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Weekly Digest July 7 2020
City of Golden / 911 10th Street / Golden, CO 
(303) 384-8000
Community Center Re-Opening!

We''ve missed you! We are excited to announce that the Golden Community Center will reopen for individual fitness tomorrow, Wednesday, July 8.

All visits will require an advanced reservation; no walk-ups or drop-ins allowed at this time. Registration is available for the weight and cardio room, personal training sessions, Pickleball court, and basketball court - all with limited capacity. Face coverings are required to enter the facility.

Visit for all of the registration information, rules, and details on this limited opening. We hope to bring expanded services to you as soon as we can safely do so! In the meantime, group classes are still available online and lap swimming is available at the Splash water park (see below). Thanks for your patience and we look forward to welcoming you back to the GCC!

Council to Discuss Creek Access and Face Covering Options

City Council will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, July 8, to discuss specific mandates for face coverings in Golden. Because it is a special session, there will not be a public comment period. Please send your ideas and thoughts via email to City Council by 5 p.m. tomorrow if you want them to be part of the public record.

City Council will then further discuss and potentially vote on face mask requirements as well as ideas on how to safety access Clear Creek at their regular meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 9.  Give us your ideas on how to safely reopen access to Clear Creek at or email council at before 5 p.m. on the day of the meetings

Full details on how to watch and/or participate in meetings can be found on the Agendas page of the City website.

Meantime,all access to the creek within City limits is closed until further notice. Pursuant to City Council direction at a special session on June 30, the City Manager issued an administrative order closing access points to Clear Creek, as well as an administrative order requiring face coverings on public property when a distance of six feet cannot be maintained (this includes parks, trails, and inside all City-owned buildings).
Lap Swimming at the Splash Now Open

Lap swimmer
The Splash is now open for lap swimming only by reservation. Please note, the leisure pool is NOT open - only the lap pool.

There can be a maximum of 16 swimmers in the pool at a time, two in each lap lane. Swimmers 12 years and older who are capable of swimming laps independently can reserve a one-hour time slot online at

Please be prepared to accept and follow these guidelines:
  • I will wear a mask to cover my mouth and nose (when swimming, this means until you enter the pool and upon exiting the pool)
  • I will disinfect equipment before and after use
  • I will wash my hands frequently
  • I will maintain six feet of social distancing whenever possible
  • I will stay home if I am sick
We look forward to welcoming you back to our recreation facilities!
City Hall open to the public by appointment only

City facilities are open by appointment only, Tuesday through Thursday. Please use our contact list to speak with, or make an appointment with, the city department you need.

Masks are required to enter city facilities, and we ask that only the people with appointments come inside. We will continue to provide timely and quality service.


As we open facilities and resume additional city services, we''ll keep you updated on our Status of City Services page.

There you''ll find what''s open, what''s not, and where you can find more information.
COVID-19 Rental Assistance for Golden residents in need

The Salvation Army Golden Service Extension Unit, the City of Golden, Golden Civic Foundation, and Golden United are working together to help the growing number of people during the COVID-19 crisis who are facing housing insecurity. While this need has always been present in our community, it is especially urgent now that we support people in dire straits from lost wages and other impacts of this pandemic. If you need assistance, please visit

If you would like to help, your donation to the COVID-19 Rental Assistance fund will provide assistance for Golden residents needing emergency support in paying for rent and/or utilities.
Leadership Golden Now Accepting Applications

Now in its 37th year, Leadership Golden is accepting applications for the 2020-21 Program. This tuition-free program provides local learning about Golden with 11 sessions from September through April and includes Golden history, government, public works, finance, development, education, arts and recreation, and the justice system. Great program for new-comers and long-time residents interested in the fabric of Golden. Go to for all the details and complete an application form online. The application deadline is July 31.
To meet and dialog with the Leadership Golden Board of Directors, Steering Committee, and Alumni, you are invited to attend the "Meet and Greet" reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 16 at Caf? 13, corner of 13th and Arapahoe. Complimentary appetizers and a cash bar will be provided.
Jeffco Trails Plan 
Public Comment Opportunity

Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) has completed a draft of the county-wide Jeffco Trails Plan envisioning a healthier, engaged community connected by trails. This draft is a result of a collaborative effort among JCOS, local, state and federal agencies, park and recreation districts, and non-profit partners to identify trail opportunities and implementation strategies that increase safety, access, and connectivity of Jeffco residents to outdoor recreation opportunities. 

