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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Contact Center Pipeline.
Webinar 5 Ways Intelligent Automation Optimizes Customer AND
Agent Experience
Making Agent Experience a Priority
in a Customer-Focused World
Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 at 1 pm EST
The race to perfect customer experience left the employee behind. The self-service experience is simpler, automated, more intuitive, and the variety of channels is exploding. Employees, on the other hand, are dealing with product and service complexity while battling cluttered desktops and manual processes. Failure to recognize the link between employee and customer experience is costing you customers and profit.
While improving employee engagement and empowerment is the #1 priority for contact centers in 2019, it can’t be done without first unburdening your agents of complexity.
Join Lori Bocklund from Strategic Contact and Scott Merritt from Jacada to find out how to unburden your agents with intelligent automation technologies, and in return, optimize agent and customer experience.
Key takeaways from the webinar will include things like:
Industry insights into the current and future agent engagement landscape
Latest trends in intelligent automation technologies for the contact center and their impact on interactions
Five best practices you can pursue to optimize your agent and customer experience
Meet Your Presenters:
Lori Bocklund President - Strategic Contact, Inc. Strategic Contact
Scott Merritt Vice President, Global Head of Automation Jacada
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Join us on Thursday, 11/21 at 1:00 PM Eastern/10:00 AM Pacific
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5 Keys to Contact Center Digital Transformation
Join the Webinar
Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 1:00 PM Eastern / 10:00 AM Pacific
More than 50% of digital transformation efforts in 2018 stalled completely, according to a Forrester research report. Discover key implementation strategies to make your transformation a success. Learn why it is crucial to optimize processes BEFORE bringing in new technology. Find out how to leverage new technology to improve efficiency and Customer Experience.
Join us on Thurs., Nov. 21, 2019 at 1:00 PM Eastern/10:00 AM Pacific for this complimentary 1-hour webinar with experts:
Martin Tracey, CEO, LANtelligence, Inc.
Leanne Park, Principal Consultant, Macevan Consulting
The webinar host is Mike Aoki, President, Reflective Keynotes Inc, a Toronto based company that specializes in contact center sales and customer service training
Get the results in an upcoming issue of Pipeline.
2019 Challenges/Priorities Survey
Sponsored Jointly by Strategic Contact and Contact Center Pipeline
Everyone wants to know how other centers are doing and what they will be working on in the coming year. So it’s time to round up today’s biggest contact center challenges and top priorities for 2020!
Tell us your thoughts in this short survey (only 2-3 minutes). Participants who complete the survey will receive a 12-month digital subscription (or renewal) to Contact Center Pipeline Magazine, including unlimited access to articles and research on
This is our fifth year running the survey. We'll net out the results and compare them with previous years' results. An analysis will be published and shared with participants and in an upcoming issue
of Contact Center Pipeline.
Survey Platform Hosted by Survey Monkey
Many thanks for your key insights!
- Linda Harden, Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline is committed to providing contact center professionals with smart insights and practical advice to stay ahead of the fast-moving trends that are shaping the contact center industry. Think of us as your resource for in-depth feature articles from industry thought-leaders, first-hand research and analysis, behind-the-scenes tours and interviews, and forward-thinking perspectives—you won’t find anywhere else. We hope you find Pipeline essential to your day-to-day operation.
Read more on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Your Contact Center Pipeline Digital Issue is Here
Download Your December Issue
Publisher's Note, December 2019
TIS THE SEASON when it is time to reflect and anticipate. That’s what I do as the year comes to an end. I think about what was and what will be. The end of one year and the start of another seems to naturally inspire this.
Contact Center Pipeline had a very good 2019. I am extremely proud of our work this year. First and foremost, I want to thank our Pipeline staff. They work hard and long and strive to help us be better each day. Also, I thank our sponsors who support us with their products and services. Our main advertisers have been with us for many years. That is a tribute to them and, I hope to us. Finally, I thank our readers, without whom, everything is irrelevant. I thank them for their loyalty and support.
I hope that you enjoy this time with your friends and family. I wish you all the best for the holiday season and for 2020.
As our way of saying thank you for your support, we’re maintaining our annual holiday tradition of offering free 12-month digital subscriptions to Pipeline magazine. Start your free subscription, or renewal here.
Have a great month!
Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, including full access to download our research data and analysis, and to view all articles, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium, Print plus Digital.
Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry that you won't find anywhere else. We appreciate your support.
The Leading a Service Culture by Susan Hash
Surviving disruptive change with customers and employees intact requires a strong foundation. All eyes are on company leaders to reinforce a service culture.
Want to Improve Employee Engagement? Technology Can Help! by Lori Bocklund
Pushing the Project Pause Button by Kathleen M. Peterson
Analytics Coming of Age by Paul Stockford
Three Major Predictions for the 2020 Contact Center by Chris Bauserman
The Consolidation Trend Will Further Hurt Quality in the Contact Center by Mike Dershowitz
Use Agent Voice DNA to Improve Contact Center Hiring Results by Scott Bakken
Predictive CX Trends for Both Customer and Business Success by Jayaram Bhat
INSIDE VIEW Debbie Nagy, Dow Jones & Co.
By Susan Hash
An interview with ICMI’s 2019 Customer Hero of the Year winner.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY JACADA Are Your Self-Service Channels Your Customers’ Last Option?
Self-service 2.0: How to turbocharge your digital strategy.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY INTRADIEM Coaching Automated: Improving Agent Engagement Pays Off
by Matt McConnell
Workforce automation increases the amount of coaching and training agents receive without adding cost.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY SENNHEISER What to Look for in a Secure Headset
Key factors to keep in mind when selecting office headsets for secure environments.
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required.
Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won't find anywhere else.
Calabrio, Contact Center Nation, Customer Contact Strategies, Human Numbers, Intradiem, Jacada, MusicWorks, NexTalk, NICE inContact, Panviva, PowerHouse, Sennheiser, Serenova, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Verint and WFMSG.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
The contact center has emerged as the cornerstone of customer relationships, driving satisfaction, retention and revenue. But in uncertain times, how do you balance cost savings with achieving business goals? The need for innovation, modernization and continuing improvement of performance and processes remains stronger than ever.
2020 Planning for Uncertain Times - Practical Tips for Contact Center Leaders
We’ll be exploring strategies that empower your contact center to stay competitive in the marketplace, differentiate your brand and win in the experience economy.
Can't Miss Investments for the 2020 Contact Center Tuesday, December 3, 2019 – 1:00 PM ET
Find out how to manage the complexity and challenges of economic uncertainty and still achieve your contact center goals by using building blocks that best align with the requirements of your business. We’ll explore three maturity phases to consider in your planning, along with the ROI of best-in-class results.
The AI Enabled Contact Center Thursday, December 5, 2019 – 1:00 PM ET
Increasingly, artificial intelligence (AI) is improving KPIs and empowering agents while adding speed and agility to resolution of requests and delivering ROI. Learn how and where to put AI to work in your contact center and how to maximize AI’s cost-benefits.
The Cost-Benefit of a Digital-First Contact Center Tuesday, December 10, 2019 – 1:00 PM ET
A digital-first strategy can help your organization overhaul its customer experience and right-size costs, while creating a more intelligent and frictionless customer journey. Begin your digital-first transformation and see the impact to your bottom line.
We hope you’ll attend all three webinars and begin your 2020 contact center transformation.
Register Now
Bonus! When you register and attend a webinar in this series, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card during that webinar. Attend all three webinars, and you’ll be eligible for our grand prize raffle of a $200 Amazon gift card during the final webinar! Winners will be announced during each event.
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers, Support Functions & Enterprise
Join Prime Therapeutics, Comcast, Unum, Hyatt and many others as they share their journeys of work at home for contact centers, support functions and enterprise mobility.
20+ speakers on remote work
200+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Six smaller breakout sessions for benchmarking on high impact areas
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Something New from Serenova. Contact Center executives have a lot on their plate. Download this e-book for insights and ideas you can harness to transform your contact center and deliver a customer experience that stands apart.
Something New from Serenova
Contact Center executives have a lot on their plate. Download this e-book for insights and ideas you can harness to transform your contact center and deliver a customer experience that stands apart.
2020 Contact Center Trends You Need to Know
To thrive in 2020 and beyond, contact centers must set their sights on strategic differentiation, not daily firefighting. No longer is it sufficient to react in-the-moment and call it good enough. The smartest (and most successful) contact center leaders realize they need to keep looking forward at all times to identify the important trends shaping the industry.
For our annual trends e-book, Serenova researched and spoke to industry analysts, customers and prospects to uncover the critical, emerging trends that deserve your attention. Understanding these issues will help you effectively prioritize resources, including time, budget and workforce, to ensure your contact center operates at its full potential.
Download Your Copy
About Serenova
Serenova has transformed the customer experience. Our true cloud contact center solution, CxEngage, gives you the ability to unify your contact center - everything from customer engagement to quality management to analytics. This single source of truth provides global brands insights about customer information and experiences as they pivot between channels. Whether it’s technology, healthcare, or retail, brands from all industries come to Serenova for its global coverage and deep integrations into the business systems used every day.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won’t find anywhere else. Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
A special holiday gift from Contact Center Pipeline.
Happy Holidays from Contact Center Pipeline
We're bringing back our annual holiday tradition - a one-year digital subscription or renewal to Contact Center Pipeline Magazine at no cost.
It's our way of saying thank you for supporting us over the last 10 years.
I wish you all the best for the holiday season and for 2020. Thank you for your continued support of our work!
- Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
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We value our subscribers and respect your privacy. If you no longer wish to receive our email, safely unsubscribe. Pipeline Publishing Group | PO Box 3467 | Annapolis, MD 21403
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20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers, Support Functions & Enterprise
Join Prime Therapeutics, Comcast, Unum, Hyatt and many others as they share their journeys of work at home for contact centers, support functions and enterprise mobility.
20+ speakers on remote work
200+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Six smaller breakout sessions for benchmarking on high impact areas
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Ending Soon: 1 Year Subscription to Contact Center Pipeline Magazine.
A new year of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine
We're bringing back our annual holiday tradition - a one-year digital subscription or renewal to Contact Center Pipeline Magazine at no cost.
It's our way of saying thank you for supporting us over the last 10 years.
I wish you all the best for the holiday season and for 2020. Thank you for your continued support of our work!
- Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
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We value our subscribers and respect your privacy. If you no longer wish to receive our email, safely unsubscribe. Pipeline Publishing Group | PO Box 3467 | Annapolis, MD 21403
Ending Soon: 1 Year Subscription to Contact Center Pipeline Magazine.
Ten years ago when Pipeline was concluding it's first year of publication, we decided to reward our early adopters with another year of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine at no cost. It was our way of saying thank you for supporting us that first year while we were getting underway.
We received such an overwhelmingly positive response that we repeated it the next year... and the next year... and the —okay you get the point— making it our annual tradition during the month of December for the last 10 years.
The subscribe button below will take you to our website where you can start (or renew/extend) a digital subscription to the magazine, including: unlimited access to over 1,000 articles on our website, our digital issue archive, vendor whitepapers, and ten years of proprietary industry research and analysis.
Sound too good to be true? No. It's just our way of giving back to a community that has given us so much and supported us year after year. No purchase is required. There are no recurring subscription gimmicks. In fact, we don't even ask for a credit card, just some basic information so that we can get you registerd - complete in less than 1 minute.
We believe you'll find Pipeline essential to your day-to-day business and if you'd like to support our mission, purchase a subscription when the time is right.
As always... I wish you all the best for the holiday season and for 2020. Thank you for your continued support of our work!
- Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
SUBSCRIBE HERE Secure sign-up. No credit card necessary. Time to complete: 1 minute. Ends December 31st
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We value our subscribers and respect your privacy. If you no longer wish to receive our email, safely unsubscribe. Pipeline Publishing Group | PO Box 3467 | Annapolis, MD 21403
Your Contact Center Pipeline Digital Issue is Here
Download Your JANUARY Issue
Publisher's Note, January 2020
I always look forward to the new year and the enormous promise it holds. As 2020 begins, it’s an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve accomplished in the past year, and the place that Contact Center Pipeline holds today as a strong contact center resource, with a large archive of independent contact center articles and research.
I’m very proud of all that we achieved in 2019, and it is our community of exceptional people that make it all possible; our readers, sponsors, employees, and vendors. We begin 2020 with our completely redesigned website, offering easier access to our article and research archive. Our popular blog offering continues posting shorter form, timely information 3 times a week (Tues-Thurs), while our long form articles are published monthly on our website, digital issue, and print issue.
Kicking off with the January issue, Susan Hash features the Employee Experience, and we bring the results of our most popular survey, back for it's 5th straight year, the Contact Center Challenges & Priorities survey. Lori Bocklund breaks down the numbers and provides her veteran analysis of the industy's challenges and priorities. Don't miss this one.
Read the full January Publisher's Note on LinkedIn
I hope the New Year brings you much happiness.
Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, including full access to download our research data and analysis, and to view all articles, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium, Print plus Digital.
Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry that you won't find anywhere else. We appreciate your support.
Improving the Agent Experience by Susan Hash
Look beyond employee engagement to improve the overall experience.
[Special Report] Contact Center Challenges & Priorities for 2020: The Year of the Agent by Lori Bocklund
Operation Social Media… 2020 by Kathleen M. Peterson
Contact Center 2020: Yesterday and Today by Paul Stockford
Are Microskills the Key to Surviving the Bots? by Mike Dershowitz
The Contact Center Trends to Watch Out for in 2020 by Ido Bornstein-HaCohen
How to Quiet the Ego and Lead with Humility by Quint Studer
Surviving Post-Holiday Returns by Paul Selby
A Checklist for Migrating Your Contact Center to the Cloud by Sascha Mehlhase
By Susan Hash
The industry pioneer and CXPA Board Chair shares her thoughts on the CX profession and the association’s 2020 goals.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY CALLSHAPER Executive Interview with Bob Wienholt, CEO of CallShaper
CEO Bob Wienholt discusses what makes CallShaper unique in the call center industry.
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required.
Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won't find anywhere else.
Calabrio, CallShaper, Customer Contact Strategies, Human Numbers, Intradiem, Jacada, MusicWorks, NICE inContact, Panviva, PowerHouse, Sennheiser, Serenova, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Stream Realty and Verint.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Your Contact Center Pipeline Digital Issue is Here
Download Your February Issue
Publisher's Note, February 2020
Welcome to the February issue of Contact Center Pipeline. I've always thought of February as a fun month with the opportunity to show some love! The best way to show your agents some love… recognize and support them. The best way to show your customers some love… provide an amazing customer experience!
Our February issue is packed with tips and information useful in accomplishing those goals. Our feature article, Upgrade Your Customer Surveys discusses seven practices to encourage customers to participate with useful feedback. Surveys have been in our toolkit forever, but with the ever-more-rapid pace of change, now is a good time to brush up on the latest.
Our February Author Wall of Fame award goes to Lori Bocklund. Lori is well deserving of our appreciation for her dedication and contributions over the years. She has been with us since day one as an author abd Founding Advisor. Thank you Lori!
I'd also like to welcome our newest contributor, Dr. William Seidman. Dr Seidman shares his observations of new technology that's being adapted for the contact center. Really new and interesting ideas. Welcome Dr. Seidman.
Have a great month and enjoy the issue.
Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium; Print plus Digital. Your subscription helps us continue to publish independent articles for the contact center industry.
Upgrade Your Customer Surveys by Susan Hash
Seven practices to encourage customer participation.
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained by Kathleen Peterson
Turning Up the Heat on the Contact Center: A Fireside Chat by Paul Stockford
How to Implement CCPA Without Impacting Customer Service Christina Luttrell
Things I Wish Someone Would Invent by Dick Bucci
The Gig Economy Effect: Addressing New Expectations and Requirements by Kelly Koelliker
Boost ROI by Enhancing Agent Performance by Dr. William Seidman
The Impact of Altruism on a Servant Leadership Culture by Matt Rocco
INSIDE VIEW Televerde’s Prison Workforce Development Program
By Susan Hash
Providing training, development and job opportunities for incarcerated women produces lasting impact for individuals, families and state economies.
AUTHOR WALL OF FAME In recognition and appreciation to Lori Bocklund, President, Strategic Contact, our February 2020 Wall of Fame Author.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY CALLSHAPER Why Online Scripting Is So Important to Your Call Center Success
by By Bob Wienholt
Provide your sales and customer service reps with the tools to be successful.
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required.
Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won't find anywhere else.
2Ring America, Bold 360 by LogMeIn, CallShaper, Customer Contact Strategies, Human Numbers, Jacada, Panviva, PowerHouse, Sennheiser, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Stream Realty, TASKE Technology and Verint.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Empower your CX and employee engagement through analytics in the contact center
View email in browser
Think about it: your contact center is a goldmine of powerful insights.
Traditionally viewed as an essential overhead, more and more enterprises are recognizing the contact center as a key differentiator for their businesses. While new technologies make it easy to capture 100% of customer interactions, most organizations only scrutinize 2%.
Why? Most organizations lack the proper technology and are overwhelmed by the volume and unstructured nature of their VOC data. Finally, new technologies make it easy and cost-efficient to turn your VOC data into actionable insights.
After reading this white paper, you will understand:
How to make sense of Big Data and unlock its potential.
How to turn your underutilized VOC Data into key actionable insights.
How to capture every customer's voice to enable omni-channel customer service.
How to extract meaning from your data while filtering out the noise.
Download Now
Please enjoy the report—and let us know if you'd like to learn more about VOC analytics for the contact center.
Calabrio 1-855-784-2807
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers, Support Functions & Enterprise
Join Prime Therapeutics, Comcast, Unum, Hyatt and many others as they share their journeys of work at home for contact centers, support functions and enterprise mobility.
20+ speakers on remote work
200+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Six smaller breakout sessions for benchmarking on high impact areas
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Three things—Compliance, Contact Rates and Ease of Use
Compliance “When I get look ups, I can respond in seconds with the full call history, call recordings, and proof of consent. It is so easy to look up records and CallShaper maintains the records indefinitely.”
CallShaper allows you to search campaigns by phone number or customer name and pull up the full call history in seconds. You can see each attempt made, the call result of each attempt, and pull the recordings with a click of a button. And you can store the proof of consent information with the record, so it is easy to document.
