human heart… to help you find your own direction and to guide you into a light of greater peace and fulfillment.
Andrew Pennington is a business and military senior executive with deep experience in Aerospace, Academia, and Intelligence, and as a founding member of Air Force Cyber Command.
He loves to help others, finding great joy in recent work as a professor, executive coach, and CIO mentor. As a survivor of cancer and emotional abuse, he has a passion for helping others find a way to win even if life is pitching us foul balls. His greatest accomplishments are the birth of his son, guiding a friend to accept Christ, earning his Air Force wings, and becoming a four-state sparring champion in Taekwondo at the age of 57.
Andy still loves flying and enjoys training in martial arts under his 9-year-old son, already a second-degree blackbelt, whom he proudly addresses as “sir” in the Dojang!
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Click Here to get your copy today.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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PS - It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.
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(832) 224-6906
We are excited to announce the new book by Tracey Greene-Washington “Choosing Purposeful Alignment: The Messy Middle of Transformation”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
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Are You a Game Changer?
Whether you realize it or not, in this moment you are called into something bigger than yourself that requires the creation of intentional purpose and alignment. In doing so, you inevitably have to navigate the necessary messy middle of change, which is the gap between your current state and your desired purpose.
The messy middle is the space where the painful, often unspoken work takes place. That work you whisper about to your most trusted confidants. The sacred work you often do not prioritize that ultimately moves you from success to significance. But you have to choose it and step into your game-changer posture to position your leadership and leaderful organization to drive innovation and change for the future.
Through imbalance and dis-ease, and grappling with challenging moments in her personal and professional life, Tracey Greene-Washington survived the messy middle of transformation and emerged as a true game changer who continues to evolve in the work to address complex social change. She takes you through a series of critical “what if” questions to guide you into your game-changer posture, allowing you to rise and make intentional choices as you lean into a journey of transformation, defining moments, clarity, and audacious boldness.
About The Author
Tracey Greene-Washington is President of Indigo Innovation Group, where she serves as a strategic thought partner, advisor, coach and consultant to philanthropic, nonprofit, and public/private sectors. In addition to her systems-level work at Indigo Innovation Group, Tracey is the founder of CoThinkk, a social change philanthropy organization committed to shifting the economic mobility, health, education, and leadership narrative of communities of color in Western North Carolina. A powerhouse in strategic innovation and collaboration, her work amplifies her commitment to accelerating change through systems-level approaches to achieving equity for communities at the intersection of community economic development, health, education, and leadership development.
Click Here to get your copy today.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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Hi, Isaac
Congratulation to Steven Anthony Bishop for achieving #1 National Bestseller with his new book, Putting on Christ: A Road Map for Our Heroic Journey to Spiritual Rebirth and Beyond.
Steven Anthony Bishop was born on the seventh day of the seventh month in Southern California, yet considers Utah as his "home base". He has worked as an entrepreneur for most of his professional life and is a seasoned real estate investor.
Steven has served in many callings in his Church, beginning as a young missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Seville, Spain (now Malaga) Mission. Since his mission, Steven has worked in various callings including serving as a Priest Quorum Advisor, Elders Quorum President, in a Bishopric, and as Director of Public Affairs for Tempe and Chandler, Arizona.
His book, Putting on Christ, is a roadmap of our heroic journey to Spiritual Rebirth, also referenced in the holy writ as “the gate” that leads to eternal life. This gate is the First Comforter which is received and initiated through a “baptism of fire” and manifestation of the Lord’s Spirit. The Savior said, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able” (Luke 13:24).
It includes the stories of nine people who were born of the Spirit or born of God in our latter day—six of whom are personally known to me. These nine have obtained the same knowledge—even the perfect knowledge as to God’s reality. This experiential knowledge obtained is on par with many who have entered God''s Presence through a near-death experience. In either scenario, one can never be the same thereafter. Each will have received "a mighty change" or conversion of the heart towards God.
There is a broken-hearted covenant and cry of the soul we must each make in the depths of repentance, performed in complete surrender, having a committed willingness to do His will in all things thereafter. Once these and other conditions are met, the fulfillment of the Father’s promise can then be made experientially “real” for us in our lives—unto the praise and glory of God. This is when we transition from the knowledge about God to the actual, perfect knowledge of God. Indeed, this is salvation.
The path is real and He is coming. Waste no time.
Click here to buy the book today!
The answer is no, you don’t. While the world gets comfortable indoors for the time being, we’re bound to run out of shows to binge watch. We can only watch so much of that one show before we start to go a little mad in the head. Escape into new worlds at your fingertips.
eBooks have become a new trend for readers to access their favorite books, whether it be on your computer, iPhone, Android, or even on a Kindle device. This blog will show you the opportunities and benefits in taking advantage of reading books through the Kindle App or any eBook application.
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Echelon Magazine has featured Melanie Johnson, CEO of Elite Online Publishing, with some of the most recent #1 Bestselling books she’s helped published. Melanie gives insight on the nonstop work Elite Online Publishing has been doing since the pandemic, and she talks about three books with exciting topics.
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Michael Foster about his view on the real estate market and his book Military House Hacking.
Michael first got involved in investing to build something for himself and his future family. He realized at 25, he had nothing of value to carry forward after the first quarter of his life. He knew living paycheck to paycheck was not an option, and he wanted to know what abundant living felt like. The more knowledge he built, the more books he read and podcasts he listened to, he realized, building for his future was way easier then he judged it to be. Once he changed his mindset, visualized what he wanted, and set his goals, Michael painted a picture of what financial freedom looked like! To pursue his passion of traveling, to be his own boss, and to give back in a major way!
Real estate is just one tool of investing, but it is one that allows you the freedom and versatility to use it as you wish. Just as anything is in life, what you put in is what you get out. However, YOU create your own hours. YOU create your own team. YOU make the decisions that carve your success on your terms, on your time, and on your willingness to succeed. Michael wants to have a business he can work on and make money from his phone, wherever he is in the world. Real estate gives Michael just that.
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From March 5-8, 2021, Elite Online Publishing invites you to celebrate International Women’s Day. This will be the largest International Women’s Day event in history! Celebrate with women from all around the world, and it will be streamed to hundreds of other women’s events in 195 countries. To get on the priority notifications list and to receive exclusive event details, click here for more information!
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When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
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Hi, Isaac
Introducing the newest addition to our team: Gillian Rea, Publishing Coordinator. Gillian recently graduated from Grand Canyon University with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Graphic Design and a minor in Communications. Prior to Elite, Gillian studied photojournalism and other styles of photography for five years. Some of her clients include USTA, Phoenix Union, GCU Today, and Taco Bell. She credits intuitive thinking and perpetual curiosity that keep her discovering new categories to learn about. With a background in art, music, and journalism, she is passionate about using her skills to bring light and success to those around her.
Jenn Foster’s birthday is October 29, 2020! Jenn is a sophisticated author who has achieved bestseller She is dedicated to helping businesses use powerful new online and mobile marketing platforms to get visibility, traffic, leads, customers and raving fans. She is passionate about helping busy entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals to create, publish, and market their book, to build their business and brand. She encourages new authors to share their stories, knowledge and expertise to help others. With her marketing and digital background, Jenn uses the best strategies for her client''s books to boost their sales and marketing platforms and helps them achieve #1 bestseller status.
Our 2020 publishing calendar is officially filled for new book launches. We have one more spot left for a VIP Book Creation Day( and we have opened up our 2021 calendar. January is almost full already. If you want to publish in 2021 now is the time. Reach out to us at
Go and vote! 2020 General Elections will be November 3, 2020. Go to and find out if you can vote early in your own state. Serve your country by practicing your right to vote!
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Jacob Glenn about technology and software that you need for your company and about his business M Genio.
Jacob is a dynamic technical leader with a career defined by more than 20 years of operational excellence and technical leadership. As the Founder and Managing Director of M Genio Inc. Jacob has responsibility for overall execution of company strategy including organizational structure, business model development, team leadership, and technology delivery. M Genio is a boutique software development firm delivering high quality solutions for clients ranging from Startups to Fortune 500 and everything in between.
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Pure Holiday Bundle
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Hello There! We have an excellent book release next week Life is a Series of Unexpected Interruptions: The Untold Real-Life Story of How One Bad Decision Destroyed a Multimillionaire’s Life and His Road Back to God, Faith, and Love
by Clark East. Look for the link in our Email Thursday Morning.
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
The people who preceded us, thanks to their talent, built the first civilizations from Mesopotamia to Egypt and then to India and China until reaching the western world. For this they developed agriculture, with which wealth and power arose, they also developed science and invented writing. The people who preceded us also developed revolutions, cultures, wars, towns, and cities, and even empires. Over the years, people developed democracy and capitalism, with which the countries that adopted them managed to obtain a stable and prosperous economy.
In today’s world, however, a series of events are taking place, such as political, economic, and social problems, and to top it off, a coronavirus has emerged that has put the entire world in serious difficulties.
Chapters Include:
All these problems have deeply hit our civilization, which is taking a dangerous trend, so we the people must do something to prevent its collapse.
Get the book today by clicking on the link → Where This Civilization is Going: A Dangerous Trend
Trusting The Principle With Dr. Matt Mannino
Listen to the Podcast Here
Click the photo below to see the full show notes on Elite’s Blog!
Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Dr. Matt Mannino about how to connect with your inner success.
How to trust your subconscious.
What your mind and body are capable of.
How to trust your beliefs to lead you to success. creates technologies and products that make information from important voice conversations instantly accessible and actionable. Its software shows captions for live speakers, and generates written transcriptions of the speeches. For more information click here →
Send more professional proposals, impress your clients and get paid in less time. Better Proposals is a simple proposal editor that professionally helps you in writing and designing templates. Send them to your clients and get paid faster! For more information click on the link → Better Proposals
Reedsy is a website where a diverse roster of professionals ensures that authors from all walks of life can find the right people to help. They allow you to exercise your creativity by making sure you are perfectly suited to your genre and budget. For more information click on the link → Reedsy
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
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We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what you want as a Free eBook from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
“May and October, the best-smelling months? I’ll make a case for December: evergreen, frost, wood smoke, cinnamon."
– Lisa Kleypas
Hi, Isaac
We would like to say thank you to all of our authors, new and old, who have published with Elite Online Publishing over the years. You are all truly family and we wish you the very best. We are especially grateful for your continued business in 2020. Amid the virus, lockdowns, and uncertainty, all of you have proven that the arts are still a priority, as we believed all along.
Best wishes for 2021!
Visit our testimonials page to see why Elite Online Publishing is highly recommended.
One of the main focuses of your book launch is getting book reviews. Why are reviews so important? These days, before anyone buys anything, they look for social proof. People want to make sure that other people are saying good things about something before they buy it. Just like reading the reviews of a product before purchasing, a reader wants to know what other people say about a book before they are willing to pay for it. In preparation for your launch, you want to make sure you will have plenty of reviews (preferably good reviews that are more than just a few words) right from the beginning. Another thing to consider is that most websites won’t promote your book unless you have a certain number of reviews. Remember that everyone is busy, so to make sure your book is getting reviewed, it’s your responsibility to follow up with people and remind them to leave a review.
