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Bath and Wells Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Bath and Wells.

Dear all – just to give you an update, following our plans in March to design a database which will make it easier for us to search for funds and from which we can generate future Funding Bulletins as well as seeing how we can best make the information available to parishes which need to search for funding.


We have interrupted work on the new funding database to concentrate on keeping churches informed about funds related to COVID-19 and supporting your churches and communities with changes or resulting projects.  For the time being, we are putting any new information on our website each week – please check at weekly where you should find the new information by Friday each week at the latest – this week’s update is already there.


If you have any specific funding enquiries in the meantime, please get in touch.




Sue Whitehead
PA to the Giving and Funding Adviser
Diocese of Bath & Wells

01749 685272 (direct, working days wef August: Mons, Weds & Fris)
01749 670777 (main)
Flourish House, Cathedral Park, Wells, BA5 1FD

Twitter @bathwells    Facebook /bathwells (national stewardship)


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: with the continued concerns regarding COVID-19, we are committed to work in a safe and responsible way. The DBF offices in Wells have now re-opened following government Covid-Secure guidance for a limited number of individuals. We continue to promote and allow our staff to work remotely where appropriate whilst providing diocesan support services to you all. At this time, the majority of on-going contact will be by email, telephone and video conferencing. Thank you.
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Parish mag mailing - are you a parish magazine editor? Sign up to receive a monthly summary of suggested articles and resources
Treasurer news - essential news for parish treasurers
Funding bulletin - a list of the latest funding sources for treasurers, Planned Giving Promoters, Gift Aid officers, clergy and others
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Inform - e-bulletin for youth and children’s work
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  checklist Select newsletter list
  checklist Parish mag mailing - are you a parish magazine editor? Sign up to receive a monthly summary of suggested articles and resources
  checklist Treasurer news - essential news for parish treasurers
  checklist Funding bulletin - a list of the latest funding sources for treasurers, Planned Giving Promoters, Gift Aid officers, clergy and others
  checklist Healing updates
  checklist World mission updates
  checklist Environment updates
  checklist Renewal updates
  checklist Social justice updates
  checklist Rural life updates
  checklist Schools newsletter - for headteachers, staff and governors
  checklist RE newsletter - for RE teachers and coordinators
  checklist Inform - e-bulletin for youth and children’s work

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020