Dear Lucas, The Arvada Center is many things to many people. To some, it's a place to experience musical theatre and superb talent. To others, it's a place to see and buy incredible art. Whether you visit often and take multiple classes each year or if you attend an occasional summer concert, I hope the Arvada Center is your escape - a place that entertains, challenges, and inspires you. As we begin our final month of the Reignite the Arts campaign to raise $1 million, I have been thinking a lot about what the Arvada Center is to me. Of course, it's a job and I'm so grateful to have one right now. But, it's also a place where I find joy, connection, beauty, and hope. These experiences mean more to me now than ever before, but these are things I find through my experiences at the Center. What does the Arvada Center mean to me personally?? To you?? If you have been following the Humans of the Arvada Center stories or watching our weekly videos, then you've met some of our employees that make this place so special. If you missed my video, I hope you take some time to watch it now. If you did see it, maybe take a moment to refresh your memory.? While my story was difficult to share with the world, I have received many kind words of support.? I know that I am not alone and many of us have experienced something in our lives that has made us feel weak, little, or insignificant. It's part of being human. While I don't particularly enjoy thinking or talking about my childhood, I know that telling the story of my survival through books and writing resonates with others and helps me to heal. During happier moments of my young life, when I was living with my foster mother, she took me to museums and to see plays, concerts, and ballets. She showed me that the world is full of wonder and beauty. Little did she know that I would end up working in a place that offers others these joyful moments every day. But how does my story relate to what the Arvada Center means to me?? I think of all of our programs - the plays, musicals, dance and music concerts, art exhibitions, and art classes - and I realize this is home. It isn't just a job, but a place where I learn about myself, where I can find myself, and where I can develop my whole self. I get more out of the Arvada Center than I will ever be able to give back. And I do give back. Like many of our employees, I contribute financially to the Center. As a donor, I ask that you think about what the Arvada Center means to you and consider making a gift today to help us offset lost revenue due to the pandemic. We are in the home stretch of this fundraising campaign, and we need your support.??
As of today, we have raised $742,309. Thank you to our donors whose generosity has helped us make it this far. If you have already given, please consider making an additional gift. If you have never given, continue to think about what the Arvada Center means to you and consider the impact of making a first-time donation. Every donation, no matter the amount, is a spark that will help us Reignite the Arts. Please give today.???? With deep gratitude, 
Teresa YoKell
Vice President of Advancement |