This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.
This site does allow secured connections (https)
This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails
This site does verify your email address.
Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to ArtCarved.
Your email @ must be confirmed before using it to log in to our store.
Use the following values when prompted to log in:
Email: @
Password:Password you set when creating account
Click below to confirm your email and instantly log in (the link is valid only once):
Confirm Account
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or by phone at 1-800-531-5055.
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through our
Contact Us page.
Questions or comments? If you have any questions, please contact our
customer service team.�To help us provide the best service, please include your order number
and billing address on all correspondence.