Keeping up with Disciplined Agile & FLEX:
Notes by Scott Ambler:
I've lately been working on a new book with Al Shalloway and Mark Lines that is tentatively titled The Disciplined Agile Transformation Playbook. I suspect that title will stick, but you never know. We're evolving the advice that Mark and I wrote up in chapters 7&8 of An Executive's Guide to Disciplined Agile, some great strategies that Al and his folks applied at various organizations over the years, and of course PMI's Brightline.
What I think many people will find refreshing, although not surprising by long-time Disciplined Agilists, is that in the book we work through the implications of several common transformation paths. Many people have developed single-path transformation roadmaps, some even look like snakes, but as we all know a true roadmap shows many routes that you can possibly take. Different organizations will follow different paths - because context counts it is good to have several options to choose from, and to understand the trade-offs associated with each.
Note: Please keep your eye out for a call for volunteers to be a book reviewer as we'd love to hear your feedback.
Al Shalloway's Monthly Musings:
Bringing Science Into Agile
I feel Agile has thrown out the baby with the waterfall bathwater. Agile has gotten to mean teams can do what they want. Complexity means we can't know what's going on. We can't work on non-deterministic things in a well-defined manner. I disagree with all of these.
While science does not imply determinism, there are patterns it can uncover and explain. It provides us a way to learn and to make use of our learnings. Agile requires discipline, Complexity has patterns. And being well-defined just means you can see if what you're doing is working or not.
I like Will Roger's observation - There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
Science provides us objectivity, a way to overcome our cognitive bias, a way to validate, via feedback, what we think we know and how our work is going. This attitude is needed now more than ever.
BLOG Posts:
Disciplined Agile Applied
- by Scott Ambler, Chief Scientist, Disciplined Agile
- This blog explores pragmatic agile and lean strategies for enterprise-class contexts.
The Team Lead Role: Different Types of Teams Need Different Types of Leaders
Manifesting Business Agility
- by Al Shalloway, Training Lead for Agile at Scale Programs
- This blog concerns itself with organizations moving to business agility-the quick realization of value predictably and sustainably, and with high quality. It includes all aspects of this-from the business stakeholders through ops and support. Topics will be far-reaching but will mostly discuss FLEX, Flow, Lean-Thinking, Lean-Management, Theory of Constraints, Systems Thinking, Test-First and Agile.
The Most Compelling Reasons for Using the Minimum Business Increment
"Executing a plan" Agile style
Dealing with Complexity is Complicated
Disciplined Agile
- Curated by Scott Ambler with discussions and experience shared by trusted experts.
- We encourage you to share your experiences.
- Please contact us with your ideas.
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Choose Your WoW!: A Disciplined Agile Delivery Handbook for Optimizing Your Way of Working (WoW) - April 2020 by Scott Ambler (Author) & Mark Lines (Author), available in two formats:
An Executive''s Guide to Disciplined Agile: Winning the Race to Business Agility (Vol 1)
Introduction to Disciplined Agile Delivery 2nd Edition: A Small Agile Team''s Journey from Scrum to Disciplined DevOps