The Monthly Briefing
July 2020
In July, we filed a new case challenging needless institutionalization and incarceration, received a favorable ruling in a case challenging the failure to provide effective behavioral services to students with disabilities, received good news in a case where we had filed an amicus brief challenging the "public charge" rule, filed administrative complaints in COVID hotspots Arizona and Texas challenging their crisis standard of care plans, sent a letter to Baltimore City officials demanding urgent action following a Baltimore police shooting, and organized a Congressional briefing celebrating the 30th anniversary of the ADA. We won a $50K grant to further our immigration work, welcomed five new Board of Trustees, and brought on our new David and Mickey Bazelon Fellow. Thank you for your ongoing support, especially right now.
Bazelon Center and Partners File Federal Lawsuit against Alameda County for Its Failed Mental Health System
Yesterday, the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, along with Disability Rights California (DRC), Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, and the Oakland-based law firm Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho filed a federal lawsuit under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) against Alameda County and Alameda Health System. The lawsuit challenges the failure to provide people with mental health disabilities, especially Black people with disabilities, the services they need resulting in their needless segregation in psychiatric institutions and incarceration.
Read the press release (PDF) here. Read the complaint (PDF) here.
A video providing an overview of the lawsuit, with personal stories of people who have faced institutionalization in Alameda County, is available here.
Court Rules that Federal Disability Rights Class Action Against Charleston, West Virginia School District Can Proceed
The week of July 13, a federal judge denied Kanawha County Schools''(KCS) motion to dismiss a civil rights class action lawsuit filed by The Arc of West Virginia on behalf of children with disabilities in the county. The lawsuit alleges that the school district, which educates children in the Charleston, West Virginia area, fails to provide effective behavioral supports to students with disabilities and sends them home instead of educating them in violation of federal law. Plaintiffs The Arc of West Virginia and parents of two students with disabilities are represented by the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, Disability Rights of West Virginia, Mountain State Justice, The Arc of the United States, and the global law firm Latham & Watkins LLP.
Read the press release here. Read more about the case here.
Bazelon Center and Partners File Amicus Brief in SDNY Challenging "Public Charge" Rule
This week, the Bazelon Center and partners filed an amicus brief in a case in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York challenging the Trump Administration''s "public charge" rule. The changes that this Administration made to the rule dramatically broaden the types of benefits that are counted against immigrants in deciding whether they are likely to become a "public charge" (meaning that they may be prevented from becoming a lawful permanent resident or from entering the country). Those benefits now include a wide array of government programs including Medicaid, housing assistance, and food assistance. Having a significant disability also counts against people in this determination. The amicus brief highlighted the rule''s discriminatory impact on immigrants with disabilities. The court issued a nationwide injunction barring the rule from being implemented. The court cited the impact on people with disabilities as one of the bases for its decision. Read the amicus brief (PDF) here.
Bazelon Center and Partners File Federal Complaints Challenging Crisis Standard of Care Plans in COVID-19 Hotspots Arizona and Texas
On July 23, a coalition of state and national disability and civil rights advocacy groups filed complaints with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) challenging the crisis standard of care plans in Arizona and Texas, two states hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. These crisis plans are used to decide who receives life-saving treatment. Along with state partners, the national groups - the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, The Arc, the Center for Public Representation, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, and Justice in Aging - argue that the plans discriminate against people with disabilities, older adults, and people of color, placing these communities at risk of substantial and imminent harm-and the real risk of being denied basic and emergency treatment-during the pandemic.
Read the press release (PDF) here. Read the Arizona complaint (PDF) here. Read the Texas complaint (PDF) here.
Letter from ACLU, Bazelon Center, Disability Rights Maryland and NAACP-LDF Demands Urgent Action Following Baltimore Police Shooting of Ricky Walker Jr.
In an effort to put an end to tragic police shootings of Baltimore residents with disabilities who are all too often Black, especially after the shooting of Ricky Walker, Jr. by Baltimore City Police Department (BPD) officers, the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law partnered with a coalition of civil rights groups to demand immediate action from Baltimore City officials. On July 20, the Bazelon Center, Disability Rights Maryland, the ACLU of Maryland, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund sent a letter to Baltimore''s mayor, police commissioner, State''s Attorney, and the CEO of Baltimore''s behavioral health authority demanding that they take immediate action to prevent more tragedies like Mr. Walker''s. The letter asks that Baltimore''s 9-1-1 system dispatch non-law enforcement mobile crisis teams on calls responding to individuals in crisis, and that Baltimore expand and enhance its behavioral health system, including its crisis response system but also longer-term supports, including housing services.
Read the press release (PDF) here. Read the letter (PDF) here.
The Baltimore Sun highlighted the letter in the July 23, 2020 article, "Federal judge overseeing Baltimore Police consent decree says "defunding the police" is not an option."
Read the article here.