CallShaper has built compliance into the dialer to ensure your managers cannot ignore or miss settings like abandonment messaging, caller ID requirements, time zone, state and holiday calling restrictions and DNC scrubbing. You have peace of mind that your dialing is compliant when you use CallShaper.
Contact Rates “When I switched from Vici to CallShaper, my contact rates doubled! The dialer settings in CallShaper allow me to prioritize calling by bucket, by agent, by age of record, or by number of attempts. I can adjust calling strategies on the fly. My agents keep busy and I am able to reach a lot more customers!”
CallShaper has a lot of flexibility to help you prioritize and optimize your calling efforts. You can call the newest leads first, the oldest leads first, or the leads with the least number of attempts. You can route calls to your agents based on buckets which can be used to segment your leads based on file performance, and you can route the leads to your agents based on skill sets so your best sales agents get your best leads. You can also control how many attempts you make per day and over the lifetime of the leads and the intervals in which you make those attempts based on specific dispositions. This flexibility allows you to maximize your contact rate on each campaign.
Ease of Use “IT has historically been a bottleneck for me. It could take weeks to get a new campaign up, when I have clients waiting and reps available. Now I can just set up a new campaign myself in minutes, including the scripting, the reporting, call transfers, and export files. Speed to market is now a day instead of weeks!”
Because CallShaper has an extremely friendly user interface, you don’t have to be a techie to set up a campaign. Scripting can be set up by the user, including branching, data capture and data validation. Reporting and export files can be customized and scheduled to either email or go to an FTP site. And CallShaper’s white glove customer support can help train you if you have more complex requirements.
Schedule a demo now so you can see how great CallShaper is!
Weekly Hotlist: The 3 New Articles Published This Week On The
Contact Center Pipeline Blog.
Brought to you by: CallShaper
Surviving Post-Holiday Returns
By Paul Selby
UPS has dubbed January 2nd, 2020, “National Returns Day.” After the stretch delivering the intended gifts, this is the day UPS predicts another sharp rise in shipping activity as gift orderers and receivers address the problematic gifts they received.
Read More
Survey Results: Contact Center Challenges and Priorities for 2020
By Lori Bocklund
We just completed our fifth annual survey and had 275 participants chime in on their top three challenges and priorities. While I encourage you to read the full report, here are some observations that stand out this year.
Read More
Power to the People: 5 Ways to Elevate the Agent Experience
By Candace Sheitelman
According to Gallup’s recent polls, 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Think about that for a moment—that’s a staggeringly high number. If 50 people work in your contact center, that’s like saying only 6.5 of them actually care about what’s going on in your business.
Read More
View More Blog Posts
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Boost Customer Experience by Improving Agent Experience
Improving CSAT Starts with Agent Satisfaction
We thought you might be interested in our upcoming webinar “3 Ways Agent Experience is Boosting Customer Experience”, happening Wednesday, February 12 at 1:00pm EST. In this webinar, we are joined with industry expert Lori Bocklund who will be sharing trends and advice on how you can empower your agents with easy to use tools, skills and focus they need to give customers a better experience—and a reason to keep coming back.
Join this webinar and you will…
Find out why empowering your agents is more important than ever
See the vision for the optimized agent in 2020 and beyond
Understand ways to develop your agents' skills to enable them to solve complex requests
Learn how setting consistent goals leads to consistent service
See how your agents can resolve customer issues faster with the right tools
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to leverage best practices in agent experience to take your Customer Experience to the next level!
Can’t make it? Go ahead and register anyway and we’ll send you a copy of the webinar for you to watch at your convenience.
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers, Support Functions & Enterprise
Join Prime Therapeutics, Comcast, Unum, Hyatt and many others as they share their journeys of work at home for contact centers, support functions and enterprise mobility.
20+ speakers on remote work
200+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Six smaller breakout sessions for benchmarking on high impact areas
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers, Support Functions & Enterprise
Join Prime Therapeutics, Comcast, Unum, Hyatt and many others as they share their journeys of work at home for contact centers, support functions and enterprise mobility.
20+ speakers on remote work
200+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Six smaller breakout sessions for benchmarking on high impact areas
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else.
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Investing in Your Contact Center: How to Build a Business Case
Investing in Your Contact Center: How to Build a Business Case
The role—and importance—of contact centers has evolved. Today, they are the strategically important front line for many brands to provide positive customer experience that builds long-term loyalty and bolsters reputation.
Investing in better agent engagement and customer experience technology can deliver big rewards. But contact center leaders often struggle to build the business case for investment.
This guide will help make those investments a quicker reality as contact center leaders navigate the hurdles of organizational buy-in.
Download Your Copy!
About Serenova
Serenova simplifies every aspect of the customer experience to make life easier for contact center executives, their customers and employees. The world’s most passionate, customer-focused brands achieve better interactions, deeper insights, and more meaningful outcomes with Serenova’s contact center solutions. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Serenova has operations in California, Canada, the UK and Australia.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won’t find anywhere else. Put Contact Center Pipeline's insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
CX is a high stakes game; it has the potential to make or break your business. For us, CX isn't only a discipline - it''s also an obsession.
On May 12, join a growing community of CX-obsessed leaders from digital experience, customer service and IT at CXNext 2020, a virtual event. Here, you will gain inspiration and strategy to reimagine customer engagement in ways more critical than ever,?during these rapidly changing times.?
These are the top 3 reasons to attend:
1. Gather Valuable Insights
Where do good ideas come from? Largely from other ideas. At CXNext, you will have the opportunity to not just hear from product and thought leaders but talk to them one-on-one and ask questions that apply directly to your own work.
2. Gain Actionable Next Steps
Sharpen your thinking with real-world examples of transformation in action for service, customer acquisition, and support. We''ll look at industry trends and uncover best practices to take back to your organization.
3. Expand your network
You''ll have a direct line to product leadership, the people behind your technology, and the opportunity to discuss your product with other users like you. Share tips and tricks with peers who know the product as well as you do.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Industry experts share their views of the post-pandemic contact center environment.
By Susan Hash, Contact Center Pipeline
As the global economy gradually reopens under evolving guidance and safety protocols for companies, employees and customers, business leaders are contemplating a vastly altered vision of the future of work from just a few months ago.
For many service and support operations, the sudden impact of COVID-19 exposed critical flaws and vulnerabilities in processes and operating models. Executive discussions are currently focusing on concepts like agility and resiliency, along with the mantra that "we can't make the same mistakes again."
What does the transition to the "new normal" entail for contact center operations? How will centers restructure service and support delivery models, agents' skill sets, automation deployment and work-from-home solutions to emerge with the best possible outcome for future growth and success? For insights to these and other questions, I recently reached out to seven contact center industry thought leaders for their views. Our panel of experts includes CHRIS ARNOLD, Vice President of Contact Center Strategy, ASAPP; TOM GOODMANSON, President & CEO, Calabrio; TIM MONTGOMERY, Founder & Managing Partner, Alamo Cloud Solutions; TOBY PARRISH, Chief Operating Officer, Televerde; JEN SNELL, Vice President of Product Strategy and Marketing, Verint; PAUL STOCKFORD, Chief Analyst, Saddletree Research; and CAMERON WEEKS, Co-Founder & CEO, Edify.
View this email online
WFH Senior Leadership Forum &
WFH:101 Time to Get Good at It
Senior Leadership Work From Home Forum
October 22: Zoom Live Meeting
Six Senior Leaders share their WFH experiences, key learnings and challenges, forward plans for continued on-scale WFH:
Prime Therapeutics - Dan White, Director Operations Clinical Review
PNC Bank - Bill Emmerson, VP Employee Experience Strategy &
PNC Bank - James Bucki, AVP Employee Experience Strategy
BECU Credit Union - Nathan Hickman, VP Talent Development
Intuit - Dana Sednek, Head of Learning Enablement
Customer Contact Strategies - Michele Rowan, President
This live forum includes company case studies, live interviews, live chat and Q&A.
Learn More
October 22, 10a-2pm CT $395 per person
WFH: 101 Time to Get Good at It.
September 6, October 14 Live Classes
These classes are designed for companies/leaders newer to WFH, running larger operations than they were ready for, and keenly interested in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Topics include: hiring digitally and directly to home, getting employees engaged from the start, critical skills for front line leaders, best practices in virtual performance management, team building activities that work.
Michele Rowan, President of Customer Contact Strategies, facilitates.
Learn More
Sep 6, Oct 14, 10a-1pm CT $195 per person
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? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Observations on leadership, technology readiness and supporting WFH agents.
By Kathleen Peterson
I wish I could say, "Hate to see you go," but that is definitely not the case. I believe that each of us has been bitterly disappointed by 2020. This year, holding the promise of a new decade will be remembered as dark and dangerous for generations to come.
I wonder what the writers of "Back to the Future" knew when Doc warned Marty, "Whatever happens, Marty, don't ever go to 2020!"
For the record, my 2020 began with emergency back surgery, which was fabulously successful. I returned to work on March 2nd, and by the 9th, shutdowns in the Northeast began. All social venues and schools shut down. Many began to work from home, projects stalled, and new and novel initiatives began. The verb "zoom" took on new meaning.
As an advisor and observer of many organizations, I have seen them navigate through crises that caused massive disruption. I'd like to share a few of the lessons I learned.
Continue reading Kathleen''s full article for her 2020 lessons learned.
Get answers to your questions live. Register now.
Nuance & Opus Research present The Evolution of Authentication Virtual Roundtable Series
I hope you can join the first installment in The Evolution of Authentication Virtual Roundtable Series presented by Nuance and Opus Research - Voice authentication: Lessons learned and best practices.
This session will detail best practices for improving efficiency and effectiveness using voice authentication to deliver faster, more personalized service through both live agents and IVRs. There''s no PowerPoint - just conversation and an opportunity to have your questions answered live.
This is an exciting, interactive program designed by and for authentication leaders. We look forward to showing you how authentication in/across voice and digital channels can work effectively even with increased interaction volumes and remote agents - click here to register. The roundtables will be recorded so if you can''t attend live, register and we''ll send you the recording.
Brett Beranek
VP & GM, Security & Biometrics
Register Now
The Evolution of Authentication Virtual Roundtable Series
Topic: Voice authentication: Lessons learned and best practices
Date: July 8
Time: 1:00-1:30 PM EST
Join us & get your questions answered live.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Learn how you can launch your own virtual contact center quickly.
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With most companies in or moving toward a work-from-home model, a cloud-enabled remote workforce is the new imperative. And it needs to be deployed fast to meet increased demand.
That's why Calabrio has teamed up with leading platform and deployment partners to help ensure you are prepared to meet new and emerging work-from-home challenges.
Check out the options below to learn how you can launch your own virtual contact center quickly-or contact Calabrio to discuss which rapid launch option is right for you.
Twilio Flex Boost
This Twilio Flex Boost offer includes Twilio Flex, the first fully-programmable cloud contact center, as well as Calabrio''s solutions to help you evaluate and more easily manage remote contact center agents.
This offer includes:
Discounts offered for contact centers impacted by COVID-19
Quick implementation of Calabrio provided by Avtex
Discounted pricing and packages for Calabrio ONE WFM, analytics and QM solutions
Learn More
Amazon Connect
This offer includes Amazon''s leading omnichannel cloud?contact center platform and the Calabrio tools?you need to schedule agents more efficiently, monitor performance and identify opportunities to improve customer experience, fully integrated with Amazon Connect.
This offer includes:
$0 Software fees at time of purchase
Pay As You Go pricing
Fast deployment options offered by VoiceFoundry
Learn More
Phone:?1.855.784.2807 Email:??
Customer Success Center
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Tech and Strategies for Covid-19 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Workforce management professionals are still grappling with epic changes brought on by Covid-19. They have seen shifts in business demand, and different lifestyle requirements from agents. Managers face new communication challenges while trying to stay connected with key resources and work-from-home agents. There is clearly a need for new technologies and strategies for managing a divided and isolated workforce.
This short article by Daryl Gonos, CEO of CommunityWFM highlights five important items to consider that will enable your center to not only adapt to the new conditions, but leverage the opportunity to increase service level and consistency, and improve agent satisfaction in the process.
Technology Considerations
HR Considerations
Alternative Scheduling Methods
Crucial Communications Features in an Isolated World
Rapidly Changing Environments
Contact CommunityWFM today for more information and learn how your contact center can successfully implement new workforce management strategies.
? 2020 CommunityWFM and Workforce Management Software Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Welcome to the July 2020 issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine
With Independence Day just a few days away here in the US, it gives me a brief moment of quiet to reflect on where we are as a country and as an industry, at present. Needless to say, we are facing challenges on both fronts from an organizational and personal stance.
This year may be a good opportunity to skip the pool party, stay home, take a deep breathe, and reflect on what we, individually and collectively, can do to incorporate stress-relief into our busy world. The realization of a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun is a goal worth the effort.
In our July feature, Susan Hash looks at how the changes brought on by COVID-19 have increased the risk of agent burnout and stress mitigation techniques. See below for a list of all articles included in the July issue.
Happy 4th of July!
-Linda Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
For further information on COVID-19 contact center resources, please visit our COVID-19 resource page at
To download this issue, a subscription is required. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry.
JULY 2020
Feature Article: Preventing Agent Burnout by Susan Hash
Employees everywhere are at high risk of burnout. Take steps to mitigate stress overload during COVID-19.??
Buyer's Guide to Cloud Solutions by Lori Bocklund??
Contact Centers Today. A Management Balancing Act by Kathleen M. Peterson??
Changes in Contact Center Latitudes, Changes in AI Attitudes by Paul Stockford??
Tips for Onboarding New-Hires Remotely by Jessica West??
20 Empathy Statements to Show Stressed-out Customers That You Care by Leslie O'Flahavan??
Three Things Seasoned Work-From-Home Leaders Always Get Right by Michele Rowan??
Secure at Home: Protecting Ourselves, Our Brand, Business and Customers by Sangeeta Bhatnagar??
Coaching During COVID-19: Six Remote-Coaching Tips for Call Centers by Alan Fine??
Cloud-based Communication Tools Key to Maintaining Contact Center Operations by Al Castle??
INSIDE VIEW Ian Stokol, CCXP by Susan Hash
CXPA's CX Impact Award winner shares his thoughts on the CX discipline and role. ??
SPONSOR WALL OF FAME In recognition and appreciation to Human Numbers, and Tiffany LaReau, our July 2020 Wall of Fame Sponsor.??
SPONSORED CONTENT BY MOXIE Why the Call Center Was Already Collapsing-Even Before COVID-19
by Nikhil Govindaraj
Phone-based support was already struggling to meet the demands of an increasingly digital world. Facing the strain of the COVID-19 crisis, it's simply no longer viable.??
by Todd Cotharin
Workforce management tools help to keep work-from-home agents informed and connected to supervisors and peers.??
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won''t find anywhere else.
2Ring America, Bold 360 by LogMeIn, Calabrio, CallShaper, ContactPoint360, Customer Contact Strategies, Human Numbers, Incite Group, NICE inContact, Nuance, Panviva, PowerHouse, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, TASKE Technology, TaskUs and Verint.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Closing Today: Contact Center Challenges & Priorities Survey
Today is the last chance to participate.
For the sixth year, we are partnering with Strategic Contact to gather today's biggest challenges and the top priorities for 2021.
Certainly, we have seen big changes this past year that should impact issues like attrition, employee engagement, security issues and customer experience for 2021. What are the Covid challenges that impact 2021?
Here are some interesting facts from our 2020 survey:
Attrition was the #1 challenge (27%).
Improving self service (24%) and employee engagement and improvement (22%) were top priorities.
Moving up the priority list was authentication and fraud prevention, as well as security and regulatory requirements.
The #1 contact center leadership goal for 2020 was to improve the customer experience (61%) and the #2 goal was to improve the agent experience (15%).
Tell us your thoughts in this SHORT (2-3 minute) survey
Upon completion of the survey, you will be able to enter for a chance to win a $100 gift card.
As in past years, the results will be published in an upcoming issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We really appreciate your feedback.
- Linda Harden, Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
2021 Challenges and Priorities for Contact Centers ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Time is running out to register for tomorrow's webinar: 2021 Outlook: Al, Knowledge Automation and the Evolving Role of Remote Agents.
Our very own Tech Line author, Lori Bocklund, will be on the panel with Frank Wassenbergh of CloudLinx and Sedarius Perrotta from Shelf. It is sure to be an informative conversation given the knowledge of panel participants! They will be sharing how Al and knowledge automation will be essential in optimizing a remote workforce in 2021. I'm sure you won't want to miss it.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 9th
Time: 11:00am, Eastern
Thank you.
Linda Harden, Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
An expert Q&A ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Contact Center Pipeline Magazine: August Issue
How to Apply Predictive Analytics to Post-COVID Recovery
An expert Q&A on leveraging predictive analytics to guide decision-making amid changing conditions.
By Susan Hash
We are now midway through the third quarter of a year that will surely be remembered as one of the most chaotic in history. Many of us would like nothing better than to simply fast forward to 2021 or beyond. But how to get there? As contact center leaders plan for the post-pandemic recovery-both short- and long-term-where can they turn for reliable insights for informed decision-making? The pandemic outbreak created volatile market conditions and unpredictable customer behavior. What impact do the unique circumstances that businesses experienced in 2020 have on the reliability of recent customer data and predictive models? How will it influence strategic planning for the post-pandemic contact center?
To learn the answers to these questions, I reached out to several predictive analytics experts in the contact center industry. For this article, I wanted to zero-in on three areas key to strategic planning for the post-COVID era-collecting and using customer data, human resources (hiring, performance management and retention), and data security.
Providing insights and advice on the data challenges caused by erratic customer behavior and changing market conditions during the pandemic are: DANIEL FOPPEN, Senior Principal Product Manager, Oracle CX Service Strategy; JEFF GALLINO, CTO and Founder, CallMiner; and ALEX MARTINEZ, Senior Product Marketing Manager, OpenText.
Thinking Outside the Cubicle: A Work from Home Success Story with U-Haul
1 PM, ET | March 25, 2020 | Duration: 60mins
The worldwide reaction to Coronavirus has created tremendous upheaval in the workplace. Most of your employees are likely working remotely, many for the first time. Customers and employees alike are uncertain about the future and seeking reassurance and leadership from your organization. To help support you as you navigate this unprecedented situation, Verint is offering a series of webinars offering best practices and advice for challenges you may be facing due to the implications of #COVID19.