Click here to learn the true way to get a good book review!
What Food triggers people with anxiety should be avoiding?
What is a functional medicine doctor?
How to trust your body.
“The brain has what we call neuroplasticity, we can change and every time we have a different thought, then that is creating a new pathway.” (6:15)
“You just don’t want to walk into your local drugstore or health food store and just pick up something off the shelf, you want to really consult with a nutritionist or a functional medicine doctor who would really do the type of analysis to see exactly what you need.” (12:04)
“You want to start getting into that sense of trusting your body and powering down late at night.” (15:01)
Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum spent nearly five decades making healthcare and education more holistic and innovative. With a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, Sandi specialized in positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mind-body medicine, and served as teacher and the director of a clinic for Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD). She is a pioneer in her fields, having implemented programs such as the use of neurofeedback with patients and becoming the first-ever psychologist to earn certification through The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM).
Learn More Here
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iBayam Pens
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Sign with us to Publish before Christmas and receive a FREE Amazon Echo Dot Smart Speaker.
Elite Online Publishing is a proud sponsor of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
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Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter on Audible
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
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Hi, Isaac,
Is it really possible to turn one business tool into seven streams of revenue? Or does that sound too good to be true?
What if I told you that there is a tool that can already do that? Well, there is…
PODCASTING. The fastest growing medium, that is shockingly still unsaturated.
Launching a podcast is an easy and powerful way to get your voice out there to people who want to buy from you. Yet, while starting a show is simple, making it profitable is a whole different story.
A podcast will be profitable only if you design it the right way, from the very first step. Monetizing a podcast effectively is like fitting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Each element plays an important role, and together, they form a complete picture.
My friend, Authority Strategist and Business Mentor Michael Neeley, is on a mission to show you what each piece of the puzzle looks like, and how to put them all together to build a profitable podcast that takes your business to the next level.
That’s why he’s offering a complimentary video training in which he outlines exactly How to Create 7 Revenue Streams from a Podcast, and you can sign up to watch it here:
Discover Specific Strategies To Bring In The Green.
When you go to the link above and sign up to watch the video, you’ll also receive a complementary guide designed to help you implement what you learn.
Sign up here to watch Michael’s video and download the accompanying guide, at no cost:
Make Your Own Profitable Podcast. Start Here.
To your success,
P.S. Did you know that so many podcasts fizzle out before they hit seven episodes, that the industry coined a term for it? It’s called “Podfading”. On top of that, a significant percentage of shows never make any money at all.
But when you set yours up like a pro—with an effective monetization strategy in place—you can rest assured you’ll be well on your way to making a great profit while getting your voice out there to the people who truly want to hear it.
In this no-fluff video training, you will discover little-known techniques for making your show profitable from the very beginning. Sign up here to watch “How to Create 7 Revenue Streams from One Business Tool”.
Expert Advice To Make Your Podcast Work.
P.P.S. When you sign up to watch “How to Create 7 Revenue Streams from One Business Tool,” you’ll also receive automatic access to Michael’s “10 Audience Growth Hacks and Authority-Building Tactics That Work” video training, in which he walks you through exactly how to grow a warm audience of people who can’t wait to buy from you!
Sign up here:
Amplify Your Voice. Launch Your Show. Start Earning.
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
(832) 224-6906
We are excited to announce the new book by Clark East “Life is a Series of Unexpected Interruptions- The Untold Real-Life Story of How One Bad Decision Destroyed a Multimillionaire''s Life and His Road Back to God, Faith, and Love”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and pre-order your book for yourself or a friend.
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Read Clark East’s journey, the untold real-life story of how one bad decision destroyed his multimillionaire lifestyle. This is his story of the road back to god, faith, and love. His poor choices ultimately guided him to discover what is truly important in life.
Our mistakes do not define us. Learning from them and changing our decisions and actions are what define us. Choices in his past were all based on fear. Fear led Clark to the emotional and irrational decisions he made every time he had a challenge or a difficulty.
As you read about his journey, his unexpected interruptions, know that no matter your mistakes or what seems to be failures, are just little interruptions that may just lead you to where you need to be. You need
not fear them or any other obstacle in your life. You are, however, encouraged to learn and grow.
What has enabled you to be the person you are meant to be — the person God wants you to be?
What unexpected interruption changed your life?
Clark began his career early, owning a Bar/Restaurant and Limo service at 19 years old. Clark then began his Commercial Real Estate career in 1979 at the age of 22 and then went on to become a successful commercial developer specializing in Retail Shopping Centers spanning Texas, Florida, and North Carolina. Clark developed over 1,000,000 square feet of retail space including not only Shopping Centers, but Apartments, Office buildings and Hotels, exceeding over $100 Million in development. Some of his clients have included Starbucks, CVS, LA Fitness, HomeGoods, GolfSmith, Chipotle, McDonald’s, Chili’s, Outback Steakhouse, Carrabba’s, and Panera Bread.
Always the entrepreneur, Clark founded and was the inventor of a technology and associated device -“TracFind” - it tracks anything, anytime, anywhere and alerts you instantly worldwide. He was awarded his first US Patent in 2015. He also invented a Faith Coin and gives them out on a regular basis to anyone where he feels a connection and need.
While originally from Louisiana, Clark’s heart is still on the Gulf Coast of Florida where he grew up. Clark loves boating, the beach, and anything around water. He loves spending time with his 4 grandkids and his family. Passionate about family, cooking, creating, and giving back. Clark currently resides in Sugar Land, Texas.
Click Here to get your copy today.
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PS - It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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Hello Isaac,
We are excited to announce the new book by Carla Spalding MSN/Ed., RN
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and pre-order your book for yourself or a friend.
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Conservatives vs Liberals, a view from both political parties. Why do they either love President Donald Trump or hate him? Why is he such a controversial figure? In this book you will get a unique perspective from a black female, veteran, and registered nurse, running for Congress.
Follow Carla Spalding’s journey as she runs for Congress for Miami-Broward Congressional District 23, Florida. Understand how someone with no political background navigates through the underworld of nasty dirty politics of both parties. See how she became the nominee despite the efforts of one party to undermine and the lack of support from the other. Also, get an insider look at Carla’s prediction of who will win the presidency for 2020. Carla will speak to the future of both parties or the lack thereof. If you truly value democracy and want true change, this is the book for you!
Conservative versus Liberals, a new beginning. How do we want to live? The way we are living now? Do we want to continue on the path of destruction that the Democrats are leading us in? Or do we want to return America the way that it used to be and how the President has made it so far?
Trump blows up the system as we know it.
Regular middle-class people vs the big political machine.
Awakening the woke, blacks starting to see the truth.
Why aren’t more Caribbean Americans, Republican?
Are the American people ready for the truth?
Can Black America handle what is behind the political strategies on display?
Are you ready for the Vaccine, Carla’s got the Truth Vaccine!!
Think about the following questions: If the Democrats are for the poor, then why, for generations, are they still poor? How have their policies really helped? Carla Spalding is planting a seed of learning to think rationally for self-determination.
Carla doesn’t have all the answers to the future, but she will open your eyes to view different positions. We don''t always see things in the same manner. The first thing that must be addressed is the mindset and empowering individuality. It is important for the voters to wake up and demand more from their representatives, regardless of party.
Are you ready for the truth?
Watch the Video Trailer:
Carla Spalding is a Congressional candidate. She is a first-generation American and single working parent who immigrated to this great country at the age of eighteen from Jamaica. She proudly served as a veteran in the United States Navy. Carla earned a master''s degree, became a college professor, a small business owner, and a Registered Nurse. Carla was recognized as the VA Nurse of the Year in 2013, and has worked as a Rapid Response COVID-19 Nurse.
Carla was the former Council Secretary for the Salvation Army in South Florida. Her decades of actual real-life experience enables her to understand the complex issues of immigration, family, business, education, healthcare, and security.
She is known to be a strong leader that fights for what is right. She is committed to helping others and making a difference in people’s lives. Carla doesn''t give up and is not afraid, even though there are negative media against her. Carla believes it is our American spirit that allows us to endure any circumstances and prosper. Carla is currently running for Congress in Florida, Miami-Broward Congressional District 23. Her slogan is “ALL VOTES MATTER! People-over-party, uniter-not-divider.”
Follow Carla at
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Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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Subject line: Do you have Business Blindspots
“If there''s a book that you want to read, but it hasn''t been written yet, then you must write it.”
? Toni Morrison
Hi, Isaac,
Congratulations to Jesse R. Stewart on his Bestselling Book Un-Winnable Wars: Finding Victory in the Ashes of Defeat. His book hit #1 International Bestseller on Amazon in the US and AU.
You can buy his book at the Sale Price for a few more days - Buy the book here:
Sometimes blindspots appear and you have to take action. That is what happened to Melanie and I when we found out Amazon wanted us to change the title of Doug Winnie''s Book.
They requested us to change from
Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Business Challenges for Exponential Growth
Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Challenges for Exponential Growth
For some reason they felt having the word Business twice was redundant and misleading. We agreed to take it out, but the timing messed up the pre-order and all of the pre-order sales were lost.
Because of this, we updated the title and published the book to get new sales.
You May have bought the book and received an email saying your pre-order was canceled, you will have to re-order the book.
Here are the links to purchase again. The book is still on sale for .99 cents, Doug will change the price of the eBook soon. The paperback and Hardback will also be available for $39.95 and $49.95
You can also share with your International Friends in AU, CA, UK or DE
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Watch the Book Trailer Video Here:
Learn about expertise in influence and publicity marketing. As well as her 4 bestselling books: Get Noticed…Get Referrals, Networking Magic, and Guerrilla Publicity, which is regarded as the “PR Bible”, and her latest book The Profit of Kindness.
How to focus on what is happening around you.
How to leave an impact on people.
Why self publishing is faster and easier.
Listen here:
WinStreak® is a simple tool for making sure that, at the end of every day, you feel positive about your accomplishments and excited for the next day.
The SmartMouth App is an interactive public speaking tool that simplifies speechwriting and presentation prep. The app provides an in-depth “how to” discourse that breaks down the parts of a speech, as well as an easy-to-use speechwriting template with step-by-step prompts.
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Hello Isaac,
We are excited to announce the new book by Steven Anthony Bishop
“Putting on Christ: A Road Map for Our Heroic Journey to Spiritual Rebirth and Beyond”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
Putting on Christ is a roadmap of our heroic journey to Spiritual Rebirth, also referenced in the holy writ as “the gate” that leads to eternal life. This gate is the First Comforter which is received and initiated through a “baptism of fire” and manifestation of the Lord’s Spirit. The Savior said, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able” (Luke 13:24).
For the true seeker and truth seeker, Putting On Christ may prove a valuable guide for the journey along this straight and narrow path which leads to obtaining the knowledge of God on the level as if we had seen Him. When we receive this knowledge, we will have been healed and cleansed by Christ Himself of our sins, vices, and spiritual wounds . This knowledge then opens the door to "obtain all other things pertaining to life and godliness" (Lectures On Faith 7:18). Putting On Christ includes the stories of nine people who were born of the Spirit or born of God in our latter day—six of whom are personally known to me. These nine have obtained the same knowledge—even the perfect knowledge as to God’s reality. This experiential knowledge obtained is on par with many who have entered God''s Presence through a near-death experience. In either scenario, one can never be the same thereafter. Each will have received "a mighty change" or conversion of the heart towards God.
