Dear Jack,
You probably don�t want to think about illness or death until something happens to you.
And who can blame you? You�ve got way too much actual living to do! There�s no time to worry about that old chestnut�that old chestnut being the fact that you�re not invincible.
Or is there?
An important part of living your best life is preparing intelligently for the future. And if you can�t be a superhero forever in health, why not be a superhero to your family�or future family�and protect yourself while premiums are still as ripe as you are?
Lock in cheaper premiums:
If you want to make sure a future partnership or family you create with someone is financially protected in the case of your unexpected death or illness, the message is loud and clear:
Putting off life insurance could be a massive mistake.
But what�s more�
If you know you would need financial assistance should a major health event ever strike, such as terminal illness or serious injury, then putting off life insurance could be an even bigger mistake.
Life insurance is normally a lot cheaper (and more comprehensive� meaning less exclusions) when you are young and healthy. This means that as you grow older, your family and your ability to receive financial assistance for certain illnesses in the future, is already protected.
You may not have kids or a house yet�but is it a goal you�re shooting for in the future? If the answer is �yes�, locking in level premiums now means getting a far better price than you�ll ever be able to in the future.
If you stay with the same cover, you generally won�t need to redo a health and lifestyle assessment. This is another reason why premiums stay cheap if you lock them in while young, no matter how your policy is structured.
If you�ve got a life insurance policy that covers major illness or injury, you can claim on this and get paid out should you receive a serious diagnosis or get into an accident.
There are cover types that protect you for these sorts of events, including trauma cover and income protection. To find out what you could be covered for, compare life insurance policies now.
If you�re thinking of buying a house, having kids in the future, or simply want to protect yourself from any large medical expenses that could quite possibly arise, apply for life cover now and get the chance to lock in the cheapest possible premiums for the long term within a level structure.
It�s easy to tell your family to �have no fear�, that is until you�re no longer here� The reality is�things happen to the best of us�but only you get to decide whether or not you acknowledge this reality. Don�t wait until it�s too late. Get in while you�re fit and young!
Take the first step to protecting yourself and your family by clicking on your state below.