Register here to join us on Wednesday March 25 at 1 PM, ET for the live webinar, "Thinking Outside the Cubicle: A Work from Home Success Story with U-Haul," where we'll discuss how you can:
Achieve greater agent flexibility
Make more accurate forecasting and scheduling
Improve responsiveness to spikes in call volume
Can't wait until Wednesday to finalize your company's unique strategy including recording calls at home? Contact us today or reach out directly to your Verint Account Executive.
Engage With Us
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Everyone is talking about the way we''re functioning now as our "new normal." But is this current routine just a short-term patch while we work through the COVID-19 crisis, or will it change the way we operate in the future? - Tim Montgomery
Join Contact Center Pipeline, and 8 regional contact center associations from across the United States and Canada for a thought leadership webinar presented by Tim Montgomery, June 17th, at 11:30 A.M. Eastern.
Tim will expand on his June, Contact Center Pipeline blog post, "Where Contact Centers Go from Here?", discussing the lessons the contact center industry learned overnight during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The co-sponsors of this event include the following organizations:
Association of Contact Center Professionals - Kansas City Metro
Austin Contact Center Alliance - Austin, TX
Greater Toronto Area Contact Centre Association - Toronto, Canada
Mid-West Contact Center Association - Chicago, IL
Mid-West Contact Center Association - Minneapolis, MN
North East Contact Center Forum - New England States
Northern California Contact Center Association - Sacramento/Northern California
Professional Teleservice Management Association - San Antonio, TX
All registered attendees are eligible for a free a 12-month digital subscription to Contact Center Pipeline.
We look forward to having you join us.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
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Elevate Response Today with Analytics & AI
Are you looking for ways that your organization can start leveraging analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to drive organizational success quickly and efficiently? Knowledge management is a perfect example of how analytics and AI give you the insights and automation needed to balance operational efficiency with a superior customer experience with ease.
As you may have seen at Verint Virtual, our first virtual event, there were quite a few sessions that covered this topic. In case you missed it, you can register to gain access to 50+ on-demand sessions, and check out a few that we think might interest you below:
Want to learn more about how knowledge management leverages analytics & AI to improve the employee and customer experience? Read the article, Top Ten Benefits of Knowledge Management.
Ready to get started with knowledge management? Check out our new Knowledge Management QuickStart that enables you to get up and running with a central knowledge base helping you to reduce costs and increase productivity in just a few short weeks.
We''re here to help. Explore our?QuickStarts?to address your urgent needs to improve workforce engagement, productivity and CX.?Contact usto learn more.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Welcome to the October 2020 Issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine.
I love Customer Service Week. Our frontline staff represent our organizations and they make such a difference in our customer's experience. Regardless of our technologies, strategies and operational intentions, our agents deliver the professional exchange with a frustrated caller, the accurate information in an email and develop rapport during a video chat. Hopefully, we are providing the tools that enhance their capabilities, but ultimately, they represent our brand and deliver our customer's experience.
So, hats off to our Frontline Staff. Our times are challenging as we work from home and 2020 celebrations may look very different - see this month''s feature article. Please know we appreciate your commitment and dedication. You make a difference in every conversation.
Thank you.
Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
Boost Customer Experience by Improving Agent Experience. Download the Report.
Download the Report ??
We have some good news: 50% of companies consider providing a better employee experience a priority. But of course, this means the bad news is that 50% of companies don't.
Recent research by ICMI examines the contact center agent experience and other topics relevant to today's contact center as companies like yours look to create remarkable customer experiences that result in long-lasting relationships. One big takeaway? You can boost CX by improving the agent experience.
We thought you'd like to take a look at the data found in this in-depth study. Just follow the link below to download the report. Or, contact us to schedule a meeting to learn more about how you can transform every customer interaction.
Download the Report
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
During these extraordinary times, we're looking for ways to help our Contact Center Pipeline audience adapt, respond and continue to succeed. As a proud sponsor of Verint Virtual, the free two-day digital event being hosted by Verint on May 20-21, we wanted to ensure that those of you who are Verint Customers or Partners were aware of this opportunity to participate for free.
Register today to learn from your colleagues and industry experts new ways to succeed, manage the current crisis, and prepare for the recovery leveraging your Verint customer engagement solutions. This event will uncover best practices, tips, and innovations that you can start using today in your contact center, customer experience, back-office and compliance areas. We hope to see you online!
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
? 2020 Pipeline Publishing Group, PO Box 3467, Annapolis, MD 21403 Help Center?/?Privacy Policy?/?Unsubscribe
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Download now??
If you''ve got to hit growing revenue goals on a static or shrinking budget, customer advocates are your best friends. And building an army of them is your most cost-effective solution.
Put your contact center to work to retain loyal, happy customers, and score up to 30% of your revenue goal with less time, effort, and resources.
Find out how in the Blueprint for Growth. Download your copy for tips on:
Empowering and rewarding customer advocates
Encouraging and responding to customer feedback
Using the right tools and processes for continuous improvement
Download now
? NICE inContact. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | View as a Web Page 75 West Towne Ridge Parkway | Tower 1 | Sandy, UT | 84070
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
I have always contended that the contact center is the true heartbeat of an enterprise.
Getting into the mind of the customer.
As we embark on the path to the new Roaring 20s, look around you. Just like 100 years ago, things are changing at a fast and furious pace. If we put this into the context of today''s contact center, we are seeing their roles and responsibilities evolving from service and care to advisory and selling.
I have always contended that the contact center is the true heartbeat of an enterprise. They are the first line to engage with our cherished customers and their interactions can make or break a relationship. So as their role changes, be very aware that the buyer is changing, too. What I mean by that is: Buyers have new and different paths to take during the pre-purchase as well as post-purchase phase.
Thus, it is very important for your call center agents - as well as your management - to be prepared to deal with the Evolution of the Buyer. To do this, let''s get into the mind of the buyer By doing this, agents will have a clear understanding of the buyer''s process and where their Customer Experience may become strained. To best illustrate Getting into the Mind of the Customer, I have created a mapof the buying process. After much research, I have seen that there are more steps to the process today than ever before. The steps in the path of the buyer look like this:
Read the rest of the article!
There is heavy reliance on the "expert" to solve all those contact center problems.
Sound familiar?
Don''t worry, you''re not alone.
The Science of CX Podcast is hosted by Steve Pappas.
Spend some time together and help your business Soar, Grow and Accelerate!
Read the article!
Listen Now
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Work From Home: 101. 4-Hour Virtual Class on the basics, because it''s time to get good at it.
COVID-19 has transformed work locations overnight, and for densely populated contact centers, WFH is here to stay.
This class is designed for contact center organizations who are newer to work from home, running larger WFH operations than they were ready for, and have a keen interest in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Michele Rowan, industry leader in WFH for contact centers and former VP of Performance Management for Hilton Worldwide leads and facilitates the class.
Virtual Class Topics:
Hiring digitally and directly to home
Getting employees engaged from the start, and keeping them that way
Critical skills for front line leaders, and helping them get there
Team building activities that work
Virtual learning made easy
Zoom meeting
Live exchanges
Live Q&A
$195 for first attendee
Reserve your seat!
Our Website
? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Your Contact Center Pipeline Digital Issue is Here
Download Your June Issue
Publisher''s Letter, June 2020
Welcome to the June 2020 issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine!
These are not easy times. The struggle is real. We have so many vital decisions to make for our operations that can have profound impacts on our staff and customers. Do we continue with a work from home strategy? Can we start to re-open our office doors? If so, how does that look and what are the best practices for doing that? I love our June issue. We tackle so many of these questions. Our aim is to help you figure out what is best in moving your organization forward in our post-pandemic era.
Please share with us your thoughts. I would love to hear about your center's strategy.
-Linda Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium; Print plus Digital. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry.
JUNE 2020
COVID-19 Impact: Recalibrating Human & AI Roles by Susan Hash
Industry experts share their views of the post-pandemic contact center environment. ??
Open the Door... to Possibility! by Kathleen Peterson??
Automation: The Contact Center's Grocer by Paul Stockford??
Hiring Work-at-Home Agents After the Coronavirus Crisis: What's Next by Scott Bakken??
Maintaining Customer Support in a Crisis by Chris Richard??
Knowledge Management: Four Selection Criteria to Increase Customer Lifetime Value by Tim Passios??
Analytics-Infused Training: How to Nurture Agent Growth and Customer Happiness by Brad Snedeker??
Building a Sustainable Strategy for Remote Agents by Chris Bauserman??
DISC Temperaments Under Stress by Sangeeta Bhatnagar??
AUTHOR WALL OF FAME In recognition and appreciation to Paul Stockford, Chief Analyst, Saddletree Research, our June 2020 Wall of Fame Author.??
SPONSORED CONTENT BY MusicWorks Executive Interview with MusicWorks' David Sandler
The right creativity and proper production can turn the often frustrating on-hold experience into one that drivers customer value and brand equity.??
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2Ring America, Ballena Media, Bold 360 by LogMeIn, CallShaper, ContactPoint360, Customer Contact Strategies, Fair Trade Outsourcing, Genesys, Human Numbers, Incite Group, MusicWorks, NICE inContact, Panviva, PowerHouse, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Stream Realty, TASKE Technology, TaskUs and Verint.
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Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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It's time for a more comprehensive plan that extends beyond traditional BC/DR.
By Lori Bocklund, Strategic Contact
I am supposed to be at the Enterprise Connect conference in Orlando. This month's column was going to be about what I learned and share the value of conferences to contact center leaders, encouraging you to put them on your "to-do" list. But here I sit at home, just like everyone else, and I suspect that none of you will be signing up for a conference any time soon. So, let's redirect. We have entered a new era, and preparedness is more important than ever. I want to talk about resiliency from two angles-business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) and volume agility.
Chances are you already knew that being prepared for disasters was important. Still, many haven't been able to prioritize that task and properly document, test and refine a formal BC/DR plan. Maybe your company focused on technology infrastructure impacts (e.g., data center or system down, power outage) and recovery (IT's plans). If you were prudent (or vulnerable to hurricanes), maybe you had something about facilities impacts and relocation to another site or service.
As we now know, to be ready and resilient, you need to cover a wide range of scenarios, including a pandemic with impacts beyond anything we could have imagined. For example, maybe your plan needs to simultaneously cover dramatic volume swings and relocation of staff to home offices. You may have done that on the fly, and kudos to you! Going forward, everyone needs to be ready to respond to whatever gets thrown at us with a formal, structured plan in place.
Let's call the new plan a "Resiliency Plan" because it covers more than BC/DR. It can tap some of the same technologies and operational practices for unusual peak volumes and can provide the confidence that you have the agility you need for a variety of situations. This comprehensive plan will address events that can impact facilities (e.g., power outage, fire, storm, flood), people (e.g., virus, evacuation) and technology (e.g., network, systems and/or power failure), while also addressing volumes that exceed your monthly or seasonal patterns. The plan should address events of various durations, from minutes to months.
Team Appreciation in 2020 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Brought to you by: Bold360
Customer Service Team Appreciation in 2020
Customer care leaders weigh in on celebrating Customer Service Week in the Year of COVID.
By Susan Hash, Contact Center Pipeline
This has been a grueling year-a marathon of fear, uncertainty and constant course-corrections. Throughout it all, frontline customer service staff across industries have stepped up to help companies and brands maintain a positive, reassuring presence for their customers.
Admittedly, at this point, company leaders, employees and customers are feeling the strain associated with a prolonged crisis. If ever there was a time for showing frontline staff the value that they provide to customers, to co-workers and to the company, this is it. And the month of October provides the perfect opportunity to do so.
Customer Service Week has been celebrated by organizations around the world during the first full week in October. Originally created in 1984 by the International Customer Service Association (ICSA, now part of the Professional Association of Customer Engagement, or PACE), Customer Service Week was proclaimed a national event by the U.S. Congress in 1992.
This year, Customer Service Week officially takes place Oct. 5-9. In previous years, companies have planned in-person celebrations and activities for CSW that took place on-site-in the center, company break rooms, parking lots, cafeterias. you name it. In the Year of COVID, contact center and customer service leaders have had to be extra creative due to workplace shutdowns and social distancing protocols.
We wanted to find out how companies are celebrating CSW this year with their frontline customer service employees, so we reached out to leaders across industries. Our greatest appreciation to the following leaders for sharing their thoughts: Dawn Brewster, PFS; Olivier Camino, Sitel Group; Pierre Desdunes, Purchasing Power; Fara Haron, Majorel; Jeff Ostermann, Sweetwater; Mark Pereira, Briljent; and Gal Rimon, Centrical.
Download your copy of the Gartner report now. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Make a better-informed buying decision with brand new, independent analysis of cloud contact center software, including NICE inContact CXone.
This just in: The 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant Report for CCaaS has named NICE inContact a Leader for the sixth straight year based on our ability to execute and completeness of vision.
The report includes a rigorous, independent evaluation of cloud providers to help you select the right tech partners for your contact center. It's a big deal in our industry.
Get your complimentary copy, and:
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Learn why NICE inContact has been named a Leader for six years in a row
Discover what we believe a leading cloud software can do for your contact center
It's never been easier, faster, or more cost-effective to move to a modern, agile cloud platform. And, with the new Gartner Magic Quadrant report, they've already done the research for you.
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Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Contact Center as a Service, Steve Blood, Drew Kraus, Pri Rathnayake, 9 November 2020 Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from?NICE Systems. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
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As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
How to accelerate contact
center transformation
on AWS to enhance
You're Invited!
Join AWS Marketplace and G2 to discover how to enhance customer engagement with contact center?transformation.
Wednesday, September 30
11AM PT | 2PM ET
60 min session
In this webinar:
Companies are seeking to improve customer satisfaction and drive operational efficiency through digital transformation. Many are turning to the cloud to simplify contact center operations, improve agent efficiency, and lower costs. In this session, AWS and G2 will share industry trends, best practices, case studies, and solutions in AWS Marketplace to help modernize your contact center strategy.
Register today and qualify for a complimentary customer experience maturity?assessment.
Attendees will learn how?to:
Understand what trends are driving contact center?transformation
Rapidly deploy and scale a cloud-based contact center using Amazon?Connect
Modernize your customer engagement using Verint Cloud to drive deeper loyalty and enhance business?performance
Explore partner solutions in AWS Marketplace from Cyara and VoiceFoundry that expedite contact center migrations and integrate with Amazon?Connect
Tom Pringle
VP, Market Research, G2
Tom Pringle is vice president of market research at G2 leading three key topic areas: AI & analytics, cloud & IT, and security & privacy. Tom''s entire professional experience has been in information technology where he has worked in both consulting and research roles. His personal research has focused on data and analytics technologies; more recently, this has led to a practical and philosophical interest in artificial intelligence and automation. Prior to G2, Tom held research, consulting, and management roles at Datamonitor, Deloitte, BCG, and Ovum. Tom received a BSc. from the London School of?Economics.
Joe Eisner
Global Partner Strategy Lead, Productivity Apps,?AWS
Joe Eisner has been in the contact center industry for more than 14 ye?ars. He spent 10 years at industry leader Genesys, where he was a senior member of the Corporate Development and Business Development team, and, from Oc?to?ber 20?16 to M?ay 20?20, was the founding member of the Amazon Connect global partner program and strategy at AWS. During his tenure as Global Partner Lead for Amazon Connect, he established the partner strategy, built the ISV ecosystem to over 140 partners offering over 250 integrations, and helped recruit 30 SI/consulting partners. He is now Partner Strategy Lead for the AWS Productivity Applications Go To Market team. He is a co?-?inventor on 8 published patents related to customer service, communications, and contact?center.
About G2:
Headqua?rtered in Chi?ca?go, is revolutionizing how businesses discover, buy and manage software and services. More than three million monthly users rely on G2 to help them find and buy the best software for their businesses. The platform has 900,000 reviews, and $100M in total funding invested by IVP, Accel Part?ners, Linke?dIn, Emerg?ence Capi?tal, Pri?tzker Gro?up, Chi?ca?go Ventu?res, Hyde Pa?rk Vent?ur?es, industry leaders and founders. G2''s customers include IBM and Zoom. Its most recent funding, a $55M Ser?ies C, was in Oc?to?ber 20?18, followed by the company''s acquisitions of Siftery and?Advocately.
About AWS Marketplace:
AWS Marketplace is a digital software catalog that makes it easy to find, try, buy, deploy, and manage software that runs on AWS. AWS Marketplace has a broad and deep selection of security solutions offered by hundreds of independent software vendors, spanning infrastructure security, logging and monitoring, identity and access control, data protection, and more. These products can be integrated with AWS Services and other existing technologies, enabling you to deploy a comprehensive security architecture across your AWS and on?-?premises environments. Visit to learn?more.
*The views and opinions of G2 and their presenter are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of?AWS.
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When communicating with brands, 93% of consumers want a seamless experience across channels, yet 73% say they''re not getting it.
That means you can gain a huge competitive advantage for your business, just by elevating your contact center''s digital and omnichannel CX strategy.
Discover the latest data on how to do it with our new CX Transformation Benchmark Report.
Read now
? NICE inContact. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | View as a Web Page 75 West Towne Ridge Parkway | Tower 1 | Sandy, UT | 84070
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As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Join our webinar |?Wednesday, April 15 at 2pm ET/ 11am PT
It''s nearly impossible for contact centers to deliver superior customer service if they don''t have excellent agent engagement. So, how do you boost agent engagement while working from home? Promote collaboration - and reward agents who work well with team members. Because they''re the agents who''re going to continually raise your contact center''s level of customer experience.?
Join our webinar and learn how to:
Keep remote agents engaged using data-driven gamification and personalized rewards
Share business goals with agents to increase collaboration and performance
Improve customer experience by delivering consistent service
Don''t miss Boosting Remote Agent Engagement: Collaboration, Gamification and Reward on Wednesday, April 15, 2020. Presented by Gina Montague, Manager of Support Services at Infinite Campus and Tamsin Dollin, Senior Product Marketing Manager at NICE inContact.
Register here
? NICE inContact. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | View as a Web Page
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
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As a leading domestic contact center outsourcer, the MCI Call Center Services Team is fully operational and ready to help with our site-based and at-home workforce.