This same knowledge is available to all who have come under heavenly contract with God through the ordinances by proper authority. The Lectures on Faith teach that "whatsoever constitutes the salvation of one will constitute the salvation of every creature which will be saved" (Lectures on Faith, 7:9).
Jesus said to Nicodemus: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Being born of the Spirit is much more than receiving the Father’s promise through “confirmation” after being baptized by water. There is a broken-hearted covenant and cry of the soul we must each make in the depths of repentance, performed in complete surrender, having a committed willingness to do His will in all things thereafter. Once these and other conditions are met, the fulfillment of the Father’s promise can then be made experientially “real” for us in our lives—unto the praise and glory of God. This is when we transition from the knowledge about God to the actual, perfect knowledge of God. Indeed, this is salvation.
The path is real and He is coming. Waste no time.
-Steven Anthony Bishop
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Steven Anthony Bishop was born on the seventh day of the seventh month in Southern California yet considers Utah as his “home base”. He has worked as an entrepreneur for most of his professional life and is a seasoned real estate investor.
Steven is best known for having obtained the first-ever granted exclusive worldwide license to replicate Michelangelo’s incomparable “La Pieta” sculpture from the Vatican Observatory Foundation. His company, "Vescovo Buonarroti Art", has made the viewing of its replicas available to Catholic Churches throughout the United States, as well as internationally (see
Steven has served in many callings in his Church, beginning as a young missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Seville, Spain (now Malaga) Mission. Since his mission, Steven has worked in various callings including serving as a Priest Quorum Advisor, Elders Quorum President, in a Bishopric, and as Director of Public Affairs for Tempe and Chandler, Arizona.
When not serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Steven can be found doing missionary work and finding the Lord’s elect. Steven is a witness to the reality of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, and shares this message to all who will listen. Steven joyfully welcomes opportunities to promote building faith in Jesus Christ, including volunteering to speak at firesides, or other faith-promoting events.
Steven and his wife Rebecca recently moved from Arizona to Utah, and have raised four daughters along with a little Yorkie dog named “Gracie”, who they all swear is an actual person.
Follow Steven
Click Here to get your copy today.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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Hi Isaac
I am excited to share with you that I have been invited to be a partner at an outstanding Business Owner''s Self-Care Toolbox Summit & Giveaway Online Event for Business Owners. Come and join the party!
Business Owner''s Self-Care Toolbox Summit & Giveaway is a toolbox for you. It is a set of FREE resources and knowledge for business owners to make their business and personal life a lot easier. In the area of personal well-being, it is resources like preventing and overcoming burnout counseling, self-care, fitness, time-management, emotional intelligence. And in the business area, it is resources, like outsourcing, consulting, systematizing, delegating, sales, marketing, legal solutions, profits online, etc.
The gift I share inside the event: Free Book- Text the keyword Elite to 58885 with your Name and Email.
Register Here
You will be able to also download helpful gifts from the experts such as,
* “The Secrets Behind Launching Your Funnel!” by Alexi Ruffell
* “Profit Producer eBook” by Vicky Wu
* “Six-Figure Business Checklist” by Maggie Berghoff
* “Turn Selling Into Helping & Close More Customers” by Kendrick Shope
* “Bob Bly''s Direct Response Letter“ by Bob Bly
* “What is your BANK CODE“ by Denken Tan
* “Trademark Masterclass: How to Protect Your Brand and Gain Authority“ by Joey Vitale
* “10 Keys to a Lead Generating Online Summit“ by Stacy Braiuca
* “Social Media Tracker“ by Marie Mason
And More!
Register Here
The event is hosted by my friend Ann Bondarchuk, who is a Founder and CEO of Deliberate Choice Christian Counseling and Coaching. She helps Business Owners to prevent and overcome Burnout and to restore their freedom to enjoy life.
She organized this summit and giveaway for you, so you don''t have to learn those lessons the hard way yourself. There is no need to do that when there is someone who is ready to share with you what they have spent a lot of time learning. And so, this is a perfect opportunity to save time, efforts, and that money you would otherwise spend to learn those things somewhere else. This shortcut will help you to avoid lots of stress, lots of emotional exhaustion and will help you to become more resilient and to take care of your own well-being.
Join us and choose as many gifts and interviews as you like!
Register Here
Can’t wait to see you there!
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
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“When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done.” — Stephen King
Hi Isaac,
Melanie Johnson, CEO of Elite Online Publishing, was featured in a cover story for Echelon. She elaborates on Three Secrets To a Positive Outlook On Life:
“I have had to reinvent myself during the last two decades. I have been a former Miss Michigan, a ‘rip & read’ newsreader, a television news anchor, station owner, and currently a CEO & book publisher with the company I co-own, Elite Online Publishing.
Also, I have had to raise my two college-aged boys Nathan and Justice. Throughout my ups and downs, I have found there are three things that keep me going each day, ladies. I do these religiously—here are my secrets, as simple as they are, to have a positive outlook on life.”
Book Release today by author Doug Winnie. “Business Blindspots: Elite Hidden Business Challenges for Exponential Growth.” Take control of your success today and defeat those BLINDSPOTS that may be holding you back!
This book has been written in such a way that works as a checklist, instruction manual, and an actual coursebook with test questions. This book can be used in a way that best fits your individual needs. Updated for the Covid-19 global pandemic as another blindspot was indeed this virus.
You will discover critical business concepts and learn how to implement these strategies in a way that allows every business owner and every team member to participate and grow. By implementing these systems, you’ll be ahead of the competition and ready for success.
This book is for everyone and every business. Whether it’s pre-startup to fast-growth, from disaster to turn-around, and from re-birth to a consistent and stable growth company, there are tools and ideas for everyone. Whether you are the CEO or a front-line manager, or even a front-line team member, this book was written to help everyone in the organization cause the company to become much more successful by reading AND APPLYING the actions recommended.
In these pages you’ll find:
Objectives for each chapter
Easy to navigate sections for specific business needs
Checklists and tools
Tests at the end of each chapter
Real-life examples
And so much more! Take control of your success today and defeat those blindspots that may be holding you back!
Get a copy of your book today!
Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Business Challenges for Exponential Growth
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Michael Neely about how to produce your own podcast.
How to find your objective or mission.
How to reverse engineer your show.
How to use affiliate relationships to your advantage.
“Anybody can launch a podcast, quite honestly, it’s really easy, but it’s really all in the strategy. How do you grow an audience? How do you actually monetize it? and How do you stay in for the long haul?” (3:49)
“The side benefits of having a podcast and beyond the potential money to make beyond the audience, the listeners, it’s the relationships that you build.” (9:26)
“Advertising on podcasts is 132% more effective than other forms of advertising right now because your listeners trust you.” (11:28)
Long before Michael took up writing and coaching, he used to be a knight in shining armor. More precisely, he was an actor that spent a good portion of his career on horseback before starring in a couple of soap operas and independent films. While it was quite nice to eventually see the name Michael Neeley in film, stage, and television credits, there was still something missing. Michael felt unfulfilled – not about what he was getting, but about what he was giving.
So, while he never became an “A” List actor, his profession was still very fun and rewarding, spanning more than twenty years before he finally decided to shift his purpose. Michael’s son, Tristan, was born in 2002 and he decided to leave the L.A. smog and raise him in clean air and clear skies. His life was taking on a different meaning, and he began searching for what he was meant to do, who he was meant to be, and why he was here on this little blue dot.
Hydro Flask Water Bottles are amazing. They keep your water cold or hot for days.
WORK WITH US: Want to have a bestselling book done by the holidays?
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
We are excited to announce the new book by DeAnna Lorraine “Taking Back America: Campaign Secrets I Learned Battling Nancy Pelosi and The Swap. How To Be A Fearless Firebrand for America’s Future”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
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Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to run for Congress? How about challenging the most powerful member of Congress, the speaker of the house? Catch a glimpse behind the scenes of Republican DeAnna Lorraine’s “David & Goliath Battle’'' campaign against one of America’s most high profile politicians, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Lorraine shares the good, the bad, and the ugly, with the hopes that others can learn from her triumphs, as well as her challenges, most of which can be applied outside of the political world to turn any endeavor from mundane to badass.
Taking Back America: Campaign Secrets I Learned Battling Nancy Pelosi and The Swamp will share:
An eye-opening glimpse into the realities of campaigning for public office
Dirty secrets exposed from the Establishment
Lorraine’s surprise fight with both the left AND the RINO Establishment on the right
Creative outside the box thinking useful for any organization
Tips and tools used by politicians that they wish you didn’t know
Learn how to be a true American patriot in today’s uncertain environment
If you just want an exclusive, uncensored, behind-the-scenes view into the good, the bad, and the very dirty of what goes on in a high-visibility political campaign, this book will spill the tea. Although Lorraine did not win the primary, she ran a brilliant, unique, unconventional campaign that bucked the Establishment, as well as won over hearts and minds across America and beyond. DeAnna Lorraine is a rare fearless firebrand for America’s future who is dedicating her life’s work to making a better, more patriotic America.
Ms. DeAnna Lorraine is a Conservative political firebrand and recent Republican, “anti-establishment” Congressional Candidate who just completed her widely watched run against political Goliath Nancy Pelosi in California’s 12th Congressional District (San Francisco). She is also a popular YouTube Host, Political and Culture commentator, Author, and Host of her podcast and Internet show "Taking Back America with DeAnna Lorraine." She is known for talking boldly about the destructive impacts of Liberalism and Feminism and how they’re destroying our relationships, the family – and our country on the whole. DeAnna makes frequent media appearances (Newsmax, CNN, FOX, OANN, The Blaze, The Daily Caller, etc), and has given riveting speeches at the Walkaway March, the American Priority Conference, the Eagle’s Council, the #DemandFreeSpeech Rallies, and many other major Conservative events.
Follow DeAnna
TWITTER: @Deanna4Congress
Click Here to get your copy today.
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PS - It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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Hello Isaac,
We are excited to announce the new book by Jamey Rootes “The Winning Game Plan: A Proven Leadership Playbook for Continuous Business Success”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
Get a world-class approach to leading a business, any business, to exceptional and sustained success. Houston Texans President Jamey Rootes shares
the principles and ideology that has made the Texans one of the most valuable professional sports franchises, both in the NFL and globally.
Every new leadership opportunity you face is a chance to grow as a leader and as a human being. In The Winning Game Plan: A Proven Leadership Playbook For Continuous Business Success, Rootes outlines a world-class approach to leading a business, any business, to exceptional and sustained success. These are the same principles he and his team have implemented for more than twenty years.
Through trial, error, and adjustment, these guiding principles will help you deliver breakthrough financial results, a rewarding workplace experience for your team, tremendous customer loyalty, and a reputation as a committed caretaker for your community.
Are You a Manager or a Leader?
