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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Business Boutique.
Maybe you know someone who’s trying to juggle all the things while growing her side hustle. Or maybe you know someone who’s just trying to get her business off the ground. Hey, maybe that someone is you.
Tell that woman in your life (yes, even yourself), “I believe in your dream,” with these gifts that will equip and motivate them to take action.
Business Boutique Hardcover Book
$10 (original $24.99)
Learn how to build and grow your business step by step with my bestselling book, Business Boutique: A Woman’s Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves.
Buy the Book
The Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner
$49.99 (includes free Business Boutique audiobook)
Give the gift of organization and goal planning with the beautiful, brand-new Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner.
Buy the Planner
Get Our Best Deals on Courses
$77 (original $97) Business Idea Bootcamphelps you come up with your best business idea so you can finally launch the business you’ve been dreaming about.
Shop Now
$125 (original $179) Social Media Simplified teaches you how to use social media marketing to connect with your audience and make more money online.
Shop Now
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Hi friend,
I’m so excited that you're a part of Business Boutique, and I am thrilled to come alongside you as you work to make your dreams happen!
I want to respect your inbox by only sending you things that are relevant to where you’re at with your business. So tell me where you’re at in your journey by clicking the button below that best describes you. Be sure to only pick one.
I’m trying to find and nail down my best business idea.
I'm a Dreamer
I am in the early stages of my business.
I'm a Starter
I want to take my business to the next level.
I'm a Builder
I can’t wait to hear from you!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Happy Thanksgiving, friend!
I love this time of year when it’s so easy to have a heart of gratitude. I have so many things to be thankful for, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that the things I’m the most grateful for seem to be the simple things: my health, my family’s health, our safety, our jobs, our home. Those are the most basic things, but I can’t help but remember that those are things many people don’t have.
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And while that can certainly be true, I’ve found that when I compare myself to others less fortunate than me, it doesn’t produce pride. It actually creates unbelievable gratitude and perspective.
For example, one cold, rainy day a while back, I took my boys to the science center. Apparently, everyone in Nashville had the same idea because it was packed. It was so busy that we had to park forever away and walk in the freezing cold rain. While it would be easy to complain, I decided to make that a teaching moment for my boys. When they whined that they didn’t want to walk so far, I said, “I’m so excited we get to WALK to the science center. Some people can’t walk, and they’d give anything to be able to do what we get to do right now. Isn’t this awesome? We can walk!”
It may seem silly or extreme, but this exercise can be powerful for us as well. I use this strategy in my own life often. In fact, I’ve written about this before.
Here are a few articles that will help you have a heart of gratitude in a new way:
5 Unlikely Things I’m Thankful For
When Comparison Is a Good Thing
10 Reasons I’m Thankful for Thankfulness
And because you know I love to keep you encouraged, I also have a podcast episode that just went live this morning. It’s short and sweet, and I challenge you to do five simple things this Thanksgiving that will create some special moments this holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving, friend!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey friend,
Is there someone in your life who needs a push to get working on their business idea? Invest in them this year.
With our Cyber Monday sale, save up to 30% on all of our courses.
Just imagine what they’ll have built by this time next year . . .
Business Idea Bootcamp
$77 (original $97)
Still looking for a gift for the dreamer in your life? Or maybe that dreamer is you. This four-lesson course is for anyone who wants to pursue a business but hasn’t yet found the best idea to pursue. I’ll guide you step by step on how to explore, test and ultimately choose your best business idea.
Buy the Course
Social Media Simplified
$125 (original $179)
With the never-ending changes, rules and algorithms, social media can be confusing and frustrating. But it’s such an important tool to use to grow your business. Social Media Simplified teaches you how to grow your social media platform in a way that’s easy to understand and put into action.
Buy the Course
Business Branding Bundle
$15 (original $39)
Branding your business doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, it should be fun! With these key resources, you’ll better understand how to identify your ideal customer, set yourself apart, create a killer website, and create a brand experience your customers will love!
Buy the Bundle
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Hey friend,
You can buy your sister-in-law another sweater . . .
You can buy your best friend another coffee mug . . .
You can buy your mom another massage gift card . . .
You can give her something different—something that gives her the push she needs to grow her side hustle into a full-time business.
What’s it going to be?
Business Idea Bootcamp
$77 (original $97)
There’s never been a better time to start a business! But how do you figure out which passion to pursue? Business Idea Bootcamp will guide you through the process of choosing your best business idea so you can start making money doing what you love.
Buy the Course
Social Media Simplified
$125 (original $179)
Social media can be intimidating, and it’s hard to know where to begin. But you don’t have to be a social media expert to use these platforms successfully in your business! Social Media Simplified will guide you through exactly what you need to know to make more sales online.
Buy the Course
Business Branding Bundle
$15 (original $39)
Branding your business doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, it should be fun! With these key resources, you’ll better understand how to identify your ideal customer, set yourself apart, create a killer website, and create a brand experience your customers will love!
Buy the Bundle
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We've never done this before. For 48 hours, tickets to the 2020 Business Boutique Conference are available.
Imagine giving a woman in your life a gift that actually changes her life—one that has a ripple effect and pushes her to finally do something about those big dreams in her heart.
Well, get ready to be crowned the best gift-giver this Christmas.
For only 48 hours, you can get tickets to the 2020 Business Boutique Conference at the lowest price they'll ever be!
Your loved ones will be changed when they leave this conference.
Get Tickets
Check out some of the amazing speakers they’ll learn from in Nashville on October 22–24:
This time next year, their life will look very different—and it will be all because of a special gift you gave.
Get your tickets today because they won't be available again until next year! You’ve only got 48 hours!
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Get your priorities straight, clear the clutter on your calendar, and make some room for your dreams in 2020.
Hey friend,
Do you ever wonder why your kid never misses soccer practice? Or how you always manage to finish a last-minute, inconvenient request on time?
It’s because we make time for what we think is important—whether it’s intentional or not.
But what about your dreams? Why is it so hard to make time for that?
It’s because we’re not intentional about setting our priorities straight and creating a calendar that matches those priorities. But that’s going to change in 2020.
I created a free five-day challenge—New Year, New Priorities—to help you get your priorities straight, clear the clutter on your calendar, and make some room for your dreams in 2020.
Learn more and get registered to join by clicking the link below.
Join the Challenge
Y’all, there’s no time like today to make some changes and create the life you dream about every single day.
No more excuses. Let’s do this!
P.S. Not interested in this free five-day challenge? Click here, and we’ll stop sending you emails about New Year, New Priorities.
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In this month’s newsletter, discover a new Christmas tradition to reflect on the faithfulness of God this year.
A million years ago, before I was married and had kids, and before life got so busy, my mother encouraged me to try a new Christmas tradition—one she’d been doing most of her life. I quickly adopted the idea and have been faithfully doing it for more than 10 years now.
It’s a unique tradition that will help you reflect on the faithfulness of God at the end of every year. Tune in to this week’s podcast episode to discover a new Christmas tradition that just might change your life!
Discover a New Tradition
Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner
Get your planner before they’re all gone! It’s the perfect tool to help you stay motivated and on track throughout 2020. The Goal Planner includes my exact process for setting goals, and it gives you everything you need to get your dreams on paper, and the inspiration to see them through.
Get the Planner
Five-Day Challenge: New Year, New Priorities
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled, you’ve got to get your priorities straight in 2020. Because room for your dreams won’t just magically appear out of thin air—you have to make the time. Finally make room in your calendar for your dreams in 2020. This challenge starts January 6. Are you in?