In the face of the protracted COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and organizations are increasingly asking emplyees to work from home to maintain business continuity and handle increased volume during the crisis. With over 30 years of experience, our sales team can answer your questions and provide proven solutions for overflow contact center services and contingency planning.
We have increased our at-home agent capability and filled our recruiting pipeline as applicant flow is off the charts. MCI''s nine regionally-diverse North American service delivery locations are fully-functional, and coupled with our at-home agents, available to quickly scale your service capability.
Please reach out if we can help in anyway.
Stay safe out there.
- Chris
Chris Alexander
Phone: 813-766-0945
MCI is a global leader in customer experience and digital transformation Contact Center Services.
Visit us at
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20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers, Support Functions & Enterprise
Join Prime Therapeutics, Comcast, Unum, Hyatt and many others as they share their journeys of work at home for contact centers, support functions and enterprise mobility.
20+ speakers on remote work
200+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Six smaller breakout sessions for benchmarking on high impact areas
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Registration fees:
$1495 first attendee, $1395 additional attendees.
Our Website
? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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Leverage an AI/ML-powered cloud-based contact center with AWS and USAN.
Transform business-as-usual customer experiences by migrating your contact center operations to an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) powered,cloud-based solution with USAN Services for Amazon Connect and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Download the solution brief and learn about:
The latest AI and ML technology to improve your contact center deployment and your end-customer interactions
Sophisticated, natural language voice and text chat bots using Amazon Lex for a highly personalized conversational experience
Contact Lens for Amazon Connect which can measure language and word choice, analyzing and evaluating conversation dynamics
Modernize your contact center and resolve customer issues faster with cloud-based, intelligent solutions from USAN and AWS.
Get the Solution Brief
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
There are over 3 billion active social media users worldwide - and tens of thousands of moderators who are actively keeping users safe from offensive content on these platforms every second.
What are the world''s biggest social networks doing to ensure their content moderators are as safe as their user community?
Join Ori Dugary, Sr. Director, Service Operations, Twitter, Lorna Friedman, Global Health Leader, Multinational Client Group, Mercer, Phil Tomlinson, VP, Content Security, TaskUs, and Rachel Lutz-Guevara, Sr. Director of Global Resiliency, TaskUsfor an interactive webinar where you will learn:
Best practices on scaling content moderation to a WFH model
Innovative ways to deliver telemental health and effective triage in a remote environment?
Why care and compassionate leadership are a competitive advantage in platform safety?
Register Now!
3221 Donald Douglas Loop S
Santa Monica, CA 90405
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Live Virtual Conference: 20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers & Support Functions, June 17-19
Join Prime Therapeutics, Progressive Insurance, Comcast, Unum, Marriott and many others as they share their journeys of COVID-19 rapid transitions to home, and (now) post COVID longer-term visions and plans for their contact centers.
Live virtual conference on Zoom
20+ speakers on remote work
300+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Breakout sessions on HR, Learning, Gamification, IT/Security, Augmented Reality/"Virtual Offices"
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Registration fees:
$1495 first attendee, $1395 additional attendees.
Our Website
? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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We appreciate your time and feedback!
Janet LeBlanc, President, Janet LeBlanc + Associates
Linda Harden, Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
I hope this message finds you safe. I want to provide a quick follow up from MCI. We continue to seek acquisition opportunities in BPO/BPM/Call Center/Telemarketing/Outsourcing companies. I am checking back with you to see if you might have such an opportunity on your radar or in your network.
We are somewhat flexible in terms of size. Ideally, a target would have revenue between $10M-$100M. However, we will look at smaller companies if they are a government contractor or work-at-home focused.
Please send me a message if you know of anything that may be a fit or potential opportunity. We definitely look at distressed, account/contract purchases, carve outs and special situations. Thanks!
All the best, Anthony Marlowe
In 2019 Marlowe Companies Inc. (MCI) was named by Inc. Magazine as Iowa's Fastest Growing Company in the State of Iowa and was named the 452nd Fastest Growing Privately Company in the USA, making the coveted top 500 for the first time. MCI's subsidiaries had previously made Inc. Magazine''s List of Fastest Growing Companies 15 times respectively.
MCI is headquartered in Iowa City, IA, and has nine customer contact management centers, IT services, and business process outsourcing service delivery facilities in Iowa, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Nova Scotia, and South Dakota.
Driving modernization through digitalization, MCI ensures clients do more for less. MCI is the holding company for a diverse lineup of tech-enabled business services operating companies. MCI organically grows, acquires and operates companies that have a synergistic products and services portfolios, including but not limited to Automated Contact Center Solutions (ACCS), customer contact management, IT Services, and Temporary and Administrative Professional Staffing, Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Claims Processing, Collections, Customer Experience Provider (CXP), Customer Service, Digital Experience Provider (DXP), Account Receivables Management (ARM), Application Software Development, Managed Services, and Technology Services, to mid-market, Federal & enterprise partners.
MCI now employs ~2,500+ talented individuals with 150+ diverse North American client partners across the following MCI brands: GravisApps, Mass Markets, MCI Federal Services (MFS), The Sydney Call Center, OnBrand24, and Valor Intelligent Processing (VIP).
The secret sauce for making WFH.
Brought to you by: Customer Contact Strategies
Three Things Seasoned Work-From-Home Leaders Always Get Right
The secret sauce for making WFH hum for contact center organizations.
By Michele Rowan, Customer Contact Strategies
I have the privilege of knowing dozens of seasoned U.S. work-from-home (WFH) leaders in financial services, health care, retail, travel, professional services and utilities who have figured out (over the years) the secret sauce for making work-at-home truly hum for their contact center organizations.
Here are the top three things these leaders always seem to get right:
1. Making Connection as Easy as It Is for In-House Employees
Employees need to be able to exchange work experiences and knowledge during the day with one or two clicks. And they need to be able to ask for help in solving customer issues (after attempting self-service) from a subject-matter expert-preferably while sitting among their peers who can chime in.
Highly successful WFH leaders use dedicated chat rooms, at a minimum, to provide remote employees with access to SMEs and each other. Even better are all-in-one platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts and Slack. The platforms (vs. instant messaging, email or phone) create immense visibility and a sense of team-actually better than the physical office environment could ever deliver.
Finally, WFH employees need to be able to socialize-easily. Businesses are social organizations, so making that work in distributed environments is critical. There are many ways to accomplish this based on your accessibility tools, company culture, etc. Doing it with consistency is the key. Virtual baby showers, virtual book clubs, virtual games, contests, promotions, discussion groups-all at our fingertips. The best leaders do this consistently.
2. Truly Furnish Flexibility to Create Balance for People
Seasoned WFH leaders provide true flexibility and work-life balance for people. If an employee is late to work, not a problem. Add the time onto the end of your schedule. Need a schedule adjustment for a month due to child care challenges? We will make that happen. Want to work on a special project that's been posted? We're segmenting parts of work schedules to do just that. Need to work split shifts for a while? We will look at ways to do that.
Recently, I was surprised to see a job posting for a WFH position with a national company that required contact center WFH applicants to be available 16 hours per day, seven days per week, and to be prepared to work any schedule, with changes every two weeks. This is a lot to ask of anyone. It is extremely difficult to actually deliver, and will result in churn.
To attract top talent, and keep them, seasoned leaders have moved away from broad schedule "requirements" to smaller windows, employee preferences and plenty of room for adjustments. Yes, it might cost a little bit more, but the quality of contribution from employees and retention far outweighs the cost.
3. Connect People's Individual Roles with Sense of Purpose, Company Vision
In a remote environment, employees' access to leaders and co-workers changes, so providing individuals with a sense of purpose and connection to the company vision becomes a higher priority than it is in office. When staff are on site, regardless of where people sit, team members can observe how leaders lead, how they make decisions, how they treat each other, how they communicate-starting from the time of on-boarding throughout the entire employee lifecycle.
With remote employees, the platforms for observation change, but the scope and degree of access actually is expanded. Experienced WFH leaders understand this, and leverage it, both with planned, scheduled, consistent activities and discussions (including dialogue around sense of purpose, professional development, individual and team/organizational contributions) that create access, and through organic, personalized exposure. Experienced leaders do not leave cultural connection to chance. The access is there, and the discussions take place.
As companies realign their workforce during these disruptive times, work-from-home (WFH) is quickly redefining the concept of "business as usual."
Sponsored by CommunityWFM
Both companies and employees benefit from WFH strategies. A Stanford University study found that WFH employees had improved retention, decreases in sick time and used less PTO, worked a true full shift and took fewer breaks. Companies saved approximately $2,000 per employee in reduced office space and a decrease in attrition.
Another study reports that during the current epidemic, 88% of U.S. companies have either encouraged or required employees to work from home. The overwhelming consensus is that a remote-employee strategy works, resulting in many to all employees transitioning to a permanent remote-work environment.
Contact Center Agents in Transition
Most agents employed in contact centers have the training and skills to transition to a work-from-home environment. In fact, one study found that 86% of those surveyed actually enjoyed working from home. It improved their productivity and eliminated many of the distractions associated with a brick-and-mortar contact center, such as loud co-workers (61%) and unplanned meetings (40%).
One drawback of WFH: Many employees miss the personal relationships found in the office. Communication with fellow agents and supervisors fosters a sense of belonging and keeps everyone informed. One way that contact centers can avoid employee stress due to isolation is by adopting new communication tools.
Adopting New WFM Communication Solutions
Workforce management (WFM) solutions, such as CommunityWFM, have built-in communication channels. Agents can set their own notification channel preferences, commonly an email or SMS text message. Using the browser-based, CommunityWFM Agent Portal, agents can manage their schedules, review adherence, and receive and respond to all related communication. This allows WFH agents to keep connected regardless if they are on-site or at home.
Optimizing Mobile Communications
Mobile phones have become an indispensable tool in modern society. It can become a lifeline for agents who may feel alone and cut off from other staff and supervisors. With the CommunityWFM EverywhereT mobile application, home agents can sign in and stay connected-whether they are on-shift or off. In the current environment of constant change and quarantine, it is essential that all employees receive timely and accurate corporate communications.
Communications in Action
To keep service levels up, CommunityWFM Everywhere delivers consistent and up-to-date information across the most appropriate channel(s). Unforeseen emergencies, or even workload changes, can cause an intraday schedule adjustment. Agents can alert analysts about unplanned time off and events; simply select the reason, type in a brief explanation, and the application automatically adjusts the agent's schedule. Analysts have the option to approve or deny requests.
Even agents working from home may occasionally be late for a scheduled shift. CommunityWFM Everywhere allows agents to easily check-in late when necessary. Working seamlessly with the mobile app, the Automated Schedule Attendance Monitor feature enables analysts to see arrival times and check-in status while streamlining the process of managing exceptions.
Agents can quickly check their schedules and status of time-off requests, offers for overtime, voluntary time-off and other events. They can also receive instant schedule notifications and opt-in offers.
Mobile WFM communications help keep home agents engaged in the scheduling process and part of the team. It enables analysts and supervisors the insight to manage a virtual workforce. This capability allows WFH agents to communicate how they prefer, keeps them informed, and extends the reach of all users of the WFM application to a single unified solution.
Latest Contact Center Pipeline Blog Posts
Weekly Hotlist: The 3 New Articles Published This Week On The
Contact Center Pipeline Blog.
Brought to you by: LogMeIn
Use Agent Voice DNA to Improve Contact Center Hiring Results
By Scott Bakken
What do you do when you're trying to improve your customer satisfaction (CSAT) metrics, but nothing seems to be working?
Read More
Are Microskills the Key to Surviving the Bots?
By Mike Dershowitz
Don't worry about the bots. Yes, they will change the way things are done, but primarily, we will combine what bots are good at with what humans are good at, and produce better customer journeys as a result.
Read More
Executive Interview with LogMeIn's Ryan Lester
By Linda Harden
My conversation with Ryan Lester at LogMeIn gives us an inside view of their organization and what they do. Ryan is the Senior Director of Customer Engagement Technologies.
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Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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Live Virtual Conference: 20+ Speakers on Work at Home for Contact Centers & Support Functions, June 17-19
Join Prime Therapeutics, Progressive Insurance, Comcast, Unum, Marriott and many others as they share their journeys of COVID-19 rapid transitions to home, and (now) post COVID longer-term visions and plans for their contact centers.
Live virtual conference on Zoom
20+ speakers on remote work
300+ attendees from health care, financial services, travel, consumer products, media, government, tech support
Six case studies from Fortune 1000 companies
Breakout sessions on HR, Learning, Gamification, IT/Security, Augmented Reality/"Virtual Offices"
Best in class technology and service providers
2020 40-point benchmarking survey on remote work included in registration
Topics covered are IT/Security, HR, Virtual Training, Performance Management, Communications, Engagement, Best Practices, Virtual Coaching, Flexible Scheduling
Registration fees:
$1495 first attendee, $1395 additional attendees.
Our Website
? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Looking forward to having you join CX Summit Digital.
For years, TaskUs CX Summit has served as a forum for innovative, inspirational and tactical conversations for CX leaders paired with amazing networking.?
And now... we're going digital!?
We're gearing up for the digital stage on Thursday, May 21st, at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET.
Over the years, we've spoken with companies including Microsoft, ThirdLove, Compass, Twitter, SoulCycle and Samsung - with attendance from CX innovators like Warby Parker, Doordash, Amazon, Google?and Shopify.?
This year, hear from CX leaders across a variety of industry-leading brands:
Yasmin Green, Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw at Google
Michelle Huenink, Director, Customer Service and Support, Microsoft
Lance Gruner, EVP of Global Customer Care, Mastercard?
Abhinav Mathur, SVP, Global Customer Care, Audible ?
Jack Lorentzen, Customer Experience Manager, Brooklinen
Join us for this ridiculously, exciting and free event about the state of CX - and how the world's most innovative companies are approaching customer experience in the landscape of today's "new normal."
Register Now
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Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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How to accelerate contact
center transformation
on AWS to enhance
You're Invited!
Join AWS Marketplace and G2 to discover how to enhance customer engagement with contact center?transformation.
Wednesday, September 30
11AM PT | 2PM ET
60 min session
In this webinar:
Companies are confronting unprecedented global challenges while seeking to improve customer satisfaction and increase operational efficiency. To achieve these goals, businesses need heightened visibility into agent performance, access to more comprehensive insights, increased productivity, and more uniform compliance by their agents. These businesses often need trusted partners to provide or enable proven mission-critical solutions that are easy to own, easy to operate, and easy to expand. They need solutions that will help them confidently adapt to the shifting customer engagement landscape, regardless of where they are in their journey. Businesses are increasingly moving to the cloud to drive digital transformation, simplify contact center operations, improve agent efficiency wherever they work, and, of course, reduce?costs.
Join this webinar to learn how to accelerate contact center transformation on AWS to deliver better customer engagement. In this session, AWS and G2 will share industry trends, best practices, case studies, and solutions to help you modernize your contact center?strategy.
Register today and qualify for a complimentary customer experience maturity?assessment.
Attendees will learn how?to:
Understand what trends are driving contact center?transformation
Rapidly deploy and scale a cloud-based contact center using Amazon?Connect
Modernize your customer engagement using Verint Cloud to drive deeper loyalty and enhance business?performance
Explore partner solutions in AWS Marketplace from Cyara and VoiceFoundry that expedite contact center migrations and integrate with Amazon?Connect
Tom Pringle
VP, Market Research, G2
Tom Pringle is vice president of market research at G2 leading three key topic areas: AI & analytics, cloud & IT, and security & privacy. Tom''s entire professional experience has been in information technology where he has worked in both consulting and research roles. His personal research has focused on data and analytics technologies; more recently, this has led to a practical and philosophical interest in artificial intelligence and automation. Prior to G2, Tom held research, consulting, and management roles at Datamonitor, Deloitte, BCG, and Ovum. Tom received a BSc. from the London School of?Economics.
Joe Eisner
Global Partner Strategy Lead, Productivity Apps,?AWS
Joe Eisner has been in the contact center industry for more than 14 ye?ars. He spent 10 years at industry leader Genesys, where he was a senior member of the Corporate Development and Business Development team, and, from Oc?to?ber 20?16 to M?ay 20?20, was the founding member of the Amazon Connect global partner program and strategy at AWS. During his tenure as Global Partner Lead for Amazon Connect, he established the partner strategy, built the ISV ecosystem to over 140 partners offering over 250 integrations, and helped recruit 30 SI/consulting partners. He is now Partner Strategy Lead for the AWS Productivity Applications Go To Market team. He is a co?-?inventor on 8 published patents related to customer service, communications, and contact?center.
About G2:
Headqua?rtered in Chi?ca?go, is revolutionizing how businesses discover, buy and manage software and services. More than three million monthly users rely on G2 to help them find and buy the best software for their businesses. The platform has 900,000 reviews, and $100M in total funding invested by IVP, Accel Part?ners, Linke?dIn, Emerg?ence Capi?tal, Pri?tzker Gro?up, Chi?ca?go Ventu?res, Hyde Pa?rk Vent?ur?es, industry leaders and founders. G2''s customers include IBM and Zoom. Its most recent funding, a $55M Ser?ies C, was in Oc?to?ber 20?18, followed by the company''s acquisitions of Siftery and?Advocately.
About AWS Marketplace:
AWS Marketplace is a digital software catalog that makes it easy to find, try, buy, deploy, and manage software that runs on AWS. AWS Marketplace has a broad and deep selection of security solutions offered by hundreds of independent software vendors, spanning infrastructure security, logging and monitoring, identity and access control, data protection, and more. These products can be integrated with AWS Services and other existing technologies, enabling you to deploy a comprehensive security architecture across your AWS and on?-?premises environments. Visit to learn?more.
*The views and opinions of G2 and their presenter are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of?AWS.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
A Management Balancing Act ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Contact Centers Today. A Management Balancing Act
Three conditions leaders take on that contribute to a circus-like atmosphere.
By Kathleen Peterson
The idiom "balancing act" is defined by as "a circus act in which a performer displays his or her balancing ability." From where I sit, this definition suits many a contact center.
I wonder how many managers feel that they have had to walk a tightrope to balance quality vs. quantity or the trapeze of metrics vs. momentum. never mind the three-ring circus of meddling vs. managing! And when it comes to juggling, contact center leaders that aren't putting out fires are often juggling the many demands placed upon them.