Get the Right People on Your Team
Build a Winning Culture
A Winning Playbook for Handling Adversity and Success
Create Raving Fans
Play to Win!
Challenges are to be welcomed; they are the impetus for change, learning, and growth. Effectively communicating your expectations and decisive plan results in consistent success.
Whether you are leading a new company or department, starting your own enterprise, or flexing your leadership muscles, follow the guidelines in this playbook and you’ll have a reliable set of resources to meet each challenge head-on.
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Jamey Rootes has been one of Houston’s leading executives for more than two decades. He currently serves as President of the Houston Texans and is responsible for all business functions of the club. Under his leadership, the Texans have consistently been recognized as one of the most valuable professional sports franchises both in the NFL and globally.
During Rootes’ tenure, the Texans have earned many distinctions, including numerous “Crystal Awards” and most recently two American Business Awards for marketing excellence. Following the 2019 NFL season, the Texans extended their sellout game streak to 185 consecutive home games – a Houston NFL record.
He also serves as President of Lone Star Sports & Entertainment (LSSE), a sports management agency associated with the Texans. LSSE has been a catalyst for some of Houston''s most significant sporting events, including an annual college football bowl game and numerous international soccer matches.
In 2019, Rootes was selected as one of Houston Business Journal’s Most Admired CEOs. Earlier this year, Rootes was recognized as the 2020 Steinberg/DeNicola NFL Humanitarian of the Year.
He also oversees the activities of the Houston Texans Foundation, whose mission is to be “Champions for Youth,” which has donated more than $35 million. Recently, Rootes co-chaired the Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund, which has raised over $17 million to support the most vulnerable individuals and families affected by the pandemic in the Houston community.
Prior to joining the Texans, Rootes helped to launch Major League Soccer as the president and general manager of the Columbus Crew.
Rootes graduated Cum Laude from Clemson University’s Calhoun Honors College. While earning a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) with honors at Indiana University, he served as an assistant soccer coach for the Hoosiers. Rootes previously held positions at IBM and Procter & Gamble.
He resides in Houston with his wife, Melissa, and their children, Chris and Caroline.
Click Here to get your copy today.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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PS - It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.
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There is still time to get my new book on sale for only .99 cents, “Touching Orion”
Get your copy here!
The Kindle eBook is only $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and pre-order your book for yourself or a friend. I''d love your support on my book release.
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Are you feeling lost? Do you ever hear a small voice crying out “I want to go home”, but you have no idea where ‘home’ is, or even what home really is?
Touching Orion is the story of an Air Force navigator that took every possible wrong turn in life... the wrong career, the wrong friends, the wrong poisons, the wrong doctors, and especially, the wrong lovers.
Some people just seem born to hurt others, and if we aren’t wise, they end up as our wives or husbands. At first, they are our greatest desire, and we give them everything we have. Yet somehow, they just drain our souls. They hang around like shadows, and grow much larger as we move into the light. They leave us in our darkest hours. We’re seeking true and unconditional love in a place we think is our home, but in fact, we’ve just taken another wrong turn. We’re left empty and alone, terrified, and timid. We have to rebuild our lives on a foundation of fear. And if we don’t learn from our mistakes, we have to start over and over, again and again.
There is hope for the lost. Many people have found a true direction and a sense of peace and happiness. But if you aren’t careful, you can repeat the patterns until you are defeated.
The stories in Touching Orion are shared to help you understand what is really going on inside the human heart… to help you find your own direction and to guide you into a light of greater peace and fulfillment.
Andrew Pennington is a business and military senior executive with deep experience in Aerospace, Academia, and Intelligence, and as a founding member of Air Force Cyber Command.
He loves to help others, finding great joy in recent work as a professor, executive coach, and CIO mentor. As a survivor of cancer and emotional abuse, he has a passion for helping others find a way to win even if life is pitching us foul balls. His greatest accomplishments are the birth of his son, guiding a friend to accept Christ, earning his Air Force wings, and becoming a four-state sparring champion in Taekwondo at the age of 57.
Andy still loves flying and enjoys training in martial arts under his 9-year-old son, already a second-degree blackbelt, whom he proudly addresses as “sir” in the Dojang!
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Click Here to get your copy today.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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“Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.”
? Lisa See
Hey Everybody,
Imagine this: a novel written so adeptly by a machine that it is indistinguishable from the human hand. Imagine a book that adequately satisfies both readers and the commercial market while virtually containing no flaws and whilst having been composed with little to no fuss. But how can such a novel even exist?
Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The Benefits of AI of Using AI as a Publisher or Author:
As a publisher or author who would like to try their hand at AI novel-writing software, the following benefits seem highly likely:
1) They will be able churn out more books — constantly. In a frenetic market like that of self-publishing, both publishers and authors understand the implications that come with delayed publication: reader interest wanes, fans recede, and the brand loses its touch with its audience. Come AI novel-generating software, the process of writing a book can most definitely speed up.
2) Writer’s block will cease to be a problem. This is truly a boon for authors who are short on time and potentially suffer from a lack of inspiration or deal with emotional blockages. Imagine not being able to come up with a good hook for your first sentence or being unable to finish that sagging middle that’s been torturing you for months. With AI software, you can generate ideas when you’re blocked, as if having another writer pitching in and offering a helping hand.
3) Publishers will save money on editors. While this may be a drawback for editors, it’s a big win for publishers and self-published authors who can’t afford to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to have a single book edited. With AI changing the game, novels will look better, read better, and be improved overall.
As you can see, the benefits are quite substantial and will greatly streamline both the writing and publishing processes.
Will AI ever write full novels? Find out more at our blog!
Will AI Write Novels? Latest Perspectives, Tools & Techniques
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The eWomenNetwork conducts nearly 1,500 events and host’s the #1 women’s entrepreneur conference around the nation, and offers and promotes new customers to increase cash flow. They are the Premier Success System for Women Entrepreneurs, and we were fortunate to be invited to a conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
For more information check out Sandra Yancey’s and Briana Dai’s instagram!
Heather Ross Testimonial for Elite Online Publishing.
“Hi I''m Heather Ross. My book Engineer Your Celebrity is an international best-seller thanks to Elite Online Publishing. Launching a book involves a lot of work and each element in the process needs to be done properly and with expertise. Melanie and Jennifer got everything done as they are superb project managers and leaders in taking care of it all.
They were there for me every step of the way. They described the whole process and made it smooth and easy for me.
For the items that I had to take care of such as getting in front of videos to speak, I was given the guidance and encouragement on how to get this done.
Getting my book published was truly a great and fun experience! Thank you both!”
Jenn Foster, an owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Harrison Hunter Reid Fischer about health, wellness, and business leadership.
Click here for access to all of Elite Expert Insider podcasts.
Business Leadership
Conscious Leadership
Making Someone’s Life Better
Build your confidence on “You’re gonna learn more than anyone else on how to build to build a million dollar in sales.” (5:06)
For human beings, we really need a purpose. It is really important… Purpose is what gives life meaning and it is fulfilling. (10:22)
But if you want to be fulfilled, and you want customers to love you, be a transformational leader! Every time a customer touches your business how can you make sure that their life will never be the same? (23:04)
Harrison Hunter Reid is a serial entrepreneur, international speaker, and world traveler. He is an expert in making things easy, actionable, and fun. He helps his students transform their health, take control of their minds, and create enterprises destined for success; all with ease. Harrison went from being fired from every job he ever had to currently running 2 businesses. One that is relieving the global obesity epidemic by selling snack foods that satisfy our cravings in a radically healthy manner. The other helps American financial institutions structure their benefit programs to instantly generate substantially more income for both their employees and owners. Harrison previously co-founded an events company when he was 18 years old that generated thousands of dollars for charity. He is also currently on the advisory board for two charities, Help For Children, and National Alliance.
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WORK WITH US: Want to have a bestselling book done by the holidays?
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
? Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
Hi, Isaac
We have a few spots available for our Author Website Design service right now. You can have a brand new custom website up and running within four weeks designed just the way you want it! Click here to learn more here.
Our team will create a custom design for your website designed to help highlight your story and your book(s). Plus, we''ll set up your email list and opt-in forms on your website so you can grow your email list and sales. We''ll even train you step-by-step through the process of using your new website, writing blog posts, and making any updates you''d like to make to your site.
If you''re ready to create the website of your dreams, finally, this will help.
Melanie Johnson, CEO of Elite Online Publishing inputs her experience of Thyroid Disorder. We have included this article below and invite you to read it!
Did you know that color has a lot to do with how you manage your marketing? Lindsay Kolowich Cox, investigates how humans are visual creatures, and color is a company’s powerful resource in order to attract a buyer. Lindsay shares input on how advertisements, banner ads, and call-to-action buttons are chosen based on what color attracts a person.
Lindsay also travels through the roots of psychology behind color theory, explaining different approaches, behavior, and rational decision-making based on the color you see a company advertise. To find out more how company’s use color to attract you, and how color also defines your personality, click here!
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Patty Farmer about how to make your message more meaningful, and leverage your content.
Patty helps business owners just like you take charge of your business once and for all. To stop feeling stuck in a business that isn’t serving you and start designing their entire business to support the lifestyle you want. Whether you are struggling to structure your offers and your pricing… you’re overwhelmed but aren’t sure how to continue to grow without burning out… or the never ending options on how to market your business have you stuck where you are because you can’t seem to make a decision… She''s here to help you create the business that you know you can have. In the last 20+ years Patty''s been in business, she''s helped entrepreneurs, speakers and small business owners just like you create and utilize networks and grow their businesses without resorting to cookie cutter tactics or sleazy strategies that don’t align with who they are… she''s shown them how to connect and collaborate with one another, convert more prospects to paying customers, and to live a life outside the box on your terms.
Marketing, Media, and Money
Learn More Here
Aroma Diffuser
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
Hello Isaac,
If you’ve been considering launching a podcast, you’re a part of the forward-thinking crowd who can see where the future is headed!
And if there are questions and concerns that have been holding you back – you need wait no longer.
My friend, colleague, and heart-based solopreneur, Michael Neeley, has put together one of the most incredibly generous offers I have ever seen.
Not only is he giving you his Zero to Launch Podcast Accelerator at one-thousand off the normal investment, but he is adding in his own personal bonuses that are worth more than five-thousand dollars!
PLUS – he got together with a bunch of other experts and asked them to throw in their own special bonus to support your efforts.
These extra “gifts” are worth more than another eighteen thousand!
Here''s what''s been added up to now:
PLUS Michael’s Bonuses:
These expert bonuses, plus those from Michael, have now reached more than $18,000...
Michael gave me an extra special bonus to give to the next 10 people who jump into the program:
**A Small Group VIP Mastermind Day with Michael – valued at $1,997!**
That’s $20,000 in value for just $197 to get started – plus you’ve got a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
So, what are you waiting for?!?
Join the Zero to Launch Podcast Accelerator TODAY!
Michael has reopened the offer to include these bonuses for just a few more days and the Mastermind Day is only for the first 10 who respond to this email. Will you be one of smart ones?
You do not want to miss out on this crazy-amazing offer!