Register Now
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In this month’s newsletter, discover four ways to live a much more authentic life—one that is true to you and that you’re proud of.
A couple of years ago, I was asked to write an article for a professional publication. When I received their feedback, I felt like this publication wanted me to be someone I wasn't. They wanted me to write like an academic with big fancy words, and that's just not how I write, talk or connect with people.
Thankfully, we ended up getting to a good place where they felt like the article met their standards and could be published while staying true to my voice. But it was really eye-opening for me to realize how important it is to not only be authentic, but to be confident in that authenticity, even when life and other people try to push you around or tell you to be someone you're not.
That's why I want to walk you through how to live confidently as yourself in your daily life. This is going to help you not only be authentic, but also remain authentic no matter who tries to push you around. Let’s jump right in . . .
Find Out How to Live Confidently
Set New Year's Goals That Will Transform Your Year
Forget about New Year’s resolutions this year. They’re a waste of time. Instead, set smart goals you’ll actually accomplish. On this episode, Rachel Hollis and I talk about the unique way she writes goals to achieve big things—and how to stay disciplined and motivated in your humble beginnings.
Listen to the Episode
Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner
Do you have BIG goals this year? Don’t leave them in your head! Get them down on paper and make a plan to bring them to life with the Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner. Grow in your business AND your personal life with this beautiful, guided planner—now $10 off (plus free shipping!).
Get $10 Off + Free Shipping
Goal Setting Tool
Let’s get specific with your goals! Whether you want to increase your revenue or followers, start a book or a blog, or work more or less hours, this download will help you get there.
Download Now
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The first 300 people to purchase a Business Boutique Conference ticket will get the 2020 Goal Planner for free!
Hey ,
Friendly reminder: This is your last chance to get a FREE 2020 Goal Planner ($49.99 value) when you reserve your seat for this year’s Business Boutique Conference.
Grab My Seat
Weekend (kid-free?) trip to Nashville.
Three days of learning, connecting and planning.
Free Goal Planner to start building your dream this week.
Need I say more?
P.S. Get all the event details here.
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Our small-business tax checklist will help you keep track of what you need to get through this season alive.
Hi ,
Taxes are easily one of the most confusing parts of running your business.
But here’s the good news: I have resources that can help you get your taxes done with confidence so you can focus on the things you love about running your own business.
Here are two links that will help you conquer this tax season:
Our small-business tax checklist will help you keep track of what you need to get through this season alive.
If you need help from a professional, find an Endorsed Local Provider in your area. Trust me, it’s a small price to pay to have the peace of mind that you’re in good standing with the IRS.
Don’t let this season overwhelm you. Get the help you need so you can get back to working on your business!
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The first 300 people to purchase a Business Boutique Conference ticket in the next 48 hours will get the 2020 Goal Planner for free!
Hey ,
Did you set a goal this year to finally launch or grow your business?
Then don’t miss the Business Boutique Conference this October in Nashville.
Get this—the first 300 people to purchase a ticket in the next 48 hours will get the 2020 Goal Planner for free!
Get Your Ticket
Make new friends on the same journey as you, build your business plan, and leave inspired to confidently chase your dream.
Oh, and did I mention Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Lisa Bevere, Pat Flynn and many others will be keynote speakers?
Imagine what you’ll walk away with. Imagine what dream will finally get to livecome to life. Imagine what your life will look like this time next year . . .
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Happy New Year! It’s not too late to set strong goals and plan for a productive year where you actually work on your dreams.
Hey friend,
Great news: The Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner is on sale!
Setting goals isn’t reserved for January 1. You can set strong goals and improve the way you schedule your time any day of the year. So why not start today?
My Business Boutique 2020 Goal Planner is the perfect tool to help you do that. Get your goals down on paper, track your progress week by week, and learn new skills that will make your dreams a reality this year.
Get your Goal Planner today for only $39.99!
Buy the Planner
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Don't seamlessly transition from one crazy year to the next—where you feel like you’re running on empty with nothing left for yourself.
Hey friend,
What you do each day is important. You get the kids to school on time (and yourself to work on time!), you never miss a ballet recital, and somehow there’s always a warm meal on the table.
Those are all good things. But you know what? They’re not the only things. I know you have other goals and dreams for yourself.
But the only way you actually get to do all the things you want to do is by being intentional about what you commit to. Otherwise, you’ll seamlessly transition from one crazy year to the next—where you feel like you’re running on empty with nothing left for yourself. And that’s no way to live!
To help you avoid that this year, join my free five-day challenge: New Year, New Priorities.
Join the Challenge
If you commit to taking this challenge, you'll walk away with:
Clear direction on how to accomplish your goals.
New energy and motivation to stop overcommitting yourself.
A strategy to make more time in your schedule for what matters most.
A brand-new approach to creating a schedule you'll actually be proud of.
Let's do this!
P.S. Join the Business Boutique Facebook Group to find encouragement, community and resources before, during and after the challenge!
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In this month’s newsletter, discover three reasons you should share your story.
Let’s face it, a lot of people are scared to share their story. When we start to explore our past, we tend to focus on the negative parts of it. And when we see only the negative parts of our story, we immediately feel inadequate and disqualified to do the things we want to do.
But I want to encourage you today: It might just be those parts of you—those “inadequate” beginnings—that position you to do something that no one else but you can do.
So, let’s talk about some of the unbelievable benefits that come when you tell your story—both the good and the bad.
Why You Should Tell Your Story
Small-Business Tax Checklist
Most of us need help when tax season rolls around because, let’s be honest, taxes are confusing! We can’t avoid this season, but we can get help to make it out alive. Check out our small-business tax checklist to make sure you have what you need to take care of your taxes.
Download the Checklist
Embrace Your Past and Tell Your Story
On this episode, you’ll hear from my good friend Jamie Ivey, who’s the host of The Happy Hour podcast and author of If You Only Knew. Jamie and I talk about how to be comfortable sharing your story and how to push past the fear when you don’t want to share the vulnerable areas of your life.
Listen to the Episode
Business Boutique Conference
Want to spend three days in Nashville learning the most important things you need to know about launching and growing your business? Then grab your ticket today, and we’ll see you this October in Nashville!
Get Your Tickets
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
Y’all! Tickets for the 2020 Business Boutique Conference are officially on sale!
I know the conference isn’t for a few more months, but there are two major reasons you need to reserve your seat early:
The current price of $149 is the absolute lowest price you can get.
Tickets have sold out the past two years!
Reserve My Seat
Don’t miss your chance to spend three days in Nashville learning the most important things you need to know about launching and growing a business.
Get all the details on our event page and then grab your ticket!
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The work you do and the lives you impact are important.
Hey friend,
Get ready! This email is packed full of fun and exciting news that you don't want to miss! Here are the highlights:
The Christy Wright Show launched THIS WEEK!
We have new resources for you on our brand-new website.
You can sign up to receive five days of encouragement to help you become a more confident you with my free 5-Day Confidence Boost.
Scroll down for all the details.
The Christy Wright Show
This show is all about firing you up to break through what''s holding you back so you can build confidence in yourself and the God who created you. In this first episode, Rachel Cruze and I talk about the importance of working on you and how to actually make time for yourself.
Join me on YouTube on June 9 at 8 a.m. CT for Episode 2. I''ll be live in the chat, and I''d love to see you there!
Watch the First Episode
Our Brand-New Website
You can now find resources to help you break through the things holding you back so you can live the life you've always wanted.
Check It Out
5-Day Confidence Boost
Receive five days of encouragement focused on helping you become a more confident you when you sign up for my free 5-Day Confidence Boost.
