Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Element Lab.
Če vam klik na gumb ne deluje, lahko zgornjo povezavo kopirate v brskalnik.
V kolikor se niste želeli registrirati, potem vam na povezavo ni potrebno klikniti za registracijo in registracija vaših podatkov ne bo zabeležena.
Potrdi registracijo
Pozdravljeni Roger Pearce ,
registrirali ste se v našo spletno trgovino z emailom @.
Za potrditev registracije kliknite spodnji gumb!
Data Name | Data Type | Options |
Email address | Text Box | |
Email confirm | Text Box | |
Password | Text Box | |
Password (confirm) | Text Box | |
First name | Text Box | |
Last name | Text Box | |
Phone | Text Box | |
Address | Text Box | |
Street | Text Box | |
Street no. | Text Box |
Registration for natural persons
Hello, Thank you for registering to our online store and we are writing to you that you received an e-mail notification that you need to read and confirm the registration to complete the registration. Your online store