Join today & get ALL bonuses!
Melanie & Jenn
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
PS: Don’t be left kicking yourself in the pants wondering why you didn’t just jump in when you had the chance.
Do it NOW!
Hi Isaac,
Lots of businesses are looking for new strategies that will work in a new situation right now. They move online, create new products, look for new clients. Some people are looking for new businesses because the old ones cannot work anymore. This requires fast solutions, quick-fixes. Only the right decisions.
If you want to know how to make the right decisions, learn from other people''s mistakes and experiences to save money and time.
Life can be easier than we used to think. Find a shortcut to the very results you want to achieve as a business owner in your business and personal life. If you want to grab your quick-fix solution gifts, you are welcome to join a special event I am taking part in!
I was invited by my friend to speak at a virtual summit by Ann Bondarchuk, an Executive Counselor and Coach, who helps business owners to prevent and overcome burnout and to restore their freedom to enjoy life.
It is my honor to be a partner in this online event called “Business Owner''s Self-Care Toolbox” Summit & Giveaway and to share with you the 2 secrets that help me to be a successful business owner.
It will be live on October 12-22 and will help business owners to change their lives by giving them the tools, steps, and strategies to help make their business and life easier. You will learn how to grow your business, expand your audience, write a book, use e-mail marketing, keep your business’ legal set up safe, work on mindset, eat healthy, improve your mental health and prevent burnout.
The gift I share inside the event: Free Book- Text the keyword Elite to 58885 with your Name and Email.
There are some successful strategies to grow and scale your business without working more and working harder. It is often about finding smarter solutions, effective strategies & tactics in your business and personal life.
Do you want to look at the richness of the materials we have inside the Summit?
I invite you to join the Summit and to enjoy the coaching sessions and gifts from experts.
Register Here
Melanie & Jenn
Here are some of the gifts you can find inside the event:
* “The Secrets Behind Launching Your Funnel!” by Alexi Ruffell
* “Profit Producer eBook” by Vicky Wu
* “Six-Figure Business Checklist” by Maggie Berghoff
* “Turn Selling Into Helping & Close More Customers” by Kendrick Shope
* “Bob Bly''s Direct Response Letter“ by Bob Bly
* “What is your BANK CODE“ by Denken Tan
* “Trademark Masterclass: How to Protect Your Brand and Gain Authority“ by Joey Vitale
* “10 Keys to a Lead Generating Online Summit“ by Stacy Braiuca
* “Social Media Tracker“ by Marie Mason
And Many More!
Register Here
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
? Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
Hi, Isaac
Happy Birthday to CEO of Elite Online Publishing, Melanie Johnson! Fun fact, Melanie is a former Miss Michigan 1988 pageant winner! Here are some fun photos of her from 1988 looking beautiful as always. Happy Birthday, Melanie!
The Elite Online Publishing website received a Makeover. If you haven’t seen it check it out today.
Not everything has to be difficult in a business owner’s life. There are ways to simplify and multiply!
There are people who know what can help you find a shortcut to do something that takes longer when you do it yourself.
If you want to find the best strategies for making more money, growing your business faster or expanding your audience, join the free Business Owner''s Self-Care Toolbox Summit & Giftaway Online Event to get valuable materials from experts, who are eager to share their knowledge with you!
Melanie and I were invited by my friend, Ann Bondarchuk, to speak at a virtual summit, an Executive Counselor and Coach, who helps business owners to prevent and overcome burnout and to restore their freedom to enjoy life.
I will share with you the 2 secrets that help me to be a successful business owner and to thrive in other areas of my life.
This event is a toolbox for you. It is a set of FREE resources and knowledge for business owners to make their business and personal life a lot easier. In the area of personal well-being, it is resources like preventing and overcoming burnout counseling, self-care, time-management, relationships, emotional intelligence. In the business area, it is resources like outsourcing, consulting, systematizing, sales, marketing, legal solutions, profit online, etc.
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Beth Noymer Levine, the founder of SmartMouth Communications about public speaking, presenting and communicating.
SmartMouth Founder and Principal Beth Noymer Levine is a Communications Coach who is emerging as one of the country’s leading voices on how to prepare and deliver speeches and presentations that actually work for both the audience and the speaker. Her methodology raises awareness around the unconscious tendency of speakers to be egocentric versus audience-centric and encourages clients to find their voices and their messages in a simple and logical way.
Beth is the creator of the SmartMouth Public Speaking Toolkit, a 5-star-rated mobile app for the iPhone and iPad. She is also the author of the book Jock Talk: 5 Communication Principles for Leaders as Exemplified by Legends of the Sports World.
Learn More Here
The Softest, Most Plush Blankets
Minky Couture:
Regular Mouth Mason Jar - Cute and functional, this water bottle is excellent for hydration.
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Hi, Isaac
Author Jamey Rootes has achieved #1 International Bestseller in over Twenty-nine Categories in Four Countries on Amazon. Ranking #14 in all of Non-Fiction Books!
Congratulation Jamey!
Get a world-class approach to leading a business to exceptional and sustained success. Jamey Rootes has implemented the same principles he and his team, The Houston Texans, use in leading a business. Through trial, error, and adjustment, these guiding principles will help you deliver breakthrough financial results, a rewarding workplace experience for your team, tremendous customer loyalty, and a reputation as a committed caretaker for your community.
Whether you are leading a new company or department, starting your own enterprise, or flexing your leadership musicals, follow the guidelines in this playbook and you’ll have a reliable set of resources to meet each challenge head-on.
Buy the book today on Apple, Amazon, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble. Visit
Elite Online Publishing wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Do you know you can access eBooks on any smart device by downloading Amazon Kindle? Amazon Kindle is not necessarily for Kindle devices, but it is an application that anyone, including you, can download on your computer, iPhone, or even Android device. Visit our blog to learn how you can download Amazon Kindle on any device by clicking here!
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview international bestseller Tracey Greene-Washington about her book Choosing Purposeful Alignment: The Messy Middle of Transformation.
For two decades, Tracey Greene-Washington, president of Indigo Innovation Group, has led high-level initiatives that address complex issues, gaining a reputation as an innovative servant leader who is inspired by futurism.
Through her partnerships, she has helped others become more impactful by targeting systemic change and taking risks. Her work amplifies efforts at the intersection of community economic development, health, and education.
Click here to listen to the full podcast today!
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Watch the Elite Planner Video
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
We are excited to announce the new book by Doug Winnie “Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Business Challenges for Exponential Growth”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
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About The Book
This book has been written in such a way that works as a checklist, instruction manual, and an actual coursebook with test questions. This book can be used in the way that best fits your individual needs. Updated for the Covid-19 global pandemic as another blindspot was indeed this virus.
You will discover critical business concepts and learn how to implement these strategies in a way that allows every business owner and every team member to participate and grow. By implementing these systems, you’ll be ahead of the competition and ready for success.
This book is for everyone and every business. Whether it’s pre-startup to fast-growth, from disaster to turn-around, and from re-birth to a consistent and stable growth company, there are tools and ideas for everyone. Whether you are the CEO or a front-line manager, or even a front-line team member, this book was written to help everyone in the organization cause the company to become much more successful by reading AND APPLYING the actions recommended.
In these pages you’ll find:
Objectives for each chapter
Easy to navigate sections for specific business needs
Checklists and tools
Tests at the end of each chapter
Real-life examples
And so much more! Take control of your success today and defeat those blindspots that may be holding you back!
Doug is an international public speaker, profit-strategist and award-winning business and executive coach, with multiple years of winning national and global ActionCOACH awards, beginning his first entrepreneurial experience selling holiday greeting cards door-to-door. This early drive for success led him to become a very successful business owner, now on his 9th successful business.
Having been the coach for over 200 business leaders, Doug has had the rare privilege to work in a diverse range of business industries, to name a few, automotive, technology, food service, real estate, franchise, medical, veterinary and oil and gas - and with an equally range of executives!
Doug earned his degree in Management Information Systems and International Finance from the University of Houston. Soon after graduating, he started his own award winning, rapid-growth company, which grew to over 60 employees generating over $25 million in sales with profits exceeding $250,000 per month.
Doug was professionally trained by multi-millionaire, author and world-class entrepreneur Brad Sugars. With the support of ActionCOACH global resources, Doug''s coaching, training and development programs are world class.
Doug''s strong belief is that having a certified business coach is the single most positive investment a business owner can make in themselves and for their business.
Follow Doug:
Click Here to get your copy today.
If you don’t have an amazon account, please open one at:
PS - It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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“A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.”
– Garrison Keillor, Leaving Home
Hi, Isaac
Clark East’s book, Life is a Series of Unexpected Interruptions: The Untold Real-Life Story of How One Bad Decision Destroyed a Multimillionaire''s Life and His Road Back to God, Faith, and Love, is now available in hardcover!
As you read Clark East’s journey of unexpected interruptions, you should know that no matter your mistakes or what seems to be failures, know that these are just little interruptions that may just lead you to where you need to be. You need not fear them or any other obstacle in life. You are, however, encouraged to learn and grow.
Click here to buy your hardcover copy!
Why so many podcasts fail to monetize their shows.
Why should business owners launch a top 100 show?
Why hitting the top 100 of iTunes even matters.
“If you’re going to spend that much time and energy on a podcast, you want to be able to share your number one. Let’s create the biggest splash upon your launch.” (6:45)
“Getting to the top 100 is not the end game, we want to make sure that they have an amazing show. And based on the content that they have on that show that we can create some great trackable ROI from it.” (8:55)
“I’m a believer that you don’t have to wait two to three years to have this massive show. Some of our best clients that have eight-figure businesses that have amazing ROI on their podcast have very tiny ships. So it’s not really about the amount of downloads, it’s really what you do with the content.” (26:56)
Jay Wong is CEO of Podcast Your Brand; a marketing company that builds podcasts that generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for their clients. Their market is very fast-growing, and Podcast Your Brand is uniquely positioned to disrupt the entire industry with its unique approach to generating guaranteed ROI for their clients. They’ve worked with household names like Procter and Gamble. And also smaller emerging brands as well as thought leaders and knowledge experts to help rapidly accelerate growth in their category.
His agency has been working with franchise companies listed on the Inc 5000 to increase their retention rates of new operators by a minimum of 15%+ as well as increasing their annual sales by an average of 21%.
Learn more about him and his company
From Cleo Buttera
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Sign with us to Publish before Christmas and receive a FREE Amazon Echo Dot Smart Speaker.
Elite Online Publishing is a proud sponsor of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter on Audible
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter on Audible
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
“Indeed, learning to write may be part of learning to read. For all I know, writing comes out of a superior devotion to reading.” — Eudora Welty
Hi Isaac,
There is this yearning in a lot of us that wishes to express ourselves like throwing words onto a piece of paper and telling the most inner thoughts of our being. The question is, where do we begin? Bestselling authors Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster explain you don’t have to be a writer to write a book. Here are three ways to get your book done!
We all have access to the internet, whether it is on a computer, or on mobile devices, we see content every day. The content you see on a blog post, social media, newsletter, or even on a website has enough content for a book. Out of every post you see, you can make it into a chapter.