Get the Free Guide
P.S. Never miss an episode of The Christy Wright Show. Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.
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Hey ,
Recently, I caught up with my friend Kristin Ostrander. You may recognize her name from Episode 50 of my podcast: How to Grow a Side Hustle While Working Full Time.
On that episode, we spoke to Kristin about her booming business, Mommy Income. Almost two years later, her business is doing better than ever.
Read Her Story
Kristin is running a multimillion-dollar business and living the life she's always dreamed of. Before her business, Kristin was a wife and mother like many of us. She started her business as way to help her husband make ends meet. It was really tough in the beginning, but she was faithful and diligent every step of the way.
I love Kristin's story so much. Check out the full article on how she's confidently pursuing her version of success.
P.S. Here's the thing: Kristin wasn't born with some special business gene, and she doesn't have a fancy MBA degree. Her story is like many of ours. The only difference is, she was intentional about learning, growing and investing in her business. Are you ready to do the same?
Friend, join me inside the Academy as we gear up for our spring open enrollment. Click here to automatically join the waitlist so you don't miss your chance to get the tools and training you need to win in life and business.
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In this month's newsletter, discover ways to be true to yourself and shop our $10 sale.
Many times, it can be easy to feel like we lose ourselves in all of our roles and responsibilities. We get so busy rushing from one thing to the next, trying to keep up and perform, and checking off all the tasks on our to-do lists.
In the midst of all of that, you're probably asking yourself: Where am I? Who am I in all of this? Where does my identity come from? What things are right for me?
Right now is a great time to stop and think about what's really true for you. What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your story to be?
In my new series, Be True To You, I'm sharing five practical things you can do to discover who you are and what's right for you so that you can create a life that's true to you, your values and what God has in store for your life.
You can check out the first three episodes here:
Be True to You by Being Willing to Experiment
Be True to You by Being Willing to Work Really Hard
Be True to You by Being Humbled
Get Business Boutique For Only $10
You don't need an MBA to have a successful business. All you really need is a plan. And that's exactly what I give you inside my bestselling book, Business Boutique: A Woman's Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves. For a limited time, it''s only $10 (or you can get the e-book or audiobook for $8)!
Our courses-Business Idea Bootcamp and Social Media Simplified-are also 50% off!
Shop Now
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Today''s episode of The Christy Wright Show unpacks what it looks like to have healthy relationships.
Hey friend,
I hope you've been loving The Christy Wright Show so far! It's been so much fun unpacking the Core of Confidence with you as we work on ourselves from the inside out.
We all know relationships can be . . . messy. But in order to have healthy relationships, we have to start by taking a good long look in the mirror. My good friend and bestselling author Les Parrott joined me for episode five as we tackle the topic of honoring our relationships.
Watch Episode 5
Here are some of the things we talked about:
Building healthy relationships
Making the choice to change
Becoming the right person
Overcoming the disease to please
Learning to live with empathy
Remember, new episodes go live every Tuesday! Join me on YouTube at 8 a.m. CT. I''ll be live in the chat, and I''d love to see you there!
P.S. Did you miss last week''s episode of The Christy Wright Show? Lisa Bevere joined me to unpack what it looks like to really like and appreciate the body you've been given. I know this is a topic that starts to make all of us feel pretty uncomfortable, but y'all, it's that important. You can watch that episode here.
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Hey friend,
Pricing can be a pain in the neck. It can leave you feeling stuck as you try to figure out the perfect pricing strategy for your products and services. You're probably asking:
How much should I charge?
When (and how) do I raise my prices?
How can I charge people without feeling guilty?
Believe it or not, pricing doesn't have to be something you dread.
That's why I''m offering a free, deep-dive lesson called Getting Good at Pricing: How to Set Prices, Raise Them, and Not Feel Bad About Them.
Reserve My Seat
Register today to receive your free workbook and the link to join me on Monday, October 5!
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Hey ,
One of my favorite things about the Academy is how diverse our community is. We have members from all around the country, from every walk of life, and in every stage of business.
There are product-based businesses and service-based ones. You'll find nonprofits and for-profits. You'll meet women who are starting a side hustle and others who are chasing this dream full time. There's never a shortage of wisdom, experience and motivation in a group like this.
Some of the types of business owners you'll meet in the Academy are:
Graphic designers
Interior designers
Hair stylists
Bloggers and influencers
Multi-level marketers
Accountants and bookkeepers
Home organizers
Doulas and midwives
Authors and speakers
Fitness trainers
Coffee shop owners
Fashion boutique owners
Finance/business/life coaches
Travel agents
Nonprofit leaders
Virtual assistants
Web programmers
The only person we're missing is you.
Enrollment closes in a few hours! At 8 p.m. CT, the Academy will be closed so that we can focus on super-serving our current members. This is your last chance, and the price will never be this low again! Are you in?
Join the Academy
I can't wait to see you there!
P.S. If you still have questions, join my Facebook Live today at 7:30 p.m. CT!
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Hey friend,
Have you ever felt like you've been so caught up in the busyness of life that you've forgotten who you really are? I know I have.
Between endless errands, dirty dishes and loads of laundry, it's easy to feel like you've lost yourself.
But God has more for you. He created you on purpose for a purpose. And I believe you can find confidence and fulfillment in the woman you were created to be.
That's why I wrote my new devotional, Living True: 40 Days to Get Back to You. This 40-day devotional will help you reset and refocus on the truth of who God is, who you are, where you are and where you're going.
Are you ready to get back to you?
Grab Your Copy
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Get practical steps you can take to stay in business during this difficult time.
Hey ,
I know things are crazy right now. Your business is probably experiencing things you never could've imagined when you started. Let's be honest, there's no playbook for this! We are going through something that is unprecedented.
But just because things have gotten hard-really hard-doesn't mean there aren''t things we can do to be part of the solution. We can adjust and adapt and innovate in order to serve people in this new normal-as crazy as it may be.
That's why I'm putting on a new, free workshop that starts tomorrow. It's called 3 Steps to Help You Stay in Business. I'll be going live on Facebook at 1 p.m. CT the next three days to give you practical steps you can take to stay in business during this difficult time.
The world still needs you, friend. Your business might look different in this season, but we still need you. Check your inbox tomorrow with an invite to join me, and don't forget to register to get your free worksheets that go with the teaching.
I'm in this with you. I'll see you tomorrow at 1 p.m. CT!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
Now's not the time to give up-it's time to adapt. It's time to create and innovate and pivot. There may be a lot of problems in the world, but we aren't going to call it quits and go home. We're going to do what we do best: solve problems. After all, we're entrepreneurs-that's what we do!
I can't wait to see how my coaching group helps you come up with creative solutions for what's next in your business. I can't wait for you to meet all of the amazing women that are in your corner cheering you on. And I can't wait to watch you get the support you need. But you've got to get your spot in the Academy before we close!
Join the Academy
To make it as easy as possible on you, we're dropping the price of the Academy from $244 to just $99 for a six-month membership. And trust me, it will help you a whole lot more than it will cost you.
In fact, if you don't love it, we'll give you your money back. That's how confident I am in what the Academy will do for you. I don't build things I don't believe in. I believe in the Academy, and I believe in you!
Are you ready to finally get the support you need? Let's go: Join the Academy.
P.S.Take a sneak peek inside the Academy!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
In today''s episode of The Christy Wright Show, we''ll talk about how to have hope despite life''s disappointments.
