This year, we have decided to go back to our digital roots and help the world save at least one tree, every little tree counts! So here is our Christmas message for 2019.
December has been a month for reflection, this has been a great year for all of us at Horse Monkey! Together we have achieved amazing things so we want to share with you not only what we have done but also thank you for you for being part of our journey.
We started this year by committing ourselves to honour our core value and base every decision and action taken with one simple principle in mind, the aim to deliver happiness above all things. We firmly believe that if we achieve this � everything else follows.
There have been many many instances to celebrate this year, however, I have picked only a few examples which I would like to highlight as they are close to our hearts. They showcase the impact of collaboration and hopefully will inspire you, maybe you can take some of these experiences and convert them into successful opportunities of your own. If nothing else we hope that you get to know us better and join us in celebrating, you are a very important part of our story because everyone of you contributes to us being here, and we are so very grateful for it.

We are super proud to be working closely with British Showjumping to support the running of their Academies. This year we were delighted to present at their Annual Academy Conference and support Organisers throughout the year. In doing so we have helped BS deliver a consistent approach which meets their operating standards, addressing payment and gdpr challenges in one go! We achieved this with sample templates, secure payments and the opportunity to set event specific terms and conditions, with every Academy following the same process, BS has been able to consolidate and more efficiently simplify their reports.

Retraining of Racehorses approached us to help them with a similar challenge, in this case, RoR needed to provide an easy to manage tool for their regional representatives. Once again we rose to the occasion and have helped RoR not only manage their regional activities and consolidate their reporting but also take care of their growing National Championship. We loved being at their Championship.

One more championship joins our annual lineup, this time from across the water the National Balmoral Championships trusted Horse Monkey to help them manage their event online for the first time ever. Of course Sarah and our team �jumped� to the occasion providing assistance to their secretary as they do for all of our Organisers.

The icing on the cake this year has to be the launch of British Dressage�s Membership and Sports Platform! Three years ago BD asked for our help in addressing one of their biggest challenges, transforming their operations with a solution that would help BD efficiently manage both members but the sport operations. Completing the transition from an old legacy system to a cloud based modern platform has been a very carefully managed process, as a result of the launch proved to be a success of epic proportions.
What an amazing year this has been!
On a more personal note, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my team. Every day, I realise how privileged I am to work with the most incredible group of individuals who make me so proud to consider me their �Chief Monkey�. Without their expert advice, super charged minds and kind hearts we would not be able to do what we do. Their commitment, professionalism, curiosity, creativity and resilience make the key cornerstones of Horse Monkey and for that I will forever be grateful.
Finally I would like to share wise words as inspiration for this holiday season ..
The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.
William Arthur Ward
We are looking forward to a 2020 full of opportunities to help you achieve your dreams, share ideas, create opportunities and somehow monkeying your life a little bit more to make you happy. Horses � well we never forget horses, without them we would not be, they are and always will be the centre of our universe.
This year let�s be kind to one another! To each and every one of our you, thank you for being part of our lives!
With our best wishes for you and your families,
Florencia (aka Chief Monkey) and the Horse Monkey Team.

PS - One final thank you for Charley Mackesy for beautifully sharing your drawings with the world and in doing so sharing the essence of horses. Image credit