Interviewing experts on the content you are writing about can be a huge plus! For example, Justine Gronwald helped people find amazing attorneys by writing a book called, Lawyer Up! She contacted seven attorneys who wrote one chapter each. After the book was compiled and published, those attorneys promoted Gronwald’s book to their clients, and her audience grew!
The last, and easy way to get your book done is through a Secret Formula designed to help you write the bestseller you were meant to publish. To learn more about this, check out our blog post for more information!
3 Ways to Write a Book FAST
#1 Bestselling Author and Business Celebrity Influence, Jenn Foster, has a new website coming out soon!
Jenn Foster, who is also the CEO of Elite Online Publishing has helped over 70 clients become #1 bestselling authors. She has also helped authors get more attention by multiplying their revenue and amplifying their message. She has hit Bestseller fifteen-times and has dedicated herself in helping business owners of all sizes thrive in today’s highly technical world of product and service promotion.
Jenn Foster’s new website is a product service that her company, Elite Online Publishing, offers to authors who want to market themselves in fascinating opportunities. Jenn understands that times are changing rapidly, and the internet is a global empire where fans can discover you, understand you, and connect with you. Building a website is an essential piece of any marketing campaign that enables readers to find you and your book online. To learn more on how we can build you a website, click on the link below!
Web Design Services
As an entrepreneur, reading modern-day headlines can be a bit scary right now, right? The economy is all over the place, and many of us are losing sleep over whether our businesses will survive. We worry with good cause: most businesses are highly susceptible to economic forces.
But what if you could take steps, right now, to shield your business from economic disaster? You can!
First: join my friend and colleague, Authority Strategist and Business Mentor Michael Neeley for a no-cost webinar, “How to Crisis-Proof Your Business with a Professional Podcast” on August 12 & 13. Sign up here:
Author Doug Winnie Hit #1 National Bestseller With New Book Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Challenges for Exponential Growth.
Houston, TX– Tuesday, August 5, 2020 – Author Doug Winnie joined the ranks of bestselling authors on Amazon with his new book, Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Challenges for Exponential Growth, which was released Tuesday, August 4, 2020, by – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.
Read more about Business Blindspots at Author Doug Winnie Hit #1 National Bestseller on Amazon with New Book Business Blindspots!
Check out Podcast Authorized book -> Podcast Authorized
Inspire confidence in your work with clear, effective communication
Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
“I’m very lucky in that I don’t understand the world yet. If I understood the world, it would be harder for me to write these books.” — Mo Willems
Hi, Isaac
Tracey Greene-Washington, after a successful launch, she has achieved #1 National Bestseller on Amazon in SEVEN categories in the US. These categories include Organizational Change, Lifespan Development, Business Etiquette, Business Ethics, Business Mentoring & Coaching, Developmental Psychology, and Project Management.
Whether you realize it or not, in this moment you are called into something bigger than yourself that requires the creation of intentional purpose and alignment. In doing so, you inevitably have to navigate the necessary messy middle of change, which is the gap between your current state and your desired purpose.
The messy middle is the space where the painful, often unspoken work takes place. That work you whisper about to your most trusted confidants. The sacred work you often do not prioritize that ultimately moves you from success to significance. But you have to choose it and step into your game-changer posture to position your leadership and leaderful organization to drive innovation and change for the future.
Tracey Greene-Washington is President of Indigo Innovation Group, where she serves as a strategic thought partner, advisor, coach and consultant to philanthropic, nonprofit, and public/private sectors. In addition to her systems-level work at Indigo Innovation Group, Tracey is the founder of CoThinkk, a social change philanthropy organization committed to shifting the economic mobility, health, education, and leadership narrative of communities of color in Western North Carolina. A powerhouse in strategic innovation and collaboration, her work amplifies her commitment to accelerating change through systems-level approaches to achieving equity for communities at the intersection of community economic development, health, education, and leadership development.
Click here to buy the book today!
As you may have heard, we are about to be featured in a book! The book is called Authority and features an international group of experts, all sharing their perspective and advice on what it truly means to be an authority in your field. Take the steps needed to become a recognized expert in your space. To delineate, the success of a book is often determined by what happens in the first hours and days of the book’s release. In order to impact more people with this message, the publisher and authors we run are a special Wall Street Journal and USA Today launch! To do this, we will have the Kindle, Nook and Kobo versions set for sale October 27.
We would greatly appreciate it if you will help the launch by buying a copy of the Kindle, Nook, or Kobo version during this week. Whether you read ebooks or not, your purchase of the digital version will really help out- and reader apps are available on any computer, tablet and smartphone. And to make it easy, the publisher is setting the price of all three to only $.99 cents!
So mark your calendar for our official launch the week of October 25th through 31st.
Get your copy here at
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Doug Winnie, the business coach for business coaches and talk about his book Business Blindspots.
Doug is an international public speaker, profit-strategist, and award-winning business and executive coach, with multiple years of winning national and global ActionCOACH awards, beginning his first entrepreneurial experience selling holiday greeting cards door-to-door. This early drive for success led him to become a very successful business owner, now on his 9th successful business.
Having been the coach for over 200 business leaders, Doug has had the rare privilege to work in a diverse range of business industries, to name a few, automotive, technology, food service, real estate, franchise, medical, veterinary, and oil and gas - and with an equal range of executives! Doug earned his degree in Management Information Systems and International Finance from the University of Houston. Soon after graduating, he started his own award-winning, rapid-growth company, which grew to over 60 employees generating over $25 million in sales with profits exceeding $250,000 per month.
Learn More Here
Reese''s Peanut Butter Cups Halloween 2020 Edition!
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Welcome to Elite Online Publishing Newsletter, where we believe there is an author in everyone. Every business has a story and we have everything you need to tell it. We won''t overwhelm your inbox with emails. We will share our Elite Newsletter once a week. It will include information about our Elite Expert Insider Podcast, give you insights on becoming an author and inspiring the world with your story.
We have helped over 100 Authors become #1 Bestsellers and look forward to sharing our future author''s success.
Elite Online Publishing has over 2700 books on Amazon that we have created under our own imprint. You can find them at
Have a wonderful day!
-Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
“I’m very lucky in that I don’t understand the world yet. If I understood the world, it would be harder for me to write these books.” — Mo Willems
Hi, Isaac
Melanie and Jenn had a photoshoot last week in Houston, TX. It is a rare occasion that they see each other in person. The photos will be added to their website in the next few weeks. Here is a sneak peek at a few of their favorites.
The Elite Online Publishing website received a Makeover. If you haven’t seen it check it out today. To see the new photos keep an eye on the website - they should be up next week.
Congratulations to Author Frank J. Donohue on publishing "Ten Healthy Tips: A Flight Plan for Life" on Amazon and reaching #1 National Bestseller in FOUR categories in the US! Elite Online Publishing published and promoted and reached #1 National Bestseller on Amazon in FOUR categories in the US. Including Engineering & Transportation » Transportation » Reference, Travel » Reference » Tips, Fitness & Dieting » Diets & Weight Loss » Diets » Weight Watchers, and Sports & Outdoors » Water Sports » Swimming.
You can help support Frank J. Donohue by getting the book here:
You can also support the book by Liking & Sharing his Facebook Page -
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Meghann Conter, the founder and chief laugh instigator of A community for women business owners around the globe to help each other grow.
How to be the most efficient at networking events.
How one connection can change your whole career.
How to overcome mindset limitations.
Read More Here
Have you heard of UNIQUE ART & BOOKS. MADE BY YOU.
Everyone has a story to tell. Explore your creative side and bring your vision to life.
To lighten your day and laugh a little check out JP Sears on YouTube. Jenn met JP at the Unleash the Power Within Conference with Tony Robbins back in 2016. Laugh Out Loud when you watch the Sarcastic and hilarious videos by JP Sears.
Funny videos with JP Sear AwakenWithJP
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
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(832) 224-6906
Hello Isaac,
Father’s Day is almost here!
Dad, a man who raises children with love and patience and someone who gives advice and teaches by example. I hope all the fathers, uncles, brothers, grandfathers enjoy this Sunday.
If you haven’t had time to get him a gift yet, here are some great DIY last-minute gift ideas that come from the heart!
VALUE: Speaking from the Heart
“Speech is the voice of the heart.” Anna Quindlen
To speak from the heart is to engage with your emotions and use the right voice tone for your message. When we do this, we are using what is termed “soft skills“.
“The heart will inform the brain what to say and how to say it.” Sarah Blondin
Voice tone is triggered by thought and the result is an emotion, just like a spontaneous scream or crying voice expression. The limbic nervous system activates the larynx and causes variations in the vocal cords. A thought causes an emotion that creates a voice tonality which brings meaning to your message. Check research here.
Have you ever heard the statements
“Don’t use that tone of voice with me” or “I didn’t mean to say that!”?
Voice tone in speech is even more important than the words alone. Sometimes you can have the right message but the wrong tone. What you want to say and how you say it makes a huge difference on how it’s received.
Engaging with your emotions is the key to speaking from your heart. Emotions will flow through your speaking voice tone. Your voice is in your throat so you cannot think about it but must learn to feel your voice before you speak.
Emotions are stored in your torso, throat, chest and stomach. This is where we feel tightness, pain or even the term “lump in the throat”. Emotions or feelings are never stored in your head so you cannot feel your emotions in your head.
For more information about our Value’s author, MARIA PELLICANO connect with her:
View the full article @
NEXT WEEK VALUE: Self Publishing Secrets
OUR PODCAST: What the Experts are Saying:
Eliminating Your Triggers with Dr. Nima
Listen to the Podcast Here
Click the photo below to see the full show notes on Elite’s Blog!
Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Dr. Nima, to learn how to identify and eliminate your triggers.
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guess or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Want to relive the 90s? Classic gaming systems are available on Amazon. Just check out this Sega Genesis. Hint: It’s also a great gift for the gamer Dad in your life! Check it out.
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Talk to you soon!
Elite Online Publishing
(385) 645-4890
“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.” — Samuel Johnson
Hi Isaac,
In honor of Doug Winnie, DeAnna Lorraine, Ivanni Delgado, and Clark East for becoming best sellers, Elite Online Publishing, along with The Barbara Bush: Houston Literacy Foundation, has awarded these best selling authors a donation that provides home libraries for 1 kid in the Houston, Texas, area.
My Home Library is a literacy program across Houston schools hosted by the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation. Through My Home Library, community members are able to sponsor a home library for an economically disadvantaged child. If you’d like to also sponsor a child’s home library wish list, please go to
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Todd Uterstaedt about the secrets to becoming a founder to a CEO.
Todd Uterstaedt is SUPER passionate about helping you level up your leadership and scale up your startup. If you''ve ever struggled with building your team, creating an amazing culture, managing your investors, and growing your leadership abilities...then this is THE place for you.
You may not have the exact skills, may not have all the right knowledge, and probably don’t have the perfect ex-periences to get your startup where you know it can go. However, you’ve worked your tail off. You’ve come a long way. You’ve experienced the intoxicating feeling of initial well as the enlightened realization that you just can’t do it by yourself any more.