Hey friend,
On today's show, I'm talking about trusting God . . . even in those times of deep loss or heartbreak. My friend Jonathan Pitts is the Executive Pastor of Church of the City here in Franklin, and he joined me to share his story with us. Hearing his story of faith despite the hardest circumstances really moved me, and I know it will move you too.
Listen to the Episode
Here are a few highlights from our conversation:
Centering yourself on the present-especially when your heart is broken
Choosing a posture of gratitude, even in hard times
Knowing who you are and whose you are
Having hope despite life's disappointments
Believing that God works all things out for good
Don't forget that new episodes are available every week. Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.
P.S. If you missed last week's episode, watch it here to learn how to achieve life balance.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey friend,
It's the final countdown! There are just six hours left to enroll in the Business Boutique Academy before it closes at 8 p.m. CT.
Join the Academy
For $244, you can become an Academy member for six months and get:
A clear path for your unique stage of business so you know exactly what to focus on
150+ video lessons on topics you need help with the most
Live monthly group coaching sessions with me
A private Facebook community for networking and support
The Business Health Check tool to assess your progress and growth
Tools and templates that make business so much easier
There's no time to waste. This is your last chance to get the help you need!
Let's do this together!
P.S. I'll be on Facebook at 7 p.m. CT answering all your questions. Join me!
P.P.S. Have you seen inside the Academy? Take a sneak peek. Plus, check out what members are saying:
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
I'm going live in one hour to share five ways to take control of your business and your life. Will you join me?
Register Now
We'll be talking about things you can do right now (yes, even in the middle of a worldwide crisis!) to create a sense of control in your life. As you take control, you'll feel the craziness subside and your sense of confidence rise.
You're home. I'm home. We're all home. Let's hop online and talk about taking charge together. Grab a cup of coffee, and I'll see you in a few!
P.S. Don't forget: Just for showing up, you'll get the Business Branding Bundle (a $39 value) for free!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Looking to bring in some extra cash? My book will give you the plan you need to get started.
Hey friend,
Have you been dreaming about starting a side hustle? Now may be the perfect time-especially if you're looking to bring in some extra cash.
My bestselling book, Business Boutique: A Woman's Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves, gives you the plan you need to get started. It shows you how to take the ideas in your head and turn them into a business that makes you some serious income.
For the next 48 hours, you can get the hardcover for only $10!
Grab a Copy
You'll walk away with:
A customized plan to start and grow your business
An understanding of how to price your product or service and pay yourself
Marketing strategies that actually work
Confidence to overcome fear and create your version of work-life balance
Grab your copy today!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Guess what? The Business Boutique Academy is now available for only $99.
Hey ,
I know things are crazy and difficult right now. No one is sure what to expect or what to do next. That's why I'm excited to offer something that I know will help.
The Business Boutique Academy is OPEN for enrollment, and for the first time ever, it's only $99. I want to make the Academy as accessible as possible for you because the world needs your business right now more than ever.
Join the Academy
The Academy is my online training group where I show you exactly what to focus on in your business so you never have to feel stuck wondering what to do next. I'm going to walk with you during this challenging season in your business and help you get to the other side.
As an Academy member, you'll get specific training and support from me and other rock-star women that will give you the confidence and tools you need to build your business and chase your dream. The Academy is where I not only help you build a plan to win, but I also coach you through it!
I know you can do this, and I can't wait to see you in our coaching session next week!
P.S. The Academy enrollment closes on Thursday. It won''t be reopen for a long time, and it will never be at this crazy low price again-so don't miss your chance to join!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey friend,
I know this year has been difficult. Many of you have had to pivot like crazy. Others are just now starting-or looking to start-a side hustle to bring in extra income for yourself and/or your family.
That's why I'm excited to offer something that I know will help: the Business Boutique Academy. The Academy is my online training group where I show you exactly what to focus on in your business or side hustle so you never have to feel stuck wondering what to do next.
Join the Academy
I know running a business can feel lonely, but it doesn't have to be. That's why I'm going to walk with you during this challenging season in your business as we continue to problem-solve this together. After all, that's what we do!
As an Academy member, you'll get specific training and support from me and other rock-star women that will give you the confidence and tools you need to build your business and chase your dream. The Academy is where I not only help you build a plan to win, but also coach you through it!
Plus, I have a special gift for you. If you join the Academy before 11:59 CT tonight, you'll get my Social Media Simplified course completely free. That's a $179 value!
I know you can do this, and I can't wait to help you get to where you want to be. I'll see you in our group coaching session next week!
P.S. The Academy enrollment closes on Thursday. It won''t open again for another six months-so don't miss your chance to join!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey friend,
Now that you've looked at how to maximize what you already have, it's time to take a look at your finances. In order to get where you want to go, you need to know where you are rightnow.
Remember, there''s a difference between a business and a hobby. A hobby costs you money. A business makes you money. In Part 2 of my free workshop, I'll coach you through the second way to make money in your business.
Join me at 10 a.m. CT on Facebook:
Join the Facebook Group
Download today''s worksheet and I''ll see you soon!
P.S. If you missed Part 1 of the workshop or can't catch Part 2 live, you can watch the replays here.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
Overwhelmed: This is a common word I hear from the women I speak to in the Business Boutique community. And Erika Butler was no different. She was burned out from juggling an exhausting full-time job (that she didn't love) on top of her duties as a wife and mother of two.
When she was at her lowest point, Erika's friends encouraged her to attend the Business Boutique conference in Nashville-and I'm so glad she did!
Read Her Story
At the conference, everything finally clicked. Before the weekend event was even over, Erika established an LLC for her business idea in her hotel room! Isn't that amazing? We were blown away by her grit and determination to use her business to create a better life for her and her family.
You may remember Erika's story from last year, but we wanted to catch up with her and see what she's been up to since. Spoiler alert: She's doing pretty darn well.
P.S. Erika launched her business, got the help she needed, and is now learning and growing day by day. Friend-you can do that too!
The Business Boutique Academy gives you access to the tools and training you need to launch a business and grow it to your version of success. Click here to automatically join the waitlist and be notified when enrollment opens on April 6!
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In this month's newsletter, discover how to say no, stand your ground, and feel good about it.
Hey friend,
I don't know about you, but I've realized that sometimes I just can't trust myself to give the best answer when someone asks me to do something. I can't trust myself because I'm a yes person.
I end up saying yes to things when there's really no logical reason for me to say it. I'm the person who always makes time for people when they need me . . . even when my answer should be, "Not this time."
You've been there, haven't you? If so, read more to find out what techniques you can use to say no, stand your ground, and feel good about it.
Read More
Academy Open Enrollment >>
Join the waitlist so you don't miss our fall open enrollment for the Business Boutique Academy! Whether you're just learning how to run a business or you've been doing this for years, the Academy helps you build your confidence so you''re prepared to handle every every curve ball, setback or crazy customer!
How Much Money Can Your Business Make? >>
Don't miss these deals before they go away at the end of the month! If you want a business but aren't sure what idea to pursue, discover your best business idea with Business Idea Bootcamp. Intimidated by social media? We've got you covered with Social Media Simplified.
Get 50% Off Business Idea Bootcamp and Social Media Simplified >>
Don't miss these deals before they go away at the end of the month! If you want a business but aren't sure what idea to pursue, discover your best business idea with Business Idea Bootcamp. Intimidated by social media? We've got you covered with Social Media Simplified.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey friend,
Remember when you took your first step toward making money doing what you love? Your heart was probably racing as you confronted each fear and doubt head on. You knew you had to do it scared.
Remember your why. Whether you've been in business for a day or a decade, the thing that is going to get you up in the morning (on the good days and the hard days) is your why.
