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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to DrEricZ.

We are so happy to see you here...

Hi Friend,

Welcome to our Family. The Natural Living Family! NLF for short. ;)

We are so excited that you signed up for our Sunday morning NLF News, but before we introduce ourselves and tell you what we're all about here at, we come bearing gifts. Don't ya just love that? ;)

We want to bless you with SEVEN of the most popular downloads from our Natural Living Family (NLF) books, programs and masterclasses. This curated collection truly represents the heart of our ministry - to help you and your family experience an abundant life.

Feel free to download them, save them to your computer, print them out and share with a friend. You are going to LOVE these NLF goodies!

  • Our Favorite Bible Verses for Healing - Here at NLF, we have seen God do miraculous things in our lives and that includes transforming our health. We hope & pray that you are encouraged by these Bible verses, and we are believing God with you and your loved ones to experience abundant health and wellness.
  • Our Favorite Healing Affirmations - In addition to prayer and faith, we understand there's a very practical component to remaining optimistic, thinking positively and cleaning up our "stinkin' thinkin.'" We have found thats aying these affirmations out loud (every day) will strengthen your spirit, soul & mind to enjoy your best health.
  • Mama Z's Recipe Makeover - Knowing what it's like to suffer from countless food sensitivities, Mama Z was on a mission to not sacrifice flavor for health when she got "converted" to a natural living lifestyle. This ingredient substitution guide will help you transform your family's favorite recipes to fit any food sensitivity or diet.
  • No Microwave Survival Guide - Simply put, no one should have a microwave, and it's Public Enemy #1 in your kitchen. They call them "nukes" for a reason! Microwaves emit toxic EMFs (electro magnetic frequencies) into the air that have been proven to cause a vast array of health conditions. This guide will show you how easy it is to give the nuke the boot.
  • Dr. Z's Essential Oils Roller Bottle Guide - Seriously, friends don't let friends use essential oils undiluted (aka "neat"). As one of the world's most renown, non-branded essential oil educators, Dr. Z is on a mission to helping you use these precious plant-based compounds safely & effectively. This chart will be a huge help to do just that.
  • Mama Z's Oil Base Recipe Card - By far, the most requested and used recipe in our arsenal, Mama Z's Oil Base, is the perfect carrier oil for all of your DIY recipes and concoctions. It's rich and creamy and dilutes essential oils very well. Try it out today, you are going to love how it makes your skin feel!
  • Arthritis-Pain Reducing Ointment - One of the most common health complaints our NLF suffer from is pain. From headaches, to muscle issues to arthritis, this non-toxic essential oil remedy can help like no other. Trust us, living a life of pain is no life at all, and essential oils can help!

Over the next few days, we'll continue to share additional resources to help you enjoy the benefits of adopting a natural living lifestyle. And we'll start with more tips on how to use essential oils - our favorite natural remedies!

In the meantime... we'd love to hear from you about the changes you'd like to make with your health or if you're struggling to make the shift... simply tap 'reply' and email us. :)

About Us

You may know already know us as Dr. Z & Mama Z. But, if we haven't met before, we'd like to share why we started this blog.

Here's a spoiler: it's because of YOU!

Yep, everything we do online has been birthed in prayer, has been inspired by asking our online Natural Living Family what they want and then we try to do our best to meet their needs.

This is what birthed masterclasses our bestselling books and everything we do online.

Since 2014, our blog has become the go-to resource for people wanted to learn more about how to use essential oils and other natural therapies to experience an abundant life. In 2018 alone, more than 6 million people visited our website.

If didn't know, Dr. Z is a public health researcher that wrote a bestselling essential oils book. His passion is Bible health, and he's a frequent guest on health summits and documentaries that span the globe. He also has an Essential Oils Club and created an Essential Oils Masterclass with his wife that has been viewed by nearly 400,000 this past year.

Mama Z is a home birth mom of 4, Natural Living Guru and Detox Queen. Her Toxic-Free Healthy Home Tour was viewed by nearly 50,000 the past few months and is taking the Internet by storm.

Get What YOU Want

Lastly, to make sure you are getting the support that you need and want, you can update your newsletter preferences right here and also, choose to get the Mama Z's DIY Tips, Dr. Z's EO Digest, our NLF Podcast eNews and more.

Talk Soon!

We are SO looking forward to chatting with you more before we dive into our Sunday Morning NLF News...

As always our hope and prayer is that you and your family experience the Abundant Life!

~ Dr. Z & Mama Z

Copyright ©, LLC. All rights reserved.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website/e-mail are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Natural Living Family 2774 N. Cobb Pkwy Suite 109-389 Kennesaw, Georgia 30152 United States

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