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Averill Fundraising Solutions | Fundraising Consultants to Not-for-Profits No Images? Click here ![]() Dear Jon, Thank you for downloading our Thinking About a Campaign? Read this First… white paper which details best practices and steps to take when preparing for a successful capital fundraising effort. At Averill, our core mission is to partner with organizations to build capacity and enhance fundraising operations to meet immediate and future funding goals.
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Should you be considering a capital campaign to fund construction or endowment, or should you be interested in strategies and tactics to increase annual fundraising, please contact me for a no-obligation consultation. Call 888-321-1810 or email Sincerely, Robert C. Happy, Jr. President
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO Can We Discuss Planned Giving During a Health Crisis? ![]() Last week, an article popped up on my Twitter feed regarding a bit of a “scandal” at a major public university. It concerned an email sent from the athletic department that suggested including the department as part of a donor or booster’s estate planning. “Ill-timed” and “tone deaf” were some of the comments made. When I opened the letter, I discovered why it landed with such a thud: there was no reference to COVID-19 in the letter! The proverbial “elephant in the room” was ignored! Perhaps this was a mass email that was placed in the queue before the current pandemic took its grip on our country, but what this article - and the letter - reinforced to me was that it is critical when engaging donors or prospects that COVID-19 be addressed. Especially when discussing a planned gift.
As in all giving conversations, the key, now more than ever, is Sensitivity! Let’s consider a few facts.
In these times of uncertainty, remember your donors have supported you in the past, and will continue to do so. Be sensitive when you address planned giving, and most importantly acknowledge COVID-19! For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO ![]() Let''s pivot to a podcast this week! On the eve of this Memorial Day weekend, we thought it was timely to pivot from our regular One-Minute Memo and share the recording of my recent conversation with an Averill client, and leader of a veterans service organization. On April 7, 2020, I had the opportunity to sit down and have a (virtual!) conversation with Michael Abrams, the Founder and President of FourBlock. This dynamic organization is dedicated to equipping veterans for a successful transition to life in business. Since its founding over a decade ago, FourBlock has graduated more than 2,000 veterans who are now employed at 400 of America’s best companies. I was invited to join Mike as COVID-19 was beginning to place its grip on the world, providing the opportunity to discuss strategies and tactics for successful fundraising amid COVID-19 and what makes an effective fundraiser and salesperson. At the helm of FourBlock is Michael Abrams. Mike joined the United States Marine Corps shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He served on active duty for eight years which included deployment to Afghanistan and service with an infantry company as the artillery forward observer. Shortly after leaving active duty, Mike founded FourBlock. While leading FourBlock to provide opportunities to our veterans, Mike continues to serve his country as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps Reserves. I am delighted to share the recording of this podcast with you as we as a nation pause to remember those who have served, and fallen, for their country. Please enjoy!
Click here to listen
For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMOWhat We’re Hearing(It’s Not All Bad!)+ An Essential Question![]() If you’re one of those nonprofit executives or advancement professionals who’s remarked that “this is different than the Great Recession,” we at Averill Fundraising Solutions generally agree. Indeed, in 2008-2009, at least we could fall back on the time-tested gold standard of prospect interaction: the face-to-face meeting. Or could we? Then, like now, many of our most impactful donors and prospects were reeling from dramatic declines in their wealth. Also like now, many individuals and organizations that were ready to give suddenly were not. Whether the intent of our meeting request was to make a solicitation or simply further cultivation, from those folks we often heard, “I want to help, but can’t really get my mind around making a meaningful gift until I get a better idea of how things are going to shake out.” Two Observations and One of the Most Important Questions You Can Ask In those cases – and in what we at Averill are hearing from our clients’ supporters during the COVID-19 crisis – I’m struck by two things in particular: First, even when supporters are faced with their own painful challenges and uncertainty about the future, they still want to help. Second, generous people are generous in lots of different ways. One of those ways is to be incredibly forthcoming about their financial situations. With those two thoughts in mind, over the last few weeks we’ve heard our clients’ leadership gift donors and prospects say things like:
So yes, continue to request and hold virtual meetings and phone calls with your constituents. When appropriate, solicit them! But when you request that meeting or that gift, be ready to do some listening, because they’ll almost certainly provide you with insight on how to proceed. If they say that they’re just not ready to talk, or can’t commit right now to the gift you’ve asked for, before you hang up or click “Leave Meeting,” be sure to thank them for sharing what they’re going through, and keep the conversation going by asking this vital question: “Can you give us some guidance regarding when and how we should revisit this with you?” It’s a simple, non-threatening question that may very well produce the roadmap to a terrific gift. For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Explore our top tips for communicating with supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic.