Maybe you want more flexibility in your life. Maybe you want to use your gifts and talents to build a business that makes an impact. Or maybe you need to make money to put food on the table.
I want to encourage you with this short video where I talk about how making money for these things is a good thing.
Watch the Video
I don't know what your why is, but I do know how important it is to remind yourself of it often.
Friend, if you've never thought about your why, it's time to do that right now. And I want you to know: There's no wrong answer.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
National Small Business Week may be postponed, but that doesn't mean we can't still recognize small businesses. In fact, it may be more important than ever to show your support. When you support small businesses, you're supporting the backbone of our economy-people who change the world, create jobs, and pour into our communities.
And you're supporting those who truly care, which is something I talk about in this article. In the past few months, I've seen small businesses continue to show they care by doing everything they can to go above and beyond to serve their customers.
That's why, even if it's not officially Small Business Week, I want to share five ways you can show small businesses that you care about them too:
Shop their online stores. In the past few months, many small businesses have had to go online. Even if you can't visit their store, many have an online shop.
Share and engage on social. When you engage with an account, it lets social platforms know that people are enjoying that content. Facebook and Instagram are then more likely to display that content, which helps small businesses get noticed by more people.
Purchase gift certificates. Did you need a haircut six weeks ago? Buy a gift certificate from your local hairdresser for when they open back up!
Write a review. These reviews help others know which businesses to support. Go ahead and write one-or two or three-for your favorite local businesses.
Leave a tip. Doing curbside pickup? Tip a little more than you usually would. A little generosity always goes a long way.
There''s never a bad time to celebrate small businesses, so put these tips into practice and show them you care!
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In today''s episode of The Christy Wright Show, we''re going to talk about how to manage our time.
Hey friend,
We all struggle with time management at some point or another. So today on the show, we're working through the outer layer of the Core of Confidence: valuing our resources by managing our time.
Watch Episode 7
I also have the opportunity to do a coaching session with one of our longtime Academy members, Misty McCraw. And after Misty shares her story, we'll dive into what it looks like to prioritize our time based on what we want our lives to look like.
Here's a teaser: Life balance is about doing the right things at the right time. And what matters is that you spend your one life on what''s most important to you.
P.S. To learn more about how to manage your resources, check out last week's episode on YouTube.
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Learn three simple things you can do to make more money in your business or side hustle.
Hey friend,
I know this year's been crazy, and you''ve probably experienced things in your business that you never could've imagined. You might be feeling stuck wondering how to grow your business in the middle of everything going on around you. That's why I''m offering a new (and free!) workshop to help: 3 Ways to Make More Money in Your Business.
Register Now
There are simple things you can do right now to adjust and adapt and innovate in this season, as crazy as it may be. I''ll show you what those things are when I go live on Facebook at 10 a.m. CT over the next three days.
Check your inbox tomorrow for a link to join me. Don't forget to register to get your free worksheets so you can fill them out during the workshop.
I'll see you tomorrow!
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On this week''s episode of The Christy Wright Show, we're diving into the final episode of our Getting Back to You series.
Hey friend,
This week, we're diving into the fourth (and final!) episode of our Getting Back to You series. The always amazing and hilarious Patsy Clairmont joins us to share her wisdom on what God says about your future.
Listen to the Episode
Here are a few things we discuss in this episode:
Getting our hopes up with God
Owning your disappointment
Being obedient in the small things
Don't forget that new episodes are available every week. Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.
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In this month's newsletter, discover how to maximize your sales this season.
friend, we're in the last two months of the year! For those of you who are typically busy during this season, I wanted to give you a few ideas on how to maximize sales and not lose your mind in the process:
Send out holiday presale emails.
Create social media Christmas campaigns.
Notify your customers about order deadlines.
Incentivize customers to buy early so you can work ahead.
Remember, the important thing is to have a plan. When you have one, you won't be scrambling to get sales when what you really want to be doing is Christmas shopping, decorating the house, or spending time with your kids.
Free Download: Sales Script Template
So, you want to ask for the sale, but you're not sure how? Use this example Sales Script Template to create your own script. Then, the next time you're talking with a potential customer, you'll be ready to shine and close the sale.
Download Now
2021 New Year Goal Setting Workshop
Whether this past year was really tough for you or only slightly tough, it's safe to say we could all use a reset. That's why we'll be kicking off a 2021 New Year Goal-Setting Workshop to set new-and better-goals for the year so that it's a better year.
This workshop is exclusive to those who purchase the 2021 Goal Planner, so get your copy today and get ready for this workshop that will help you create the plan you need to win!
Get the Planner
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey friend,
When I was 22, I was working my first real job out of college. And every day I went in, I died a little bit more. I remember the moment I thought, There has to be more out there than this. (If you''ve ever felt that way, watch this short video!)
Watch the Video
Friend, you don't have to settle for a j-o-b. You were made for more than just getting by. I want to encourage you: You have permission to be in the driver's seat of your own life. You have permission (and a responsibility) to live a life that reflects what's important to you.
You were created with gifts, skills, talents and a passion for a purpose. And it's your responsibility to choose what you do with it. It's time to start working toward something that breathes life into you, feeds your soul, and allows you to use your gifts.
You can make money doing what you love.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
You've probably heard me talk about my friend Stephanie Meek. Stephanie and her husband wanted to build a business they could do as a family. That's why they created Five Daughters Bakery (named after their five daughters) here in Nashville.
Stephanie is a force in her faith, and I love the way she lives her life. She's leaving a legacy of leadership for her family to see.
Watch this video to hear her inspiring story!
P.S. You can have a successful business too! I''ll show you how inside the Academy. Click here to join the waitlist so you'll be the first to know when enrollment opens.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
friend, have you ever felt like this?
I'm stuck and don't know how to move my business forward.
How will I find the time to do this?
I'm so overwhelmed by everything. I need help!
There's so much to do. I don't even know where to start.
How do I know what the next right step is or if I''m on the right track??
Sometimes I feel like I just want to give up on my business. How do I get past that?
Friend, these doubts are the very reason I created the Business Boutique Academy. I want you to know that:
With the right training and support, you can do this.
The Academy is where I give you a specific plan to reach your goals based on your unique stage of business. You'll get access to more than 150 video lessons, regular group coaching sessions with me, a tight-knit group of incredible women to cheer you on, tools and templates to make business easier, and so much more!
Join the Academy
Want to see what it looks like? Take a look inside the Academy.
The world needs what you have to offer, and you don't need a business degree to make it happen. You just need what anyone needs when you're doing something hard-a little help. And the best way to get that is through the Academy.
Get your spot now and I'll see you soon!
P.S. Enrollment closes this Thursday. Don't miss this change to get the help you need!
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If you missed any of Hope in the Chaos, you can still watch the replay videos and download the journal questions.
Hey ,
I loved spending time with so many of you on Instagram and Facebook the past few weeks for Hope in the Chaos: 10 Days of Truth to Get You Through. We had incredible guests, and in case you missed any of them, I wanted to send you the replay link where you can find them (and the daily journal questions) anytime.
See Videos + Journal Questions
We had . . .
Day 1 with Emily Ley
Day 2 with Jamie Ivey
Day 3 with Annie F. Downs
Day 4 with Stephanie May Wilson
Day 5 with Rachel Hollis
Day 6 with Jennifer Allwood
Day 7 with Chrystal Evans Hurst
Day 8 with Dianna Nepstad
Day 9 with Dr. John Delony
Day 10 with Christine Caine
It was incredible to hear from such amazing people that I love, respect, admire and trust so much. Each of them shared different things that anchor them during a storm, and each of them spoke such truth into our hearts. They showed us how we really can find hope in the chaos.