Of course, there are other definitions for the idiom "balancing act," for example: "a situation requiring careful balancing of opposing groups, views or activities" ( This definition, while not quite as much fun, certainly identifies what many contact center leaders face daily.
I would like to call out three conditions that are part of the balancing act leaders take on when juggling "opposing groups, views or activities." These contribute to a contact center circus atmosphere, minus the fun!
The Three-Ring Circus of Meddling Management
Meddling is when leadership interferes-when the "boss" wants to tamper with every aspect of what you are doing. This is often to the point of distraction and potential destruction of staff motivation and morale.
Some call this micromanagement. I prefer the term meddling. After all, these behaviors don't really merit the moniker of management. There is a difference between governance and interference; all leaders do better when they possess the insight to monitor their own behavior and make adjustments accordingly. Perhaps you have difficulty balancing your beliefs with an alternative approach. Perhaps you believe that you know a better and more thorough way to do something. Well, take a moment to ask yourself if, in fact, you are actually confusing a belief that your way is better with the fact that it is simply more familiar. In doing so, you dismiss the proposed alternative. If conflicts are frequent and decisions consistently shift from the domain expert to the meddling leader, chaos will be in the center ring.
Guidelines to make the return to the brick-and-mortar contact center a success.
By Eric Berg, Matt Conant, & Jeremy Hyde
It has been one of the craziest years for contact centers and more changes are on the way. If your contact center is like most, you are not able to continue work-from-home any longer than necessary. You may be preparing a plan to start bringing your agents back to your brick-and-mortar centers.
We put together the following tips and focus areas to help make the transition back to the office a little smoother and more comfortable for your agents.
Focus on Flexibility
Good news! The contact center industry is used to change, often daily or even hourly. The success of your return-to-the-office plan will rely on exercising your flexibility muscles. As we all know, things are changing every day with COVID-19. We may be opening today and reclosing tomorrow. Be prepared and be flexible enough to modify your plans according to the fluidity of the situation. As they say, stay calm and call on.
Create a Workplace Health and Safety Plan
Every organization should review applicable laws in your state and city, as well as CDC guidance. Then, create a workplace health and safety plan that keeps your teams safe and includes some of the points covered in this article.
Read the full article, Coming Back Home. to the Office, by By Eric Berg, Matt Conant, & Jeremy Hyde, to get their complete tips and focus areas to help with your transition back to the office.
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Work From Home: 101. 4-Hour Virtual Class on the basics, because it''s time to get good at it.
COVID-19 has transformed work locations overnight, and for densely populated contact centers, WFH is here to stay.
This class is designed for contact center organizations who are newer to work from home, running larger WFH operations than they were ready for, and have a keen interest in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Michele Rowan, industry leader in WFH for contact centers and former VP of Performance Management for Hilton Worldwide leads and facilitates the class.
Virtual Class Topics:
Hiring digitally and directly to home
Getting employees engaged from the start, and keeping them that way
Critical skills for front line leaders, and helping them get there
Team building activities that work
Virtual learning made easy
Zoom meeting
Live exchanges
Live Q&A
$195 for first attendee, $100 for additional attendees
Reserve your seat!
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? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Latest Contact Center Technologies to Engage Millennial and Gen Z Customers
What used to be science fiction is now contact center fact.
By Mike Aoki, Reflective Keynotes
In the original 1960s, "Star Trek", Captain Kirk talked to the ship's computer using regular speech. The computer understood his words and answered with synthesized speech. In real life, second generation Artificial Intelligence powered virtual Agents do the same thing when answering customer inquiries. Spock's "tricorder" was another Star Trek device that came true. Fifty years after that TV show, we use handheld computers (smartphones) to access information, conduct online banking and use apps to solve problems (or just for entertainment.)
What used to be science fiction to Boomers and Gen Xers is now the preferred customer service channel for Millennials and Gen Z. They want virtual Agents and smartphone apps for 24/7 self-service, rather than waiting for a live Agent during business hours. Since Millennials and Gen Z make up 42% of the US population, that is a huge segment of your customer base wanting these support channels.
Move beyond simple chatbots and embrace advanced virtual Agents. New developments in technology and Natural Language Processing allow better human speech analysis and natural sounding answers. That means advanced AI handles routine interactions, freeing live Agents to handle more complex situations. That can boost employee engagement. Imagine replacing repetitive, mind numbing interactions with more interesting, higher value conversations. Your best Agents can showcase their product knowledge and problem-solving experience. It also provides scalability since your contact center can handle a higher number of routine inquiries without having to increase FTE.
Is your company's smartphone app a "Marketing tool" or a "Customer Service tool?" I recently tried to use a smartphone app to place an order. However, I had a few questions first. Since the app's FAQ did not answer my question, I needed to contact customer service. However, there was no "Click to call" option to automatically call into customer care. Instead, I had to write down the number with a pen and manually dial it on my phone. While that is not a lot of customer effort, that lack of integration made me wonder if I could trust the app with my credit card number. So, I decided not to place my order with them.
A proper mobility app should function as both a marketing tool and a customer service tool. In addition to "Click to call", good apps also include "Click to chat", as well as the ability to interact with a virtual Agent for self-service. For more challenging issues, great apps allow customers to send photos, video and screen captures directly to a live Agent. So, they can see and hear the problem and help the customer fix it. One of my customer service training clients is in the home electronics field. They would love a smartphone app like that to make troubleshooting easier. So, they could provide even better service.
Ultimately, investing in the latest generation virtual Agents and smartphone apps will help you engage Millennial and Gen Z customers more efficiently and effectively. What used to be 1960s science fiction has now become part of contact center reality. Are you ready for that?
You''re Invited! Join LANtelligence, Inference, UJET, and 8x8 to discover recent advances in AI and Mobility to engage Millenials and Gen Z as they move into their prime spending years, expecting fast response times and fully realized self-service.
Is your contact center ready to support them?
ZOOM WEBINAR - Sep 24, 2020 - 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Welcome to the November 2020 Issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine.
Sitting here this morning, I see we have 3 sets of numbers going up. way up! Unfortunately, our Covid numbers are climbing higher and setting new records. That means we will continue to see major impacts on our contact center operations as we continue to manage the operational challenges associated with Covid.
Fortunately, we are seeing our Voting number also climbing higher. 94 million people so far have cast their ballots. I am very encouraged to see so many participating in one of our most important rights as citizens.
Lastly, we are also seeing our 2021 Challenges & Priorities Survey participation climbing. Thank you for sharing your opinions about the state of our industry as we navigate our way towards 2021. If you haven''t already, take the survey and make your voice heard.
These are busy times; stay safe, wear your mask, vote. and take our survey!
Lots to do!
Thank you.
Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
Mitigate stress overload during COVID-19 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Preventing Agent Burnout
Take steps to mitigate stress overload during COVID-19.
By Susan Hash, Contact Center Pipeline
Employees everywhere are struggling with severe increases in stress and anxiety brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Fear of being exposed to the virus in the workplace, concerns about personal and family members' health and safety, worries about job security, managing childcare and eldercare, lack of access to technology or tools to do the work, adapting to different work schedules, unmanageable workloads-these are just some of the factors amplifying employee burnout.
Work-related stress has been steadily climbing over the years due to an always-on workplace culture, 24/7 connectivity and the erosion of boundaries between work and personal lives. In recent weeks, however, COVID-19 has created a continuously elevated state of stress that is manifesting in the form of intense emotional reactions-both inside and outside of the workplace, says CHASON HECHT, CEO of Retensa, an employee retention strategies and research company. He points to well-publicized incidents that have been occurring across the country, such as fights breaking out in stores for standing too close or for not wearing face masks.
It not surprising that prolonged anxiety might provoke hostile or aggressive behavior, especially when you consider the body's immediate physical reaction to a stressful event. Stress triggers a surge of hormones-as the adrenaline courses through your veins, your heart pounds, you breathe faster and your muscles tense for a momentary "fight-or-flight" response that lasts until the perceived threat or danger has passed.
But what happens when an individual exists in a permanent state of stress?
"One of the startling realizations in the last 20 years is that a stressful event will elevate cortisol levels for 48 hours," Hecht explains. "So if someone is feeling stressed about a fender-bender that happened Sunday evening, they're still feeling the implications on Tuesday morning. But, more recently, that elevated sense of concern and anxiety is happening every day, and there is no unplug from the stressful event."
While the short-term ramifications of stress hamper an employee's productivity, accuracy and creative thinking, chronic stress has long-term health effects such as cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety, and sleep and eating disorders, among other problems.
Delivering a great experience is at the heart of every customer service department. However, engaging a customer on a deeper level is often overlooked in favor of reducing resolution times and increasing efficiency. Reuters Events latest webinar brings you real-world strategies to achieve both.
Hear from leaders at Intuit, Freshly, San Diego Padres & First Orion.
Register now to join live or pre-order the recording!
Taking place June 4th (12pm EST/ 9am PST) hear innovative and efficient strategies to boost customer engagement and reduce resolution times:
Reduce Resolution times - Arm your agents with actionable information. Go beyond customer insights and provide a personal guide to each interaction
Enhance every customer interaction - Utilize the latest digital customer service technology to engage customers on a deeper level, increase satisfaction and decrease resolution times
Make every call count - Bring context to the conversation to increase first call resolution and foster a deeper relationship with your customer
Listen in live or pre-order the recordings direct to your inbox
Speakers include:
Fiona Blakesley, Director of Customer Care at Intuit
Colin Crowley, VP Customer Experience at Freshly
Erin Sheehan, Senior Director of Guest Experience at San Diego Padres
Craig Dunn, CRO at First Orion
Moderator: Nicholas Zeisler, Zeisler Consulting
I hope you can join us.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
The trends and key learnings that companies have experienced in recent months.
By Michele Rowan, Customer Contact Strategies
Remote work in contact centers has evolved from an alternate staffing strategy to a core employee benefit. In fact, 80% of contact centers today embrace flexible scheduling and remote working for some segment of their population.
Based on remote-work consulting and conferences with hundreds of clients, trends that we see in terms of mistakes and key learnings that companies have experienced in the last eight months include the following:
When connecting and sharing for remote employees requires more effort than their in-house counterparts, participation slips, engagement drops, and remote employees will likely feel as though their participation and contributions are of less value to the company.
Connecting to the company and other employees should be as easy for remote employees as it is for in-house employees-meaning, doing both should be no more than two clicks away. Platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Cisco WebEx Teams make it super simple for teammates to maintain visibility and connectivity during the day and have easy exchanges (work and social) across a variety of channels.
New-hire training is an intense experience in the contact center environment. It often consists of immersion into multiple systems (some usually legacy), exposure to a broad and complex set of customer experience functions, and self-service tools for employees that are not (yet) up to snuff. Companies that couple this daunting three- to four-week experience with limited support coming out of training find that their turnover for remote employees within the first 90 days is often higher than in-house.
Getting virtual new-hire training right takes 12 to 18 months. Incremental support for remote employees (transitioning out of new-hire) mitigates the risk of losing otherwise capable employees and helps to identify gaps in new-hire training more quickly.
Did you know that 90% of organizations view customer experience as their primary source of differentiation, yet only 50% prioritize employee experience?
By improving the contact center agent experience, companies can in turn improve the customer experience. It seems obvious but doing so isn't always as easy as it seems.
In this Agent Experience Toolkit from ICMI, you can learn more about creating an outstanding agent experience that will help you build loyalty with your customers. You can even assess your current experience and discover ways to start improving it today.
Just follow the link below to download the kit.
Get the Toolkit
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Virtual Class November 14 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Work from home for contact centers is here to stay. It''s time to get good at it.
COVID-19 has transformed work locations overnight, and for densely populated contact centers, WFH is here to stay.
This class is designed for contact center organizations/leaders who are running larger WFH operations than they were ready for, and have a keen interest in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Michele Rowan, industry leader in WFH for contact centers and former VP of Performance Management for Hilton Worldwide leads and facilitates the class.
Virtual Class Topics:
Hiring digitally and directly to home
Getting employees engaged from the start, and keeping them that way
Critical skills for front line leaders, and helping them get there
Team building activities that work
Virtual learning made easy
Zoom meeting
Live exchanges
Live Q&A
Guest speakers
$195 per attendee
Reserve your seat!
Our Website
? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Six Senior Leaders share their WFH experiences,COVID-19 impact, key learnings/challenges, forward plans for continued on-scale Work from Home and Remote Working.
PNC Bank - Bill Emmerson, VP Employee Engagement Strategy
PNC Bank - James Bucki, AVP Employee Experience Strategy
Prime Therapeutics - Dan White, Director Operations Clinical Review
BECU Credit Union - Nathan Hickman, VP Talent Development
Intuit - Dana Sednek, Head of Learning Enablement
Customer Contact Strategies - Michele Rowan, President
This live Forum includes (free!) the full 2020 Remote Working Benchmarking Survey ($495 value), company case studies, live interviews, benchmarking survey, live chat and Q & A.
Fees: $295 per registrant
Learn More
Our Website
? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Leverage an AI/ML-powered cloud-based contact center with AWS and USAN.
Transform business-as-usual customer experiences by migrating your contact center operations to an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) powered,cloud-based solution with USAN Services for Amazon Connect and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Download the solution brief and learn about:
The latest AI and ML technology to improve your contact center deployment and your end-customer interactions
Sophisticated, natural language voice and text chat bots using Amazon Lex for a highly personalized conversational experience
Contact Lens for Amazon Connect which can measure language and word choice, analyzing and evaluating conversation dynamics
Modernize your contact center and resolve customer issues faster with cloud-based, intelligent solutions from USAN and AWS.
Get the Solution Brief
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Leverage Workforce Management to Empower Your Workforce
We just can''t stop talking about Verint Virtual and all of the powerful stories, best practices and innovations that were shared with our Verint community during our first ever virtual event which lives on-demand for the next year.
As we wait to learn what the new normal will look like, we know you need to ensure that your employees are empowered with the tools and knowledge they need to adapt quickly to changes, navigate in the current environment, and thrive in the future to address new procedures and customer demand.?A prepared and flexible workforce can help you deliver an exceptional customer experience even in chaotic times.
Verint can help you as you begin to bring contact center agents back to the office with our workforce management automated workflows solution. This solution allows you to set automated workflows to include safe distancing, health checks, desk hygiene, and more. This will allow you to help your employees feel safe and supported as they transition back into the office.
As you continue to think beyond the crisis, Verint is here to help you navigate the new normal and thrive. Check out our new special offerings that we''ve created to help you address your needs to improve workforce engagement, productivity and CX.
Here are our top two sessions from Verint Virtual on Empowering the Workforce that we don't think you should miss!
Explore more content related to these trending themes.
Moving to the Cloud: Here & Now
Empowering the Workforce: The New Normal
Listening to Customers & Employees
Elevating Response: Analytics & AI
Maximizing Productivity in a Crisis
Ensuring Compliance in the Pandemic
We''re here to help. Verint has special rapid deployment programs to address your urgent needs to improve workforce engagement, productivity and CX.Contact us?to learn more about our special offers.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
When call volumes are up, it's often easiest to fall back to increasing headcount, or using call avoidance tactics - this is costly, and often unsustainable.
Using advanced gamification mechanisms the right way can increase each agents' productivity, allowing you to handle more calls with the same sized workforce.
Download this eBook and learn how?to?do?it.
Download eBook
Team Centrical
BTW:Watch this webinar to see how Microsoft used this approach to drive a 12% productivity increase in its?service?centers.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
A special COVID-19 edition of our weekly contact center newsletter.
Contact Center Briefing
If you''re looking for trusted, fact-based guidance to help support your customers and employees during the coronavirus pandemic, please visit our always-updating COVID-19 hub.
Brought to you by: CallShaper
Call Center Preparation for the Coronavirus
A Sponsored Post By CallShaper
Tips for preventing the spread of coronavirus in your call center.
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Automation Key to COVID-19 Contact Center Crisis
By Paul Stockford
Many contact centers are scrambling to arrange at-home or home-office work for their agents and employees as calls continue to come in and, in many cases, calls are coming in at extraordinary volumes.
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Contact Center and COVID-19: Lessons Learned
By Paul Stockford
To say the Coronavirus pandemic caught many contact center executives unprepared would be an understatement. As the seriousness of the virus became increasingly apparent, the gravity of this threat to the contact center industry became crystal clear.
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Coronavirus = Business Continuity Plan
A Sponsored Post by BBC Technology Solutions
During the budget planning process for 2020, I doubt organizations planned for a significant capital budget for a surplus of laptops, desktop computers, etc., for their entire staff.
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
? 2020 Pipeline Publishing Group, PO Box 3467, Annapolis, MD 21403
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Top analysts picked NICE inContact as a CX leader. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Get the reports
Dig into four new reports to see why NICE inContact stands out among the competition.
When it comes to being recognized for industry leadership, we kind of have a history. And even though recognition isn''t new to us, we''re always honored.
Forrester, Gartner, and Omdia all designated NICE inContact as a leader in contact center solutions and customer experience building. Download four reports from these experts to see how we stack up against the competition and why the analysts call us an industry leader.
The reports will show you:
Why we received top ranking in the "Current Offering" and "Strategy" categories in The Forrester WaveT: Contact-Center-As-A-Service (CCaaS) Providers, Q3 2020 report.
What has earned us recognition as a Leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Contact Center as a Service, North America, every year since its inception.
How analysts evaluate CXone relative to other cloud contact center software.
Get the reports
? NICE inContact. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | View as a Web Page 75 West Towne Ridge Parkway | Tower 1 | Sandy, UT | 84070
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Register to compete against other contact centers. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Be a contestant | Tuesday, August 25 | 2pm ET / 11am PT
Feel like a winner when it comes to Customer Experience (CX)? Register as a contestant on our live game show and see how your knowledge stacks up. Answer questions quickly and correctly - and earn the most points to become the first-ever CX champion! Plus, you'll receive a $100 prize.
Everyone who attends leaves with useful insights on how digital-first service can help overcome some of today's challenging issues faced by contact centers:
Increased call volumes overall!
