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Aviva Romm Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
4/5/2020 9
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Aviva Romm.


Dear Ava,

One of the new mommas in my online #Ideservebirthsupport prenatal course posted this message for me on Facebook last night, along with a gorgeous photo of her newborn (who also looks like she's smiling!) - still connected to a beautiful, deep red placenta, the umbilical cord gently twisted into the shape of a heart:

"Willow was born safely at home on Friday night! I went from planning a hospital birth with all the pain meds to switching to midwifery care at 20 weeks and embracing the idea of natural birth. Aviva Romm, I could not have done this without your online classes. This feels like such an accomplishment for me and I can't thank you enough for the beautiful gift you have given myself and countless other mamas."

What online class is she talking about? #ideservebirthsupport which will be free through the summer. You'll find 16 videos covering the full range of questions and concerns you might have from first trimester through newborn care, with supplemental PDFs, and an ongoing, weekly support circle (also free).

To be clear: my goal is not to convert all mommas to home births or any specific type of birth. Mommas in the group also have epidurals and cesareans. It''s all good. The course is here to provide pregnant folks with empowering information, resources, and support to help create to the birth experience they want and deserve. An experience where momma feels safe, confident, respected, and supported. Including during this pandemic. It's a continued pleasure and an honor to be able to share space and information with the pregnant women and new parents in this group.

I invite you to join us if you are pregnant, postpartum, thinking about conception, or a new mama. You'll find information on everything from prenatal vitamins to how to process birth trauma, but also a beautiful community of women cheering each other on and supporting one another through a time that no one had expected to navigate a pregnancy through. Plus, a lot of really, really cute newborn pictures along with stories of real challenges and triumphs that mommas are going through. We keep it real over there.

One of the top - if the not the # 1 - questions I've received since launching the course is about Group B Strep (GBS).

It's practically impossible to pick up a newspaper or magazine, or browse the internet these days, without coming across an article on the importance of a healthy microbiome for our overall health. If you've been educating yourself about the microbiome, you've probably learned that antibiotics are one of the things that can have a negative impact on it. You may also have heard that when young babies are exposed to antibiotics, it can increase their risk for eczema, allergies, and asthma in childhood, and even obesity and diabetes later in life, an issue that has gotten significant attention because of its relationship to birth by cesarean section, which keeps baby from being exposed to the mom's vaginal flora during birth. So it's understandable that pregnant moms, and even some health care professionals, are concerned about antibiotic overuse, particularly during pregnancy, labor, and for babies in the newborn period or early childhood.

So what do you do if testing shows you have Group B Strep (GBS) in pregnancy and are facing the decision about using antibiotics in labor as preventative treatment. Many women are unsure which is the greater risk - take the chance on your baby developing a GBS infection if you don''t do the antibiotics, or take an antibiotic that can impact your baby''s microbiome.

In my latest article and podcast here, I answer the numerous questions mommas have sent to me, explains what Group B Strep is, reviews the risks to baby if untreated, and will discuss the validity and safety of some of the common GBS testing "hacks" being used in pregnancy, as well as alternative methods of preventing/reducing GBS colonization to achieve a negative prenatal test.

Love and Sweat: Free Zoom Pilates Push

I'm very excited to share that I'm hosting a FREE class - Pilates Push, with my dear longtime friend Khetanya Henderson (and daughter of the midwife who trained me!) this Friday, July 17th at 1 pm ET. Not only is this woman an extraordinary fitness teacher, she's an actress and former Alvin Ailey and Cirque du Soleil dancer.

This full body pilates-based class with a little extra "push" is a really fun sweaty workout that I recently did as a private class with Khetanya. Is was too fantastic not to share the love (and sweat) with you! So she offered to hop on Zoom with me and get us all moving! No equipment is necessary - you can add weights and a booty band if you want - and all levels are welcome. And with Zoom, you can have your camera on for personal guidance from Khetanya, or you can keep it off for privacy.

To join us, go here Friday, July 17th at 1 pm ET. And if you want to get to know Khetanya, an absolutely gorgeous human being, beforehand, you can learn about her in the "At Home In Your Body + Overcoming Racism In Dance" video in my IGTV from a couple of weeks back.

With love,



Aviva Romm Enterprises PO Box 85 West Stockbridge, Massachusetts 01266-0085 United States

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