The shift from Founder to CEO is the inflection point where most startup CEOs pilot their fragile enterprise to new heights, or crash and burn in the valley of despair
We share the real, authentic stories of Founding CEOs like you, develop practical development resources designed for your accelerated growth, host events that strengthen your mind and inspire your spirit, and invite you to a growing community of like-minded Startup CEOs so you can learn to lead while you build your company. We help you scale your company, by building the confident CEO inside of you.
Check out the full podcast at
WORK WITH US: Want to have a bestselling book done by the holidays?
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
“One can never have enough socks," said Dumbledore. "Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn''t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.”? J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, and the Sorcerer''s Stone
Hi, Isaac
December is a wonderful month to celebrate living on the planet earth. It is the month of alignment. Did you hear about the “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn?
The “great conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn will occur on December 21,
2020 – the northern hemisphere’s winter solstice. At that time, the two planets will be in the constellation Capricornus, low toward the southwest horizon, and separated by a mere 0.1°.
This will be the closest Jupiter/Saturn conjunction since the year 1623 CE! Jupiter will be at magnitude -2.0, and significantly dimmer Saturn at magnitude +0.6.
Watch the night sky as the planets get closer together.
Congratulations Jamey Rootes. The Winning Game Plan hit #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller''s List.
The Winning Game Plan: A Proven Leadership Playbook for Continuous Business Success is available now!
Paperback book for Putting on Christ is available now!
Have you wondered what are Bookplates and how it can benefit you as an author? Elite Online Publishing dives into how Bookplates are beneficial to any author who is considering writing a book. Bookplates can be very useful and can be designed in many ways. Check out our blog post about Author Signature Bookplates, and learn how you can make one yourself!
Click here to read the blog!
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Matt Rosenthal about the secret technology to make your business more streamlined.
Matt Rosenthal is a technology and business strategist as well as the President/CEO of Mindcore, the leading IT solutions provider in New Jersey. Mindcore offers a broad portfolio of IT services and solutions tailored to help businesses take back control of their technology, streamline their business, and outperform their competition.
Learn More Here
Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earphones
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing is a proud sponsor of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Elite Online Publishing is a proud sponsor of The Dolly Parton Imagination Library. For more information, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
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We messed up.
Here is the link to the LIVE Webinar today!
Melanie & Jenn
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
Hello Isaac,
We are excited to announce the new book by Ivanni Delgado “Where This Civilization is Going: A Dangerous Trend”
TODAY ONLY the Kindle eBook is $.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your book for yourself or a friend.
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International link:
The people who preceded us, thanks to their talent, built the first civilizations from Mesopotamia to Egypt and then to India and China until reaching the western world. For this they developed agriculture, with which wealth and power arose, they also developed science and invented writing. The people who preceded us also developed revolutions, cultures, wars, towns, and cities, and even empires. Over the years, people developed democracy and capitalism, with which the countries that adopted them managed to obtain a stable and prosperous economy.
In today''s world, however, a series of events are taking place, such as political, economic, and social problems, and to top it off, a coronavirus has emerged that has put the entire world in serious difficulties.
Chapters Include:
All these problems have deeply hit our civilization, which is taking a dangerous trend, so we the people must do something to prevent its collapse.
Ivanni Delgado is a graduate engineer from the University of Tulsa, with a master''s degree in business from NSU University, Oklahoma. He is a member of the Texas Association of Authors. And he is also the author of the books: "How We Got Here", "Where This Civilization Is Going" and "Life Under A New Perspective". He wrote "How We Got Here" to answer one of the most important questions about the existence of the human being and with his answer, he opens an Enlightened Look at the Past that will Change your Future. He wrote "Where This Civilization Is Going" so people know the origin of civilization to understand it so they could avoid the collapse of the civilization due to the dangerous trend that it is taking. He wrote, "Life Under A New Perspective" with the purpose of helping people in the difficult task of living by showing them the way how to make their life easy and prosper.
Watch the Video Trailer
If you don’t have an amazon account, please open one at:
PS - It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.
Have a Fantastic Day,
Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson
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Hi Isaac,
If you’ve ever considered starting a podcast—whether as a conduit to get your voice out there, expand your business’ visibility, or add an additional income stream to your business (or all three!)—then I’m so excited to share with you an incredible opportunity to get expert training and answers to your biggest podcasting questions, all at no cost!
My friend, Michael Neeley, is hosting a complimentary 12-hour livestream all about podcasting on Friday, August 14th from noon until midnight Pacific Time, and you don’t want to miss it if you’re interested in discovering more about this powerful medium.
Michael is even including Q&A, hot seat coaching, a success panel, case studies, and additional training from 17 other experts in the industry! <<if you are a contributing speaker that day, please add something personal here>> All you have to do to attend is sign up, which you can do here, now:
Discover Everything You Need To Know About Podcasting—Successfully! Sign Up.
When you go to the link above and sign up to join Michael and his colleagues for the livestream, you’ll get access to a Home Page where you can see the training schedule for the day. Feel free to come and go as you please (but you’ll want to stick around as much as you can so you don’t miss any of the great material and bonuses), and possibly get live hot seat coaching directly from Michael—THE expert on creating a profitable podcast.
Even if you don’t receive coaching personally, the sessions will be filled with information you can apply to your own podcast (or your business in general).
You’ll also have access to powerful podcast-related trainings on topics like How to Be a Great Podcast Guest, How to Lead a Virtual Retreat, and How to Turn One Piece of Content Into 27 Promotional Pieces - Automatically.
Finally, Michael has invited a panel of his past clients to share their successes—for an extra dose of inspiration!
In short, this 12-hour livestream is exactly what you need to get inspired and motivated to take the important first steps toward launching your podcast, right away—because now is the time to get in on this fast-growing, powerful medium!
Here’s that link again where you can sign up to join us:
Get Your Questions Answered. Launch Your Podcast.
Can’t wait to “see” you on this livestream!
To your success,
Melanie & Jenn
P.S. This 12-hour livestream is a rare opportunity to interact with experts in podcasting; not only to get your questions answered (and hear answers to other people’s questions, which you may not have considered), but also to get no-cost training from people who have done it successfully!
Sign up here to join us on Friday, August 14th from noon until midnight Pacific Time:
Expert Advice. Expert Answers. Inspiration. Sign Up.
P.P.S. When you sign up to attend this livestream, you’ll also receive access to Michael’s three video trainings, “10 Audience Growth Hacks and Authority-Building Tactics That Work,” “How to Create 7 Revenue Streams from One Business Tool,” and “The Simple 5-Step Process to Launch a Rockin’ Podcast in Just 14 Days,” PLUS his masterclass, “How to Crisis-Proof Your Business with a Professional Podcast.”
Consider ALL of this his gift to you! Sign up here:
Fast Track Your Podcast Success.
“Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don’t see any.”
— Orson Scott
Hi Isaac,
Have you been considering launching a podcast, you’re a part of the forward-thinking crowd who can see where the future is headed! Our friend, colleague, and heart-based solopreneur, Michael Neeley, has put together one of the most incredibly generous offers I have ever seen. Not only is he giving you his Zero to Launch Podcast Accelerator at one-thousand off the normal investment, but he is adding in his own personal bonuses that are worth more than five thousand dollars!
Send your message out and into the ears of your audience. Tell them your story and share your ideas. Podcasting is the wave of the future, and today is the time to share your story. Your story matters, and it can change the lives of many people. It is quick, simple, and you can launch your show in a matter of days!
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview DeAnna Lorraine about her book Taking Back America.
How to stay goal oriented.
How to have self discipline.
How to know when to stop.
“Having a writing coach and having an editor and working alongside Elite Online Publishing really helped to get the ideas out of my head and have someone to bounce the ideas off of and edit where normally it could have taken a year to get that kind of feedback.” (5:30)
“You have to just write and write and write and kind of just dump it all out for the first round and then you edit afterwards and it gets better and better. You can’t edit a blank page.” (7:00)
“There’s a lot of things in my book that will help every person thinking about running for office, currently running for office, or just wanting to make a bigger impact in America because we need help to take back America. This is not a solo job just for President Trump.” (12:00)
If you want to learn more about this podcast, visit
Check out Podcast Authorized book -> Podcast Authorized 73471-keen_facemask-keen-3.jpg
WORK WITH US: Want to have a bestselling book done by the holidays?
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Hi Isaac
As a visionary, heart-centered entrepreneur, I know you have a message to share. It’s frustrating to feel like the best-kept secret in your field, or to know, deep down, that you could change lives … if only you knew how to get your message out to the world in a much bigger way.
Fortunately, you no longer have to be the best-kept secret! You no longer have to feel like a big fish in a little pond. There IS a path to telling your story, amplifying your voice, and increasing your profits.
And here’s the most awesome part…
…wait for it…
If there’s one thing I know about my friend and colleague, Michael Neeley, it’s that he is here to serve – and when he makes an offer, he likes to make it so ridiculously good that it’s hard to say no to.
As a matter of fact, it would almost be silly to say no.
Well, this is one of those times.
Michael is a podcast pro that walks his talk and teaches it, too. He has helped launch hundreds of podcasts—and now, he’s giving you the map in his course, the Zero to Launch Podcast Accelerator.
But that ain’t all –
When you enroll today, in addition to getting $1,000 off of his normal program investment – he’s also throwing in over $15,000 in real-world bonuses!!!
I could keep going, but I think you’re beginning to get what I’m talking about here. Michael has pulled out all of the stops, putting together very specific support offers – all things that will help you succeed as an up and coming podcast professional.
Podcasting is growing by leaps and bounds, and now is the time to discover exactly how to get in on this leading-edge medium and use it to amplify your voice.
You can check out all the details and enroll here, now, before enrollment closes this Friday, August 14):
Your Story IS Worthwhile, And People Need To Hear It.
This course removes all the guesswork and wrong turns and empowers you to get from Start to Finish efficiently.
Michael is a master-educator in this space and he REALLY knows his stuff! If you have any doubt, just listen to some of the trainings he offered this week, and then jump in on his 12-hour livestream HERE . You’ll be bummed if you don’t.
This course is everything you need to get started and monetize your podcast.
When you join him for Zero to Launch Podcast Accelerator, you’ll have the opportunity to fast track your success.
Here’s that link where you can register—remember, enrollment closes this Friday, August 14 at midnight:
Speed Up Your Journey On The Road To Podcasting Success!
I wouldn’t be telling you about Michael and this program if I didn’t highly recommend his expertise!
You can thank me later, by having me as a guest on your new show!
Melanie & Jenn
(832) 224-6906
PS: Wondering if it works?
Here is what others are saying, so you can see for yourself:
“Working with Michael has been a real gift. When I first met him, it was not even on my radar to start a podcast. I was scared, I was nervous … yet Michael is so knowledgeable, he is so patient, he is so authentic—and he understands how to help people, step-by-step, to learn what they need to learn in order to run their podcast successfully.”
– Dr. Mary Hiland, Inspired Non-Profit Leadership
“Thank you, Michael Neeley, for all that you did to help me get my podcast launched and for supporting me through that process! I never could have done it without you, and it’s been an amazing experience. It has grown my business tenfold and I appreciate all that you’ve done. For anyone that is considering working with Michael—you are in for a treat!”