Please review the Draft Jeffco Trails Plan and the Draft Jeffco Trails Plan Implementation Resources documents. Public comments associated with the draft plan can be sent to between July 1 - July 30. 

Catch cup test for Slow the Flow
Slow the Flow

Be a part of the water saving solution. In a semi-arid state like Colorado, it''s important to do our part, however small, in conserving this important resource. 

A FREE sprinkler consultation with Resource Central could help you save up to 5,000 gallons of water per year! Our technicians will inspect your sprinkler system for issues that could be wasting you water and provide a customized watering schedule to ensure you''re watering as efficiently as possible while keeping your grass healthy.

Request your free consultation online, or visit for more info.

Slow the Flow infographic

Rotary Peach Sale

Despite a hard freeze that wiped out the Palisade peach crop this year, the Rotary Club of Golden was still able to get fresh Colorado peaches for you to buy during their annual peach sale. This year, you have the opportunity to get juicy, locally grown peaches from Orchard Valley Farms & Market, located in the North Fork Valley.
Go online to reserve your peaches at cost is $40 per box.
Peaches will no longer be picked up at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Peach Pickup Day is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 29 in the Golden High School parking lot, 710 24th St. It will be a curbside pickup so that safe distancing can be maintained. If you have further questions, email
Congratulations to GFD Captain Tom Young!

Yesterday was a momentous day for the Golden Fire Department, as we honored Captain Tom Young for 30 years of survival. Tom started with the Golden Fire Department in 1982. But on July 6, 1990, Tom responded to a call to help rescue an injured hang glider who crashed on Lookout Mountain. In his pursuit to rescue the man, he was injured and left permanently paralyzed from the neck down. He was told he would never breathe on his own again and would only survive 15-20 years. Within a month, Tom was breathing on his own and now he is celebrating 30 years of life after near-death. Despite his injury, Tom came back to the GFD just a few years after his accident and has been a member of the GFD, still serving the City of Golden and its residents ever since. Yesterday, rescue personnel from departments all over the area did a drive-by at his home just outside Golden. Mayor Laura Weinberg read a proclamation declaring it "Tom Young Day" in Golden and he was surrounded by his family and friends as he was honored. Tom''s story is not one of tragedy, but of the ultimate resilience - something we can all appreciate right now. Congratulations, Tom! 
Check out this nice story about Tom on 9News
On the Calendar
City Meetings online until further notice
All regularly scheduled meetings of the various Boards and Commissions, as well as City Council meetings, will take place virtually until further notice. Details for viewing or participating in public meetings are listed at the top of the agenda for each meeting. The agendas are located at

For meetings with a public comment period, you will also find on the agendas the instructions for providing your comments. In some cases, there will be opportunities to provide your comments live during the online meeting. In other cases, there will be an email address to which you can send your comments ahead of the meeting. Not all meetings will have live public comment opportunities.
City Council Special Meeting

City Council will meet virtually in special session on July 8 at 6 p.m. to discuss an emergency ordinance requiring face coverings in the City of Golden.

Comments and questions must be emailed in advance by 5 p.m. on July 8 to All comments will be entered into the public record.
  • City Council July 8, 2020 Special Meeting Agenda
To view the special session, there are several options:
  1. Live-streamed on the City of Golden website - Find the meeting in the schedule and click "VIEW EVENT". This option will only be available once the meeting has begun.
  2. Live-streamed on GCO.TV - Find the meeting in the schedule on the right and click the "WATCH" arrow.
  3. Live Broadcast on Comcast Channel 880
  4. To call in and listen to the meeting audio live, call 1-408-418-9388 and enter access code 146 864 9895.
City Council Regular Meeting

City Council will meet virtually in regular session on Thursday, July 9 at 6:30 p.m.

Comments and questions must be emailed in advance by 5 p.m. on July 9 to, or you may register to speak during the meeting. At the time of the meeting, you will be given a link to join the meeting on your computer. You will be called upon to speak during the general public comment period, or during the public comment period for the agenda item you have indicated your interest in, if that agenda item has a separate public comment period. All comments will be entered into the public record.
  • City Council July 9, 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda
To view the special session, there are several options:
  1. Live-streamed on the City of Golden website - Find the meeting in the schedule and click "VIEW EVENT". This option will only be available once the meeting has begun.
  2. Live-streamed on GCO.TV - Find the meeting in the schedule on the right and click the "WATCH" arrow.
  3. Live Broadcast on Comcast Channel 880
  4. To call in and listen to the meeting audio live, call 1-408-418-9388 and enter access code 146 266 4184.
Golden Farmers Market
Farmers Market 2020
Golden Farmers Market runs every Saturday through October 3 and is held in the parking lot just west of the Golden Library on 10th and Illinois streets in historic downtown.