My prayer for you in this season is Romans 15:13:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him."
Thank you for going with me on this journey. I'm praying for you, and I'm here for you, friend.
P.S. I recorded a message of hope for our company that went out last night. You can watch it here. I hope it encourages you!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
I hope you've found this workshop helpful as you work to stay in business during this crisis.
Today, we're going to be working through the third and final part of the workshop: serving your customers. Business is all about serving your customers anyway, and it's more important now than ever. Now's the time to prove to your people that they're more than a transaction to you. Now's the time to prove that you're trustworthy and deepen your relationship with them.
You might be thinking that your customers don''t need you right now because they're too preoccupied with bigger problems. But the truth is, now might be when they need you the most. I'll explain why they need you and how you can serve them in Part 3. If you're ready to talk about how to serve your customers during difficult times, join me at 1 p.m. CT on Facebook:
Join the Facebook Group
Don''t forget to download today''s worksheet, and I''ll see you soon!
P.S.If you haven't watched Part 1 or 2 of this workshop, watch them here. And be sure to check them out before starting Part 3! If you can't catch today live, the replay will also be posted for you to view later.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
Next week we're launching something new that I know you're going to love.
It's something God has placed on my heart, and I believe it's going to have a huge impact. Follow along on social as we count down to Tuesday, June 2.
Can you guess what it is?
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My free workshop will show you simple things you can do right now to grow your business or side hustle.
Hey friend,
Trying to run a business-much less grow a business-during a year when everything seems to be turned upside down might seem like a pipe dream, but it's not. You can do simple things right now to make more money in your business or side hustle.
I'll show you how in my three-part workshop: 3 Ways to Make More Money in Your Business. This workshop is free, so don't miss it!
Register Now
Mark your calendar for September 29-and click here to automatically register for this free workshop. You'll receive daily reminders to join me, along with a daily worksheet to help you put the teaching into practice.
You've got this!
P.S. Don't wait until September 29 to get the conversation started. Hop into my Facebook group and connect with other women who are helping each other make money doing what they love.
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Time is running out to get a copy of my best-selling book for $10!
Hey ,
Have you been dreaming about launching a side hustle or a new business? Now may be the perfect time-especially if you're looking for a way to bring in some extra income!
Don't worry, you don't need more schooling or an MBA to do it. All you really need is a plan. And that's exactly what I give you inside my bestselling book, Business Boutique: A Woman's Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves. It shows you how to take the ideas in your head and turn them into a business that brings home some serious income.
And, for a limited time, the hardcover is only $10 (or you can get the e-book or audiobook for $8)!
Grab a Copy
You'll walk away with:
A customized plan to start and grow your business.
An understanding of how to price your product or service and pay yourself.
Marketing strategies that work.
Confidence to overcome fear and create your version of work-life balance.
I can't wait to see what you come up with. Grab your copy today!
P.S. My courses-Business Idea Bootcamp and Social Media Simplified-are also now on sale for 50% off! Check them out here.
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On this week''s episode of The Christy Wright Show, we're talking about how to get back to you.
Hey friend,
It can be easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day busyness of our lives that we forget who we really are. That''s why we're spending some time to talk about how to get back to you. This week, we're talking about how to live true to you with Jamie Ivey.
Listen to the Episode
Here are a few topics from our conversation:
The secret to staying rooted in your identity
Combatting comparison
Living with purpose in seasons of waiting
Redefining success in our lives
Don't forget that new episodes are available every week. Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.
P.S. My new devotional, Living True: 40 Days to Get Back to You, is now available! This devotional will help you reset and refocus on the truth of who God is, who you are, where you are and where you're going. Get your copy!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
I'm going live on Facebook today at 2 p.m. CT. Join me to get answers to your questions about joining the Academy, launching a side hustle, or growing a successful business.
Join the Facebook Live
I'll meet you there!
P.S. Don't forget that enrollment for the Academy closes tomorrow at 8 p.m. CT. This is your chance to get the help you need to survive this tough time and come out stronger on the other side!
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Register and join me at 10 a.m. CT for my free training: Getting Good at Pricing.
Hey friend,
Pricing your product or service can feel like a guessing game. But there are several strategies you can use that will help you determine the price point that will attract the right customers and make you the most profit.
I'm going to dig into all of that in my free live training, Getting Good at Pricing: How to Set Prices, Raise Them, and Not Feel Bad About Them.
Reserve My Seat
Join me at 10 a.m. CT to learn:
Where pricing comes from
How to set your prices
When you should raise your prices
How to raise your prices
How to shake the guilt around charging
This one training alone can help you bring in extra money in your business-so don't miss this opportunity to learn, grow and make more money!
P.S. Even if you can't show up live, be sure to register and we'll send you the replay!
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Hey ,
Now that you've assessed your situation, it's time to get creative. Nothing breeds creativity like limitations. And let's face it-we're all facing some crazy limitations right now!
When you get creative in your business, you find new ways to innovate that you might not have found otherwise. Creativity will help you stay in business any time, but especially during a crisis. In Part 2 of my free workshop, I'll coach you through brainstorming different areas in your business that you can and should get creative in during a time like this.
Ready to put on your creative hat and start brainstorming? Then join me at 1 p.m. CT on Facebook:
Join the Facebook Group
Don''t forget to download today''s worksheet, and I''ll see you soon!
P.S.If you missed Part 1 of the workshop or you can't catch Part 2 live, you can still watch the replays here.
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Hey friend,
What a crazy season we're in! Business owners everywhere have had to get a little . . . scrappy. But it's time to take what we've learned and move forward.
We all know business can be pretty lonely (even without shelter-in-place orders). That's why finding community and accountability in your business is so important. And what better way to do that than an event just for you?
Y'all, the 2020 Business Boutique Conference is ON! Join me and other women just like you who are ready to use their God-given gifts to make money doing what they love. If that sounds like you, the Business Boutique Conference is where you need to be. Join us in Nashville this October.
Get Your Ticket
I hope to see you there!
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This is the tool you need to make 2021 what you want it to be.
Hey friend,
I have exciting news: My brand-new 2021 Goal Planner is here! And guess what? It's completely different!
Last year''s Business Boutique Goal Planner helped you get results in your business. The brand-new 2021 Goal Planner is going to help you get results in your life.
Get Your Planner
For years, I've helped women start businesses from something they love. But what I've learned is that what women want more than a business they love is a life they love and are proud of. That's why I created the 2021 Goal Planner to be completely focused on you and every area of your life that's important to you.
This planner will help you grow as a person, build confidence, manage your schedule, and crush your goals. This is the tool you need to make this year what you want it to be.
Get your copy today! Hurry, these sell out fast!
P.S. Join me on Facebook today at 9 a.m. CT as I walk through the planner. I can't wait to show you how beautiful it is!
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, have you ever felt like this?
I'm stuck and don't know how to move my business forward.
How will I find the time to do this?
I'm so overwhelmed by everything. I need help!
There's so much to do. I don't even know where to start.
How do I know what the next right step is or if I''m on the right track?
Sometimes I feel like I just want to give up on my business. How do I get past that?
Friend, these doubts are the very reason I created the Business Boutique Academy. I want you to know that:
With the right training and support, you can do this.
The Academy is where I give you a specific plan to reach your goals based on your unique stage of business. You'll get access to more than 150 video lessons, regular group coaching sessions with me, a tight-knit group of incredible women to cheer you on, tools and templates to make business easier, and so much more!