No images? Click here ![]() ![]() Five Tips for Keeping Key Supporters Close During the COVID-19 CrisisAt Averill Fundraising Solutions, we’ve seen our nonprofit clients struggle with how best to maintain connections with supporters while being sensitive to the stress and uncertainty of these times. To help, we’ve pulled together four quick “Dos” and one “Don’t” for communicating with your most important constituents during COVID-19. (There are already too many restrictions on daily living these days to allow the “Don’ts” to outnumber the “Dos”!) 1. Even in unprecedented times, DO remember fundamental truths about fundraising.In the new reality in which we’re all living, it’s understandable to focus on everything that’s different. Indeed, so much is different, from our work routines, to the way we maintain our personal relationships, to the way we do our grocery shopping. More sobering are the new stories of anxiety, trauma and loss to which we’re increasingly subjected on a daily basis. When it comes to fundraising, however, it’s useful to be mindful of things that haven’t changed:
2. DO be assured that your constituents want to hear from you, so reach out – now!The current crisis is causing business leaders of every kind to struggle to keep up with unfolding information and cope with new problems that seem to emerge by the hour. Even as we all get a little better at home cooking and perhaps find time to watch that Netflix series we’ve been meaning to get to, cell phones are ringing and email inboxes are being stuffed as never before. Moreover, dealing with painful realities such as having to lay off employees, watch as sales revenues plummet, or see retirement savings take a nosedive is enough to make even the most stalwart among us anxious. So, it’s understandable if you’re hesitant to reach out to folks who are likely busier and stressed, and a bit less wealthy (at least for now, on paper) than they were just a couple of months ago. However, bear in mind that:
In times of crisis, awareness of the vital role that nonprofit organizations play in maintaining the fabric of our society increases. Think back to the Great Recession of 2008-2009. We wager that there were many among your constituents who reached out to you and your colleagues, asking questions about how the downturn affected your essential work. They wanted to help. So don’t fade into the background. Leverage your supporters’ desire for engagement and connection, and empower them to make a positive impact. 3. DO prioritize (giving and friendship).You’re not a bad person if, in calling a supporter, part of the reason for your outreach is that you’re hoping they’ll make a gift. (Your constituents won’t be surprised – or at least they shouldn’t be – to learn that you want them to contribute financially to your organization!) That said, being a good fundraiser doesn’t preclude being a good, genuinely concerned friend. To help you decide whom to call first and what to cover, we recommend taking a look at your prospect list – including and especially your board members – and noting where each falls in the continuum of cultivating, asking and stewardship. Determine:
We recommend contacting folks in stewardship first, asking second and cultivation third. Regardless of what stage they’re in, begin every conversation with questions such as:
Then be prepared to share how the crisis is affecting your organization:
For a template to help your organization better navigate these conversations, read our latest One-Minute Memo, Fundraising in Uncertain Times: Phrases and Ideas to Convey Balanced Messages to Major Donors and Prospects. 4. DO get creative with digital tools.We at Averill Fundraising Solutions have always advocated for face-to-face meetings above all other types. Needless to say, current times call for adjustments, and videoconferencing is a strong substitute for nearly every type of fundraising meeting. By now, you’ve doubtless seen numerous articles on how to hold effective videoconferences (here’s a good one). Beyond the technical aspects (including making sure your internet connection is strong, microphones are working, and you’ve mastered basic skills such as screen sharing, etc.), remember that the most important principles for holding successful in-person fundraising meetings also hold true for videoconferences:
Beyond using videoconferencing to connect one-on-one with your constituents, there’s much more you can consider doing, and several tools you can use. Before doing anything, though, determine what it is primarily that you want your target audience to do. Is it to:
Using a strategic mix of all the major digital channels – email, your website, social media, texting – consider sharing other information via video:
The current crisis is a terrific opportunity for your organization to hone its digital outreach practices. Learn which strategies work best for your organization right now, and what you need to work on, and then continue building on them for future post-COVID-19 engagement. 5. DON''T assume you know what your supporters would be willing to consider. Instead, ask them!“Can we ask for a gift now?” “Is it okay to follow up on a gift request we made before the crisis?” The answers to both questions are “Maybe.” Often, the best way to find out is to go right to the source and say something along the lines of:
Remember, your supporters will almost never be put off if you ask with sensitivity and thoughtfulness, and if your request is based on sound rationale and provides donors with a chance to make an impact. If you need a bit more encouragement, don’t forget that when donors are asked why they give, time and again their answer is “Because I was asked.” And be assured: If your organization isn’t asking, another one is. At Averill Fundraising Solutions, we’re no stranger to helping organizations communicate during a crisis. From war to recession, we’ve helped organizations create communications and fundraising strategies to outlast even the most difficult of landscapes. If your organization can use help navigating COVID-19 communications, contact Averill Fundraising Solutions today.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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No images? Click here ![]() ![]() It''s Time to Give ThanksTomorrow is Thanksgiving, a tradition in America that gives everyone an opportunity to give thanks, enjoy the company of friends and family, indulge in turkey with the fixings, and kick off the holiday shopping season. Like everything else in 2020, this Thanksgiving will be different. It will be different for many reasons, but as we enter the holiday season we should remind ourselves that the largest difference may be that more people around the country and around the world will be in need this Thanksgiving. In need of medical care, in need of comfort, in need of food. After your festivities come to a close this weekend and the last cyber Monday sale ends, Tuesday, November 30th, will mark Giving Tuesday. So please take the time to support your favorite charities, and maybe give as well to front line organizations, human service providers, and others that support people in need. And, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Stop the spread. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Stay home when you can.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO Fundraising in Uncertain Times: Phrases and Ideas to Convey Balanced Messages to Major Donors and Prospects From the desk of: Robert C. Happy, Jr. President, Averill Fundraising Solutions (888) 321-1810 Bob Happy has nearly 35 years of experience providing expert leadership and direction to clients across the not-for-profit sector. During his career, Bob has served more than 2,000 clients and has guided them to raise more than $3,500,000,000. Regardless of the nature of your mission, as your nonprofit continues to engage your constituents amid the new landscape of Covid-19, it’s vital to communicate in a manner that simultaneously: · Conveys the urgency of sustaining and advancing core elements of your mission AND · Continues to inform and engage potential and existing supporters and advocates without appearing to be “tone deaf.” A number of sensibilities and objectives must be balanced, especially when it comes to communicating with HIGH-IMPACT DONORS and other advocates. These include the need to: · Be sensitive and empathetic BUT ALSO engage those who can provide the help your organization needs. · Accept that the market downturn and/or a desire to support “front-line” organizations (e.g., hospitals) might affect the capacity and timing of your major donors’ ability to contribute, BUT ALSO continue to talk with – and even solicit – them. · Acknowledge the societal urgency of our collective Covid-19 response BUT ALSO the need for your organization to continue to plan for the future. With these thoughts in mind, the following chart contains some useful phrases and ideas that you can use as you make calls to enlist the engagement of your most important stakeholders. ![]() Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Does your nonprofit have Covid-19-related payroll, rent, mortgage interest or utilities concerns? Nonprofit organizations are eligible for loans – including forgivable loans over a limited amount of time – through the CARES ACT. To learn more, click here. For a loan application, click here.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() Wishing You a Happy 4th of July!![]() As we pause this weekend to observe our nation’s 244th birthday, let’s take a minute to reflect on the intent of our founders “to form a more perfect union”. This year’s celebration of America’s independence may look and feel different from the BBQ’s, parades and fireworks of years gone by, but let’s remember the ideals the founders put forth and have that guide the path forward. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home. Wear a mask. Happy 4th of July!