Join us this Saturday, July 11 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Know Before You Go!
  • Wear a mask
  • Pay via card vs cash
  • No on-site consumption of food
  • Please pre-order from vendors
  • Bring only one family member vs whole family
  • No touching of produce or products
  • Please stay home if you are not feeling well
Coffee with Councilors
Grab a cup of coffee and join your councilors online for a virtual Coffee with a Councilor on Saturday, July 11 at 3 p.m. either by phone or in a video conference.

Join the Zoom Meeting online. Or you can join by phone only by calling (346) 248-7799.
Meeting ID: 862 8817 8673
Golden Urban Renewal Authority
The Golden Urban Renewal Authority will meet virtually on Monday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting will be broadcast live, as well as recorded and available to watch at your convenience on our Agendas and Meetings page on the City of Golden website.
Economic Development Commission
The Economic Development Commission will meet virtually on Tuesday, July 14 at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting will be broadcast live, as well as recorded and available to watch at your convenience on our Agendas and Meetings page on the City of Golden website.
Project Updates
2020 Concrete Replacement

Fasick Concrete is doing concrete work as part of the City Annual Replacement Program. They are replacing damaged or deficient concrete as well as performing ADA upgrades. Work in the area is anticipated to take three weeks. Please contact John Hardy (303) 384-8195 if you have any questions. Work is underway on the following streets:
  • Cougar Ct.
  • Coyote Ct.
  • Mesa Drive from Hwy 93 to dead-end
  • Tucker Gulch Dr. from Golden Gate to dead-end
  • Tucker Gulch Way from Tucker Gulch Dr. to cul-de-sac
  • Miller Pl. From Illinois St. to dead-end.
  • Ford St. From 10th St. to 7th Place
2020 Utility Replacement

  • Watermain replacement at Bell Middle School and Golden High School should be completed this week.
  • Sewer main replacement in the alley west of Ford Street between 12th and 13th St. will begin the week of July 13th - work is expected to take several weeks.
Street Closures
  • Through July 15: 8th Street from Briarwood Dr. to the box culvert at Church Ditch - Traffic, parking lane and sidewalk will be impacted for street utility replacements.
  • Through Sept 27: 649 Partridge Cir. - A storage container will impact a parking lane.
  • Until further notice: 13th St. - One parking spot between Washington and Jackson will be impacted for curbside pickup for Starbucks.
  • Through Sept 30: 11th St. from Miners Alley to Washington - A parking lane will be impacted by a dumpster.
  • Through July 31: Ulysses from 10th Ave. to just north of 11th Ave. - a bike lane/parking lane will be impacted by removal of asphalt to replace curb and gutter.
  • Through July 14: East 8th St. from the start of the West 8th St. Apts. to the end of the apartments - both traffic lanes and the parking lane will be impacted for a replacement of the sanitary line.
  • Through Sept. 23: Illinois St. from 13th to 14th - parking lanes on both sides of the street and sidewalks will be impacted by a dumpster.
  • Through Aug. 14: 17th St. from Brown Hall to the Student Rec Center - parking lanes impacted by construction.
  • Through July 15: 652 Partridge Cir. - a parking lane impacted by the placement of a dumpster and portable toilet.
  • Through July 10: Indiana St. at W. 4th will be impacted by Century Link work.
  • Through Sept. 4: Cheyenne St. from 14th to McClure Rd. - parking lane and sidewalk impacted by construction.
  • July 9 - 10: Washington Ave. from Iowa to 1st St. - traffic lane and sidewalk will be impacted by partial sidewalk replacement.
  • July 13 - 31: Ford St. from 12th to 13th - traffic lane, sidewalk and alley will all be impacted by installation of a new manhole and sewer main.
  • July 13: Prospectors Alley from 12th to 13th - impacted by a residential move-in.
  • July 20: 8th St. intersection to Cheyenne - traffic lane and sidewalk impacted by work on gas main.
  • July 20: Illinois from 18th to 19th - traffic lane and parking lane impacted by installation of anode on gas main.
City of Golden, 911 10th Street, Golden, CO 80401
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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020