Join the Academy
Want to see what it looks like? Take a look inside the Academy.
The world needs what you have to offer, and you don't need a business degree to make it happen. You just need what anyone needs when you're doing something hard-a little help. And the best way to get that is through the Academy.
See you soon!
P.S. Enrollment closes this Thursday. Don't miss this chance to get the help you need!
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Hey friend,
I hope you've found this workshop helpful! Today, we're going to be working through the third and final part of the workshop: how to maximize your connections.
The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of your relationships. The same is true in business-the quality of your business is a direct reflection of the quality of your relationships. Every opportunity you'll ever have in your lifetime will come through people. That means, no matter what type of business you're in, you're always in the people business.
That''s why I want to spend Part 3 talking about how your connections can help get you to where you want to be! Join me today at 10 a.m. CT on Facebook:
Join the Facebook Group
Download today''s worksheet and I''ll see you soon!
P.S. If you haven't watched Part 1 or 2 of this workshop, watch them here. And be sure to check them out before starting Part 3! If you can't catch it live, you can watch the replay later.
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Y'all, I'm writing a new devotional, and I'd love to get your input on which title you like the best!
All you have to do is take a quick survey and vote for your favorite. And as a fun bonus, you''ll be entered to win a $50 gift card.
Vote for Your Favorite
Thanks for your help!
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Download your free checklist to help get things in order for your family.
Hey friend,
I turned 37 years old this summer. If you're younger than me, that probably seems old to you. And if you're older than me, that probably seems young. Isn't that interesting? It's all about perspective.
As I was reflecting on my year and what I'm thankful for, I realized that it's always the people in our lives that we cherish the most.
So, it's our job to protect those people in the best way we can. One of the ways we can do that is by preparing a will. I know, I know-it's not a fun topic. I don't like it either, but it's also not something we can ignore. If something ever happens to me, I want to make sure my family is taken care of, and I bet you do too.
That's why our team created a FREE Will Preparation Checklist. This checklist will help you get things in order for your family and take the burden off of their shoulders.
Get the Checklist
Don't leave your family's future up to chance. Print out and complete the checklist, create a will, and leave your loved ones the gifts of a clear plan and peace of mind.
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Don't miss out on getting the help you need for half the price!
Hey friend,
I wanted to remind you that our Business Idea Bootcamp and Social Media Simplified courses are still 50% off . . . but only for a few more days. Don't miss out on getting the help you need for half the price!
Get 50% Off Courses
If you've been wanting to start a business but aren't even sure which passion to pursue, then Business Idea Bootcamp is the course for you! It includes four video lessons and a digital workbook that will guide you as you choose your best business idea.
And if social media feels intimidating to you, check out Social Media Simplified. It comes with seven video lessons and seven digital downloads that will help you figure out the how to use social media to get results for your business. And the best part is, it's all half off for the next 48 hours!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
Spring open enrollment for the Business Boutique Academy is happening on April 6! We only open enrollment twice a year, so get on the waitlist to be notified when it officially opens.
Join the Waitlist
Did you set any of these goals at the beginning of the year?
Gain the freedom to work from home
Earn an extra income for my family
Launch or grow a business doing something I'm passionate about
Use my business idea to help people
Grow my side hustle to replace my (or my spouse's) full-time income
Those are big and exciting goals. But you know what else? They're possible.
And I can show you how to achieve your goals inside the Academy! Want to learn more about my online training group for women with businesses? Check out these frequently asked questions.
We only open enrollment twice a year, so don't miss your chance to be surrounded by other creative, entrepreneurial, rock-star women on this crazy adventure.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
I told you we were getting into gear, and we are! Part 1 of my free workshop is this afternoon at 1 p.m. CT on Facebook, so be sure to set a reminder and join me.
Join Facebook Group
We're being overloaded with news (mostly bad news!) all day, every day. And that matters because our outlook is greatly influenced by who we're listening to and what we're surrounded by.
So, if you're going to stay in business during this crazy time, you need to look at the facts. I don't want you to make business decisions based on your outlook, your feelings or even how things are going on a particular day. I want to help you assess your situation objectively.
I'll walk you through how to do that in Part 1 of this free workshop: 3 Steps to Help You Stay in Business. It's not hard, and it's incredibly important.
Download today''s worksheet, and I''ll see you soon!
P.S. If you can't watch live, don't worry. The replay will be available here.
P.P.S. I'll see you tomorrow for Part 2 at 1 p.m. CT on Facebook.
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It''s day one of Academy open enrollment, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the help you need.
Hey ,
It's only day one of open enrollment for the Academy, and hundreds of women have already joined. I love welcoming new members into this incredible community. Every new member represents another woman who's taking a brave step to do something new-a woman on the brink of a breakthrough! That's what we all need right now, AMIRITE?
I want you to be next.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the help you need to survive these tough times and come out stronger on the other side, which is why we've lowered the cost of a six-month membership to $99.
Join the Academy
I know you can do this.
I see you, and I'm here for you.
P.S. I'll be in the Facebook group tomorrow to answer your questions about the Academy or business in general.
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When you've been in business for even a few months, it's easy to forget why you got into business in the first place.
Hey ,
Think back to when you first started on this journey to make money doing what you love. Maybe you started because you wanted to use your gifts and talents to build a business that makes an impact. Maybe you wanted more flexibility to work from home. Or maybe, like my mom, you needed a way to earn an income for your family.
My mom had a baby to raise on her own, so she turned to something she'd always known and loved to make ends meet: baking cakes.
Like my mom, many of you start a business to pay for the things you care about most-like your son's soccer league, a family trip to Disney, a renovation on your house, or to give to a nonprofit you're passionate about.
If that's you, I want you to watch this short video.
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In today''s episode of The Christy Wright Show, I''ll give you five things you can do right now to boost your energy.
Hey friend,
Let's face it: Sometimes we waste our energy by focusing on the things that don't matter, and then we don't have energy left over for the things that do.
See, the reality is, our energy is finite-at some point, we're going to run out of it. And let's be honest: Coffee can only do so much. That's why, in today's episode of The Christy Wright Show, I want to give you five specific things you can do right now to not only manage your energy, but also boost it.
Listen to the Episode
Don't forget that new episodes are available every week. Subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.
P.S. If you missed last week's episode, check it out to learn how to confidently make decisions with your money!
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
It's the final countdown! There are just a few hours left to enroll in the Business Boutique Academy before it closes at 8 p.m. CT.
Join the Academy
For $99, you can become an Academy member for six months and get:
A clear path for your unique stage of business (know exactly which videos to watch and what worksheets to work on)
A video library with more than 150 lessons
Regular live monthly group coaching sessions with me
A private Facebook community group for networking and support
The Business Health Check tool to assess your progress and growth
Tools and templates that make business so much easier
There's no time to waste. This is your last chance to get the help you need!
Your dream is worth investing in. You are worth investing in.
Let's do this together!
P.S. I'll be on Facebook at 7:30 p.m. CT answering all your questions! Join me!
P.P.S. Have you seen inside the Academy? Take a sneak peek. Plus, check out what members are saying:
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Overwhelmed? Me too. Join me (and a few friends) live on Instagram as we walk with you, talk with you and process this season with you.
Hey ,
If you're like me, you might feel helpless right now. Maybe you're discouraged or overwhelmed. I'm with you. I can't change what we're all going through together, but I wanted to do something. So, I decided to put together a quick, scrappy and imperfect series to help shine some hope in the chaos we're in.
I threw it together, texted a few friends to see if they would want to join me, and put it on the calendar. I'm calling it Hope in the Chaos: 10 Days of Truth to Get You Through.