– Dr. Heidi Forbes-Oste, Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks
“In preparing to launch my podcast, there were so many pieces to consider. Michael has helped me navigate all the decisions strategically and easily—like a Sherpa who understands the entire landscape of launching a podcast … he has saved me at least 100 hours of work and easily that much time in my decision-making process, and I feel positioned to monetize my podcast quickly and effortlessly with his systems.”
– Sage Lavine, Best-Selling HayHouse Author and CEO of Women Rocking Business
Here’s the link where you can enroll in the Zero to Launch Podcast Accelerator:
Get Exactly What You Need To Launch & Monetize Your Podcast!
“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.”
? Jodi Picoult
Hi Isaac,
We want to give our Congratulations to Author DeAnna Lorraine on publishing "Taking Back America: Campaign Secrets I Learned Battling Nancy Pelosi and The Swamp, How to be a Fearless Firebrand for America''s Future" on Amazon and reaching #1 International Bestseller.
Elite Online Publishing Published, Promoted, and Reached #1 International Bestseller in TWENTY-ONE categories in FOUR Countries. She also hit #1 Hot New Release in TWENTY-NINE Categories in FOUR countries.
Including USA: International & World Politics, Military Policy, International Relations, Sociology of Marriage & Family, Legislative Branch, Gerontology, Women Writers, Arms Control, Radical Thought, and Sociology. CANADA: Diplomacy, International Relations, International Relations in Politics, Government, Arms Control, Abortion & Birth Control Social Sciences eBooks, Pragmatism, Gerontology, and Good & Evil Philosophy eBooks. UNITED KINGDOM: Mass Media. GERMANY: Politics & Government.
You can buy the book here:
You can also support the author by Liking & Sharing her Page #deannalorraine #politicsforpower #takingbackamerica #1bestseller #fightingpelosi
Catch Melanie and DeAnna on FB Live in exclusive interviews.
Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to run for Congress? How about challenging the most powerful member of Congress, the speaker of the house? Catch a glimpse behind the scenes of Republican DeAnna Lorraine’s “David & Goliath Battle’’ campaign against one of America’s most high profile politicians, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Lorraine shares the good, the bad, and the ugly, with the hopes that others can learn from her triumphs, as well as her challenges, most of which can be applied outside of the political world to turn any endeavor from mundane to badass.
Taking Back America: Campaign Secrets I Learned Battling Nancy Pelosi and The Swamp will share:
An eye-opening glimpse into the realities of campaigning for public office
Dirty secrets exposed from the Establishment
Lorraine’s surprise fight with both the left AND the RINO Establishment on the right
Creative outside the box thinking useful for any organization
Tips and tools used by politicians that they wish you didn’t know
Learn how to be a true American patriot in today’s uncertain environment
If you want an exclusive, uncensored, behind-the-scenes view into the good, the bad, and the very dirty of what goes on in a high-visibility political campaign, this book will spill the tea. Although Lorraine did not win the primary, she ran a brilliant, unique, unconventional campaign that bucked the Establishment, as well as won over hearts and minds across America and beyond. DeAnna Lorraine is a rare Fearless Firebrand for America’s future who is dedicating her life’s work to making a better, more patriotic America.
Want to know more about DeAnna Lorraine? Find out more at our blog!
Author DeAnna Lorraine Hit #1 International Bestseller With New Book
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Jeff Griffin about how to overcome your past, conquer your fears, and stay motivated.
Streamyard - stream live on more than just FB. using Streamyard.
Podcast Guests
Experts: Get booked as a guest on podcasts! Get booked on podcasts to increase your authority, boost sales, and more. Create your profile today!
WORK WITH US: Want to have a bestselling book done by the holidays?
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what you want as a Free eBook from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
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Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
It’s Officially Summer. Get out and enjoy the heat. We have an excellent book release next week Where This Civilization is Going: A Dangerous Trend by Ivanni Delgado. Look for the link in our Email on Tuesday.
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what Free eBook you would like to receive from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
Our Newsletter is being moved from Friday to Tuesdays. Look for the emails now coming on Tuesdays.
Your rights are valuable. Keep control of the content and distribution. Read your contract. Your rights should clearly stay with you.
After the time it took to write your book, do you want it published right, or overnight? Don’t sacrifice quality and service. High-quality book publication should take between 6-15 weeks.
– Successful publishing includes marketing. Pick a publisher that includes a marketing blueprint. Industry Standard is a three to twelve-month online marketing campaign plus publicity advice, and promotional tactics for the lifetime of your book.
-It’s a mistake to only have a print version of your book. Good publishers offer your book on both Kindle (ebook) and paperback. Be sure to select a publisher that can make your book available through as many channels as possible.
You get what you pay for. Be cautious of the publishers that offer the cheap upfront prices They will usually get you in the back end. Get a full publishing package with all the bells and whistles, to begin with.
-You worked hard on your book, why wouldn’t your publisher help you achieve a #1 Best Seller. Make sure your publisher has a best selling marketing campaign.
After you have your book published, you need to be found online. Having a great website and author page will boost your book and your brand to the top of search engines.
Benefits Of Having A Podcast with Melanie and Jenn
Listen to the Podcast Here
Click the photo below to see the full show notes on Elite’s Blog!
Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, talk about the benefits of having a podcast and their new book Podcast Authorized.
Calendly - Schedule meetings with this calendar. Get your own URL with it.
Blitzr - New Speed Networking. Join the Friday Blitzr and do some Virtual Speed Networking with amazing Business Owners.
Click Here for Life Legacy Story Starter
Click Here for Accomplishment Story Starter
We would love to hear from you. Our Quick Survey will tell us more about you and what you want as a Free eBook from us. Simply Click Here to fill out the Quick Survey.
When you work with Elite Online Publishing, we guarantee that you will become a #1 bestselling author. With so many things in life feeling unsure and uncertain, this is one thing you can depend on. No guessing or hoping. Elite will give you something you can count on. Become a #1 bestselling author by filling out an application at
Elite Online Publishing are proud sponsors of the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. For more information on the foundation, click here!
Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
Dear Isaac,
The anticipation is over, and the time has come! My new book, Authority is now live worldwide!
If you have ever considered what it would take to become the recognized expert in your field, this book is for you. This insightful book contains the collective wisdom of 15 international thought leaders, scattered across three continents and multiple industries, as they share their best strategies for building influence and authority. I am honored to be included!
And I would greatly appreciate your help!
The success of a book is very often determined by what happens in the first hours and days of the book’s release. In order to impact more people with this message, the publisher and authors are running a special, week-long Wall Street Journal and USA Today launch!
Here is how you can help.
CLICK HERE to buy the book. This will let you get any one of the digital versions for only 99 cents. Use this link and select Kindle, Nook, Kobo (or BUY ALL THREE!). Whether you read ebooks or not, your purchase of the digital version will really help us out, and you can read ebooks through apps on all smartphones, tablets, and even on your computer!
You may also copy and paste this link into your browser:
Check out the book trailer by clicking here!
Please take advantage of this right away.
Also, if you know anyone else who would benefit from more credibility and authority in their business or organization, share this email and link with them. I would greatly appreciate it, and I’m sure they would too!
Please get your copy now!
Thank you so much for your all help and support.
(832) 224-6906
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
Dear Isaac,
In case you missed my earlier email, my new book, Authority, just went live worldwide. This insightful book contains the collective wisdom of 15 international thought leaders, scattered across three continents and multiple industries, as they share their best strategies for building influence and authority. I am honored to be included!
Now I have a personal favor to ask.
Much depends on the first few hours of a book’s launch. For this reason, Authority is priced at 99 cents on Kindle, Kobo and Nook.
Here is how you can help.
CLICK HERE to buy the book. This will let you get any one of the digital versions for only 99 cents. Use this link and select Kindle, Nook, Kobo (or BUY ALL THREE!). Whether you read ebooks or not, your purchase of the digital version will really help us out, and you can read ebooks through apps on all smartphones, tablets, and even on your computer!
You may also copy and paste this link into your browser:
Check out the book trailer by clicking here!
Please take advantage of this right away.
Also, if you know anyone else who would benefit from more credibility and authority in their business or organization, share this email and link with them. I would greatly appreciate it, and I’m sure they would too!
Please get your copy now!
Thank you so much for your all help and support.
(832) 224-6906
YouTube | Google+ | iTunes |
Hi, Isaac
Happy 2021! We are starting the year off with a new book. Melanie and I both have a chapter in this book. We want to share a very special project with you and ask for a little help, too.
We have done over 100 Amazon bestseller launches since 2015. But we have never attempted to reach the heights of the Wall Street Journal or USA Today bestseller list for ourselves. Such launches are so different from Amazon launches. They require an extended period of huge sales, and those sales must come from a variety of outlets, not just Amazon. We did help Jamey Rootes book The Winning Game Plan achieve WSJ/USA Today Bestseller in 2020! Now it is our turn with our book, Authority.
Today, we are making our book launch aimed directly at WSJ and USA Today. We are off to a great start! Yesterday we sold a ton of copies of Authority. Authority hit the Kindle Best Seller Rank of #102 OVERALL on Amazon. But we have to keep pushing and sell even more. If everything goes well, we will land on WSJ and/or USA Today next week!
Two quick things!
First, if you haven’t taken advantage of the opportunity to buy Authority for only .99 cents, time is running out. Just use this link to buy this wonderful book, of which I play only a small part. You can also access it at
Second, if you have bought the book, would you mind reviewing it? Please review it at
whatever site you purchased it. Reviews are HUGE in the life of a book, so your thoughtful review would be a great help!
How Our Reading Habits Have Changed During Quarantine
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Ryan Frederick, author of The Founder''s Manual, about how to make a successful business.
Ryan Frederick is a Founder and product person at heart. He has been a part of starting and growing several software and service companies from inception, to viability, through to sustainability. He has been instrumental in capitalization activities and has even expanded into international markets. Ryan is an active angel investor, mentor, advisor, author and speaker. He has authored two books, The Founder’s Manual: A Guidebook for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur and Sell Naked - And Other Advice for Growing and Managing Service Firms. Ryan speaks frequently about product, startups, and company leadership.
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Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster
Elite Online Publishing
(832) 224-6906
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The anticipation is over, and the time has come! You may have heard some of the buzz around here!
Our new book, Authority is now live worldwide! Both Melanie and Jenn have a Chapter in the book.
Here''s the skinny:
The book is called "Authority" and features the collective wisdom of 15 international thought leaders, scattered across three continents and multiple industries, as they share their best strategies for building influence and authority. We are honored to be included!
And We would greatly appreciate your help!
Mark Your Calendars for TUESDAY, January 5th. This is our Book Launch/Release day.
We would love your support for our book launch by buying the book at 99 cents on TUESDAY, Jan 5, and reading the book and leaving a review.
Thank you so much for your all help and support.
Melanie & Jenn
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What do you hope to do in 2021? Whatever your plans for the new year, we wish you the best for a successful, joyful year.
Happy New Year!
Melanie & Jenn
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