Agents need faster ways to resolve issues
Customers demand easier interactions
Customers want digital channels to avoid long wait times
Tune in for this live game show - The CX Game Show - Tuesday, August 25 with host Tamsin Dollin, NICE inContact Senior Product Marketing Manager, and special guests.
Register here
? NICE inContact. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | View as a Web Page 75 West Towne Ridge Parkway | Tower 1 | Sandy, UT | 84070
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Executive Summary: 2020 Remote Working Benchmark Survey
By Michele Rowan, President, Customer Contact Strategies
With over 90% of contact center populations now working from home, the time has arrived to accurately assess what''s working, what''s not working, and what are the opportunities to optimize WFH programs for the long haul.
Customer Contact Strategies conducts benchmarking surveys with Senior Leaders on their WFH programs several times per annum. Participants include contact center Vice Presidents and Directors, representing health care, financial services, retail, hospitality, utilities, technology/telecom and professional services.
Here are the key findings from our most recent post-pandemic survey:
Better attendance.53% of respondents experienced reduced absenteeism, as it''s easier to "attempt" to get to work even with barriers when at home.
Higher productivity.40% of participants are experiencing higher output, attributing that to employee commitment to getting the job done, and overall fewer distractions than the in-office environment.
Higher engagement.74% reported overwhelmingly positive attitudes from their employees during and after the transition to home, along with solid communication flow and engagement on both the employee side and leadership side.
Uptime/network connectivity. It''s no surprise that uptime/network connectivity is lower than office connections, but what is surprising is that network connectivity seems to be 90% or higher vs. in office for most companies - just a few short months after transitioning large work forces. This number will continue to get better as WFH programs mature.
Challenges with equipment and services provisioning. There''s been a shortage of cameras, laptops, thin clients, and on the employee side, finding the right work space at home, and desk/chair work setup can be challenging.
Moving forward: most will keep a large contingent at home. 72% of companies said that the majority of their workforces would remain at home full time, with some rotation on an as preferred/as needed basis.
The bottom line: WFH has huge upsides for both employees and for businesses, and for this reason, most companies with maintain a significant segment of people at home (short term for safety and long term for employee preferences and company ++ benefits).
Join Us! Get the Full Report. The 2020 Remote Working Benchmarking final report is included with registration to the upcoming Work From Home Forum for Senior Leadership. Learn about COVID-19 impact/plans for 2021 office work, office pop-ups and hubs, and the long-term view.
Facilitated by Michele Rowan, President of Customer Contact Strategies
For more information and to register, visit Customer Contact Strategies below.
Live Virtual ZOOM Conference; Thursday, October 22 - 10AM CT | 11AM ET
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WFH Senior Leadership Forum &
WFH:101 Time to Get Good at It
Senior Leadership Work From Home Forum
October 22: Zoom Live Meeting
Six Senior Leaders share their WFH experiences, key learnings and challenges, forward plans for continued on-scale WFH:
Prime Therapeutics - Dan White, Director Operations Clinical Review
PNC Bank - Bill Emmerson, VP Employee Experience Strategy &
PNC Bank - James Bucki, AVP Employee Experience Strategy
BECU Credit Union - Nathan Hickman, VP Talent Development
Intuit - Dana Sednek, Head of Learning Enablement
Customer Contact Strategies - Michele Rowan, President
This live forum includes company case studies, live interviews, live chat and Q&A.
Learn More
October 22, 10a-2pm CT $395 per person
WFH: 101 Time to Get Good at It.
September 6, October 14 Live Classes
These classes are designed for companies/leaders newer to WFH, running larger operations than they were ready for, and keenly interested in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Topics include: hiring digitally and directly to home, getting employees engaged from the start, critical skills for front line leaders, best practices in virtual performance management, team building activities that work.
Michele Rowan, President of Customer Contact Strategies, facilitates.
Learn More
Sep 6, Oct 14, 10a-1pm CT $195 per person
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? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
I would like to invite you to register for the CrmXchange Virtual Conference "Strategies and Best Practices for a Meaningful Customer Experience".??Mark your calendar for March 23 - 27, 2020.
Today's customer uses all available options and may engage your company on a variety of channels.? As customers gain more control, there is a need for contact centers to provide personalized interactions.
Participate in workshops and learn best practices on how to make it easy for your customers to interact with your organization in the ways that are most comfortable for them. No hotel or flight to book and no days away from the office to catch up from.
I invite you to experience this opportunity for growth and learning, and to extend this invitation to a colleague.?
Why you should join this event:
Registration provides access to all live sessions at NO COST.
Attend the sessions that are most interesting and relevant to you.
Hear case studies, participate in interactive webcasts -- learn ideas to take back to your contact center.
If you miss a live session, no worries...all sessions are recorded.
Chat with attendees and speakers in the Virtual Lounge.
Visit the exhibitor booths for product information, white papers, and videos. Win prizes -- just by visiting the booths.
This year''s expert speakers are presenting the following topics during the virtual conference?
Keynote: Going Beyond Surveys - Creating a VOC Process for Greater Impact
Infusing Digital CX with Human Intelligence
Meaningful Agent Training for Meaningful Customer Experiences
AI-Driven Modeling to Improve the Agent and Customer Experience
Seeing 20/20 Vision. 7 biggest Compliance Concerns for CX Professionals
Register today to experience the only virtual conference designed specifically for you.A risk-free way to get the education you want and need.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Future of Work: The impact on business, consumers and employees?
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People in many parts of the world are changing how and where they want to work. Part-time and telecommuting are fast becoming the number one benefits being offered by employers. Technology continues to drive the pace but growing in prominence is employees raising their expectations for workplace-specific technology.???
Consequently, while "working from anywhere" creates its own set of challenges, it is here to stay. So where are the big impacts, the high-volume payoffs in virtual working?? What are the pitfalls and challenges companies are facing? To unpack the future of work in a more segmented approach, we take a closer look at three groups - businesses, consumers and employees.?
Download the Report
Please enjoy this report - and let us know if you have any questions about how?we can help businesses maintain their competitive advantage.?
Calabrio 1-855-784-2807
Customer Success Center
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Are you using technology to automate your quality program?
Read this Forrester Q&A report on Automated Quality
Digital Transformation solutions can drive employee engagement, efficiency, and compliance
Digital Transformation strategies have changed the way organizations engage with customers, with innovations like intelligent virtual assistants, voice biometrics and more. But what about your employees? Especially now that much of your workforce is remote, digital transformation solutions can help you use technology to replace formerly manual and in-person processes. These cloud-based solutions can drive employee engagement, efficiency, and compliance.
Verint offers innovative technology to allow you to:
Virtually walk the floor to check agent productivity
Provide agents with real-time help from their peers through online communities
Deliver real-time feedback to agents
Verint's Automated Quality Management gives employees timely, constructive and specific feedback by automatically analyzing up to 100% of calls, rather than the miniscule percentage analyzed by manual quality scoring.??If you are interested in automating your quality management processes to further empower your workforce, be sure to check out the Q&A with Forrester Research on Automated Quality below.
We are here for you. Contact a Verint expert now.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Quality assurance is still a manual process at a lot of call centers. Only a few calls among hundreds are quality checked, and this leaves a big gap. This approach makes it challenging to address issues you can''t see. The other big challenge is in giving personalized feedback and training to agents.
If you need quick agent feedback loops, you need solutions that can review your calls efficiently, generate analysis, aggregate reporting, and present findings to all stakeholders in an organization - from SVPs to quality analysts.?
ContactPoint 360''s game-changing solutions
Speech Analytics and Data Mining tools are true game-changers in terms of CX and Compliance. Our AI-based speech analytics & data mining tools enable companies to access and analyze up to 100% agent/customer interactions. It helps you tap into a wealth of information in voice conversations. An organization''s CX team can figure out a customer''s pain points faster and help agents resolve issues quickly.?
Replicate your best agents
Our analytics suite surfaces topics that trigger a positive or poor customer experience using sentiment analysis. It helps organizations unlock insights at scale, enables personalized agent training and increases compliance to transform agent performance. This technology helps identify agent outliers and roll out new training, improving critical KPIs - lowering attrition and AHT, and increasing CSAT scores.?
Easy to integrate. Easy to deploy.??
ContactPoint 360''s analytics solutions are easy to integrate and deploy across contact centers. Is your company looking to switch away from a standard manual Quality Assurance model? We''re here to help you. Our AI-based solutions are easy to use and will help your organization address existing call center inefficiencies.?
Certified A Great Place to Work?, ContactPoint 360 is a customer experience leader trusted by premier brands across the world.?
Get in touch with us at
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
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Customer experience is what now defines your ability to be a successful business. Great CX will likely lead to increased revenue and decreased operational costs. Poor CX will lead to customer churn and eroded margins.
Whether you're the Chief Customer Officer responsible for your organization's customer experience, the head of digital responsible for online channels, or the head of contact center or support operations, now is the time to rethink and connect your CX initiatives.
Verint is here to help as you review and determine how you can connect your business processes and technology to your CX initiatives. One way to review your CX initiatives is to examine customer interactions to find common requests or requests that have a long resolution time to determine areas for training and improvement. Verint''s Speech Analytics Cloud QuickStart can help you formulate data-driven responses to customer concerns, update agents, and surface real-time insights.
Verint has multiple QuickStarts that you can leverage today to help as you navigate the new normal and implement processes and plans to thrive in the future.
Here are two of the top sessions from the Verint Virtual conference on Listening to Customers & Employees that we don't think you should miss!
Explore more content related to these trending themes.
Moving to the Cloud: Here & Now
Empowering the Workforce: The New Normal
Listening to Customers & Employees
Elevating Response: Analytics & AI
Maximizing Productivity in a Crisis
Ensuring Compliance in the Pandemic
We''re here to help. Explore our QuickStarts to address your urgent needs to improve workforce engagement, productivity and CX.?Contact us to learn more.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
If you are moving from a premise-based system to a cloud-based system, you may not know all of the features to look for. Premise-based systems tend to be more antiquated and less flexible. Cloud-based systems open a whole new world of features. Make sure you know what to ask for when you are evaluating a new dialing system.
Cloud-based dialing platforms, like CallShaper, can provide you with many features that may not have been available to you with a premise-based system. Make sure you ask all the right questions when making your decision. Access our checklist now to help you make the best decision.
CallShaper is waiving our licensing fees for 30 days to support companies transitioning to cloud-based system due to the pandemic.
You can find out more about CallShaper at or email us at
Stay Connected with CallShaper
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
? 2020 Pipeline Publishing Group, PO Box 3467, Annapolis, MD 21403 Help Center?/?Privacy Policy?/?Unsubscribe
Verint Educational Series: Transitioning to a Remote Workforce
The worldwide reaction to Coronavirus has created tremendous upheaval in the workplace with many now working remotely from home. To help support you as you navigate this new reality, Verint is hosting a series of webinars addressing the key challenges of transitioning to a remote workforce and how to address the customer workforce engagement implications of #COVID19. Here''s what is coming up next:
Register here to join us on Tuesday, March 31 at 1 PM, ET for the live webinar, "Effective Leadership Through the COVID Crisis," where we will discuss how to:
Adopt leadership skills and approaches during times of crisis
Develop communication skills to help your employees be successful
Cope with stress for both employees and leaders
Register here to join us on Thursday, April 2 at 1 PM, ET for the live webinar, "Listening, Understanding, and Responding to Your Customers During COVID19," where we will discuss answers to common questions, including how to:
Understand my customers'' questions and concerns related to Covid-19
Leverage self-help and other channels reduce the number of inbound phone calls
Utilize surveys to help understand customer and employee challenges
Can''t wait to finalize your company''s unique strategy including recording calls at home? Contact us today or reach out to your Verint Account Executive.
Engage With Us
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else. Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Next week, Reuters Events are hosting their next free webinar: Building the Ultimate Customer Service Workforce - Train, Motivate & Empower Agents. Join over 1000 customer care professionals and tune into this hour-long webinar which will provide you with crucial insights into the future of customer care from senior leaders at some of America's biggest brands.
Register now to join live or pre-order the recording!
Introducing the All-Star Panel:
Donald Hicks, VP Global Ops & Customer Experience, Twitter
Colin Crowley, VP Customer Experience, Freshly
Doug Kramon, Senior Director Fan Support & Customer Care Ops, ESPN
Emily Gray, VP Customer Success, Playvox
In an era where the customer is king, support agents are your most important resource - It is more important than ever to evaluate, improve and inspire agent performance. To ensure you are providing the ultimate customer experience, it is vital to have the strategies and processes in place which will allow your agents to thrive across all channels.
Taking place September 22nd (1pm EST/ 10am PST) tune in to identify the innovative strategies that will empower your agents, strengthen loyalty & boost your revenue:
Boost your customer service team's performance - Optimize your quality operations and empower your agents by giving them visibility and real-time feedback on what they can improve. Keep them trained and updated
Centralize and automate your entire QA process - Ensure quality performance is always being monitored, measured, trained, recognized, and rewarded to drive agent improvement & productivity
Optimize agent performance across channels - Evolve your CRM to empower your agents with a more actionable understanding of your customers, no matter the touchpoint. Listen in live or pre-order the recordings direct to your inbox!
Don't miss out secure your place today - register now to join live or listen back!
I hope you can join us.
Scott Cormack
Global Event Director
Customer Service & Experience Reuters Events
Telephone: 020 7536 7236
Reuters Events is part of Reuters News & Media Ltd, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ. Registered in England and Wales: 2505735.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Contact center leaders share their thoughts about recent challenges, lessons learned and success stories from the crisis.
By Sangeeta Bhatnagar, SB Global
More than six months ago, the world changed for everyone. In most places, people were sent home to work remotely. The contact center industry was expected to get their teams home while continuing to serve millions of customers.
So many leaders stepped up to the plate and served selflessly to make sure that their teams reached home safely. They went above and beyond to ensure their staff was physically safe AND the discussion of mental health support became more common.
Through this crisis, many stories have emerged. The human spirit is resilient. We now need to debrief to see what was done right and what could be done better. We need to focus on Rising Above as we continue to find our way through the new normal.
As a direct result, the Greater Toronto Area Contact Centre (GTACC) association's annual conference is now a North American virtual summit. It is a perfect time to reflect, acknowledge and learn by sharing with others.
I interviewed some of the speakers who will be sharing at GTACC's virtual summit to get their thoughts on some key issues that many industry leaders are faced with.
Our appreciation to the following leaders for sharing their insights: David Bradshaw, ATB Financial; Penny St. Antoine, MCAP Service Corporation; Eric Cipio del Campo, Scotiabank; Tony Porciello, Spin Master; David Tsang, Wajax; Sharon Stines, Air Miles Rewards.
Interaction Analytics: An Enterprise Vision and Practical Applications
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?As economies revive and a new business paradigm is established, delivering an outstanding CX cost effectively will again be a core and necessary building block for organizations that want to succeed and differentiate themselves.?
This is where interaction analytics (IA) comes in. The most reliable customer information comes directly from the source. IA solutions capture, structure, store and analyze customer inputs from voice and digital interactions. An enterprise IA solution can capture spoken and written conversations that occur in all channels to infuse every department''s strategies and processes with voice of the customer (and employee) intelligence.
Download this white paper,?written by industry analyst firm DMG Consulting LLC, and learn about:?
How interaction analytics works?
Making IA an Enterprise business intelligence solution?
DMG's model of enterprise applications of IA?
How to put IA to work for your company
Download the Whitepaper
Calabrio 1-855-784-2807
Customer Success Center
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
See how Service Cloud can help your team quickly adapt to business changes. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Now more than ever, it is important to keep your customer support agile. Help your service team proactively problem solve by using the right tools.
In this demo, you''ll learn how Service Cloud can help your team:
Scale customer support
Accelerate agent productivity
Provide safe, efficient field service
Watch the demo to discover how you can deliver trusted customer service, from anywhere.
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Prevention is only going to last you so long, so you need to make sure you are ready for a more significant impact to your staffing and possibly your call volume.
You need to have plans to allow your reps to work virtually if that becomes necessary. And you need to have plans that allow you to handle the calls if your staffing is hit or your call volume goes up. Getting these back up plans in place can take time, so you should be preparing and testing now.
In order to address how you can adapt faster and respond smarter to COVID-19 related business challenges, Verint is offering the Adapt & Respond educational webinar series. This week we are pleased to be joined by two different guest speakers from Forrester. You're invited to join us - register below!
Register here to join our guest, Ian Jacobs, Principal Analyst, Forrester on Tuesday, April 28 at 2 PM, ET for the live webinar, "Inside-Out: Using Conversational AI to Improve Agent and Customer Experiences," where we will discuss how to:
Adapt to the changing customer service landscape due to the Coronavirus-related disruption
Leverage conversational AI both internally and externally to help with company culture and agent empowerment
Measure the health of your employee and customer experiences using key metrics and deliver a lasting business impact of conversational AI for self-service and agent assistance
Register here to join our guest, Faith Adams, Senior Analyst, Forrester on Thursday, April 30 at 2 PM, ET for the live webinar, "CX Transformation Takes a (Cross-Functional) Village," where we will share:
How to span experience management across the enterprise - collaborating with stakeholders from digital, the contact center, operations, research, and more
How those leading the charge for CX transformation can start to make it happen with best practices for the new realities of COVID-19 and the long run
We're here to help implement your organization's unique strategy. Contact us today or reach out to your Verint Account Executive.
Registration is Open for Verint Virtual!
Join us May 20 - 21, 2020 for the Verint Virtual Customer Engagement Conference - a free, two-day virtual event exclusively for customers and partners. You can network, learn, and plug into a community of peers navigating similar challenges. Share how you're handling the current situation and get ideas for strengthening customer engagement. Register today.
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Work From Home: 101. 4-Hour Virtual Class on the basics, because it''s time to get good at it.
COVID-19 has transformed work locations overnight, and for densely populated contact centers, WFH is here to stay.
This class is designed for contact center organizations who are newer to work from home, running larger WFH operations than they were ready for, and have a keen interest in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Michele Rowan, industry leader in WFH for contact centers and former VP of Performance Management for Hilton Worldwide leads and facilitates the class.
Virtual Class Topics:
Hiring digitally and directly to home
Getting employees engaged from the start, and keeping them that way
Critical skills for front line leaders, and helping them get there
Team building activities that work
Virtual learning made easy
Zoom meeting
Live exchanges
Live Q&A
$195 for first attendee, $100 for additional attendees
Reserve your seat!
