Keep Safe and Take Care
The world is currently facing an unprecedented global challenge. It is reminding us that we are all connected "as we face humanity's biggest challenge since World War II" - to quote Inger Andersen; the Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme.
Despite the COVID-19 crisis, CTCN continues to work with its partners to support the transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. In one month that we have been working from home, we have continued to receive requests for technical support from various countries including Ghana, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe. Only last week, the CTCN Advisory Board held a Task Force meeting to provide guidance to the operations of the secretariat and to ensure business continuity in these challenging times.
Going forward, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the CTCN is prepared to respond to the requests for support from some developing countries on management of biomedical waste emanating from health and quarantine facilities as well as high risk clusters in a manner which is environmentally safe and ensures resilience including climate resilience for communities. With more than a million people now affected by COVID-19 and the numbers progressively increasing each day, it is imperative that the biomedical waste produced from such facilities will increase and therefore, there is an urgent need for its safe disposal.
I would like to thank each and every one of you. Our work is more important now than ever before as we continue to be at your service.
Keep safe and take care.
Rose, CTCN Director