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO ![]() Now Is The Time to Reengineer Your Annual Fund! As the country lurches through COVID-19, it’s a challenge to make strategic decisions regarding your fundraising. However, there is one area that can be addressed now: Improving Your Annual Fund. An organization’s annual fund often serves as its life-blood. The annual fund provides money for programs and services, salaries, scholarships, equipment purchases, and other mission-driven necessities. The annual fund also serves as an indicator of what an organization can raise in a capital funds campaign. Not-for-profit organizations should conduct a review of their annual fund every three to five years to identify trends and surface new opportunities. Here’s what we mean:
Averill has used this strategy, with great effect: revenue will spike, and participation need not decline. One client, in year 1 of this plan, saw its annual fund increase by a third, and participation increased by nearly 10%! Here’s another tip:
For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO ![]() Don’t Give Up On Your Gala! Earlier this week, a headline caught my eye: “Benefit Dinners Got Canceled. Will Nonprofits Go Hungry?” The article that followed left me a bit perplexed. Many not-for-profits were, in fact, canceling their benefits amid COVID-19. This is exactly the wrong thing for charitable organizations to do - now or going forward. Canceling ignores the No. 1 reason people participate in your event to begin with (and no, it''s not the food or the entertainment!): They want to help. In last week’s One-Minute Memo, "What We’re Hearing (It’s Not All Bad!) + An Essential Question", we noted that the COVID-19 fundraising landscape is quite different from the Great Recession of 2008-2009. In fact, there are lessons to be learned from that time. Among them is the knowledge that canceling benefits during the Great Recession was a big mistake. We now know that people yearned to gather during that period (and post 9/11 too!), and that successful events were held but perhaps “toned down” a bit (e.g., chicken pot pie instead of filet mignon, business attire instead of black tie, etc.). Canceling events during the Great Recession deprived people of opportunities to get together, share stories of their challenges and successes, and support their favorite nonprofits. It also proved extraordinarily difficult to “restart” special events after a year or two of cancellations. During COVID-19 we can’t gather together physically to celebrate the missions and achievements of our favorite charitable organizations. But here’s what we can do instead of canceling our events:
Be assertive in your strategy! Your supporters want to help and want you to succeed. In years to come they will reminisce about the challenges you faced together during this time and the creative and engaging response of your organization. As admitted by an executive director cited in the article I mentioned earlier, canceling their benefit would harm the organization “for the next two to three years.” Now is the time to position your organization to come out ahead following this health crisis! For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Fundraising in Uncertain Times: Making An Early Appeal in 2020
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO Fundraising in Uncertain Times: Making An Early Appeal in 2020 From the desk of: Robert C. Happy, Jr. President, Averill Fundraising Solutions (888) 321-1810 Bob Happy has nearly 35 years of experience providing expert leadership and direction to clients across the not-for-profit sector. During his career, Bob has served more than 2,000 clients and has guided them to raise more than $3,500,000,000. ![]() A question you may be asking right now: “Our donors are reeling with the constantly changing realities of Covid-19. However, like many not-for-profits, our organization has new and urgent needs that can’t wait until Giving Tuesday or the end of the year. Is it okay to ask now?” The short answer: Yes! Most not-for-profit organizations have their most successful month in December. Many suspect that this is due to tax ramifications; that isn’t true (studies confirm this). Their generosity is due to the spirit of the season and a sincere desire to help. Today, organizations across the globe are facing uncertain times and a greater demand for their services. Competition for dollars is only going to get more competitive, so it’s more important than ever to behave proactively. Regardless of the nature of your organization’s work, if Covid-19 is making it more difficult to meet needs and deliver on your mission, why not contact your end-of-year donors now, and ask them to “give early” in 2020? Phrase your request along these lines: “If you were planning on making a gift this year, would you consider making it now?” And remember: Asking your loyal supporters to give now is unlikely to preclude them from giving again later in 2020! Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to provide further guidance for developing your appeal.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO ![]() Patterns are Developing... In only a few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 73,000 deaths in the United States and more than 264,000 worldwide, and has disrupted lives around the globe. The nonprofit sector has been affected, too. Hospitals and medical centers are on the front lines caring for the sick and human service organizations are filling an unprecedented need for food, shelter, and emergency financial assistance. Society has come to a halt, social distancing rules are in effect, and people are finding new ways to carry on everyday life. Nonprofit organizations have been forced to assess how they will meet the new needs presented by this pandemic, and more importantly find new ways to raise funds, which are needed now more than ever. Since the onset, Averill has been closely monitoring the role this health crisis is playing on the giving patterns of donors, and there is positive news! In two recent studies, by Fidelity Charitable and the Chronicle of Philanthropy, 1,842 adults and 353 adults were interviewed, respectively, to assess donor behavior and surface findings amid the pandemic. Here’s what they found:
You might be wondering - What does this all mean? The findings in these studies are similar to those that were surfaced following the recession that started in 2008. Human service and faith-based organizations were perceived in those studies as receiving greater generosity as the Great Recession took hold, and indeed they did. Professional fundraisers have been predicting a similar outcome as a result of COVID-19, with giving to hospitals and health care organizations also increasing. These studies, and the needs that frontline medical personnel are experiencing, seem to confirm that giving to hospitals and healthcare organizations may increase as the crisis continues. If 2008/2009 is a guide, these findings also mean that nonprofit organizations will have to compete like never before to raise the money they need to meet their missions. There are other takeaways we have from the Great Recession:
In these times of uncertainty, history has proven - when fundraisers remain persistent and assertive, donors will respond with great generosity! For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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Averill Fundraising Solutions Corporate Headquarters 680 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York, NY 10019 888-321-1810 USA Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. To manage the emails you receive from us, click the Preferences link below. To stop receiving ALL communications from Averill Fundraising Solutions, click the Unsubscribe link below.
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Averill One-Minute Memo
No images? Click here ![]() ONE-MINUTE MEMO A Welcome Shift in the Philanthropic Paradigm ![]() Yesterday, national news outlets including The New York Times reported “Leading Foundations Pledge to Give More, Hoping to Upend Philanthropy”. The news that five major foundations - the Ford Foundation; John D. And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; the W. K. Kellogg Foundation; the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation - through borrowing and other financing plans would increase their giving by a cumulative $1,725,000,000 and distribute the funds by 2022 is a much-needed shift in the philanthropic paradigm. The move was said to be in response to the “existential challenge” brought on by COVID-19. In a unique financing plan, Ford, MacArthur and Duke plan to issue bonds to finance their increased giving, an option made possible by low interest rates. The foundations hope to earn a high enough return on their investments to pay the interest on the bonds. Observers in the not-for-profit field are hoping that this decision will spur other well-endowed institutions - colleges and universities, community and other foundations, museums, research institutions - to follow suit. There has been talk in the not-for-profit community that the international emergency of COVID-19 would provoke a dialogue about philanthropy, and perhaps transform the giving practices of organizations that have enormous endowments and benefit from federal, state and local tax breaks. That conversation has begun and we welcome it! For more of our thoughts on engaging supporters during COVID-19, please click here. Averill Fundraising Solutions stands with you through these challenging times, and is available to talk with you about the thoughts outlined in this memo, YOUR thoughts, and all your advancement needs. Email us at or call us at 888-321-1810.
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