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? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Download our newly published report and learn how contact centers are embracing the permanent change.
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Did you know that 73% of contact center leaders expect the contact center workplace to look very different post pandemic?
To find out what the evolving world of work will look like for the contact center, Calabrio surveyed 300 contact center professionals from a broad range of industries across the U.S. and U.K.
Download The State of the Contact Center: Embracing the Evolving World of Work?to learn:
How customer expectations have changed-permanently
Which 7 key trends will change the contact center of tomorrow
What technologies forward-thinking contact centers are using to respond faster to changing conditions and learn more about their customers and agents
Download the Report
Please enjoy this original research on how other contact center leaders are approaching?the evolving world of work.
Calabrio 1-855-784-2807
Customer Success Center
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Live Webinar, Thursday, July 30th ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Live Webinar
Improve Your Digital Engagement by AMPLIFYING Your Customer Support
? ?
Thursday, July 30th?
? ?
? ?
10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EDT
We are five months into the COVID-19 pandemic and companies are reevaluating processes and finding different ways to navigate this new world. Support via digital channels has been a bright spot in this new era, and as a result, many businesses are looking to up-level their digital engagement with both existing and new technology.?
Join Chris Savio to discuss the importance of meeting your customers' demands for flexibility, grapple with what 'hands-on' support means in an era of social distancing and learn how we can all edge closer to replicating in-person experiences in virtual spaces.
Can't make the live session? Register to receive?the recording.
Register Anyway
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Your Contact Center Pipeline Digital Issue is Here
Download Your March Issue
Publisher''s Note, March 2020
Welcome to the March 2020 issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine!
It is gratitude month for me at Contact Center Pipeline! Our first issue was published in March of 2009. And as they say, the rest is history. Reflecting back to our humble beginnings, I am grateful for our core team; Steve, Susan, Frank and Mark for all their hard work in getting this ship afloat! These days, we''ve grown, but I''m still grateful for each and every member of the team here at Pipeline and our community of contact center professionals. It''s the day-to-day dedication of everyone that has kept us going these past 11 years. We could not have made it this far without such a devoted team and for this, I am sincerely grateful to you all.
We''ve had contributors and sponsors that have been with us since Day 1. Staying the course for 11 years is impressive, and to show my appreciation, we''ve launched our ''Hall of Fame'' series to recognize these authors and sponsors. Each month we will be recognizing an important part of the Pipeline community.
As with all of us, I reflect back over these ELEVEN years (what, 11 years?) and see lots of change. In March 2009, we were writing articles about driving performance in a weak economy, not letting budget cuts damage the customer experience and first CALL resolution. Fast forward 11 years and we are talking about the Cloud, automation, social media, AI and the digital world. We continue to see mergers and acquisitions change the industry map.
The digital age has caused an incredible shift that is forcing organizations to rethink their customer relationships. The contact center has acquired much of this responsibility and become recognized as an integral part of the organization like never before. Customer service is more important now than ever. And excellence in customer service will allow organizations to connect on an entirely new level.
This is an exciting time for the contact center industry, and for Pipeline. I''m driven by the possibilities. Look out for exciting new things planned for 2020!
To our team, our writers, our readers, our sponsors. to the contact center industry, thank you! for making Contact Center Pipeline possible. Let''s make the next 11 years even better!
With my sincere appreciation,
Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium; Print plus Digital. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry.
MARCH 2020
The Emotion Connection by Susan Hash
Tapping into the science of human emotion to deliver more valuable experiences.??
Change Management by Lori Bocklund??
Strategic Communication by Kathleen Peterson??
The Roarin' Twenties by Paul Stockford??
Women in Leadership by Mike Aoki??
Results-Focused Leadership by Janet LeBlanc??
Tenure Vs. Merit Increases by Mike Dershowitz??
Social Media by Leslie O'Flahavan??
Attracting More, and Better Agents during High Emloyment by David Patchen??
Transform your CX from Good to Great by Chris Bauserman??
SPONSOR WALL OF FAME In recognition and appreciation to WFMSG, our March 2020 Wall of Fame Sponsor.??
SPONSORED CONTENT BY LOGMEIN Executive Interview with LogMeIn's Ryan Lester
by Linda Harden
A discussion of LogMeIn's industry leading solutions, its leadership's top priorities and the value it delivers to its customers.??
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required.
Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won''t find anywhere else.
Calabrio, crmXchange, Customer Contact Strategies, Human Numbers, LogMeIn, NECCF, NICE inContact, Panviva, PowerHouse, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Stream Realty, Taske Technology, Verint and WFMSG.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Six Senior Leaders share their WFH experiences,COVID-19 impact, key learnings/challenges, forward plans for continued on-scale Work from Home and Remote Working.
PNC Bank - Bill Emmerson, VP Employee Engagement Strategy
PNC Bank - James Bucki, AVP Employee Experience Strategy
Prime Therapeutics - Dan White, Director Operations Clinical Review
BECU Credit Union - Nathan Hickman, VP Talent Development
Intuit - Dana Sednek, Head of Learning Enablement
Customer Contact Strategies - Michele Rowan, President
This live Forum includes (free!) the full 2020 Remote Working Benchmarking Survey ($495 value), company case studies, live interviews, benchmarking survey, live chat and Q & A.
Fees: $295 per registrant
Learn More
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? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Five Ways Customer Support Can Help Marketing Efforts During COVID and Beyond
Transform customer service into a revenue-driver and a valuable function within the marketing organization.
By Brian Hurst, Customer Engagement Specialist at Constant Contact
While customer support traditionally has been thought of as a vehicle for solving real-time issues, that viewpoint has been challenged in recent years. Organizations looking for new market differentiators have identified customer service and experience as an opportunity to stand out amongst the crowd, and have transformed this former cost center into a revenue driver and a key function within their marketing organizations.
This transition to service as a significant marketing component matches the business environment: Many organizations have been forced to ramp down their marketing spend on acquisition channels, but CMOs and other marketing leaders also have more flexibility in where they direct their budget than most other business area leaders. This has allowed marketers to identify the opportunities that come with great service beyond just retention and reprioritize budgets to maximize its value.
This approach has never been more valuable than now as businesses not only figure out how to operate during this pandemic but also prepare themselves for the post-COVID era and the long-lasting changes that will come with it. Redirecting both budget and focus to support teams-those that have a direct line of communication with customers regardless of circumstances or channel-gives businesses the opportunity to provide stellar customer experience and, ultimately, turn that into awareness and revenue.
The keys are instilling the confidence in service staff that the organization values their role as something more than cleaning up messes for customers, and empowering service staff to engage in more ways by providing them with the strategies and tools they need to act as what they really are-marketing's frontline representatives. Here are five ways customer support has become a marketing asset.
Read Brian''s full article to get all five tips for making customer support teams an important marketing tool.
Welcome to the August 2020 Issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine.
It's summertime here in Annapolis, Maryland. It wasn't that long ago, we talked of vacations, pool time, and kids going back to school as our summer days were drawing to a close. Fast-forward to August 2020, and we are talking about travel restrictions, balancing work, home, and kid's virtual schedules; all while trying to stay healthy. Life''s challenges have ramped up in a very short time for everyone.
I hope this is where Contact Center Pipeline can help. We have good people who contribute to our magazine sharing their insights and expertise to help us get through difficult times. Please enjoy the August issue. Stay Safe.
-Linda Harden Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
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Nuance & Opus Research present The Evolution of Authentication Virtual Roundtable Series
You are invited to a virtual roundtable series on authentication presented by Nuance and Opus Research to help you define and deploy the authentication strategies your organization needs to stay ahead of expectations.
Recent surges in activity have underscored the need for better, faster, and more reliable authentication. Nuance and Opus Research will share their expertise, lessons learned, and best practices. We'll also be joined by Nuance customers describing how they're transforming their authentication strategies to deliver better security, experiences, and operational efficiencies. There's no PowerPoint - just conversation and an opportunity to have your questions answered live. You'll also get a first-hand look at the latest authentication innovations from the Nuance R&D labs.
This is an exciting, interactive program designed by and for authentication leaders. We look forward to seeing you click here to register. The roundtables will be recorded so if you can't attend live, register and we'll send you the recording.
The Evolution of Authentication Virtual Roundtable Series
Begins July 8!
Learn More, Register & Pre-Submit Your Questions
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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The MCI Tech-Enabled Call Center Services Team has proven overflow and contingency plans for our customers to provide additional vendor-based agent support for front office, back office, digital, inbound, and outbound contact center support.
The MCI team''s capabilities include expertise in the following areas:
Back/Front Office Call Center Support Services
IT Services and Automated Contact Center Solutions
CX Management
Customer Care
Helpdesk Services
Refunds/Claims Processing
Billing/Invoicing Support
Product Recall Support
Order Tracking/Fulfillment
CX Contact Management
Tier 0-2 Call Center Support
Customer Service
Claims Processing
Lead Generation
Market Research
3rd Party Verification
Business Process Outsourcing
TCPA Compliant Telephony
Enhanced IVR Support
Robotic Process Automation
Application Support
Network Support
Digital Agent Support
Chatbot & AI Support
Accounts Receivable
Email Campaigns
Chat Support
SMS/Text Messaging
Intelligent Analytics
Custom Reporting
Automated Services
Managed Services
Application Software
Advances in cloud-based telephony and other applications, enable turning up an MCI backup or over in a matter of hours and days, not weeks. ln a potential event that could take your internal team offline or reduce capacity, we''re standing by. Our team has work-from-home agents, and backup systems to provide first-class, secure, regionally and systemically diverse contact center services.
MCI has nine North American service delivery locations:
If you believe your company could benefit from this type of help, please set some time up with me here to discuss.
Chris Alexander
MCI is a global leader in customer experience and digital transformation Contact Center Services.
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Work From Home: 101. 4-Hour Virtual Class on the basics, because it''s time to get good at it.
COVID-19 has transformed work locations overnight, and for densely populated contact centers, WFH is here to stay.
This class is designed for contact center organizations who are newer to work from home, running larger WFH operations than they were ready for, and have a keen interest in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Michele Rowan, industry leader in WFH for contact centers and former VP of Performance Management for Hilton Worldwide leads and facilitates the class.
Virtual Class Topics:
Hiring digitally and directly to home
Getting employees engaged from the start, and keeping them that way
Critical skills for front line leaders, and helping them get there
Team building activities that work
Virtual learning made easy
Zoom meeting
Live exchanges
Live Q&A
$195 for first attendee, $100 for additional attendees
Reserve your seat!
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? 2009-2020 Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Optimize your workforce with remote solutions.
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Customer Contact Strategies LLC. Dallas, TX United States
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
We are now just days away from our next free customer service webinar: The Customer Service Leader of the Future: Identify the Strategies You Need to Stay Ahead of the Game. There is still time to secure your place today!
Hear from leaders at Extended Stay America, Pizza Hut & Gladly, and a former HP Director of CX.
Register now to join live or pre-order the recording!
It has never been more important to understand that customer expectations are rising and must be met head on by providing truly exceptional customer experience. A leader of the future that can identify the strategies that will lead your business towards a best-in-class customer service is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Empower your agents with the tools they need to deliver a radically personal experience on any channel, reduce resolution times and build lifelong conversations.
Taking place July 22nd (1pm EST/ 10am PST) tune in to identify the innovative strategies that will empower your agents and deliver exemplary customer service:
Arm your agents with the tools they need so that they can go beyond basic customer insights and provide a radically personal experience tailored to a customer's history?
Go beyond omnichannel to any channel - Deliver a seamless experience that allows you to build meaningful relationships wherever your customer is.?
Future-proof the base of your tech-stack to support the adoption of advancing technology and ensure your department stays ahead?
Listen in live or pre-order the recordings direct to your inbox!
Speakers include:
Mike Kuenne, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Extended Stay America
Nigel Henry, Director of Customer Experience, Pizza Hut
Mike McCarron, VP of Customers, Gladly
Nicholas Zeisler, Former Director of CX, HP
I hope you can join us.
Scott Cormack
Global Event Director
Email: Reuters Events | Tel: 020 8078 7269 |
Reuters Events is part of Reuters News & Media Ltd, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ. Registered in England and Wales: 2505735.
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions. Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Customer Experience Solutions that Win Fans for Great Brands!
ContactPoint 360, Inc. provides omni-channel customer experience solutions and supporting technologies to marquee clients across the world.
CP360 delivers services from 7 contact centers across 3 continents, including North America, South America and Asia. Additionally, we have a robust Work from Home program anchored by strong governance practices and Secure Remote Worker cyber technology. CP360's BPO offerings include customer care, 1st party collections, customer acquisition, IT help desk, and back office administrative support, along with advanced reporting and data analytics capabilities. We have subject matter experts leading CX teams across multiple verticals such as Finance, Energy, Healthcare, Insurance, Travel & Hospitality, Hi-tech Start-Ups and more.
Headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, CP360 is in the 12th year of successful business operations. Along with steady International growth, CP360 has successfully transferred its North American model and methodologies across our global footprint while maintaining the highest quality service standards.
Simply put, we are a contact centre that knows CX and all that that entails. Care, compliance, regulatory issues, industry specific lexicon, billing, collections and more. Having in-house subject matter expertise in each industry we serve helps us to easily onboard clients and greatly increases our speed to proficiency on new campaigns.
Beyond our specific industry knowledge and experience we are an employee first organization committed to providing an outstanding work environment for our people. ContactPoint 360 was recently certified as a Great Place to Work? through independent analysis conducted by Great Place to Work? Institute. This certification is based on direct feedback from employees through an extensive and anonymous survey about the workplace experience.
Our mission is to provide an amazing workplace environment for our associates and to we win loyal fans for the great brands we serve!
Visit us at
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Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
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Social engineering has increased drastically during COVID. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Secure at Home: Protecting Ourselves, Our Brand, Business and Customers
Tips for increasing your security awareness to safeguard the customer experience.
By Sangeeta Bhatnagar
During this time of the COVID pandemic, sudden urgency emerged to get everyone home safely. Massive amounts of on-site agents were suddenly sent home to work remotely. However, the challenge is that not everyone has been set up in a safe, secure work environment. Now that more than three months have passed, we can reflect on what some of the challenges were and what we still need to keep top of mind.
Initially, many businesses faced huge call volumes with long wait times. There was a major concern about maintaining the customer experience and ensuring that agents remained engaged despite the sudden stress added to the job. With technological challenges, systems crashing, changing rules and so many new demands on agents, the stress increased for all involved.
In this new unchartered time and suddenly changed work environment, a couple of schools of thought emerged around compliance, authentication and security. Some leaders suggested relaxing the rules during high call volume times to minimize stress on agents when customers get irate from over-authenticating. Most leaders want to maintain the same authentication and security protocols, but the challenge is that there have been remote technology issues, longer wait times and workplace (home) distractions all leading to the agents becoming more vulnerable. This is what the bad actors/hackers are counting on!
Working remotely is great when set up properly and executed to ensure the right security. Many companies were not prepared to send so many people home to work remotely so quickly and were in purely emergency response mode. The intention behind this article is to increase awareness around security mindfulness so that we can all be proactive and preemptive in creating safe, secure, amazing customer experiences.
Hackers are taking advantage of the crisis we are all navigating through as they know the vulnerabilities with the rapid increase in remote workers. The bad actors are hacking through social engineering. This has been going on for many years, but it has increased drastically during this crisis.
Learn the four key steps to building and executing an effective CX ROI strategy
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For most companies, achieving intelligence into true CX is easier said than done. Yet the ROI is undeniable. The average organization analyzes just 2% of all customer interactions - mostly for random assurance checks and reactive investigations.
By building an engaged workforce that cares and is empowered by analytics to understand and do the right things, you'll foster within your organization cross-functional teams that balance great customer experiences against cost savings, so no business objectives are ever put at risk.
? Calabrio''s new white paper, 4 Steps to Calculating the ROI on Customer Experience Intelligence, will show you how to translate the voice of your customers into intelligence that sets you apart from every other organization.
Download it to learn:
Four key steps for building and executing an effective CX ROI strategy
The value proposition of CX intelligence
Why organizations are moving to automated CX intelligence
Read the White Paper
Please enjoy this white paper - and let us know if you have any questions about how to unlock the power of your contact center data.
Calabrio 1-855-784-2807
Customer Success Center
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
How to Choose the Right AI
Chatbot for Your Organization
Kicking off a review of new business tools and solutions can be an intimidating task. To give you a head start, we created a Chatbot Buyers Guide to compile important areas you should consider when reviewing AI-powered engagement solutions. Download the guide and understand Natural Language Processing (NLP), end-user personalization, reporting, analytics and much more!
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Smart buying decisions around cloud contact center technology ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Download the full report
Make a better buying decision with hot-off-the-press, independent analysis of cloud contact center software, including NICE inContact CXone.
Breaking news: Forrester Research has named NICE inContact CXone as a leader. CXone is top ranked in "current offering" and "strategy" categories, receiving the highest possible scores in 29 of 33 criteria, including "market presence".
The Forrester WaveT: Contact-Center-As-A-Service (CCaaS) Providers, Q3 2020 report is an independent evaluation of cloud contact center software designed to help you choose the right tech partner for your contact center.
Get your complimentary copy to help you:
Thoroughly and objectively evaluate the cloud contact center software available
Learn the reasons why NICE inContact CXone has been named a leader
Discover what a leader in cloud software can do for your contact center
Download the full report
? NICE inContact. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | View as a Web Page 75 West Towne Ridge Parkway | Tower 1 | Sandy, UT | 84070
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping our industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Horror, Heartache, Humanity and Hope ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Brought to you by: Salesforce
COVID-19 and the Contact Center: Horror, Heartache, Humanity and Hope
Embrace the lessons learned during the current crisis.
By Paul Stockford
Has anyone besides me noticed how many contact center industry work-from-home (WFH) experts there suddenly are? I thought there was only one, really. That would be Michele Rowan and I wrote about her in my April column ("ON-TREND: AT-HOME AGENTS"). The timing of that column was totally serendipitous. We had no idea when we were writing the column that, by the time it would be published, we'd all be working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic.
