Dear friends,
Firstly, we hope you all well as possible, and especially now, that you are safe from the Coronaviris, or the floods, hurricanes and bushfires, and any other natural or other disasters happening in your country or region.
Please scroll down for important messages about our upcoming Cafe Le Brain, our February Webinar on Dementia and Clowning, a human rights webinar co hosted by DAI and ADI, and the message from ADI and ADA Singapore about the postponement of their conference due to the Consonavirus.
Whilst it is only February, it has already been a busy year, with DAI membership increasing rapidly, requiring us to increase our support groups. We are thrilled we can continue to offer both free membership and free services to people diagnosed with dementia. as well as free monthly educational webinars for you all to attend.
This is partly due to the many individual donations we receive, and we thank you if you have donated to DAI in the past.
This month, we highlight the part of our work that is perhaps one of the most important things we do almost every day of every week - the DAI peer-to-peer support groups.
Our peer-to-peer support groups support people with dementia to live more positively, and each week, we continue to receive feedback from members that joinig a support group is often the first time they have smiled or laughed since their diagnosis.
Jerry Wylie, our past Vice Chair is one of many members who has said this, and his presentation in Chicago highlighted well how he went from darkness, to living more positively.
DAI has been a springboard for Jerry to get back to living!
Another past board member, Maria Turner has also been active where in setting up and hosting a face to face support group. The work of so many people with dementia around the world is incredible, in their quest to provide support for their peers, and we congratulate them all.
There are many advantages to joining a peer-to-peer support group, and research shows that hearing from and sharing with others with similar experiences can be very helpful. It provides a structured environment in which people who share the same long-term illness or condition can safely share their experiences. An example of a long-standing and very successful organisation that runs peer-to-peer support groups is Alcoholics Anonymous, which has been in operation since 1935.
However, we know that online support is not enough, and people with dementia and their families and care partners and we are advocating to service providers and other organizations to provide more services, including education. Unfortunately, since DAI started over 6 years ago, members report there are less services now than there were then.
There is still so much to do, and with more than 52 million people now estimated to be living with dementia globally, our work is not yet done.
The power of collaboration and of cooperration could be the vital key in ensuring the much needed change, and we look forward to working with you more proactively to create it.
DAI continues to operate with very limited funding, and without any paid staff. We wish therefore to thank sincerely all of our members who are in active roles, and our two volunteers; next to our donors, they make it possible for us to continue our work.
Warm regards,
The DAI Board of Directors

Our February Cafe Le Brain and Open members Meeting is next week, and we are very much looking forward to seeing you. It is your opportunity to catch up on what the board has been working on, and to meet new members.
This month, it will be hosted by our new Vice Chair, Alister Robertson from New Zealand.
We will send a reminder out 2 hours before the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 836 510 663
Dates/Times (one meeting in different time zones):
Tuesday February 18, 2020 (US/CA/UK/EU):
- 1:00 pm Pacific Time, PST
- 2:00 pm Mountain Time, MST
- 3:00 pm Central Time, CST
- 4:00 pm Eastern Time, EST
- 9:00 pm London, UK, GMT
- 10:00 pm Europe, CET
Wednesday February 19, 2020 (Au/NZ/ASIA):
- 5:00 am Singapore, SGT
- 7:00 am Brisbane, Australia AEST
- 7:30 am Adelaide, Australia, ACDT
- 8:00 am Sydney/Melbourne, AEDT
- 10:00 am Auckland, NZDT
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 836 510 663
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Dear friends and colleagues,
As you know we have been monitoring the situation in Singapore in relation to the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and can confirm today, that following Singapore Ministry of Health advice, we are postponing the ADI / ADA conference, scheduled from 19-21 March 2020. The Singapore Government has raised the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level to orange and they are advising against non-essential large events.
We know you will be as disappointed as we are, but we have remained in close contact with our event organiser, SingEx and are pleased to confirm that we have re-scheduled the conference for 10-12 December 2020. We are also pleased to affirm that we are automatically carrying forward all registrations, abstracts, speakers and exhibitors, to make the change of date as seamless as possible.
We recommend that you take the opportunity to re-schedule any flights and accommodation that you have secured.
We will be updating the conference website in the coming days, with further information and answers to any questions you might have.
We really appreciate your understanding and support at this time, and we know that you will all agree that the health and safety of our delegates and the wider ADI family is of utmost importance.
Our best,
Paola Barbarino Jason Foo