Bazelon Center Organizes July 23 CCD Congressional Briefing, "The ADA at 30: A Vision for a Future with Full Inclusion and Equity"
On July 23, 2020, the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities hosted "The ADA at 30: A Vision for a Future with Full Inclusion and Equity," a briefing celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The briefing addressed key issues that remain concerning for the disabled community, especially Black, Indigenous, and People of Color with disabilities, and what can be done in the future to close these gaps. The briefing was presented in collaboration with the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Reps. Jim Langevin, Don Young, Steny Hoyer, and Ayanna Pressley, and Senators Bob Casey, Tammy Duckworth, and Chris Van Hollen. Jennifer Mathis of the Bazelon Center serves as co-chair of the Consortium''s Rights Task Force, and played a key role in organizing the briefing and preparing the panelists. Panelists included Vanita Gupta, President and CEO of the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Maria Town, CEO of the American Association of People with Disabilities, Germ?n Parodi, Co-Executive Director of the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies, and Monique Dixon, Deputy Director of Policy and Director of State Advocacy for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Liz Weintraub, Senior Advocacy Specialist at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, moderated.
The briefing recording, with captions, can be accessed here. The transcript (PDF) is here.
In addition, the Bazelon Center helped organize two other congressional briefings with the CCD Rights Task Force. One, presented on July 1, addressed the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities. The second, presented on July 16, featured a conversation between Christine Liao, Programs Manager at the American Association of People with Disabilities, and internationally known disability activist Judy Heumann, whose past roles include State Department Special Advisor for International Disability Rights and the World Bank''s first Advisor on Disability and Development.
Bazelon Center Receives $50K Grant from Borealis Philanthropy Immigration Litigation Fund
In July, the Bazelon Center received a one year, $50,000 grant from the Borealis Philanthropy Immigration Litigation Fund (ILF). The ILF is a national funder collaborative whose goal is to ensure that the nation''s immigration enforcement system is fair, humane and prioritizes the civil and human rights of those vulnerable to deportation. ILF believes that litigation is an essential tool in achieving public policy and social change on immigration issues. The ILF is a collaborative effort of the Ford Foundation, JPB Foundation, NoVo Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Reis Foundation, and Anonymous Donors. Our legal advocacy will have several stages with the long-term aim of placing immigrant children with mental health disabilities in integrated settings where they can thrive.
New Members Join the Board of Trustees
Since January 2020, the Bazelon Center has added five new members to our Board of Trustees. We welcome the following new members:
- Myesha Braden, Esq. - Alliance for Justice
- Christopher Fregiato, Esq. - Bank of America
- Sara Kenigsberg - Video Producer and Photographer
- Joshua Verdi, Esq. - Highmark
- Sarah Vinson, MD - Lorio Psych Group
We are excited to have these accomplished individuals add their time, expertise and counsel to the governance of the Bazelon Center.
Introducing Our New Bazelon Fellow, Brit Vanneman
Brit Vanneman is our new 2020-2022 David and Mickey Bazelon Fellow. She works on a variety of policy and litigation initiatives to increase community integration and access to services for people with mental disabilities. She also works on criminal justice reform and to expand the educational opportunities available to children and higher education students with mental disabilities. Brit graduated from Georgetown University Law Center as a Public Interest Fellow, and her application for the D.C. Bar is pending. While completing her J.D., Brit interned with The National Health Law Program, Senator Richard J. Durbin (D-IL), National Women''s Law Center, Children''s Law Center of D.C., and the National Center for Youth Law. She also assisted public interest clients through Georgetown''s Civil Litigation Clinic, served on Georgetown Youth Advocates'' leadership team, and was a research assistant to Peter Edelman, Faculty Director of the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, and Katie Keith, Faculty Professor with the Georgetown Center on Health Insurance Reforms. Before law school, Brit worked at Children''s Miracle Network Hospitals. There, she led the Dance Marathon program, a student-driven fundraising program supporting 170 children''s hospitals across North America. She was later appointed to Senior Director of Market Research. Her time with CMN Hospitals ignited her commitment to expand and reform health care access. An Indiana native, Brit graduated from Purdue University with a B.A. in Communication.
Bazelon Center Staff in the ''Virtual'' Field
The Bazelon Center''s Jennifer Mathis was featured in House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer''s video commemorating the 30th anniversary of the ADA. View the video here.
On Tuesday, July 15, the Bazelon Center''s Jennifer Mathis was a panelist on a webinar put on by Arizona''s DIRECT Center for Independence. As part of the 2020 National Partners in Preparedness Summit Series: Disability Justice During Crisis, the webinar "Mental Health Justice During COVID-19" was a discussion of how COVID is impacting the disability community and how we can be most effective in advocating for ourselves.
In June, Jennifer Mathis participated in the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) event, "POWER: the Disability Vote, a national, non-partisan Disability & Election Virtual Summit." This two day event, held on June 22 and 23, included panels, presentations, and a national call-to-action to mobilize disability voters and allies. Videos and transcripts of the Summit can be accessed here.
REMINDER: Save the Date for Bazelon Center 2020 Awards Reception: Tuesday, November 17
We have rescheduled our event celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to Tuesday, November 17, 2020. The Honorable Tony Coelho will receive our Lifetime Achievement Award. We are grateful to our current sponsors, Microsoft, Anthem, Bender Consulting Group, and Goldin Group, for their flexibility and support. Watch this space for details! Get information about sponsorship opportunities here.
Your Support Is Needed
The Bazelon Center relies on contributions from our allies to ensure that our staff can fight for protections and services for people with mental disabilities. Please consider making a gift today.