But judging from my email inbox and the number of webinar invitations I receive daily, the number of WFH experts in the industry seems to have grown exponentially in a period of about three weeks. As contact centers scramble to comply with safety directives from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), plenty of other companies are aiming to cash in on it. It's a shame these experts didn't do a better job of positioning themselves and their services prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. After all, it's not like we didn't know this thing was coming.
In a 2015 TED Talk, Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates warned that a pandemic was inevitable. He talked about the lessons learned from West Africa's 2014 Ebola virus crisis and said in no uncertain terms that the U.S. and other countries were not ready for the future pandemic that would hit them. Gates warned that the U.S. had invested very little in a system that would stop an epidemic and was not ready to confront a pandemic. Darned if he wasn't right.
The same criticism could be applied to the contact center. Technology and solutions that would have allowed the contact center industry to quickly respond and adapt to the current pandemic have been available for years. But many contact center decision-makers have been dragging their heels when it comes to adopting these solutions. Instead of having to scramble to find solutions when state and local governments started shutting down businesses in accordance with CDC guidelines, contact centers could have made a smooth and speedy transition to a WFH model in a matter of hours. But that wouldn't have made good fodder for the press.
Change Your Work-at-Home Model to Fit Your Agents' Needs
Findings from 5th Talent's 2020 Contact Center Industry Work-at-Home Study.
By Ted Nardin & Brian Kearney
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rapid and global shift of moving contact center agents and supervisors to a work-at-home model, giving rise to two central questions: How has this impacted performance; and is the traditional work-at-home model sustainable? Common industry wisdom favors a 100% work-at-home model as the best chance for sustainability, and that most of the agents who performed well in the center will not transition successfully to working at home. If only certain agents can excel working at home, then it seems that the only choice is to replace those agents who excelled in the center with those who are more suited to the challenges of the work-at-home model. This is a costly and potentially overwhelming challenge for most organizations.
To investigate these real concerns, in May 2020, 5th Talent International delivered a survey to more than 4,000 agents and supervisors across seven countries. The findings provide unexpected insight into the point of view of the work-at-home employee and suggests that there are more efficient and effective ways to successfully transition to and sustain a work-at-home model. However, it requires moving away from a strategy of changing your agents to fit your model, and instead, changing your model to fit the needs of your agents.
As a Call Center professional, you know the difficulty that goes into choosing the right systems and solutions for your business. As Call Center professionals ourselves, we know you work hard to identify the right software for the projects that your teams are taking on and we understand that regulations can make it tough to find the right solution. We also know that it's too hard to find a list of the right questions to ask and the different features you need to consider when searching for the right system.
To help Call Center professionals, CallShaper has created a new COMPREHENSIVE DIALER BUYER'S GUIDE to help leaders start their search for a dialer. It provides concise information on different systems, features, industry regulations, compliance and questions to ask before choosing a solution. With a complete rundown of everything to look for when shopping for a new call center system, this guide is the perfect starting point for any company considering a change.
To get your copy of the Comprehensive Dialer's Buyers's Guide, simply click below to download your copy today.
We look forward to helping your business be more profitable and productive in your search for new technologies!
All the best! The Team at CallShaper
CallShaper LLC| 5009 Honeygo Center Drive, Suite 205 Perry Hall MD 21128
(888) 279-1370 Option 2 |
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.
Welcome to the May 2020 issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine
"What a difference a month makes..." Well, that''s what I thought I would be saying this month as we release the May issue. That''s clearly no longer the case. Many of our centers are still in the midst of a full-blown struggle to keep up with higher customer contacts, and the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread to new areas. The crisis is leaving many customers and employees feeling quite frustrated as we all adapt to this new reality.
In this month''s issue, you will find a full-complement of crisis management resources from some of the industry's top experts, addressing customer empathy, preparedness plans, moving forward, the "new" contact center, supporting your team in a crisis, and more information that you may find helpful.
These are not easy times, but we will continue to move forward with new creative strategies and practices. Enjoy the issue. Stay safe.
For additional COVID-19 contact center resources, visit
-Linda Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium; Print plus Digital. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry.
MAY 2020
Caring for Customers During a Pandemic by Susan Hash
The COVID-19 crisis is reshaping the consumer mindset. How to retain trust and loyalty for the post-pandemic world.??
A New Era Calls for a New Level of Resiliency by Lori Bocklund??
Healthcare Contact Centers: Readiness ROI and What''s Next by Kathleen Peterson??
COVID-19 and the Contact Center: Horror, Heartache, Humanity and Hope by Paul Stockford??
How to Write a 5-Star Response to 1-Star Rating or Poor Review by Leslie O'Flahavan??
After the Pandemic: How to Bring Back the Contact Center by Toby Parrish??
Important Trends in Workforce Management Technology by Dick Bucci??
The New CX Imperative: Serving the Values-Based Consumer with a Heaping Helping of Digital Empathy by Scott Lindsay??
The COVID-19 Crisis: Do We Put Our Energy into People, Process or Technology? by Sangeeta Bhatnagar??
Outbound Call Centers: Finding Right Mix of Tools, Processes and People by Steven Ashley??
Working From Home-A Growing Necessity by Gwen Foster Oglesby??
SPONSOR WALL OF FAME In recognition and appreciation to LogMeIn, our May 2020 Wall of Fame Sponsor.??
Make sure that you know what to ask for when evaluating a new dialing system. A useful checklist of features to look for. ??
SPONSORED CONTENT BY VERINT Helping Organizations Adapt and Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Educational webinars to help you leverage your current investments to adapt and respond to the COVID-19 crisis and continue to meet your customers' needs.??
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won''t find anywhere else.
2Ring America, Bold 360 by LogMeIn, CallShaper, ContactPoint360, Customer Contact Strategies, Genesys, Human Numbers, Incite Group, NICE inContact, Panviva, PowerHouse, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Stream Realty, TASKE Technology, TaskUs and Verint.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Trusted, fact-based guidance to help support your customers, employees, and organization during the coronavirus pandemic.
Brought to you by: ContactPoint360
On-Trend: At-Home Agents
By Paul Stockford
An interview with Michele Rowan, Founder of the Remote Working Summit and President of Customer Contact Strategies. Michele is one of the foremost experts on contact-center at-home workers.
Read More
Hold On: What to Do with Callers on Hold
By Kathleen Peterson
A look at the current options for putting callers on hold and their effectiveness.
Read More
The Top 5 Mistakes Companies Make with Remote Work
By Michele Rowan
Based on remote-work consulting and conferences with hundreds of clients, these are the top 5 mistakes that companies make with remote work in the contact center.
Read More
A Checklist for Migrating Your Contact Center to the Cloud
By Sascha Mehlhase
A checklist to help enterprise leaders simplify the process of migrating contact centers to the cloud, from planning to execution.
Read More
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
? 2020 Pipeline Publishing Group, PO Box 3467, Annapolis, MD 21403
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We would like to invite you to our 4-week Clarabridge COVID-19 Command Center Webinar Series.
We hope you are coping well in these turbulent times and, as the world scrambles to adjust to the uncertainties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to assure you that we are committed to ongoing service continuity and customer support. We would like to invite you to our 4-week webinar series which will cover a range of timely topics designed to help you fully leverage your Clarabridge platform and the Clarabridge Professional Services team.
Clarabridge COVID-19 Command Center Webinar Series
Session 1: Clarabridge COVID-19 Command Center Resources Wednesday, April 8th at 1 PM ET | 6 PM BST
Based on the time criticality and tremendous inbound requests, Clarabridge has established a COVID-19 Command Center to help you best leverage our platform and expertise in this time of crisis. In this session, we will provide an overview of several industry analysis frameworks and associated templates available in CX Studio for monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 impacts.
Session 2: Social Monitoring & Analytics in the Face of a Pandemic Wednesday, April 15th at 1 PM ET | 6 PM BST
As companies pause their survey programs, CX teams are turning to social media for customer feedback about brand perception and customer sentiment during this crisis. Clarabridge has launched its own independent research initiative aimed at analyzing public social media and other pooled data for community insight and issue-related trends. In this session, you will have an opportunity to hear first-hand about the techniques and best practices involved with mining social media data.
Session 3: Digital Customer Care & Crisis Management Wednesday, April 22nd at 1 PM ET | 6 PM BST
One of the impacts of COVID-19 is that contact centers around the globe are rapidly relying more heavily on digital channels to service customers as their agent workforce transitions to a work-from-home (WFH) model. This new paradigm requires the rapid deployment of new operating procedures, team roles and scripts for agents as they shift to social media and messaging app channels (such as WhatsApp, live chat and SMS). In this session, you will learn how to use Clarabridge Engage to ease the transition to a Digital Customer Care model.
Session 4: Closing the Loop with Customers through a Crisis Featuring Guest Speaker: Faith Adams, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research Wednesday, April 29th at 1 PM ET | 6 PM BST
Understanding your customers'' wants, needs, behaviors, and emotions is critical during a crisis - and this means that companies must shift their approach to how they listen to, empathize with, and act on customer feedback. Hear from guest speaker Faith Adams, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research, on how well customers feel understood and supported by brands will make a lasting impression. Those companies that shift behavior, adopt an outside-in perspective, and adapt are poised to strengthen their bond, while those who don't set themselves up for risk as the magnitude of these events wane.
You can register here for the entire Clarabridge COVID-19 Command Center Webinar Series. Unable to attend all 4 live sessions? Register anyway for access to all of the recordings.
Stay Connected with Clarabridge
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
? 2020 Pipeline Publishing Group, PO Box 3467, Annapolis, MD 21403 Help Center?/?Privacy Policy?/?Unsubscribe
Are you trying to reimagine customer experience during these unprecedented times? You're not alone. Join industry leaders like yourself as we embark on this journey together and gather valuable insights and actionable steps to create a digital experience your customers and employees will love.
Hear from speakers including:
Jeannie Walters,
Experience Investigators
Adam Toporek,
CTS Service Solutions
Ryan Lester,
Why CXNext 2020?
CXNext is an exclusive, virtual summit by LogMeIn designed for a select group of CX, digital experience and IT leaders who are working to transform their support and service experience. Join us live for a full day of inspiration, strategy and networking.
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Your Contact Center Pipeline Digital Issue is Here
Download Your April Issue
Publisher''s Letter, April 2020
Welcome to the April 2020 issue of Contact Center Pipeline Magazine!
I hope our April issue finds you safe and well. You may have seen Mr. Rogers'' quote that is so applicable for our times, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
That quote has never been more true. There are "helpers" everywhere. I want to acknowledge the heroic efforts being put forth by so many, from our health care workers, police, EMS, truck drivers, grocery store workers, communications staff.and our contact center industry. Our thoughts are with those so deeply affected by the Covid crisis.
We are a major engine right now in this effort to keep our communication lines available and open. With millions of people told to shelter in their homes, contact centers have an opportunity to lead in an unprecedented way.
The contact center industry is typically an environment that experiences lots of change. There are hundreds of events that effect our centers, keeping us flexible and fluid. However, these are certainly unusual and challenging times for you and your organization. Most of your centers right now are handling unprecedented workloads while scrambling to set up successful remote environments and keeping your employees safe. Along with that pressure and stress, we face situations in our personal lives with elderly love ones, young children home from school and personal concern for our family and friends.
Yes, it is a trying time, no doubt. I am encouraged by our vendor community. I receive emails daily with creative offers to help keep our teams engaged and our customers served. This week we will be launching a new COVID-19 portal on our website giving vendors a way to share special reduced or free service offerings to help in our virtual environments.
We are also providing our educational content on the COVID-19 portal. Our curated content is quick and easy to find. You'll find information on setting up virtual operations, while keeping your staff engaged and responsive to your customer needs. We are sharing tips and techniques to help manage our virtual teams. We will continue to add to these resources with the aim of providing information to help.
For further information on COVID-19 contact center resources, please visit our website at
I hope you, your family, friends and loved ones stay safe. Take care of yourselves and each other. We'll get through this. Let's do our part, follow local guidelines, stay home, help save lives.
-Linda Publisher, Contact Center Pipeline
To download the full issue, a subscription is required. We have several to choose from: Free, Digital Only, and Premium; Print plus Digital. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry.
APRIL 2020
Upskilling the Contact Center Workforce by Susan Hash
Why it's important to plan for your agents' future in an era of uncertainty.
What to Do with Callers on Hold by Kathleen Peterson
On-Trend: At-Home Agents by Paul Stockford
Differentiate Your Brand Through Proactive Customer Service by Fara Haron
Top 5 Mistakes Companies Make with Remote Work by Michele Rowan
Three Ways Managers Can Improve a Contact Center Culture by Bill Bennett
Accomplishing Call Center Transformation by Todd Carothers
Go Beyond Net Promoter Score by Jim Iyoob
INSIDE VIEW Purchasing Power by Susan Hash
Award-winning team enhances customer loyalty by restructuring the complaints and escalations process
AUTHOR WALL OF FAME In recognition and appreciation to Kathleen Peterson, our April 2020 Wall of Fame Author.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY BBC TECHNOLOGY Coronavirus = Business Continuity Plan
by Michael Sutter & Roger Lee
Do you have the appropriate technology for your staff to work from home during a disease outbreak?
SPONSORED CONTENT BY JACADA How to Promote Customer Loyalty in the Age of Complexity
by Jacada
If removing friction from the customer journey is your goal, then it's time to consider using intelligent automation.
SPONSORED CONTENT BY VERINT AI and KM: From Knowledge Management to Knowledge Automation
by Heather Richards
An AI-infused KM system delivers "knowledge at your fingertips," making it easy for customers to access the right information 24/7.
To download the full issue and view all articles, a subscription is required. Your subscription helps us continue to publish in-depth, independent articles for the contact center industry - that you won''t find anywhere else.
2Ring America, BBC Technology Solutions, Bold 360 by LogMeIn, CallShaper, Clarabridge, Customer Contact Strategies, Human Numbers, Jacada, Panviva, PowerHouse, Service Agility, Strategic Contact, Stream Realty, TASKE Technology and Verint.
They help make Contact Center Pipeline possible!
Please visit all of our sponsors in the Pipeline Directory.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won't find anywhere else.
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WEBINAR: CCaaS and WFO: Together or Separate? Thursday, February 27, 2020 | 2:00 PM, ET
The new decade is off to a roaring start, as an increasing number of contact centers shake off their on-premises legacies and move to the cloud. But the decision to give up the burden of self-managing infrastructure is not the only choice to make. More and more WFM professionals find themselves in the middle of a new choice: should their company consider an all-in-one Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) that has WFM included, or should they follow the traditional best of breed path? What are the pros and cons of each option? Or can you have the benefits of both best of breed AND all-in-one?
Join Sheila McGee-Smith for a webinar hosted by SWPP and Verint, on February 27 at 2:00 PM ET, as she helps us discuss the alternatives as we talk about the future of WFM and the choices that will dominate the new decade.
Workforce engagement professionals attending this webinar will learn:
The scenarios where CCaaS and "standalone" each work best
How artificial intelligence is already delivering innovation in the contact center
Real-world customer examples
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McGee-Smith Analytics, LLC
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Verint Systems, Inc.
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Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
How to Choose the Right AI
Chatbot for Your Organization
Kicking off a review of new business tools and solutions can be an intimidating task. To give you a head start, we created a Chatbot Buyers Guide to compile important areas you should consider when reviewing AI-powered engagement solutions. Download the guide and understand Natural Language Processing (NLP), end-user personalization, reporting, analytics and much more!
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Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
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Compared to their peers, the most efficient contact centers see 8.2x lower service costs, 5.2x higher customer satisfaction scores, and 8.5x higher customer retention rates.
No matter your contact center size or budget, you can achieve the same results. You just have to pull the right cost and efficiency levers.
The Aberdeen best-in-class cost management guide can help. Download your copy to learn:
How to use existing resources to improve results
How to identify your contact center's current business cycle for better planning
Which tools will help you cut costs and improve CX, based on your current business cycle
Get your copy
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Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
Contact Center Pipeline features news and information for contact center and customer service professionals. Think of us as your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives you won't find anywhere else.
Get contact center tips on our blog and subscribe to our monthly magazine.
Seven Contact Center New Year’s Resolutions for 2021
Achievable goals that will pay off in improved employee engagement and customer service.
By Mike Aoki
Congratulations! Your contact center made it through 2020. Last year compressed five years’ worth of digital transformation, work-from-home initiatives, and massive customer contact volumes into just nine months. However, the New Year brings new hope for the future. Here are seven contact center New Year’s resolutions to help you get started in 2021.
1. I will take better care of myself.
This goes beyond typical New Year’s resolutions regarding diet and weight loss. Instead, take care of your emotional and leadership self. Think of the announcement airlines make regarding oxygen masks. In an emergency, they ask you to put your own oxygen mask on first, before helping other passengers. That is because if something incapacitates you, you will not be able to help anyone else in an emergency. Was 2020 a stressful year? Have you taken time to recharge and reload for the new year? 2021 is not about “going back to the good old days” (of 2019). It is about moving forward into an era of digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI) and hybrid/work-from-home (WFH) teams. That takes leadership and energy.
Leaders are paid to make decisions. However, it is easy to procrastinate rather than make a major decision when you are tired. You need to take good care of yourself so you have the energy to make good decisions and lead your contact center. That means taking care of your physical body by eating right and exercising. It also means taking care of your mental and emotional self by spending time with loved ones, reading a good book and enjoying music, movies or art. Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of others.
Read the full article and get all of Mike''s resolutions.
Work from home for contact centers is here to stay. It''s time to get good at it.
COVID-19 has transformed work locations overnight, and for densely populated contact centers, WFH is here to stay.
This class is designed for contact center organizations/leaders who are newer to work from home, running larger WFH operations than they were ready for, and have a keen interest in fully leveraging all (or most) of the benefits that WFH has to offer.
Michele Rowan, industry leader in WFH for contact centers and former VP of Performance Management for Hilton Worldwide leads and facilitates the class.
Virtual Class Topics:
Hiring digitally and directly to home
Getting employees engaged from the start, and keeping them that way
Critical skills for front line leaders, and helping them get there
Put Contact Center Pipeline''s insight and advice behind your contact center decisions.
As one of the most trusted resources for contact center and customer service professionals, our award-winning team provides the latest insights and practical advice to keep you ahead of the trends shaping the industry. Contact Center Pipeline is your resource for in-depth articles, first-hand research, and forward-thinking perspectives that you won''t find anywhere else.