I'm going to be going live on Instagram every day at 1 p.m. CT for the next 10 weekdays. I'm going to be joined by a friend some days, and we're going to walk with you, and talk with you, and process this with you. We're going to pray and talk about what anchors us during this storm. I'm also going to send out an email each day after my live video with journaling questions to help you work through this.
Would you join me for this?
There's no ask. No sale. No agenda. I just want to be present for you as we figure out how to get through this together in the coming days.
I care about you, friend, and I'm here for you.
P.S. If you want to receive the daily email reminders, along with an email after each live video with journaling questions, you can register here.
Add us to your address book so you''ll always see our emails. Don''t want to receive the monthly newsletter? Update your email preferences.
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Hey ,
Finally! I've been keeping a pretty big secret for a while. This is something God laid on my heart, and I believe it's going to have a huge impact. Today, the Business Boutique podcast is becoming The Christy Wright Show!
Watch the First Episode
The Business Boutique podcast has always been about equipping women to make money doing what they love. We've talked about all things business, like finding your business idea, launching a product, making the most of social media, and attracting more customers. But we've also talked about other things, like how to practice self-care, how to live more confidently, and how to be intentional in your business-and your life.
That's why I'm so excited about this new show-it covers all of this and more. The Christy Wright Show is all about firing you up so you can break through limitations to create a life you're proud of. Because let's face it: You don't have a business life and a home life. You have ONE life. And I want to provide you with the truth, perspective and motivation to live the life God is calling you to-whether that's making money doing what you love or something completely different.
I hope you'll find the encouragement you need to build confidence in yourself and the God who created you. You can watch The Christy Wright Show on YouTube or listen wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes go live every Tuesday!
P.S. Are you currently subscribed to the Business Boutique podcast? Now that it's updated to The Christy Wright Show, you don't need to resubscribe. Easy enough, right?
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223
Hey ,
You might be discouraged or overwhelmed. You might be going stir-crazy. You might feel aimless or like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. I get it. I feel that way too.
But you know what? Even during a worldwide pandemic that has turned our lives upside down, there are still things that you can do right now to take control in your life that will bring confidence, peace and progress.
I'm going to show you what those are.
Reserve My Seat
Grab your computer, a notebook and a pen and join me Monday at 10 a.m. CT for 5 Ways to Take Control of Your Business and Your Life. You will leave feeling empowered and energized about what you can do right now.
The world might be going crazy, but you don't have to feel crazy. Join me tomorrow and let's take control.
Don't forget: Just for showing up, I'm giving you my Business Branding Bundle for free.
See you then!
P.S. Even if you can't show up live, be sure to register and we'll send you the replay!
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They've all built incredibly successful brands and will be teaching you how you can do it too at this year's Business Boutique Conference!
Hey ,
What do Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Chris Hogan, Lisa Bevere, Gigi Butler, Pat Flynn and Annie F. Downs have in common?
They've all built incredibly successful brands and will be teaching you how you can do it too at this year's Business Boutique Conference!
Get your tickets for this three-day event in Nashville while the price is still the lowest it will be.
Reserve My Seat
It's time to stop dreaming and start doing. Let's do this!
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In this month's newsletter, discover how to come up with content ideas and take your writing to the next level.
Hey friend,
Getting noticed is super important if you want your business to be successful. So, what's the key to getting your business noticed by your customers? Content! You need quality content on your website and in your emails and on social media and the list goes on and on.
But what do you do when you find yourself staring at a blank page, and you have no content ideas? One thing I do to get inspired is ask myself questions. It's a little mind trick to get your wheels turning.
To get started, here are 10 questions you can ask yourself to come up with content ideas.
Read More
Take Your Writing to the Next Level
Do you want to boost your writing skills but aren''t sure how to do it? No worries! Download the Writing Toolbox to discover 10 tools that will take your writing to the next level.
Download Now
The 2021 Goal Planner Is Almost Here
You can do hard things. You just need a plan. My brand-new 2021 Goal Planner will help you manage your schedule, grow as a person, and reach your goals-whether your goals are personal, professional or spiritual. Be the first to know when the planner is available!
Join the Waitlist
Attend the Business Boutique Conference in Person or via Livestream
For the first time ever, we're taking our annual three-day conference virtual! Everything past attendees have loved-the fun, inspiration, community and amazing speakers-will be offered in an incredible livestream experience.
If you'd prefer to attend the event in Nashville, we still have tickets available for you to attend in person!
Get Your Ticket
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When things get hard, it's tempting to want to give up. But now is not the time. We need each other now, more than ever. You need help, support, feedback, encouragement and relationships you can trust. The world needs you, your ideas, your business, your innovation, your solutions, your personality and your gifts. We need each other.
That's why I started the Academy-to help us stick together and build each other up.
The Academy has helped so many women do incredible things, like start a business without debt, double their revenue in a matter of months, and attract more customers using social media.
, you can do this too.
I believe in your dream, and I believe in you.
Whether you feel a call to help others with your business, you want the freedom to work from home, or you just want to earn some extra income for your family, I'll walk with you every step of the way as an Academy member.
It's time to get the help you need.
Join the Academy
I'll see you next week in our next coaching session!
P.S. For the first time ever, the Academy is only $99 for six months, and we're closing enrollment tomorrow at 8 p.m. CT. Check out this sneak peek and get in before it's too late!
P.P.S. I love seeing comments like this and how excited y''all are about joining the Academy!
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It's time to start moving and shaking and trying to help people get going again.
Hey ,
I don't know about you, but I've been feeling a little antsy. I hibernated in my pajamas (and didn't wash my hair) for days, but now I'm ready to do something. I know the situation is still bad. I know the future is still uncertain. But I also know we don't have to sit around and wait for things to get better.
We can be part of the solution, even if that means getting in the middle of the mess. That's why it's time to switch gears. It's time to start moving and shaking and trying to help people get going again. In an effort to do that myself, and to help you as well, I'm going to put on a new (and free!) workshop called 3 Steps to Help You Stay in Business.
Register Now
Everyone is having a hard time in some way or another, but this workshop will give you some steps you can take to weather this storm and stay in business for your customers and yourself.
Mark your calendar for April 7, 8 and 9-and click here to automatically register for this free workshop. You''ll receive daily reminders to join me, along with a daily free worksheet to help you put the teaching into practice.
The world needs what you have to offer, friend. Just because it's gotten hard doesn't mean it's time to give up.
I'm here for you and I'm ready to walk through this with you!
P.S. You don't have to wait until April 7 to get the help you need.Hop into my Facebook group and connect with other women who are helping each other through this tough season.
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My free workshop will show you how to set goals that bring your vision and dreams to life.
Hey friend,
We know setting goals pushes us to achieve more. But what goals should you set for your business? The options can be overwhelming!
Everything changes when you cut through the chaos and figure out what's right for you-which is why I'm hosting a free workshop. We'll talk about how to set specific goals that will get you where you want to go and drive the best results in your business.
Register Now
In this workshop, you'll learn:
How to set goals that will bring your vision to life
The must-have qualities every goal should have
How the most important goals can often be the most overlooked
Which goals will make the most impact in your business
How to break your big goals into achievable steps
Now is the perfect time to go after your dream or recharge your business-and I'm inviting you to start by joining me for this workshop!
P.S. Don't wait until October 4 to get the conversation started.Jump in the Business Boutique Facebook groupand connect with other women who are helping each other make money doing what they love.
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Ramsey Solutions 1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, Tennessee 37064 United States (615) 515-3223